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Ekonomi Politik Pemberitaan Konflik Persepakbolaan Indonesia Putra, Afdal Makkuraga
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol 13, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.178 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v13i2.673


Abstract: This study reveals the interests behind football conflicts news in three newspapers in Indonesia: Kompas, Bola, and Seputar Indonesia. The analysis is based on the political economy of media theory developed by Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, and Peter Golding. Using critical paradigm with Norman Fairclough’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method, the findings show that the conflicts in Indonesian football have been produced as issues that legitimate the strategic position of the football elite power. The media and journalists were drag into the creation or the legitimation of football elite domination.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, football, political economy of mediaAbstrak: Penelitian ini mengungkap kepentingan di balik pemberitaan konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia di tiga media cetak, yakni Kompas, Bola dan Seputar Indonesia. Analisis didasarkan pada teori ekonomi politik media yang dikembangkan oleh Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, dan Peter Golding. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan metode Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) model Norman Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peristiwa konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia diproduksi menjadi isu yang melegitimasi posisi strategis kekuasaan elit persepakbolaan. Media dan wartawan terseret dalam penciptaan atau pengukuhan kekuasaan dominasi elit persepakbolaan tersebut.Kata Kunci: analisis wacana kritis, ekonomi politik media, sepak bola
Pola Komunikasi Komunitas di Media Sosial Dalam Menciptakan Minat Entepreneur Mikke Setiawati; Afdal Makkuraga Putra
Communications Vol 3 No 1 (2021): COMMUNICATIONS
Publisher : Prodi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/Communications.4.1.3


There is Xbank community with members of former financial employees which scattered throughout Indonesia. Interesting to examine, especially is one of Xbank activity,‘da'wah’ thru social media about ‘riba’ Patterns of communication of the Xbank community on Instagram in creating an entrepreneurial culture, with Alfred Schutz's phenomenological theory, constructivism philosophical paradigm with qualitative phenomenological approaches. Data collection obtained through in-depth interviews with ten informants consisting of the main informants who are the core management of the Xbank Indonesia community and supporting informants, namely followers of IG@Xbank.indonesia, was also carried out observation on Instagram account @Xbank.Indonesia. Based on the results of research and data analysis there are several motives for followers of following @Xbank.Indonesia Instagram account, through motives that refer to the past (because-motive), survive, religious, find out, studying, bad experience. refers to future motives (in-order-to motive), that is ‘Da'wah’, motivation, share experiences, following ‘the hijrah’, blessed sustenance, and out of usury. Typification @Xbank.Indonesia followers in this research are; first, fighter followers (Followers who have resigned from banking). Second, ordinary followers (followers who are still working in banking), Third, common followers (followers with backgrounds outside banking). Based on the concept of the communication model from @Xbank.indonesia Instagram account, it describes transactional communication. The communication pattern of the Xbank Indonesia community on Instagram is a pattern of all work-based channels.
Sepak Bola Indonesia dalam Bingkai Pemberitaan Media Afdal Makkuraga Putra
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 9, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Univeritas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jik.v9i3.3439


Wacana sepak bola nasional sejak awal tahun 2010 menunjukkan fenomena yang terus meningkat. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah konflik di tubuh Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia, Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pemberitaan Kongres Sepak Bola Nasional (KSN) dan Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI) di tiga surat kabar nasional yakni; Kompas, Suara Karya, dan Jurnal Nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis framing dan semiotika sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harian Kompas memaknai KSN yang sejatinya adalah kongres untuk mencari solusi atas terpuruknya sepak bola nasional dimaknai Kompas sebagai momentum yang tepat guna mengganti Ketua Umum PSSI Nurdin Halid. KSN pun didorong untuk menjadi Kongres Luar Biasa (KLB) PSSI. Menurut Statuta PSSI, KLB baru bisa diselenggarakan apabila sudah memperoleh rekomendasi dua per tiga suara dari pemilik suara PSSI yang jumlahnya mencapai 78 klub. Menurut Suara Karya, surat kabar kepanjangan tangan Partai Golkar, lebih sibuk memberitakan isu-isu pelengseran Nurdin Halid dari Ketua Umum PSSI dibanding memberitakan esensi kongres tersebut. Menurut Bill Covack bahwa jurnalis harus membuat berita yang komprehensif dan proporsional, tidak terbukti.
Ekonomi Politik Pemberitaan Konflik Persepakbolaan Indonesia Afdal Makkuraga Putra
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol. 13 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.178 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v13i2.673


Abstract: This study reveals the interests behind football conflicts news in three newspapers in Indonesia: Kompas, Bola, and Seputar Indonesia. The analysis is based on the political economy of media theory developed by Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, and Peter Golding. Using critical paradigm with Norman Fairclough’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method, the findings show that the conflicts in Indonesian football have been produced as issues that legitimate the strategic position of the football elite power. The media and journalists were drag into the creation or the legitimation of football elite domination.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, football, political economy of mediaAbstrak: Penelitian ini mengungkap kepentingan di balik pemberitaan konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia di tiga media cetak, yakni Kompas, Bola dan Seputar Indonesia. Analisis didasarkan pada teori ekonomi politik media yang dikembangkan oleh Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, dan Peter Golding. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan metode Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) model Norman Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peristiwa konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia diproduksi menjadi isu yang melegitimasi posisi strategis kekuasaan elit persepakbolaan. Media dan wartawan terseret dalam penciptaan atau pengukuhan kekuasaan dominasi elit persepakbolaan tersebut.Kata Kunci: analisis wacana kritis, ekonomi politik media, sepak bola
ASPIRATION Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): July Edition of ASPIRATION Journal
Publisher : ASPIKOM Jabodetabek Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2416.539 KB)


This study aims to analyze the motives and typify of Youtuber Mobile Legend Bang Bang (MLBB). This study uses Alfred Schutz's theory of phenomenology with a constructivist paradigm and phenomenological methods. To collect data, it was done by interviewing 7 informants and observing the informants' YouTube channel. The results of the research and data analysis show that there are several "motives because" MLBB players become gaming youtubers driven by 2 things, namely hobbies or fun and having free time. Meanwhile, the "motive for" which was found was related to 3 things. First, it relates to the desire of MLBB players to share their knowledge and playing skills. Second, about the MLBB players that many people want to watch. Third, it relates to the desire of MLBB players who want to be recognized as great or professional in playing. Based on these motives, this study categorizes 3 types of YouTubers MLBB in forming their identity on YouTube, namely Casual YouTubers, Sharing YouTubers, and Achieved YouTubers.
Media Baru dan Fenomena Komunikasi Politik pada Pemilukada di Provinsi Banten 2011 Afdal Makkuraga Putra
Ultimacomm: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3 No 2 (2011): ULTIMACOMM
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1101.956 KB) | DOI: 10.31937/ultimacomm.v3i2.203


Political system in Indonesia after New Order regime has entered into a new phase, which is both fundamentally and practically different. With the growth of freedom of expression and the rise of information and communication technology (ICT), the use and practices of political communication is also striking a fair balance, two-ways direction, no longer dominated by government-only apparatuses. The use of internet and New Media in political communication realm has been pioneered since 1997, and has been growing ever since, thanks to the new practices of local election (Pilkada). This paper will address firstly, the theoretical framework of political communication in e-Democracy, and secondly, the application of New Media (website, blog, and social media sites) in local-based political communication, namely Pilkada in Banten at October 23, 2011. Having analysed the phenomenon in question, a surprising result appears. Even though all candidates of Governor and Deputy Governor of recent Pilkada Banten have used New Media as their communication and campaign media, nevertheless the interactivity factor embedded within those “New Media use” are largely neglected. Keywords: e-Democracy, political communication, New Media, interactivity.
Grand Narrative Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Wacana Konflik Sepak Bola di Media Cetak Afdal Makkuraga Putra
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Januari 2017
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.976 KB)


Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 6 (2019): Januari 2019
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.895 KB) | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v3i6.396


Nowadays more and more child phenomenon shows up and the phenomenon of children’s personal instagram accounts. This study aims to analyze the motives of parents to upload photos of children on Instagram. This research uses Alfred Schutz’s phenomenology theory with the constructivist paradigm and phenomenology method. To collect data is done by in-depth interviews with 10 informants, and observations of the informants’ instagram accounts. The results of the study and data analysis showed that there were a number of Motives because of uploading photos of children on Instagram that were driven by two things: the experience of photo albums in the past and the disruption and limitations of the technology possessed by parents. While the Motives for (in order to motives) found are related to 3 things. First, it relates to parents’ efforts to make their children known to many people. Second, it relates to a demand to share the moment of child development with others, especially to distant families or friends who have not been met for a long time. Third, as an effort to realize the pride and gratitude of the parents for what they currently have. Based on the motives above, this study categorizes 3 Typics of Parents in uploading photos of children on Instagram, namely Existing Parents, Sharing Parents, and Memories of Parents. This research provides substance in the form of a new model about the type and motivation of parents to upload photos of children on Instagram.
MediaKom : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 11, No 1 (2021): Mediakom Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Wabah virus Corona atau Covid 19 membawa pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Patogen yang tak kasat mata ini merupakan pembawa penyakit sindrome pernafasan yang bisa berakibat pada kematian. Untuk memutus mata rantai penyebarannya pemerintah memberlakukan new normal (Kenormalan baru). Suatu bentuk adaptasi kehidupan yang berbeda dengan kehidupan sebelum datangnya pandemi. New Normal ditandai dengan bekerja dari rumah (WFH), menghidari kerumunan, memakai masker dan rajin mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun di air mengalir atau menggunakan hand sanitiser. Media-media besar menjadikan peristiwa pandemi sebagai berita utama setiap hari. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pemberitaan tentang pandemi corona mulai Maret 2020-Oktober 2020 di Harian Kompas dan Republika. Metode penelitian Analisis Wacana Kritis model Van Dijk. Hasil penelitian menujukkan terdapat perbedaan warna dan cara pemberitaan terkait dengan wacana normal baru. Harian Kompas berfokus pada pemulihan ekonomi dalam era new normal sedang Republika menekankan pada kedisiplinan warga mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Pada analisa kognisi sosial Republika senantiasa memegang teguh prinsip 3M2K (muslim, moderat, modern, kebangsaan, dan kerakyatan). Sedangkan Kompas memegang teguh jurnalisme fakta dan jurnalisme makna. Pada level konteks sosial terlihat bahwa New Normal sudah menjadi grand narrative atau meta narasi narasi.
Adaptation of Using Instagram For Brand Awareness of Porcelain Tableware Products : A Case Study @zentableware Catur Wulandari; Afdal Makkuraga Putra; Achmad Jamil
International Journal of Social and Management Studies Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : IJOSMAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5555/ijosmas.v4i1.268


This study aims to analyze the adaptation methode of brand awareness porcelain tableware product using new media Instagram . Zentableware is a Indonesia local brand of porcelain tableware. Has domestic market with targetting upper middle market and International market for Asian Countries. With potential and strength of product development, design, production facilities, production capacity made Zentableware growth easily. For enlarge the brand recognition,prompotion and brand awareness, they are need supports from new media such Instagram to reach the target market. Instagram as new media has good visual appearance and supporting features to support as tools of brand awareness. The background of research and purpose of this research are to provide an input to wider audiences and companies how to be using instagram as tool of brand awareness and promotion.This research was conducted from October 2021 to October 2022. This research used a qualitative research method, and konstruktivsm paradigm with case study by describing the phenomena that occur in the zentableware business such as tacticts uses as strategi brand awareness through Instagram. Data collection techniques were carried out by deep interview of Key Informan and observation Instagram @zentableware. According to McQuail, New Media is telematics media which is a different set of electronic technologies with different uses.