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Review of Transport Vehicles on Ferry Board At Bira - Pamatata Tracking A Agus Tjahjono; Bambang Setiawan; Rizky Putra Wijaya
IWJ : Inland Waterways Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Inland Waterways Journal (IWJ:October)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.851 KB) | DOI: 10.54249/iwj.v1i1.2


The ferry port of Bira are harbor crossings which serve traffic between provinces and between islands by crossing trajectory Bira - Labuan Bajoe and Bira - Pamatata. The ferry port of Bira is managed by the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) the ferry port for infrastructure and PT.ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Branch Selayar to ingredients. The ferry port of Bira is closely associated with the economic development of the community because many people who do activities in the region and the Bulukumba district of Makassar and Selayar Island is an area (Hinterland) who really need both parts of clothing and food. In the security and safety of the transportation system highly favored as a form of good service delivery. Safety was shown not only to the service users, but also to the ship operator. As well as setting up and handling of cargo vehicles on board. The better regulation and vehicle handling on board the better the level of security and safety of vehicles on board and vice versa. The setting and handling of cargo vehicles on board is good for the service user / owner of the vehicle, as well as for the security and safety of vehicles on board and are not harmful to the operator of the vessel that can be done by means of an approach based on the arrangement of the vehicle by placing a distance between the vehicle safe and mounting strap vehicle (lashing) contained in the PM number 115 of 2016 on procedures for the transport of vehicles on board. As well as setting up and handling of cargo vehicles on board. The better regulation and vehicle handling on board the better the level of security and safety of vehicles on board and vice versa. The setting and handling of cargo vehicles on board is good for the service user / owner of the vehicle, as well as for the security and safety of vehicles on board and are not harmful to the operator of the vessel that can be done by means of an approach based on the arrangement of the vehicle by placing a distance between the vehicle safe and mounting strap vehicle (lashing) contained in the PM number 115 of 2016 on procedures for the transport of vehicles on board.
The Role of Certification of Indonesian Ship’s Crew Ong Argo Victoria; Bambang Setiawan; Agus Darmawan; Purboyo Purboyo
IWJ : Inland Waterways Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Inland Waterways Journal (IWJ:October)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.674 KB) | DOI: 10.54249/iwj.v2i1.27


With the demands of seafarers' standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Global seafarers, including those from Indonesia, must follow the terms and conditions of the 2010 Manila Amendment Standards of Training, Certifitation and Watchkeeping (STCW). The competence of fishing vessel crews is one of the main factors supporting the success of fishing operations. Mastery of crew competence is proven by competency certificates obtained through education and training as well as certification tests for fishing vessel crews by the competent authority. Competency standards for fishing vessel crews must be in accordance with the size of the vessel (vessel length and gross tonage) and the area of the fishing operation. This study aims to examine the gaps that occur between the competency certificates of fishing vessel crews and the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia and the contributing factors. Research has been carried out on ships with a size of more than 30 GT at the Nusantara Pelabuhan Ratu Fishery Port and Nizam Zachman Muara Baru Fishery Port, Jakarta. Primary data is obtained from documentary evidence of the crew (BST, Seaman's Book, Ankapin, Atkapin, SKK) who were on the ship. Secondary data were obtained from the ship's crew license, SPB, size of the ship (length and GT), the area of fishing operations and the prevailing laws and regulations on fishing vessel manning in Indonesia. Data processing was carried out using descriptive analysis methods with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the majority of Indonesian fishing vessel crews do not have competency certificates according to applicable regulations. This is due to the dispensation of SPB issuance and the limited time for conducting the certification test. The authorities must firmly determine the deadline for the dispensation of SPB issuance and increase the time and place for certification testing that is easily accessible to the crew.
Adjustment Of The Need For Land Water Signs On The Musi River Flow Bambang Setiawan; Miran Miran; Firda Maria Tutuz Fatimatuz
IWJ : Inland Waterways Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Inland Waterways Journal (IWJ:October)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.575 KB) | DOI: 10.54249/iwj.v3i2.37


16 Ilir River Port is a port located in the city of Palembang. There are obstacles along the Musi river shipping lane so that instructions/information must be given for safety on the way, one of which is inland water signs but the condition is not maintained and there are signs that are missing, damaged, and have been covered by trees, it is necessary to install signs according to their needs. The aims of this study are as follows: To determine the need for river signs in the Musi River area. To determine the placement of river signs in the area of ​​Palembang City (Pulo Kerto) to Banyuasin Regency (Muara Sungsang). To stipulate technical specifications for signs in terms of the shape and size of inland water signs. The research methodology used is observation, library/documentation (literature) and institutional. The analysis used is the analysis of the need for river signs, analysis of the placement of river signs, analysis of the technical specifications of signs in terms of the shape and size of the signs. The results of this study are the addition of Mainland Water Signs on the Musi River shipping channel as many as 98 signs to support safety, security, necessity, and discovery of past currents. Placement of river signs in the area of ​​Palembang City (Pulo Kerto) to Banyuasin Regency (Muara Sungsang). There are points of vulnerable locations such as bends, crossroads that are not yet complete with inland water signs and also obstacles.
Fulfillment Facility Cost Ferry Port Side Of Mainland District Ketapang Banyuwangi East Java Based Communications Km Number 52 Of 2004 Bambang Setiawan; Purboyo Purboyo; Ady Yanto Saputro
IWJ : Inland Waterways Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Inland Waterways Journal (IWJ:April)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1258.734 KB) | DOI: 10.54249/iwj.v4i1.56


Ketapang Port is managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Ketapang branch which serves 2 routes with different tollgates. Ketapang Port is a connecting route between Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province with Jembrana Regency, Bali Province and Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province with West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. at the port is still not complete. This can disrupt the smooth operation of the port. Based on the results of the analysis, there are several problems with the main facilities on the mainland side of the Ketapang Port of Ketapang – Lembar such as the Pernumpang terminal not yet available, weighbridge is not available, there is no separation of passenger and vehicle entry access. When passengers go to/from the ship (gangway), there is no field. delivery/pickup parking and not yet optimal parking lot ready to load Lintas Ketapang – Lembar. In order for services at the Ketapang Crossing Port to run smoothly, which is supported by maximum land-side basic facilities, efforts can be made, namely procurement of passenger terminals so that port operational activities are more optimal, Procurement of weighbridge facilities so that vehicle tonnage can be limited according to the maximum limit. wharf, provision of gangway facilities so that passengers have their own lane so as to improve passenger safety when from/to the ship. provision of delivery/pick-up parking facilities so that delivery/pick-up vehicles can be accommodated, and provision of vehicle class separators in the ready-to-load parking lot Ketapang – Lembar.
Overview of Garbage Management Plan On The MT B Star Noor Sulistiyono; Bambang Setiawan; Fahreza Kautsar Setyarso
IWJ : Inland Waterways Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Inland Waterways Journal (IWJ:Oktober)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.9 KB) | DOI: 10.54249/iwj.v4i2.70


On the MT B Star ship, there are still some crew members who are caught dumping garbage in the ocean, this is very unfortunate because it can pollute the sea. Even though there have been provided trash cans according to the type of waste that exists. After further review, there are several factors that cause this to happen. The first factor is the lack of knowledge about MARPOL Annex v regulations by the crew. They seem to ignore the existing rules. The next factor is the small size of the trash can on the MT B Star ship. This causes the existing garbage to fill up very quickly. The solution that the author can convey is counseling the crew about the existing regulations and the importance of not throwing garbage in the sea. For the second factor, the company must provide a bigger trash can.
Channel Improvement in Shipping at Hantipan Canal in Supporting the Transportation of River in Katingan, Central Borneo Province Ong Argo Victoria; Bambang Setiawan; Intan Permata Sari
IWTJ : International Water Transport Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): International Water Transport Journal (IWTJ: October)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54249/iwtj.v1i1.109


Narrowing the channel by landslides and silting in the mid-section channel Of Hantipan Canal, especially during the dry season some places even just an ankle of adults, it causes the boat must be pushed or lifted in order to be able to get to the destination and causing the motor boat forced to sail past the Sampit Bay the wave height reaches 1-3 meters, there are also obstacles such as wood left alone milestone along that channel. Local communities expect their dredging activities of Hantipan Canal in order to facilitate their primary access to the other areas so that the ship does not need to pass through The Sampit Bay and can reduce accidents caused by high waves in The Sampit Bay. Dredging activities is expected to make the traffic channel becomes more smoothly although at certain points must remain aware of the occurrence of sedimentation that can make the ship got stuck and foundered.Along with it, the river transport is felt increasingly important and strategic to the advancement and development of the region, then it should be able to be improved both in terms of facilities and infrastructure.
Passenger Service Evaluation In Aceh Province Ulee Flight Port Bambang Setiawan; Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni; Wanda Mutiara Anom
IWTJ : International Water Transport Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): International Water Transport Journal (IWTJ: April)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

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The Ulee Lheue Ferry Port in Banda Aceh City serves a commercial route between Ulee Lheue - Balohan. The existence of this route is very important in an effort to support economic development in the Sabang region and development in the tourism sector. For this reason, it is necessary to provide services in accordance with statutory regulations in order to carry out good port activities. However, in fact there are still several indicators of service to passengers that are not in accordance with the provisions. Based on these conditions, the authors conducted a literature study on the problems found at the port. Then, an analysis is carried out using a method in order to obtain the results of the analysis as well as proposals for problem solving. The method used to analyze the existing problems is the analysis of the calculation of the level of conformity of passenger service standards in the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 39 of 2015 with existing conditions. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the appropriate aspect percentage was 44% while the remaining 56% were not. The following aspects are not appropriate, among others: (a) safety aspects such as fire extinguishers that are not maintained, there are no signs for evacuation routes and evacuation gathering points, there is no list of emergency telephone numbers; (b) security aspects such as no information on security disturbances , CCTV at the port is not functioning optimally, the lighting is less intense, (c) comfort aspects such as toilet capacity are sufficient for the comfort of the toilet in a dirty and smelly condition, no temperature control facilities available, no passenger lane (gangway) directly to ships; (d) aspects of convenience / affordability such as no information service on ship trips, porters who are not in uniform; (e) aspects of equality such as no facilities for disabled passengers, facilities for nursing mothers that still do not meet the requirements of Passenger Service Standards.
Sterilization Analysis In The Bakauheni Ferry Port Of Lampung Province Bambang Setiawan; Dahlia Dewi Apriani; Wahyu Hadinata
IWTJ : International Water Transport Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): International Water Transport Journal (IWTJ: April)
Publisher : Politeknik Transportasi Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Bakauheni Ferry Port is managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry as port operator , province BPTD Wilayah VI Provinsce Bengkulu and Lampung as a government representative in the port. Crossing the harbor Ba kauheni Located in South Lampung regency province of Lampung . Bakauheni Ferry Port is one of the largest ferry ports in Indonesia with a total of 71 ships and has 7 dock units which are divided into 1 (one) executive dock and 6 (six) regular docks, in the implementation of its operations there are several obstacles that are quite important to overcome such as the problem of implementing sterilization at the Executive Terminal which is not good enough, causing many service users to have activities in the Port area such as trading in the parking area ready to load vehicles, this can occur due to a lack of signs and support for sterilization at the Port, besides that there is still crossing between vehicles in area B3 which is an area ready to load vehicles onto ships. To analyze this, the author refers to PM Number 29 of 2016 concerning the sterilization of ferry ports, PM Number 13 of 2014 Traffic Signs and Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation Number SK, 242 / HK.104 / DRJD / 2010 regarding Technical Guidelines for Traffic Management cross crossing. The analysis used is the analysis of sterilization at the Executive Terminal, Analysis of Needs for Signs at the Executive Terminal and Analysis of Traffic Management at the Executive Terminal. In order to overcome the existing problems, it will be adjusted to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 29 of 2016 concerning the Sterilization of Ferry Ports such as implementing zone arrangements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 29 of 2016 concerning Sterilization of Ferry Ports so that service users will know which zones they are allowed to use. carry out activities and add equipment that supports sterilization such as land signs, road markings to make it easier for service users to reach their destination at the Executive Terminal, besides that, traffic management arrangements for delivery / pick-up vehicles will also be implemented so as not to enter prohibited areas so as to avoid crossing between vehicles in accordance with the Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation Number: SK.242 / HK.104 / DRJD / 2010 concerning Technical Guidelines for Traffic Management at Crossings.