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PAI RAFAH Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/pairf.v4i3.17232


Indonesian Islamic education institutions have thrived in the shadow of global terrorism for more than two decades. Global terrorism has now become the driving force behind the change of conservative Islamic education institutions. This study aimed to examine the new transformation of Islamic educational institutions, mainly orthodox boarding schools, prior to the issue of global terrorism. This study dove into the transformation through a shift in conservative boarding schools’ arguments related to the narrative of tolerance. This study was conducted through an empirical study using a qualitative-exploratory approach to several conservative Islamic boarding schools. This study suggested that traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are becoming more tolerant than in the past. There are three distinct types of tolerance: passive tolerance, active tolerance, and transformative tolerance.The pesantren has demonstrated tolerance thus far by essentially accepting differences and not disrupting others (passive tolerance). Currently, conservative pesantren engage in various social activities of tolerance, including assisting non-Muslims, fostering ties with other religious leaders, and permitting the construction of buildings of worship of other religions inside the Muslim community. Some of these elements are a small portion of the recently little-known active and transforming tolerance of conservative pesantren.
The Resilience of Literacy Culture in Salafi Jihadis Pesantren; Study on Traditional Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia Abdul Malik
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.2925


The existence of Salaf pesantren which is suspected to be affiliated with jihadists lately has strengthened the presence of a new traditional pesantren typology namely Salafi-jihadis. Typology pesantren are considered vulnerable to radicalism and terrorism. This article reveals the resilience of the Salafi jihadi pesantren literacy culture which is allegedly affiliated with radical jihadist groups. This was done to determine the extent of the existence of salaf-jihadis pesantren literacy. The majority of people questioned the relevance of pesantren to the spread of radicalism and terrorism issues. The data of this study were collected through observation and in-depth interviews with former convicted terrorists (suspected theorists) as well as managing Salafi-jihadis pesantren as well as several religious teachers at the pesantren. The findings of this study indicate that the salafi-jihadis pesantren teach jihad fiqh up to the ahkamudiammah chapter. However, according to the boarding school manager, the jihad literacy taught in the pesantren is recognized as having no connection with radicalism and terrorism. The findings of this study can have implications for the terminology of jihad to be pejorative. Although the majority of traditional Islamic boarding schools have diverse resistance to the issue of radicalism.
GERAKAN TRASNASIONAL DAN PARTISIPASI PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN (studi kasus pada pesantren salafi jihadi di NTB) Abdul Malik
Edu Sociata : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Edu Sociata : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Edu Sociata : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33627/es.v6i1.1102


After the reformation era in 1998, the variants of the pesantren experienced significant development, among the pesantren that experienced development were the salafi pesantren. Along with changes in community conditions and the national political situation, Salaf Islamic boarding schools with salafi patterns developed into three new types. This study aims to reveal national insight in the Salafi Jihadist Islamic boarding school, which has been suspected of being affiliated with radical Islamic movement groups. The method used in this research is applied qualitative research with an Interpretive Phenomenology (IP) approach. The data were critically analyzed based on the results of in-depth interviews. The survey sample respondents were selected purposively, which were in-depth interview sources from pesantren stakeholders. This research was conducted in 8 provinces: Aceh, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and West Nusa Tenggara. The findings of this study indicate that salaf pesantren with a jihadist salafi pattern are more susceptible to being infiltrated by "radical" Islamic movement groups with an indication that the pesantren model does not have a strong relationship with the government, tends to view the government as a thogut and views that activities respect the red and white flag of the law is illegal
El Midad: Jurnal Jurusan PGMI Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Volume 15 No 1 Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/jurnaljurusanpgmi.v15i1.7309


This article seeks to explain the role of school principals in improving elementary school teacher performance and parental involvement during the pandemic. So far, the pandemic has changed and changed the established academic culture. One of the academic cultures that has undergone many changes and transformations is the role of the principal, the performance of teachers and the involvement of student guardians in elementary schools. Therefore, this research was conducted through a qualitative method in which the researcher became the key tool in extracting data using in-depth interviews and observational techniques. The results of this study indicate that in order to maintain the quality of teacher performance, principals often hold training or similar activities to improve teacher performance by involving all existing teachers. At the same time involving the intervention and participation of student guardians, student guardians intervene via social media such as the WA group to participate in learning assessments in the form of providing input and support for school and student progress
Stigmatisasi Radikal Terhadap Pendidikan Islam: Critical Pedagogy pada Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Pesantren Abdul Malik
Media Penelitian Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 17, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/mpp.v17i1.15409


This article is intended to explain the issue of radical stigmatization of the pattern of Islamic education, especially Islamic boarding schools. The pattern of pesantren education tends to be suspected of being radical since several ustadz and the administrators of the pesantren have become suspects in the national terrorist case. The widespread issue of links between terrorism and Islamic boarding schools encourages a review of how education and teaching are carried out in Islamic boarding schools. So far, pesantren have been suspected of being educational institutions that support radical values. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach with a focus on critical pedagogy as to why there is a radical stigmatization of Islamic boarding schools. The results of the study reveal several aspects of Islamic boarding schools which are indicators of radical stigmatization in these Islamic boarding schools, including curriculum, exclusive religious understanding and attitudes, and learning processes that tend to be indoctrinated.
Islamic Education and Family Extremism in Indonesia: Critical Pedagogy in Conservative Family Muslim Education Abdul Malik
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i2.797


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana pendidikan Islam diajarkan dalam keluarga Muslim dan sejauh mana pendidikan dalam keluarga tersebut mendukung ekstremisme, yang diduga terlibat dalam beberapa kasus ekstremis agama di Indonesia. Mengingat keterlibatan semua anggota keluarga, seperti suami, istri, dan anak-anak, secara bersamaan dalam beberapa kasus bom bunuh diri, maka penting untuk melihat tingkat pendidikan, peran, dan fungsi orang tua dalam keluarga tersebut. Kajian ini menekankan pada perubahan peran tradisional istri yang sebelumnya tidak dianggap penting, namun kini berkontribusi secara signifikan dalam membentuk keyakinan agama keluarga. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah mengkaji bagaimana keluarga bisa menjadi sarana penyebaran ideologi ekstremis. Studi tersebut mengumpulkan data melalui kajian literatur dan wawancara mendalam dengan keluarga yang diduga terlibat dalam kegiatan ekstremis di Indonesia. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa keluarga dapat berfungsi sebagai saluran untuk penyebaran dan penyebaran ekstremisme, dengan perempuan, terutama istri, dan anak-anak, terkadang rentan terhadap indoktrinasi berkedok pendidikan. Sebaliknya, di lain waktu, istri bertindak sebagai agen yang bertanggung jawab menyebarkan ideologi ekstremis.
AFTER JIHAD: Transformation of Radicalism and Verbatim Prejudice Among Ex-Convicts in the "Red Zone" of Terrorism in Bima-Dompu, East Indonesia Hendrawangsyah Hendrawangsyah; Abdul Malik; Syed Hadzarullathfi Bim Syed Omar; Syafira Anisatul Izah; Lutfatul Azizah
SANGKéP: Jurnal Kajian Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Religion, Indigenous Community, Customary Law and Anti-terrorism in Eastern Ind
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Agama dan Asosiasi Sosiologi Agama Indonesia (ASAGI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/sangkep.v6i1.7071


This article aims to re-investigate the Jihad movement of ex-terrorist convicts among the caregivers and teachers of the as-Salam Tahfidzul Quran Islamic boarding school in the Red Zone area of Bima-Dompu, Eastern Indonesia. This article focuses on two things by using a phenomenological qualitative approach, namely: (1) investigating the Jihad movement transformation of the ex-terrorist convicts among as-Salam Tahfidz Quran Islamic boarding school caretakers/teachers, (2) examining negative prejudice against as-Salam Tahfidzul Quran Islamic boarding school as "Terrorist School". The data in this article were collected using observation, participation, interview and documentation techniques which are analyzed inductively. The fieldwork on the study of religious movements in this article shows two significant results. First, the understanding and movement of Jihad for the ex-terrorist convicts among the caretakers/teachers of as-Salam Tahfidzul Quran Bima-Dompu Islamic Boarding School has changed and transformed Jihad from "taking up arms" to "Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar" which pursued through education. Second, the increment of highly negative prejudice towards  As-Salam Tahfidzul Quran Bima-Dompu Islamic Boarding School as a "Terrorist School" among the large community due to the lack of communication from the government to the community regarding the developments of the ex-convicts and the safety assurance of them being in the community after they have served their prison term. Through a significant academic analysis, this article draws a temporary conclusion that Bima-Dompu NTB is no longer a terrorist Red Zone area.
SOCIETY Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/society.v14i1.6755


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, (1) Untuk dapat menjelaskan situasi pondok pesantren As-Sunnah pasca konflik identitas di Bagik Nyake. (2) Untuk dapat menganalisis strategi komunikasi pondok pesantren As-Sunnah pasca konflik di Bagik Nyake. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat jenis studi kasus. Penggalian data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Proses penelitian intensif berlangsung selama hampir satu tahun dengan melibatkan berbagai informan yang terdiri dari Pimpinan pondok pesantren, Ustadz, serta santri pondok pesantren As-Sunnah Bagik Nyake, dan Masyarakat. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan analisis domain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa situasi pondok pesantren As-Sunnah Bagik Nyake melakukan kegiatan seperti biasa yakni langsung sekolah, dan berbagai kegiatan kepondokan juga berlangsung walaupun pasca konflik dengan masyarakat yang mengakibatkan pembakaran tengah malam oleh massa yang tidak dikenal. Strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh pondok pesantren As-Sunnah dalam mengembalikan citranya pasca konflik identitas di Bagik Nyake adalah dengan (1) fungsi hubungan, yakni berdiskusi dengan masyarakat dengan cara saling menghadiri kegiatan satu sama lain akan tetapi tetap tanpa meninggalkan sunnah Rasulullah SAW. (2) Fungsi pendidikan, yakni menggabungkan kurikulum umum dan kurikulum kepondokan. (3) fungsi persuasi, yakni melakukan kajian setiap malam rabu, kegiatan tablig akbar dengan narasumber dari Timur Tengah, serta mempublish berbagai kegiatan pondok disosial media seperti Facebook, sehingga ini dapat memperbaiki atau meningkatkan citra yang baik bagi pondok pesantren As-Sunnah. (4) problem solving, yakni dengan meyakinkan para wali murid dan masyarakat bahwa pondok pesantren adalah pondok yang tepat bagi anak-anak mereka dari segi pembelajaran agama yang sesuai dengan yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW.