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A Bibliometric Mapping of Plant-Based Milk M Irfan Febriansyah; Nafisah Eka Puteri; Mustafa Kamal
Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Non-dairy or plant-based milk is one of the new food products derived from plants. It is essential to explore the plant milk market from the different raw materials that can be used, understand the different products we can obtain from plant milk, as well as improve the characteristics of the plant milk. To do the exploratory, bibliographic research can be performed. Therefore, we applied bibliographic analysis to identify and explore the most advanced technology in plant milk research. Data was collected by using Harzing's Publish or Perish (PoP), saved as CSV and RIS, filtered and refined, and then analyzed using descriptive statistics and VOSviewer. We screened 485 papers (2012-2022) related to plant-based milk from 998 publications since 1981. Related keywords or terms of screened papers were then visualized by VOSviewer into network, overlay, and density visualization map. Based on the visualization map, there were 7 clusters of plant-based milk research field. The novelty of the research covered the importance and development of plant-based milk derivate, correlation to life cycle assessment, and occurrence of milk allergy. The term “diet” became the highest density term in publication between 2012 to 2022. On the other hand, the terms “sensory attribute”, “traditional plant”, and “health benefit” became the lowest density term.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Memilih Warung Kopi Arabika di Kota Meulaboh Risnadi Irawan; Mustafa Kamal; Hanif Muchdatul Ayunda; Adib Adib; Abdiel Khaleil Akmal; Marlinda Marlinda; T. M. Azis Pandria
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i3.6067


Seiring dengan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi pasca bencana gempa dan tsunami aceh tahun 2004 mempengaruhi tingkat pertumbuhan warung kopi di kota Meulaboh. Hal ini juga menjadi pendorong meningkatnya jumlah konsumen dan berbagai karakter serta sejumlah latar belakang konsumen penikmat kopi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokan konsumen ke dalam beberapa kategori yang didasari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam memilih warung kopi arabika. Penggunaan teknik analisis multivariate dari Principle Component Analysis (PCA) dalam analisis data penelitian dengan tahapan seperti perhitungan matriks korelasi, analisis faktor dan mengestimasi muatan setiap faktor dengan metode estimasi maksimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan persentase kelima kelompok konsumen warung kopi arabika di Kota Meulaboh ialah penikmat kopi 17,1%, konsumen umum/konvensional 14,2%, konsumen sosialita 13,4%, konsumen trendi 12,8%, konsumen gaya hidup 12,2%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa banyak konsumen memilih warung kopi arabika dikarenakan cita rasa dan kualitas dari kopi yang disajikan, kelompok ini termasuk kedalam orang yang mengerti kopi. Selain kelompok penikmat kopi, warung kopi arabika di Kota Meulaboh juga dikunjungi dari 4 kelompok lainnya seperti konsumen umum yang memilih warung kopi arabika dikarenakan rekan kerja, konsumen sosialita karena hubungan sosial, konsumen trendi karena gengsi dan konsumen gaya hidup dengan alasan brand dan status sosial.