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The Role of Membrane, Feed Characteristic and Process Parameters on RED Power Generation Heru Susanto; Meike Fitrianingtyas; I Nyoman Widiasa; Titik Istirokhatun; Yunita Fahni; Assalaam Umar Abdurahman
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 12, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.2023.49775


Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is a renewable energy-generating SGE technique using energy from salinity gradients. This research investigates the effect of membrane and feed characteristics on reverse electrodialysis (RED) power generation. Some investigations on the process parameters effect for the complement of the main study were also conducted. The generated power of RED was measured using power density analysis. The experiments were performed using artificial seawater varied from 0 to 1 g/L NaCl for diluted salt water and from 0 to 40 g/L NaCl for concentrated salt water. In a study of ions type, NaCl non-pa is used to represent monovalent ions, and MgSO4 represents divalent ions. The results showed that the highest voltage generation is 2.004 volts by 14 cells number of the RED membrane utilizing a RED self-made laboratory scale. The power density was enhanced by raising the flow rate (0.10 L/min), concentration difference (40 g/L), and the presence of electrode rinse solution. Further, the ion type (monovalent, divalent, and multivalent) influenced the resulting RED power density, where the divalent ion (MgSO4) 's power density was greater than that of the monovalent ion (NaCl). The resistance and selectivity of the membrane were the major keys for the power generation of RED
Composting of Dry Leaves and Household Kitchen Wastes Using Rotary Drum Biocomposter Wika Atro Auriyani; Yunita Fahni; Desi Riana Saputri; Nurul Mawaddah; Mutiara Fajar; Ella Novita; Wulan Asmarani; Raden Fattah Asfari Ahmad
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v6i2.3347


According to data from the National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN) for 2020, the largest pile of waste according to waste sources in Lampung Province comes from household waste, namely 42%. Along the Dusun II road in Way Hui Village, almost every day the community burns leaf litter in their yards, which causes pollution. In addition, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for 2020, agriculture in Lampung is the 15th highest, namely 90.48%. However, in its management, the majority of agriculture and plantations in Lampung use inorganic fertilizers to increase the quality and quantity of crops. This problem can be overcome by using organic waste as compost to gradually improve soil quality and reduce the volume of household kitchen waste. The Rotary Drum Biocomposter is a simple and inexpensive composter for processing kitchen and household organic waste in a sustainable manner. To speed up the composting process, a bioactivator is added as a decomposer. Bioactivators can be made by utilizing rice washing water waste and papaya fruit waste, which are rich in nutrients and can increase the macronutrients of the compost. The composting method used in this research is aerobic composting. This tool aims to educate the surrounding community that waste can be turned into valuable goods with good management, thereby creating a healthy environment and profitable business opportunities.
Pengaruh penambahan koagulan terhadap laju sedimentasi pada proses sedimentasi larutan tepung maizena Yunita Fahni; Rifqi Sufra; Ihsan Maulana Ahmad; Syalsa Fadhilah
Hexatech: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Hexatech: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Proses sedimentasi batch sangat berperan penting dalam industri, seperti pada proses pemurnian air limbah, pengolahan air sungai pengendapan kristal dari lautan induk, dan lain-lain. Proses batch sering dilakukan dalam proses komersial dengan mempertimbangkan kecepatan pengendapan terminal terminal dan partikel-partikelnya. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan studi berkaitan dengan pengaruh penambahan koagulan (tawas) terhadap laju sedimentasi pada berbagai variasi konsentrasi larutan tepung maizena yang berbeda. Tawas sebagai koagulan terbukti mampu membuat proses sedimentasi lebih efisien, yaitu dengan mempercepat laju sedimentasi. Penambahan koagulan pada setiap variasi konsentrasi menghasilkan laju sedimentasi yang lebih besar. Koagulan sendiri memiliki fungsi untuk menggumpalkan partikel-partikel maizena dimana digunakan untuk memperberat massa pertikel sehingga membuat laju sedimentasi lebih cepat. Adapun pengaruh dari variasi konsentrasi terhadap laju sedimentasi, bahwa semakin besar konsentrasi slurry maka kecepatan pengendapannya akan semakin rendah. Hal ini dikarenakan fenomena hindered settling yaitu saat partikel-partikel maizena mulai bergesekan yang menyebabkan waktu sedimentasi lama sehingga untuk mencapai dasar dari tabung sedimentasi.
PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN, KONSENTRASI DAN JENIS PELARUT TERHADAP ANTOSIANIN DARI EKSTRAK BUNGA TELANG (CLITORIA TERNATEA) Desi Riana Saputri; Yuniar Luthfia Listyadevi; Damayanti Damayanti; Wika Atroauriyani; Yunita Fahni; Andri Sanjaya; Fidel Abdiman Zega; Fikri Rahmatul Ikhlas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jip.v12i1.19888


Bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea) merupakan jenis tanaman di Indonesia yang sedang dikembangkan manfaat kandungan senyawa antosianinnya sebagai antioksidan. Proses ekstraksi untuk mendapatkan antosianin dari ekstrak bunga telang membutuhkan beberapa variasi dari segi penggunaan pelarutnya agar hasil optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh variabel lama perendaman, konsentrasi, dan jenis pelarut terhadap kandungan antosianin pada bunga telang. Proses perendaman bunga telang dilakukan selama 6, 12, dan 18 jam mengunakan pelarut etanol dengan masing-masing konsentrasi 60 dan 90%. Selanjutnya, proses penguapan pelarut dengan rotary evaporator pada suhu 60°C dengan kecepatan 50 rpm. Proses analisis senyawa dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometri UV-Visibel dan sampel dengan konsentrasi terbaik dianalisis menggunakan liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS). Rendemen ekstrak tertinggi terdapat pada perendaman 18 jam yaitu sebesar 29, 25%b/v untuk pelarut etanol 60% dan 5%b/v untuk pelarut etil asetat 60%. Ekstrak antosianin lebih larut dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol dibandingkan etil asetat. Jenis antosianin yang teridentifikasi diindikasikan sebagai cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, Cn-3-(6”-p-coumaroylgluc-oside), Dp-3-(6”-p-coumaroylglucoside), dan delphinidin-3-O-glucoside.
PENGARUH RASIO BAHAN DAN PELARUT ETANOL TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK WARNA DAN KADAR ANTOSIANIN DALAM EKSTRAK BUAH GENDOLA (BASELLA RUBRA) Yunita Fahni; Desi Riana Saputri; Yuniar Luthfia Listyadevi; Wika Atro Auriyani; Damayanti Damayanti; Anis Safitri Ramadhani; Mela Rosalia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jip.v12i1.19817


Buah gendola merupakan tanaman obat alami Indonesia. Buah gendola diketahui memiliki kandungan diantaranya kartenoid, saponin, pigmen antosianin, flavonoid, dan polifenol yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antibakteri alami. Antosianin merupakan senyawa organik yang bersifat antioksidan. Senyawa ini ditemukan dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran. Studi ini berfokus untuk mengkaji pengaruh dari komposisi bahan dan pelarut terhadap karakteristik warna dan konsentrasi antosianin. Indentifikasi jenis antosianin dari sampel dengan kadar antosianin tertinggi dilakukan dengan analisis liquid cromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Ekstraksi buah gendola dilakukan dengan metode maserasi pada temperatur 50°C, menggunakan pelarut etanol dengan variasi rasio bahan dan pelarut (1:10, 1:20, dan 1:30 b/v). Hasil studi ini menunjukan kadar antosianin terbesar (46,657 ppm) didapatkan pada sampel dengan rasio bahan dan pelarut yaitu 1:10 (b/v) dan kadar antosianin terendah (21,622 ppm) terdapat pada sampel 1:30 (b/v). Hasil identifikasi menunjukan jenis antosianin pada ekstrak gondola adalah jenis malvidin-3-O-glukosa.
Metode Modifikasi Membran Polietersulfon (PES) Untuk Meningkatkan Antifouling−Mini Review Modifikasi Membran Enny Nurmalasari; Hasnah Ulia; Apsari Puspita Aini; Agung Kurnia Yahya; Yunita Fahni
Eksergi Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/e.v20i2.9596


Polyethersulfone (PES) is the most common material in various medical and water treatment applications because of its excellent mechanical and thermal properties. The hydrophobicity of polyethersulfone is considered as one of the main drawbacks because the hydrophobic surface causes a high biofouling effect on the membrane, so it has limitations in using Polietersulfon PES membrane technology. Modification of PES membranes is an important topic to be continuously developed to improve the properties of PES membranes. Membrane modifications focus on increasing the hydrophilicity, selectivity, and stability of membranes that are expected to be used commercially. Modifications were made to change the hydrophobic membrane surface into a hydrophilic membrane with good mechanical properties by introducing hydrophilic properties and functional groups to the polyethersulfone membrane surface. This review includes reviews and discussions on modifying PES membranes by mixing, coating, and grafting methods. In particular, adding functional groups to polyethersulfone is a suitable method for introducing hydrophilic properties. The addition of nanomaterials to the surface of the polyethersulfone membrane by mixing, coating, grafting, and combinations significantly increases the surface of the membrane, and all modifications affect the surface roughness of the membrane.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Mocaf Sebagai Pengganti Tepung Terigu Di Desa Titiwangi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Feerzet Achmad; Muhammad Reahan Ramadhan; Ridho Ramadhan; Yunita Fahni; Mustafa Mustafa; Suhartono Suhartono
Dedikasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Dedikasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53276/dedikasi.v2i2.107


Mocaf merupakan tepung olahan singkong yang diperoleh melalui peroses fermentasi sehingga didapat tepung dengan karakteristik menyerupai terigu. Mocaf diperoleh dan didapat melalui beberapa tahapan diantaranya pengupasan, pemotongan, fermentasi, pengeringan dan penepungan. Tepung ini memiliki kandungan yang berbeda dengan tepung terigu karena mocaf tidak memiliki kandungan gluten sehingga sangat cocok dikonsumsi oleh penderita cilia dan orang yang sedang diet gluten. Desa Titiwangi merupakan salah satu Desa di Lampung Selatan yang mayoritas mata pencahariannya pada bidang pertanian. Singkong merupakan salah satunya, sehingga masyarakat Desa Titiwangi perlu diberikan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan tentang pengolahan singkong menjadi mocaf untuk mengurangi konsumsi terigu dan singkong dapat dimanfaatkan dengan lebih baik. Pelatihan ini tidak hanya pengolahan singkong menjadi mocaf tetapi juga proses pengemasan yang lebih menarik dan ekonomis serta pengolahannya menjadi brownis. Keberhasilan pelatihan dapat dilihat dari hasil kuisioner tentang pengetahuan warga meningkat sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Selain itu ekonomi desa akan  semakin meningkat dengan adanya peroduk-produk olahan berbahan baku mocaf contohnya brownies dan olahan pangan lainnya. Kata Kunci: Singkong; Mocaf; Terigu; Brownies
Pengolahan Kelapa Menjadi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dengan Metode Fermentasi Sederhana Dennis Farina Nury; Yunita Fahni; Reni Yuniarti; Feerzet Achmad; Deviany Deviany; Yeni Variyana
Journal of Industrial Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Published in October 2023
Publisher : Politeknik ATI Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52759/jice.v2i2.215


Coconut plant is frequently referred to as the plant of life since every part of it may be utilized and turned into a product. One of the commercial processed product by coconut is virgin coconut oil (VCO), which has many benefits to health properties. VCO is extracted from coconut milk from coconut fresh. The introduction of virgin oil (VCO) to partners aimed about VCO's advantages and development of appropriate technology that can be applied to local communities in Negeri Katon, Lampung Selatan. This community service activity program introduced fermentation method using yeast to convert coconut milk into VCO. The activity were conducted in three steps: i.e presentation of VCO process production and discussion, demonstration of making VCO together, and evaluation based on pre and post-test form results. Several analysis have been conducted including the percentage yield, density, viscosity and pH of the VCO. The evaluation of this activity was obtained from pre and post-test results. The results of the pre-test showed that among 50% the people of Negeri Katon really needs to the activity of making VCO by fermentation together. Based on the highest post-test result of 91%, it can be concluded that the VCO-making activities are very useful. Further development of activities, such as intensive practice in making VCO and training in packaging and selling VCO is very needed. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the activity of making VCO by fermentation for the community of Negeri Katon is very necessary to be carried out in terms of utilizing coconut into VCO and creating business opportunities for the future.
The Implementation of Rotary POC Technology for Organic Fertilizer Production in Tarahan Village, South Lampung Yunita Fahni; Andri Sanjaya; Mustafa; Desi Riana Saputri; Aldillah Herlambang
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v6i4.4126


Tarahan Village is one of the larger villages in Katibung District, South Lampung. Despite not being classified as an agricultural region, Tarahan Village exhibits remarkable productivity in cultivating vegetables and fruits. So far, organic waste from fruits and vegetables has been discarded and burned or used only for animal feed. The large volume of unprocessed fruit and vegetable waste causes various problems for village residents, both directly and indirectly. Besides that, the village's intensive horticultural farming activities have encouraged the increased use of inorganic fertilizers. This pollutes the environment and harms the soil, organisms that live in the soil, and humans who consume these horticultural products. The application of liquid organic fertilizer, specifically POC, is deemed necessary to effectively address the issue of fruit and vegetable waste management while ensuring the quality of organic horticultural products. A composter is a suitable technology employed for the production of liquid fertilizer. Since oxygen is crucial for microorganisms in decomposing organic matter, the POC produced through the aerobic composting process will mature more quickly and not produce offensive odors. The goal of implementing this technology is to spread the word that garbage can be turned into something valuable if managed properly, leading to a cleaner community and more economic opportunities. The rotary POC technology scheme consists of a plastic drum that is supported by an iron structure. The drum is furnished with a rotating lever designed for the purpose of stirring, thereby facilitating the uniform mixing of organic material upon the addition of the bioactivator. The agitation of the solution facilitates the efficient execution of the aeration process. The equipment scheme has been developed with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of composting with regard to both time management and the quality of the final outcomes. This technology has the potential to be an alternative solution for dealing with household waste, and the product in the form of POC has the potential to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers.
The Role of Membrane, Feed Characteristic and Process Parameters on RED Power Generation Heru Susanto; Meike Fitrianingtyas; I Nyoman Widiasa; Titik Istirokhatun; Yunita Fahni; Assalaam Umar Abdurahman
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 12, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.2023.49775


Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is a renewable energy-generating SGE technique using energy from salinity gradients. This research investigates the effect of membrane and feed characteristics on reverse electrodialysis (RED) power generation. Some investigations on the process parameters effect for the complement of the main study were also conducted. The generated power of RED was measured using power density analysis. The experiments were performed using artificial seawater varied from 0 to 1 g/L NaCl for diluted salt water and from 0 to 40 g/L NaCl for concentrated salt water. In a study of ions type, NaCl non-pa is used to represent monovalent ions, and MgSO4 represents divalent ions. The results showed that the highest voltage generation is 2.004 volts by 14 cells number of the RED membrane utilizing a RED self-made laboratory scale. The power density was enhanced by raising the flow rate (0.10 L/min), concentration difference (40 g/L), and the presence of electrode rinse solution. Further, the ion type (monovalent, divalent, and multivalent) influenced the resulting RED power density, where the divalent ion (MgSO4) 's power density was greater than that of the monovalent ion (NaCl). The resistance and selectivity of the membrane were the major keys for the power generation of RED