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IJTIMAIYYA Vol 6, No 1 (2013): Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan Umat
Publisher : IJTIMAIYYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.004 KB)


In global view, a dai as a religious preacher showshimself as a life parameter. Through his role, he isexpected to color life of a group of society which iswithin the dynamic development. Therefore a demandfor a da’I should not only limit to the message hecarries, but also on credible character attaches tohimself, in order to influence his audiences are made.This kind of day within his role and function will beable to plan his dakwah, decide the methods, observethedakwah objects, decide the dakwah strategies, andget appropriate evaluation. This article will furtherdescribe this.
Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2014): Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.586 KB)


Communicating is the foundation of education.Without communication, ideas, directions, andthoughts are lost or misunderstood. Students may notunderstand teaching material, educators may notunderstand directions given to them, and teachers maynot understand that a gap in communication isforming. So teacher student communication plays abig part in the success of classroom interaction.According to Cooper, effective teachers shoulddemonstrate competencies in sending and receivingmessages that give or obtain information, express orrespond to feelings, speculate or theorize, maintainsocial relationships and facilitate interaction, and seekto convince or influence. Beyond these competencies,several teacher communication behaviors andstrategies must be learned to enhance student learning.What teachers need to know obviously goes beyondhow to enhance self-presentation, how to keepstudents on task, and how to manage studentresistance. Effective communication includes muchmore than simple knowledge transmission. This articlewill discusses somethings related to teacher studentcommunication.
Paradigma Dakwah Pada Masyarakat Plural Dalam Memahami Perbedaan Sebagai kerangka Persatuan Nasor, M.
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 18, No 1 (2018): Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.168 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsk.v1i1.3303


Kehidupan secara pluralitas merupakan sebuah kehidupan yang tidak mungkin kita pungkiri, karena Allah SWT menciptakan alam ini di atas sunnah keragaman dan keberadaannya harus diakui oleh setiap insan di dunia ini. Dalam keberagaman mengakui hidup bersama dan menyetujui adanya hukum kemajuan serta terciptanya interaksi antar sesama untuk terwujudnya kehidupan yang harmonis. Kondisi semacam ini perlu diperhatikan oleh para da’i dalam rangka mencapai tujuan dakwah secara baik. Paradigma dakwah harus dilakukan dalam koridor semangat kebersamaan, toleransi, kerjasama, musyawarah, saling menghargai, dan tolong menolong. Teks-teks Islam harus diterapkan secara jelas menghimbau kaum muslimin untuk mengayomi dan kasih sayang kepada sesama manusia serta tunjukkan bahwa Islam menolak skstrimisme, kekakuan, kebekuan, dan keangkuhan. Dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan Islam harus dirancang sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat yang majemuk atau heterogin. Seorang da’i harus mampu berkreasi dan berinovasi secara bervariasi agar pesan-pesannya mudah diterima untuk mewujudkan persatuan dan kesatuan.
AL-ADYAN Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Al-Adyan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.236 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adyan.v11i1.1435


Kehidupan manusia akan selalu berinteraksi dan melakukan komunikasi (termasuk komunikasi interpersonal) dengan orang lain. Melalui komunikasi interpersonal akan selalu terjadi tatap muka yang lebih mudah dalam menyampaikan pesan. Fokus komunikasi interpersonal dalam praktiknya terdapat empat arus untuk membangun masyarakat/sumber daya manusia yaitu: memberikan infomasi/nasehat pada masyarakat atas dan bawah, membangun keberlangsungan antara orang-orang yang berada pada level yang sama dalam sebuah komunitas, dan membangun keberlangsungan antara orang-orang yang berbeda pada level yang sama dalam sebuah komunitas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat yang memiliki pribadi yang luhur membutuhkan proses pembelajaran tertentu dan porses ini tidak akan berjalan tanpa komunikasi (interpersonal) antara penentu kebijakan dengan kliennya yang disiapkan untuk menjadi masyarakat yang mandiri. Jadi dapat dipahami, kontribusi komunikasi interpersonal dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat memiliki akhlakul karimah sangatlah besar. Masyarakat tidak akan bisa menjadi kader pemberdayaan yang layak dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat mestinya tidak menafikan komunikasi interpersonal. Jenis komunikasi ini dapat berjalan secara baik dan terus menerus, dapat dikatakan bahwa penentu kebijakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat akan memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan.
AL-ADYAN Vol 12, No 1 (2017): Al-Adyan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.641 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adyan.v12i1.1447


Suara radio merupakan perubahan bentuk energi elektromagnetik dari gelombang radio yang ditangkap oleh pesawat radio, kemudian diubah melalui loudspeaker (pengeras suara) menjadi energi bunyi sehingga bisa kita dengar. Suara radio bisa berisi tentang siaran agama/dakwah, hiburan (musik dan humor), pendidikan, berita, iklan, dan lainnya. Dakwah yang memiliki tujuan seperti di atas sehingga berhasil dengan baik, sudah tentu membutuhkan seperangkat media. Dari berbagai media massa tersebut, radio merupakan salah satu media massa yang digemari oleh masyarakat, karena beritanya dapat didengar langsung oleh pendengar. Media massa ini sangat banyak memberikan kontribusi dan pengaruh yang besar terhadap perkembangan dakwah pada masyarakat. Radio telah banyak andil, fungsi, dan peran aktifnya dalam kegiatan dakwah, baik aspek pengembangan maupun pada aspek pengamalan ajaran Islam/dakwah pada masyarakat.
IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI DAKWAH DALAM MEMBINA MASYARAKAT PLURALITAS (Studi pada kegiatan dakwah Nahdlatul Ulama Kecamatan Jati Agung Lampung Selatan) Nasor, M.
AL-ADYAN Vol 12, No 2 (2017): Al-Adyan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.999 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adyan.v12i2.2108


Kegiatan dakwah pada masyarakat pluralitas bukan saja sekedar memiliki prinsip dasar keimanan yang kuat tetapi juga dapat mewujudkan prinsip dasar moral dan etika sosial. Keberadaan mereka harus mendapatkan pembinaan agar masyarakat memiliki karakter mencintai kebaikan, menentang keburukan, dan tidak mengenal kekerasan sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Dalam kondisi semacam ini dasar keimanan yang kuat akan dapat mewujudkan kehidupan yang selaras dengan kehidupan sehari-hari seperti rasa keadilan sosial, keamanan, saling tolong menolong, menghormati, dan lainnya. Nilai-nilai dakwah tersebut di atas harus diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pada masyarakat yang pluralitas dengan mengacu pada prinsip yaitu: (1) peradaban Islam berdiri atas landasan tauhid, (2) peradaban yang bersifat manusiawi, bersifat transendental, dan memiliki wawasan internasional, (3) selalu memegang prinsip moral, (4) percaya pada ilmu pengetahuan yang benar, dan (5) memiliki toleransi dalam beragama.  Nilai-nilai dakwah yang universal mengatur hubungan yang didasarkan pada aspek saling menghormati, tidak memaksa, azas keadilan, kemanusiaan, kebersamaan, persaudaraan, kebebasan, persatuan, dan demokrasi.
The Application of Unity-Oriented Persuasive Communication of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Plural Society of Medina City Nasor, M.
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.197 KB) | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v6i1.193


Plural society built by the prophet was a reflection of an ideal society that can live together as the result of the application of a persuasive communication. A plural society is a society that is composed of various groups, races, tribes, nations, and others. Their existence should get a proper guidance so that people could possess certain qualities such as loving the good deeds and against the bad deeds and violence as Islam instructs. Universal Islamic values govern relations based on mutual respect, non-coercion, justice, humanity, togetherness, and brotherhood. Islam as a social religion strongly supports the effort to establish the relationship of human dignity as a whole. For that, it seems necessary to have a persuasive communication that can touch the psychological aspects of various societies. This method will be easier to bring about an effective result that is the commitment of each group on faith and humanity with the boundaries of rights and obligations. Such situation can foster motivation and confidence to achieve unity and the welfare of the people, which in turn they can live in tolerance, justice, togetherness, brotherhood, and many others.
Community Empowerment through Mentari Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil (BMT) to Boost Muslim Family Economy in Kotagajah Central Lampung Nasor, M.; Ngisomuddin, Ngisomuddin; Alamsyah, Yosep Aspat
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 7 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.521 KB) | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v7i3.440


An empowerment program is an activity that has the purpose of developing and improving the quality of life of the community in order to overcome the problems of their lives. Such conditions will provide a great opportunity for the community to improve capabilities in various fields including the economic field. All of these will have implications for improving and changing the capabilities of the abilities towards better progress. community towards better progress in shared life. The process of giving is not only done by the government, but also by social institutions such as the Mentari Baitul Mal Wat Tanwil (BMT) Kotagajah Central Lampung, the object of it is the empowerment of Muslim family traders. The Empowerment carried out by Mentari BMT as a financial institution refers to the financial screening system given to Muslim family traders. The financial screening is used for financing as an effort to improve the economy of the community. An Empowerment is an activity that can develop and improve the quality of life of traders of Muslim families who are independent and can overcome the problems of their lives. All of these have implications for their improvement and change.
The Effect Digitalization Zakat Payment Against Potential of Zakat Acceptance in National Amil Zakat Agency Utami, Pertiwi; Suryanto, Tulus; Nasor, M.; Ghofur, Ruslan Abdul
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v13i2.7809


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digitalization zakat payments on the potential for zakat acceptance at the BAZNAS Jakarta center. The originality of this research lies in the digitalization analysis of zakat payments to increase the potential for receiving BAZNAS center based on sharia economic approaches, and digital technology theory. The research method used is associative quantitative using a simple linear regression analysis technique with a sample size of 170 respondents selected based on purposive sampling technique. From the results of data analysis using SPSS 19.0, an R-value of 74.8% was obtained, which means that the relationship between the digitalization of zakat payments and the potential for receiving zakat at the BAZNAS is strong.  The findings show that the digitalization variable of zakat payment or zakat payment (X) influences the potential for zakat receipt (Y) of 55.9%, and the remaining 40.1% is influenced by other factors not considered. Based on the results of deepening between the theory and practice of digital zakat revealed that the challenges in efforts to increase the potential for digital zakat acceptance in Indonesia are internet access which is still weak and uneven in Indonesian territory, building an 'attachment' relationship between mustahiq, muzzaki and BAZNAS, and the application of principles of sharia in the management of zakat. Therefore, the research explains the strategies that can be done to answer the challenges of digital zakat.
The Effect Digitalization Zakat Payment Against Potential of Zakat Acceptance in National Amil Zakat Agency Utami, Pertiwi; Suryanto, Tulus; Nasor, M.; Ghofur, Ruslan Abdul
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v13i2.7809


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digitalization zakat payments on the potential for zakat acceptance at the BAZNAS Jakarta center. The originality of this research lies in the digitalization analysis of zakat payments to increase the potential for receiving BAZNAS center based on sharia economic approaches, and digital technology theory. The research method used is associative quantitative using a simple linear regression analysis technique with a sample size of 170 respondents selected based on purposive sampling technique. From the results of data analysis using SPSS 19.0, an R-value of 74.8% was obtained, which means that the relationship between the digitalization of zakat payments and the potential for receiving zakat at the BAZNAS is strong.  The findings show that the digitalization variable of zakat payment or zakat payment (X) influences the potential for zakat receipt (Y) of 55.9%, and the remaining 40.1% is influenced by other factors not considered. Based on the results of deepening between the theory and practice of digital zakat revealed that the challenges in efforts to increase the potential for digital zakat acceptance in Indonesia are internet access which is still weak and uneven in Indonesian territory, building an 'attachment' relationship between mustahiq, muzzaki and BAZNAS, and the application of principles of sharia in the management of zakat. Therefore, the research explains the strategies that can be done to answer the challenges of digital zakat.