M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M. Furqon
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DEVELOPING A TALENT SCOUTING INSTRUMENT FOR FENCING Budi Santoso, Nuruddin Priya; Hidayatullah, M. Furqon
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aimed to know indicators that could be utilized to develop an instrument to scout talent for fencing that fulfilled the criteria of being valid, reliable, objective and effective. The phases of this research and development study included (1) reviewing the criteria of a good test, (2) analyzing the sport to be tested, (3) literature review, (4) selecting test items, (5) establishing procedures, (6) peer review, (7) pilot study, (8) determining validity, reliability, and objectivity, (9) developing norms, (10) constructing test manual.  The development of an instrument to scout talent for fencing contributed to (1) shortening the period of time needed to provide high achievement by means of selecting prospective athletes, (2) eliminating work and energy  as well as separating high talent for the coach, (3) increasing the competitivity and number of athletes in order to achieve higher performance, (4) enhancing the athletes’ self-confidence, because the enhancement of athletes’ achievement is significant compared those of athletes of the same ages without experiencing any selection process, (5) making it easier for the coach to apply the test model for talent scouting for fencing in the field.
Evaluasi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga Bola Basket di Kabupaten Magetan Wibowo, Kristianto; Hidayatullah, M. Furqon; Kiyatno, Kiyatno
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2017): July 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/miki.v7i1.9520


Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh bagaimana pentingnya pembinaan prestasi olahraga bagi perkembangan prestasi di suatu daerah. Selain itu pembinaan prestasi juga dapat untuk mengembangkan minat, bakat dan juga potensi-pontensi masyarakat di suatu daerah. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah pada bagaimana pelaksanaan pembinaan prestasi olahraga bola basket di kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analsisis data dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah, Organisasi, Atlet, Pelatih, Ekstrakurikuler, serta sarana dan prasarana bola basket di kabupaten Magetan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan mengenai pembinaan prestasi olahraga bola basket di kabupaten Magetan termasuk dalam kategori kurang baik. Hal itu karena belum berjalan dengan baik faktor-faktor yang membantu mencapai prestasi olahraga yang tinggi yaitu faktor pemassalan, faktor pembibitan serta faktor pencapaian prestasi sehingga prestasi bola basket di kabupaten Magetan tidak kunjung membaik. 1) Dari segi pembinaan prestasi, kabupaten Magetan dalam kategori kurang baik karena belum adanya pembinaan usia dini serta tidak adanya klub-klub bola basket yang ikut membantu pembinaan prestasi di kabupaten Magetan. 2) Dari segi pemerintah, peran pemerintah diharapkan tidak hanya sekedar menyalurkan dana tetapi juga lebih memperhatikan atletnya. 3) Dari segi organisasi, PERBASI kabupaten Magetan diharapkan lebih fokus dalam hal-hal yang mengakibatkan pembinaan prestasi kabupaten Magetan tidak kunjung membaik. 4) Dari segi pelatih, mayoritas pelatih bola basket di kabupaten Magetan belum mempunyai lisensi pelatih dan belum menerapkan program latihan. 5) Dari segi atlet, atlet bola basket di kabupaten Magetan rata-rata baru mengenal dan latihan saat mereka di SMA, serta belum mempunyai rasa disiplin yang tinggi dalam mengikuti latihan. 6) Dari segi ekstrakurikuler, sekolah-sekolah di kabupaten Magetan belum secara penuh mendukung siswanya dalam ekstrakurikuler bola basket. 7) Dari segi sarana dan prasarana bola basket kabupaten Magetan termasuk dalam kondisi cukup baik karena hampir semua sekolah di kabupaten Magetan mempunyai sarana dan prasarana untuk menunjang untuk latihan bola basket. 8) Hambatan yang mempengaruhi pembinaan prestasi olahraga bola basket adalah tidak adanya pembinaan usia dini atlet bola basket di kabupaten Magetan.The background of this research was how important the coaching of sports achievement for the development of achievement in an area. In addition, performance coaching can also develop interests, talents and also the potentials of society in an area. The focus of this research was on how the implementation of basketball sport achievement coaching in Magetan. This research used qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Analysis of data by means of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The subjects of this study were Government, Organization, Athlete, Coach, Extracurricular, as well as basketball facilities and infrastructure in Magetan. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the development of basketball sport achievements in Magetan was included in the category of less good. That was because the factors that help achieve high sports achievement had not run well which is the bulking, seeding and achievement factors so that the achievement of basketball in Magetan was not getting better. 1) In terms of performance coaching, Magetan in the category of poor because of the lack of early age coaching and the absence of basketball clubs that helped to improve the achievement in Magetan. 2) In terms of government, the expected role of the government was not only to give funds but also pay more attention to the athletes. 3) From the organizational perspective, PERBASI Magetan was expected to put more focus on things that making the achievement of Magetan Regency achievement did not improve. 4) In terms of coaches, the majority of basketball coaches in Magetan did not have a coach license and had not implemented an exercise program yet. 5) In terms of athletes, basketball athletes in Magetan are newly acquainted and exercised when they are in high school, and did not yet have a high sense of discipline in training. 6) In terms of extracurricular, schools in Magetan had not fully supported their students in basketball extracurricular. 7) In terms of facilities and basketball infrastructure Magetan is in good condition because almost all schools in Magetan have the infrastructure to support for the practice of basketball. 8) The obstacles that affect the development of basketball sport achievement is the absence of early age coaching for basketball’s athletes in Magetan. .
KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL MELALUI KOMPETISI SEPAKBOLA WANITA Doewes, Rumi Iqbal; Hidayatullah, M. Furqon; Irawan, Dede; Syaifullah, Rony; Nugroho, Haris
JURNAL WIDYA LAKSANA Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.346 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jwl.v10i2.36604


Pemaknaan suatu individu dalam lingkungannya disebut sebagai konstruksi sosial. Sosial atau masyarakat menganggap bahwa sepakbola adalah olahraga yang hanya dapat dimainkan oleh laki-laki. Wanita memiliki hak yang sama untuk bermain sepakbola
DEVELOPING A TALENT SCOUTING INSTRUMENT FOR FENCING Budi Santoso, Nuruddin Priya; Hidayatullah, M. Furqon
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aimed to know indicators that could be utilized to develop an instrument to scout talent for fencing that fulfilled the criteria of being valid, reliable, objective and effective. The phases of this research and development study included (1) reviewing the criteria of a good test, (2) analyzing the sport to be tested, (3) literature review, (4) selecting test items, (5) establishing procedures, (6) peer review, (7) pilot study, (8) determining validity, reliability, and objectivity, (9) developing norms, (10) constructing test manual. The development of an instrument to scout talent for fencing contributed to (1) shortening the period of time needed to provide high achievement by means of selecting prospective athletes, (2) eliminating work and energy as well as separating high talent for the coach, (3) increasing the competitivity and number of athletes in order to achieve higher performance, (4) enhancing the athletes’ self-confidence, because the enhancement of athletes’ achievement is significant compared those of athletes of the same ages without experiencing any selection process, (5) making it easier for the coach to apply the test model for talent scouting for fencing in the field.