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Studi kelayakan pembangunan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid di pulau X Gilang Danu Suciawati Pamungkas; Tarsisius Kristyadi; Sigit Purnomo; Abdullah Syafiq
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/jtvok.v11i1.13525


Indonesia dikenal sebagai negeri seribu pulau salah satunya adalah pulau X. dimana pulau X adalah kepulauan di laut jawa yang memiliki luas daratan ± 1.500 hektar dan perairan ± 110.000 hektar. Pulau X memiliki jumlah penduduk ± 8.733 jiwa di lima pulau yang berpenghuni. Indonesia saat ini bahkan di dunia dikarenakan adanya ketidakseimbangan ketersediaan energi dengan kebutuhan listrik maka salah satu alternatif solusinya yaitu melakukan studi kelayakan pembangunan sistem pembangkit listrik. Pada studi kelayakan pembangunan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid dengan menggunakan kombinasi sistem pembangkit PLTS, PLTD, dan PLTB tersebut berencana untuk mensuplai listrik di wilayah pulau X dengan melakukan studi kelayakan pembangunan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid menggunakan software HOMER yang bertujuan untuk mendesain, melakukan simulasi sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid. Pada sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid untuk melakukan studi kelayakan pembangunan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid kebutuhan listrik di pulau X saat ini untuk PLTD mensuplai sebesar 500 kW, sedangkan untuk PLTS mensuplai sebesar 100 kW, dan untuk mensuplai sebesar PLTB sebesar 150 kW dengan menghasilkan total beban listrik sebesar ± 33487,01 kWh/day. Kata kunci : pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid, PLTS, PLTD, PLTB, Software HOMER. Indonesia is known as the land of a thousand islands, one of which is Island X. Island X is an archipelago in the Java Sea which has a land area of ​​± 1,500 hectares and waters of ± 110,000 hectares. Island X has a population of ± 8,733 people on five inhabited islands. Indonesia is currently even in the world due to an imbalance in energy availability with electricity needs, one alternative solution is to conduct a feasibility study on the construction of a power generation system. In the feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid power generation system using a combination of PLTS, PLTD, and PLTB generation systems, the plan is to supply electricity in the X island region by conducting a feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid power generation system using the HOMER software which aims to design, to simulate a hybrid power generation system. In the hybrid power generation system, to carry out a feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid power generation system, the electricity needs on island X are currently supplies 500 kW for PLTD, while for PLTS it supplies 100 kW, and for PLTB supplies 150 kW by generating a total load electricity of ± 33487.01 kWh/day. Keywords: hybrid power plants, PLTS, PLTD, PLTB, HOMER Software.
Learning system suspension using e-module in vocational education with model 4D Ega Bimantara; Sigit Purnomo; Afri Yudantoko; Arif Bintoro Johan; Dianna Ratnawati; Abdullah Syafiq
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/jtvok.v10i2.13558


The results of this study (1) determine how much influence the use of the E-Module suspension system has to improve student achievement. (2) Knowing the eligibility level of the E-module used in the learning process of the suspension system. (3) Knowing students' responses to E-Module-based learning media about the suspension system. The e-module development uses a 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, Dissemination). The electronic learning module was validated by two material experts and one media expert and then tested on 5 students for small-scale trials and 26 students for large-scale students of class XI majoring in Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering, SMK Muhammadiyah Semin. Data collection used a four-scale Likert scale questionnaire. choice. The feasibility of electronic learning modules can be seen from the results of material validation, media validation and testing of students to get proper results. The results of e-module development from material validation and expert validation as well as dissemination to students state that the e-module is in the very feasible category. So it can be concluded that the use of suspension e-modules is feasible for vocational learning
Pengembangan media e-catalog bahan pangan lokal dalam pengolahan dry product Aprilia Dian Ashari; Ika Wahyu Kusuma Wati; Sri Wahyu Andayani; Eko Susetyo; Abdullah Syafiq
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 11 No 2 (2023): In Press
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/jtvok.v11i2.14734


This study aims to develop an e-catalog of local foodstuff in the processing of dry products, determine the feasibility of learning media, and student responses. This type of research is development & research which uses the Four-D development model consisting of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The subjects of this study were students who took copyrighted works courses as many as 32 respondents. The e-catalog media feasibility assessment was carried out by material experts, media experts, and responses from students. The instrument used was a questionnaire with descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. Research Results: 1) Development of e-catalog media for local food ingredients in dry product processing adapting 4 stages namely a) definition stage, b) design stage, c) development stage, and d) dissemination stage; 2) The developed learning media is very suitable for use based on material experts with a percentage of 100% (very feasible), while media experts with a percentage of 97.5% (very feasible); and 3) Student response to e-catalog media for local food ingredients in dry product processing in a small-scale trial with 10 respondents getting a percentage of 87.13% (very feasible), while a large-scale trial with 22 respondents with a percentage of 88.97% (very feasible). This shows that the e-catalog of local food ingredients in the processing of dry products in copyright courses can be used as a learning medium in the learning process.