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SUSTAINABLE HOME BASED ENTERPRISE: CRITERIA TOWARD THE CONCEPT Case Study: Kampung Sate, Ponorogo, Indonesia Rahmatyas Aditantri
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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ABSTRAKUsaha berbasis rumah tangga merupakan salah bentuk usaha dari masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan rumah tinggal sebagai tempat untuk bekerja. Kondisi seperti ini banyak terlihat pada sebagian besar negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Usaha berbasis rumah tangga muncul sebagai sebuah solusi bagi rumah tangga berpenghasilan rendah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonominya. Kampung Sate merupakan salah satu kampung usaha berbasis rumah tangga di Ponorogo yang telah tumbuh dari waktu yang lama. Di Kampung ini, masyarakat masih menggunakan peralatan tradisional dalam menjalankan aktifitas ekonominya. Rumah – rumah dimodifikasi menjadi ruang kerja untuk menjalankan aktifitas ekonomi. Dari survai primer yang telah dilakukan dapat dilihat bahwa penghuni kurang memberikan perhatian pada kondisi rumah mereka. Padahal hal penting terkait rumah produktif adalah dampak dari aktifitas produksi pada lingkungan. Saat ini isu lingkungan menjadi hal penting karena pembangunan berkelanjutan tidak akan dapat tercapai apabila masyarakat tidak peduli tentang dampak aktifitas yang diberikan pada lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan penjelasan mengenai kriteria dari konsep usaha berbasis rumah tangga berkelanjutan di Kampung Sate, Ponorogo. Kriteria – kriteria tersbeut dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan konsep pembangunan lingkungan berkelanjutan pada rumah produktif.Kata Kunci : kriteria, usaha berbasis rumah tangga, kampung, pembangunan berkelanjutanABSTRACTHome based enterprise is one of the forms of effort of people in order to gain economic prosperity by using their homes as the place to work. This condition is easy seen in most developing countries, including Indonesia. Home based enterprise appears as a solution for low-middle income household to gain economic prosperity. Kampung Sate is one of home based enterprise village in Ponorogo which is evolved years. In this Kampung, the people still use traditional equipments to conduct their economic activities. The houses are modified into workshop to conduct their economic activities. From primary survey it can be seen that the inhabitants pay less attention to their house condition. The other important thing related to productive house is the impact of the production activities toward the environment. Nowadays environmental issues become important because sustainable development can not be achieved if the community does not care about the impact of a given activity on the environment. Therefore, this research is expected to give overviews regarding the criteria of sustainable home based enterprise concept in Kampung Sate, Ponorogo. Those criteria can be used to determine the sustainable concept toward the built environment in productive housing.Keyword: criteria, home based enterprise, kampung, sustainable development
Urban Planning and E-Commerce: Understanding the Impact During Pandemic Covid-19 in Jakarta Rahmatyas Aditantri; Febrina Mahliza; Alif Dimas Wibisono
International Journal of Business, Economics, and Social Development Vol 2, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Research Collaboration Community (RCC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46336/ijbesd.v2i3.160


In this digital era, online shopping is kind of behaviour that many people do. E-commerce appears and can gradually replace the existence of conventional market. Especially, this behaviour increasing during this pandemic COVID-19. During the pandemic, there has been a change in habits and activities ranging from working from home, school from home to service trading activities starting to switch to an online service trading system. In order to manage sustainable urban planning, it is important to consider the likely effects of e-commerce. Increasing e-commerce can bring influence also impact to urban planning in a city. This research explores the consumer behaviour regarding e-commerce activities and the influence toward urban planning. DKI Jakarta is chosen as the study location and the policies related to the pandemic COVID-19 in Jakarta are also considered as a literature review. This research using expert judgement as a method of determining aspects of urban planning that are influenced by e-commerce activities and combining the analysis of planning documents and reports as well. Furthermore, e-commerce activities during pandemic COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta have several impacts in urban planning. The implication in urban planning still remains unclear since people still have hybrid consumer behaviour. Besides, it still takes a long time to see a significant impact toward e-commerce to urban planning in DKI Jakarta.
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 12, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/vitruvian.2022.v12i1.002


Penanganan permukiman kumuh merupakan fokus program yang dilakukan pemerintah agar tercipta lingkungan hunian yang layak huni bagi masyarakat. Berbagai program penanganan permukiman kumuh telah dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah salah satunya adalah Program Kampung Deret yang merupakan solusi peremajaan lingkungan kumuh perkotaan dari Pemerintah DKI Jakarta. Salah satu lokasi yang menjadi percontohan dari kesuksesan program ini adalah Kampung Deret Petogogan yang berlokasi di RW 05, Kelurahan Petogogan. Pelaksanaan Program Kampung Deret mengubah kondisi lingkungan yang semula kumuh dan tidak layak huni menjadi lingkungan yang lebih baik. Setiap program yang telah dilaksanakan perlu dievaluasi, termasuk Program Kampung Deret untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan program tersebut. Hal ini untuk melihat pengimplementasian dari program tersebut telah telah sasaran atau belum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas Program Kampung Deret dalam penanganan kekumuhan di Kota Jakarta dengan melakukan studi kasus Kampung Deret Petogogan berdasarkan indikator KOTAKU. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan karena menilai kesesuaian tingkat kekumuhan dengan standar kekumuhan dalam Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat No. 14 Tahun 2018. Melalui analisis yang telah dilakukan, terjadi perubahan besar setelah pengimplementasian program yang berujung pada penurunan perhitungan skor kekumuhan dari skor 33 menjadi 16. Namun, perubahan ini belum cukup karena kategori kumuh tetap stagnan di tingkat kumuh ringan. Dengan demikian, Program Kampung Deret dinilai tidak mampu menangani permukiman kumuh dan kurang efektif sebagai solusi untuk memberantas kekumuhan di Kota Jakarta. Handling of slum settlements is the main focus from government in order to create livable residential for the community. Various slum settlement’s management programs have been launched by the Government, one of them is Kampung Deret Program which is a solution for rejuvenating urban slums from the DKI Jakarta Government. One of the locations that has become a model for the success of this program is the Petogogan Deret Village, which is located in RW 05, Kelurahan Petogogan. The implementation of Kampung Deret Program changed the environmental conditions, which was originally shabby and uninhabitable into a better environment. Every program that has been implemented needs to be evaluated, including the Kampung Deret Program to know the success rate of the program. This is to see if the implementation of the program has been targeted or not. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Kampung Deret Program in handling slums in Jakarta by conducting a case study on Kampung Deret Petogogan based on KOTAKU indicator. A quantitative approach is used as it assessed conformity of slums level with the slum standards in the Public Works and Public Housing Ministerial Regulation No. 14 of 2018. Through the analysis that has been carried out, there were major changes due to the implementation which led to a score decrease in the slum score calculation from 33 to 16. However, these changes are not enough as the slum category stays stagnant at a mild slum level. Therefore, Kampung Deret Program is considered unable to handle slums and is quite ineffective as a solution to eradicate slums in Jakarta.