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Dinamika Perubahan Sosial Dan Pola Adaptasi Masyarakat Sukamakmur Pasca Peralihan Lahan Pertanian Menjadi Penunjang Kepariwisataan Sry sulastri br Ginting; Bengkel Ginting; Henry Sitorus; Badaruddin Badaruddin; Lina Sudarwati
Jurnal Sosial Teknologi Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023): Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi
Publisher : CV. Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/jurnalsostech.v3i6.826


Pembangunan infrastrukur dan berbagai sarana pendukung kepariwisataan telah membuat beralihnya peruntukan lahan pertanian yang ada di Desa Sukamakmur. Padahal mayoritas penduduk desa ini sebelumnya merupakan petani, baik sebagai pemilik lahan, penggarap, maupun pemilik sekaligus penggarap. Pada saat ini, dari 525 ha keseluruhan luas desa Sukamakmur, hanya tersisa 10 ha yang menjadi lahan pertanian. Oleh karena itu menarik untuk melihat dinamika perubahan sosial para petani sekaligus bagaimana pola adaptasi yang mereka lakukan pasca peralihan tersebut. Melalui metode observasi langsung dan wawancara mendalam kepada para informan, maka terlihat telah terjadi perubahan sosial pada masyarakat Sukamakmur. Perubahan sosial tersebut khususnya tentang prespektif mereka menyoal tanah leluhur yang kemudian mempengaruhi norma-norma sosial serta interaksi antar penduduk. Kemudian terlihat pula pola adaptasi yang mereka lakukan ketika wajah desa mereka sudah beralih, dari desa pertanian menjadi desa pariwisata. Dampak positif dari perkembangan yang pesat di Sukamakmur berjalan beriringan dengan dampak negatif yang ada serta kemudian menimbulkan beberapa gejolak sosial dalam masyarakat. Selanjutnya, pendidikan dan pembinaan menyangkut keterampilan menjadi hal yang selanjutnya dibutuhkan sehingga laju penjualan lahan berikut menghilangnya pertanian, dapat dibendung. Sekaligus mampu mendidik masyarakat untuk mengkonversi hasil penjualan lahan ke dalam bidang yang lebih produktif
Governance of Technical Guidance at the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) level in the 2019 Election in Tebing Tinggi City: Determinants of the Continuity of Democracy Yessi Sonia Atarini Sinulingga; Bengkel Ginting; Iskandar Zulkarnain
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 12 No. 4 (2023): PERSPEKTIF, October
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v12i4.9985


This study aims to describe the Governance of Technical Guidance at the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) level in the 2019 Election in Tebing Tinggi City as a determinant of the sustainability of democracy. This study used a qualitative type of research, so that researchers could obtain direct and more detailed information from informants by telling the steps taken by the Tebing Tinggi City KPU (General Election Commissions) in conducting technical guidance on KPPS and the impact on participants in Bimtek. This research was conducted at the Tebing Tinggi City KPU, North Sumatra Province in the 2019 Election. The results showed that the KPPS in this case worked according to the capabilities and understanding found from the results of following technical guidance carried out by PPK and PPS in stages. However, the biggest obstacle to KPPS technical guidance in the 2019 elections in Tebing Tinggi City was constrained by several of the following factors, namely: 1. Budget, 2. Time Planning and 3. Technical Guidance Method. Researchers found the most effective formula used, namely the Simulation method in conducting technical guidance on KPPS to make it more effective.
Patterns of Reproductive Health and Sexuality Learning among Private High School Students at Yayasan Perguruan Mayjend Sutoyo in Medan Ayulina Siboro; Fikarwin Zuska; Bengkel Ginting; Rizabuana Ismail; Henry Sitorus
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): PERSPEKTIF January
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v13i1.10980


The surge in premarital sexual incidents among teenagers leading to early marriages, prompted by unintended pregnancies, pervasive dating behavior beyond ethical boundaries, exposure to explicit content, and the prevalence of sexual diseases, underscores the critical need for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education. This study explores the patterns and strategies employed in imparting sexual education and managing reproductive health among students at Yayasan Perguruan Mayjend Sutoyo High School, Sisingamangaraja Street, Medan. Employing qualitative methods, data was gathered through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with students, Biology teachers, the School Principal, parents, and other stakeholders. The findings reveal that sexual education primarily stems from Biology teachers, who employ tactful language to teach human anatomy, reproductive organs, and sexual functions, adhering to contextual norms. Reproductive health education addresses the dynamics and consequences of casual sexual relationships, utilizing age-appropriate teaching materials. Teenagers seek diverse knowledge from parents, school descriptions, and online resources to navigate sexual and reproductive health challenges. However, the discreet provision of sexual education is influenced by traditional cultural values, fostering silence and shame, particularly in discussing male and female genitalia.
Tanggapan Masyarakat Penerima Manfaat Terhadap Penggunaan Manfaat Program Kartu Prakerja Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Pasar Doloksanggul: Bahasa Indonesia Samuel Christian; Bengkel Ginting; Fajar Utama Ritonga
Jurnal Intervensi Sosial Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Community Intervention (Community Development & Community Organization)
Publisher : Talenta usu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/intervensisosial.v1i1.8970


Program Kartu Prakerja merupakan program pengembangan kompetensi kerja dan kewirausahaan yang ditujukan untuk pencari kerja, pekerja/buruh yang terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja, dan/atau pekerja/buruh yang membutuhkan peningkatan kompetensi, termasuk pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil. Program Kartu Prakerja ini pada awalnya tidak di desain untuk masa pandemi covid-19, namun seiring berjalannya waktu program ini mendapatkan beberapa modifikasi sehingga program ini dijadikan sebagai upaya percepatan pemerintah dalam menghadapi gejolak sosial dan ekonomi akibat dampak pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan mengenai tanggapan masyarakat penerima manfaat terhadap penggunaan manfaat Program Kartu Prakerja pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Pasar Doloksanggul. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. peneliti memilih penelitian kualitatif desktriptif adalah karena dengan metode ini peneliti dapat mengetahui dan memahami fonomena (need to know) yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan fakta, membuktikan, menggambarkan dan menemukan pengetahuan terkait suatu objek yang diteliti. Program Kartu Prakerja ini hadir sebagai solusi atas masa krisis ditengah-tengah masyarakat akibat gejolak sosial dan ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh pandemi covid-19. Kata Kunci: Program Kartu Prakerja, Masyarakat Penerima Manfaat, Pandemi Covid-19   Abstrak   Kartu Prakerja Program is a work competency and entrepreneurship development program aimed at job seekers, workers/labourers who have been laid off, and/or workers/laborers who need to increase their competence, including micro and small business actors. This Kartu Prakerja Program was not originally designed for the COVID-19 pandemic, but over time this program has received several modifications so that this program is used as an effort to accelerate the government in dealing with social and economic turmoil due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine and describe the response of the beneficiary community to the use of the benefits of Kartu Prakerja Program during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pasar Doloksanggul Village. This study uses a qualitative research method using a descriptive approach. Researchers choose descriptive qualitative research because with this method researchers can know and understand the phenomenon (need to know) which serves to describe facts, prove, describe and find knowledge related to an object under study. This Kartu Prakerja Program is here as a solution to the crisis in the community due to the social and economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the study, researchers went directly to the field to be able to see firsthand how the public's response to the use of the benefits of Kartu Prakerja Program during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pasar Doloksanggul Village was. The Beneficiary Community of Kartu Prakerja Program in Pasar Doloksanggul Village considers that the benefits offered by Kartu Prakerja Program ranging from incentive funds, training, and competency certificates are the best alternatives today to save people's lives from the economic and financial crisis as a result of the social and economic turmoil in the past. the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Kartu Prakerja Program, Beneficiary Community, Covid-19 Pandemic