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Evaluasi Neraca Air Daerah Irigasi Sei Belutu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai: Evaluation of Water Balance of Sei Belutu Irrigation Area of Serdang Bedagai Regency Muhammad Qarinur; Ernesto Maringan Ramot Silitonga; Dody Taufik Absor Sibuea; Tri Rahayu
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 7 No. 1: April 2022
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.7.1.89-100


Analisis neraca air dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap siklus hidrologi dalam penjadwalan irigasi yang tepat untuk memenuhi nutrisi tanaman padi serta efisiensi penggunaan air yang berkelanjutan. Pada penelitian ini analisis neraca air dilakukan pada daerah irigasi Sei Belutu, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Komponen utama yang digunakan di dalam analisis adalah ketersediaan air yaitu debit andalan yang dihitung dengan menggunakan metode F. J. Mock, dan kebutuhan air irigasi yang terdiri dari kebutuhan air konsumtif tanaman, kebutuhan air untuk penyiapan lahan, kebutuhan air untuk penggantian lapisan air, perkolasi, curah hujan efektif, efisiensi irigasi, dan luas lahan. Hasil evaluasi neraca air diperoleh besar debit andalan terkecil 1,80 m3/dt pada bulan Agustus dan terbesar 12,72 m3/dt pada bulan Oktober, sedangkan besar kebutuhan air irigasi terkecil adalah sebesar 1,98 m3/dt dan kebutuhan air irigasi terbesar adalah sebesar 11,01 m3/dt. Kebutuhan air di pintu pengambilan lebih besar daripada ketersediaan air yang ada untuk seluruh alternatif pola tanam. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan kurang maksimalnya pengairan daerah irigasi Sei Belutu seluas 5025 Ha. Permasalahan yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekurangan suplai air di lapangan adalah keberadaan daerah irigasi Malasari dan daerah irigasi Martebing yang juga memanfaatkan air dari Sungai Sei Belutu. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan peninjauan kembali dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air irigasi di daerah irigasi Sei Belutu dengan mempertimbangkan perencanaan bendungan ataupun embung pada bagian hulu daerah irigasi.
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 1 No. 1 (January 2015)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1194.469 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.22728


Landslide often occurs in tropical hills area, such as Indonesia. Research on landslide hazard evaluation is necessary to decrease the impact in affected and surrounding areas. Empirical-statistical methods can be used to predict landslide run out distance in an effort to avoid the danger of landslide occurrences. This study aims to determine the correlation between landslide run out distance against high, slope, and volume based on mechanisms and causes of soil or rock mass movement. Data mainly from 106 landslides in Indonesia has been analyzed to search for possible correlations and empirical correlations, there are 34 rotational slides, 54 translational slides, 8 debris flows, and 10 rock falls. Analysis begins by studying the characteristics of the data (explanatory data analysis) and then analyzed by using empirical methods such as geomorphological assessment and geometrical approaches. Then the data is processed by simple linear regression and multiple linear regression method using the R software. The results obtained from the analysis of the general empirical equation form of the correlation between height (H) and run out distance (L) is 1.066H1.093, respectively. This results indicate the higher altitude slopes, the greater distance will happen. The results of the analysis correlation between height and run out distance for the type of mass movements for rotational is L=1.346+1.788 H, translational is L=-3.88+1.578H, debris flow is L=0.682H1.29, and rock fall is L=2.223H0.897. This result shows debris flows landslide run out distance is greater than rotational, translational and rock fall. The results of the analysis correlation between height and run out distance of the trigger due to the rain is L=1.267H1.027, and by an earthquake is L=0.574H1.38. This results show run out distance caused by an earthquake is larger than caused by rain. The correlation between the run out distance and volume (V) yields empirical equation which is V=0.772L2.108. This results indicate that greater run out distance is affected by the growing volume of mass movement. The results of the analysis correlation between height and slope (θ) to run out distance is L=1.448H1.062 tan θ-0,482. This results indicate that slope has a significant impact on the value of landslide run out distance.
Redesain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dengan Penambahan Unit Biodigester Skala Komunal Kapasitas 5 m3 Muhammad Qarinur; Wisnu Prayogo; Tri Rahayu; Laili Fitria
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Lahan Basah Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jtllb.v10i1.53312


IPAL as a wastewater treatment facility from MCK activities in Sindangsari Village has been managed by KSM Amanah since 2013 and is still operating today. This WWTP accepts domestic waste input of 14,656 m3/day from 50 house connections and communal toilets with a total of 200-230 users per day. The management unit in the WWTP uses the DEWATS system which is equipped with a settler, biodigester, and ABR as a multilevel sedimentation and filtration tank. Communal MCK consists of 5 bathrooms and 1 operational room which is still functioning today. The condition of ABR is already filled with mud and there is a lot of garbage in it, so this condition can reduce the effectiveness of the existing WWTPs. For this reason, the domestic liquid waste produced must go through several processing stages so that the content of domestic liquid waste that will be disposed of to the environment is safe or can even be reused and as much as possible provides additional benefits in the form of biogas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the domestic WWTP used and compare it with the domestic wastewater quality standards listed in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016. In addition, to maintain the MCK facilities that have been built, it is necessary to provide SOP guidance for both users and managers. Keywords: WWTP; DEWATS; domestic waste Abstrak IPAL sebagai fasilitas pengolahan air limbah dari aktivitas MCK di Kelurahan Sindangsari dikelola oleh KSM Amanah sejak tahun 2013 dan masih beroperasi sampai saat ini. IPAL ini menerima masukan limbah domestik sebesar 14,656  m3/hari dari 50 sambungan rumah dan MCK Komunal dengan total pengguna sebanyak 200-230 orang per hari. Unit pengelolaan yang terdapat pada IPAL menggunakan sistem DEWATS yang dilengkapi bak settler (pengendap), biodigester, dan ABR sebagai bak pengendapan bertingkat dan penyaringan. MCK Komunal terdiri dari 5 kamar mandi dan 1 ruang operasional yang masih berfungsi sampai saat ini. Kondisi ABR sudah dipenuhi lumpur dan terdapat banyak sampah di dalamnya sehingga kondisi ini dapat mengurangi efektivitas IPAL yang sudah ada. Untuk itu, limbah cair domestik yang dihasilkan harus melalui beberapa tahapan pengolahan agar kandungan limbah cair domestik yang akan dibuang ke lingkungan aman atau bahkan dapat dimanfaatkan kembali serta sebisa mungkin memberikan manfaat tambahan berupa biogas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini sehingga untuk mengevaluasi IPAL domestik yang digunakan dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah domestik yang tercantum pada Permen LHK No. 68 tahun 2016. Selain itu, untuk menjaga fasilitas MCK yang sudah dibangun, perlu diberikan pengarahan SOP baik bagi pengguna dan juga pengelola. Kata Kunci: IPAL, DEWATS, limbah domestik, biogas.
Analisis Kebutuhan Tulangan Kolom dan Balok pada Tribun Penonton Stadion Mini Pancing Provinsi Sumatera Utara Resolina Ailing; Muhammad Qarinur
Publisher : Departement of Civil Engineering, Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51988/jtsc.v5i1.187


Analysis of reinforcement requirements for column and beam work is important to anticipate the lack and excess of reinforcement that will be planned. In this study, the analysis of reinforcement requirements was carried out at the Pancing Mini Stadium in North Sumatra Province. In optimizing the use of reinforcing iron, a method is used, one of method that recently used is Bar Bending Schedule (BBS). BBS is a method that lists a model of reinforcing iron cutting patterns that serves to control the use of reinforcing iron and minimize the remaining material with Microsoft Excel applications. The result of analysis of the volume of reinforcement requirements on columns and beams using conventional connections is 54,830.96 kg, while the result of analysis of the volume of reinforcement requirements on columns and beams using coupler connections is 53,523.57 kg. The comparison result of the volume of reinforcement requirements on columns and beams using conventional connections with coupler connections is 2.3%. The result of the calculation of the cost of reinforcement requirements for columns and beams using conventional connections is IDR743.507.817,60 while the coupler connection is IDR725,688,195.00. Therefore, it can be concluded that the coupler connection is more efficient than the conventional connection in terms of cost.