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Journal : FingeR: Journal of Elementary School

Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Titik Setiani; Supangat Supangat; Dyah Pravitasari
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.193 KB) | DOI: 10.30599/finger.v1i1.92


The activeness of students in teaching and learning activities undergoes various things, including the learning model used by teachers when teaching. The learning model uses the inquiry learning model where its process involves the activeness of students in teaching and learning activities to create critical thinking that is one of logical thinking way focused on decision-making to overcome the problem. In the guided inquiry, the student role is more dominant and active whereas the teacher directs and guides the right way. The problem that will be explained is how it affects the guided inquiry learning model on the activeness of 5th-grade students in SD Negeri Pujorahayu. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design whereas design research uses nonequivalent control group design. This research analyzes 2 classes that are 5th grade of A and B. The result of this research uses a simple linear regression test that the significant value was 0,000 ≤ 0,05 so Ha is accepted and Ho is declined which meant a significant affect between variable of the guided inquiry learning model on the activeness of 5th grade students in SD Negeri Pujorahayu. Explained the percentage of effect of puberty variable (X) on the student learning activeness (Y) is R square of 0,603 meaning that independent effect (guided inquiry learning model) on dependent variable (learning activeness) of 60%. So, guided inquiry learning model effects of 60% on the student learning activeness.
Kesulitan Membaca Siswa (Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar) Mungalimatul Khusnia; Nor Kholidin; Dyah Pravitasari
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.82 KB)


Reading difficulty is basically a symptom appearing in various types of behavioral manifestations, either directly or indirectly, the most basic of all learning difficulties in reading difficulty. This research used a qualitative approach and the type of this research was a case study. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was the interactive model of quantitative data analysis (Miles and Huberman) that was data reduction, data display, and taking conclusion. The result of this research presented that the cause of students experiencing the reading difficulty was because internal and external factors. The internal factors involved intelligence level, the lack of motivation, and the lack of interest to read. The external factors that caused students experiencing reading difficulty were family conditions and parents' economic situation. The strategy used by teacher to help students undergoing reading difficulty was cooperation with parents, giving learning guidance and always giving motivation. The teacher obstacle factors to help students experience reading difficulty was social environment factors, environment factor in school and the lack of the student awareness experiencing reading difficulty. The supporting teacher factors to help students undergoing reading difficulty were using learning media, family factors, and student interest of reading.
Peran Guru Kelas Sebagai Pelaksana Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Membantu Mengatasi Problem Peserta Didik di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Dyah Pravitasari; Resti Septikasari
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.975 KB)


The importance of guidance and counseling to students is aimed at helping students to overcome the problems of personal, social, and academic aspects. Guidance in elementary school emphasizes the importance of the teachers’ role in the guidance function. In the teacher system, the teachers have more time to recognize the students deeper, so having the opportunity to have relationships is more effective. The aim of this research was to know the suitability of the teachers’ role as a doer of guidance and counseling with services in schools. The types of this research were field research, qualitative, and the approach used was qualitative descriptive. The result of this research was the problem that happened to 1st-grade students, the lack of students' ability to adapt to the new social environment. In 3rd grade, the difficulty with reading and writing skills, boredom in studying, the habit of making noise in class, and fighting habits in the class. In 6th grade, truancy, lack of motivation in learning, and anxiety about facing the final examination. Preventing teachers to help overcome the problem of students was personal, social, and learning development services, and cooperation with parents. The implementation, so far the role of teachers in implementing guidance and counseling had not been implemented optimally in accordance with the guidelines for implementing guidance and counseling in school. This was due to the lack of knowledge about the implementation of guidance and counseling, the teachers were never given specific training and the guidance and counseling program was not regulated systematically and designedly in school.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Peraga Dakota terhadap Hasil Belajar Ratih Tri Anjani; Dyah Pravitasari; Arini Rosa Sinensis
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.23 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan alat peraga dakota terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 01 Tugu Harum. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre-Experimental Design dengan One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Adapun subjek penelitian nya yaitu siswa kelas IV SDN 01 Tugu Harum yang terdiri dari 28 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil nilai rata-rata pretest43,75 % dan nilai rata-rata posttest yaitu 86,79 %. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis menggunakan software SPSS versi 25 melaluiuji paired sampel t test diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penerapan alat peraga dakota terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 01 TuguHarum.
Strategi Guru Kelas dalam Menghadapi Gaya Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Maryadi; Ahmad Ulin Ni’am; Dyah Pravitasari
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.137 KB) | DOI: 10.30599/finger.v2i1.437


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi guru kelas dalam menghadapi gaya belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 01 Tulus Ayu. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digukanan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis data ‎menggunakan teknik analisis model Miles & Huberman yaitu ‎reduksi data, penyajian data ‎dan penarikan kesimpulan.‎ Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa sebanyak 6 siswa kelas V SD Negeri 01 ‎Tulus Ayu memiliki gaya ‎belajar ‎kinestetik, 4 anak dengan gaya belajar visual dan 2 siswa dengan ‎gaya belajar audiotori. ‎Strategi yang digunakan guru untuk menghadapi gaya ‎belajar tipe kinestetik ‎adalah menggunakan strategi pembelajaran ‎kooperatif ‎dan ‎strategi pembelajaran ‎inkuiri, sedangkan untuk gaya ‎belajar ‎tipe ‎‏visual dan gaya belajar tipe audiotori ‎guru menggunakan strategi ‎pembelajaran ‎ekspositori. ‎Faktor pendukung dalam ‎menghadapi gaya belajar siswa ‎yaitu siswa yang semangat dan antusias ‎saat ‎belajar, guru berusaha menerapkan ‎strategi dan ‎metode yang dikuasai, ‎kondisi ‎lingkungan yang nyaman, sumber ‎belajar dan beberapa alat ‎peraga yang ‎cukup.‎ Faktor penghambatnya yaitu siswa ‎yang kurang ‎berkonsentrasi ‎untuk ‎belajar di jam siang, ‎rendahnya kekreatifan guru ‎dalam ‎menggunakan strategi ‎yang tepat ‎ketika kondisi dan suasana kelas ‎tidak ‎memungkinkan, dan keterbatasan ‎media elektronik seperti ‎LCD proyektor ‎dan ‎speaker.‎  
Pembentukan Kultur Moderat di Sekolah Dasar Yayuk Hidayati; Resti Septikasari; Dyah Pravitasari; Nor Kholidin
FingeR: Journal of Elementary School Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.758 KB) | DOI: 10.30599/finger.v2i1.455


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk terciptanya budaya sekolah hal ini sangat penting karena untuk keberhasilan pendidikan. Sikap dan perilaku yang hidup dan berkembang di sekolah mencerminkan keyakinan warga sekolah, budaya sekolah menjadi fenomena yang unik dan menarik. Metode ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian kepustakaan dengan data dari berbagai sumber kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian kepustakaan yaitu analisis isi. Studi ini menemukan bahwa budaya sekolah yang menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa memiliki pemahaman yang sama dapat berfungsi sebagai pedoman yang memberikan kerangka dan landasan dalam bentuk ide, semangat, dan gagasan. Serta prinsip-prinsip yang membantu guru bekerja dengan baik untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah dan standar pendidikan yang diharapkan.