Mukhlish Mukhlish, Mukhlish
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Workshop Pengembangan RPP dengan Model Cooperative Learning bagi Guru-Guru Bahasa Indonesia Rochmiyati, Siti; Mukhlish, Mukhlish
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 7 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v7i2.1171


Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 atau K-13 ternyata tidak begitu mulus. Selain pelaksanaan yang silih berganti dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) juga berbagai perubahan pada rumusan Kompetensi Dasar K-13. Bahkan, pada tahun 2017 di satuan pendidikan DIY berlaku berbagai kurikulum. Ada yang masih memberlakukan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), ada yang sudah menggunakan K-13, dan ada pula yang campuran. Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada K-13 berbasis genre/teks. Selain itu, guru-guru harus menerapkan model pembelajaran yang inovatif dan mengembangkan karakter. Tuntutan tersebut harus tercermin dalam pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). Hal ini menuntut guru untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan K-13. Kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa Workshop Pengembangan RPP dengan Model Cooperative Learning Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013” bgi guru-guru Bahasa Indonesia SMP se-Kabupaten Sleman. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri I Ngemplak yang diikuti oleh 42 guru-guru dari berbagai SMP/MTs dan dihadiri pula Pengawas Dikpora  Kabupaten Sleman. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu workshop dan pendampingan secara online yang diakhiri dengan pengumpulan hasil kegiatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode diskusi, tanya jawab, dan simulasi tentang komponen-komponen RPP dan penerapan model. Hasilnya para guru dapat mengembangkan komponen-komponen RPP Bahasa Indonesia berbasis genre  sesuai dengan K-13 serta  model Cooperative Learning yang inovatif. Namun, pengembangan karakter dalam fokus sikap belum semuanya mencantumkannya secara eksplisit dalam RPP. Rekomendasi dari kegiatan ini adalah agar kegiatan berlanjut secara kontinyu sehingga dinamika perkembangan kurikulum bisa selalu diikuti dan ada kesesuaian antara ilmu yang dikembangkan Perguruan Tinggi dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan sebaliknya.
EKOLOGI KONSTITUSI: Antara Rekonstruksi, Investasi Atau Eksploitasi Atas Nama NKRI Mukhlish, Mukhlish; Lutfi, Mustafa
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 8, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.434 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk%x


This state is basically recognized as a rich state, either in term of ecological side or in term of cultural potency and ideological varieties, as the inheritance of motherland. However, this is so sad when we ironically saw a bunch of tragedies which are tragically occurred, start from tsunami, and other issues such as the scandal of century that seems to be unsolved! Moreover, nowadays, the environmental problem has occurred and reached its highest culmination point. The environmental destruction and pollution process have uncontrollably happened. Noting so many catastrophes happened anywhere in this state; such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, lapindo mud tragedy, roads vanishing, illegal logging, forest function shift, and many others, is so an ironic thing. These all catastrophes become such a sign  of  inharmonic  relationship exist between the state, human and the environment. Then, should we always blame these disaster s for the governments’ fault that, in such this multidimensional crises and demoralization that full of utopia and ironical images, seems to be unaware of their main position? The law is neutered and naked from its constitutional essence. This terrible condition can be impossibly happened when our representatives in the government are loyally take taken a side of the important of their party through the political campaign appointments which seem to face stagnation in its implementation and not loyal to the true mandator. Perceiving this such phenomenon, we need not only a kind of law penetratin that progressifely and integratifally can become an elegant problem solving for achieving of the aims of ongoing developmnet that  can fully protect the importance of the environment and human life intentions but a moral forces and people power that should be continuallly implemented. Hence, the urgency of law management, ecological tutorial awaraness and the success of environmetal living management in term of national law development, becomes a final destination of this writting. Moreover , this writing is a kcorrection of the unclear control and maintenanceof the law of environmental   administration.
Konsep Hukum Administrasi Lingkungan Dalam Mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Mukhlish, Mukhlish
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 7, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.98 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk%x


Nowadays, Enviromental issue is not belong to Individual or bilateral issue merely, it has becornara collective responsibility of all people in the world. We can say that any pollution and environmental damage almost reach out the highest culmination. A conjungture enviromental disaster almost occurred in all over epicentrum of the world, including Indonesia. It will be an undebatable proof that between human and nature in the context of enviromental management is getting to be unfriendly. Thus, prevailing every existing issue, needs a progressive and integrative legal breakthrough, which is become one of elegant solution for sake of suistainable development purposes. Therefore, hopefully, the estuary of this writing is attempt to give alternative idea to development of the concept of legal administrative oversight, which will be a reference for development of administrative law and currently as a correction of the oversight of enviromental administration all at once.
Akibat Hukum Pemisahan Hak Beragama dengan Hak Berkepercayaan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 Jufri, Muwaffiq; Mukhlish, Mukhlish
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.798 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1624


Pemisahan agama dan kepercayaan dalam konstitusi adalah suatu kebijakan yang menimbulkan beragam permasalahan. Seringkali para penghayat kepercayaan mengalami intimidasi ataupun hal-hal lain yang mengganggu pelaksanaan hak sipilnya untuk menganut dan mengamalkan ajaran kepercayaan yang dianutnya. Dengan dalih kepercayaan bukan agama, para pelaku anarkisme seringkali melakukan pelarangan dan kekerasan terhadap para penganut kepercayaan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Sedangkan hasil penelitiannya ialah bahwa 1) Alasan hukum pemisahan pengaturan antara agama dengan aliran kepercayaan disebabkan oleh politik pembedaan pendefinisian keduanya dimana kepercayaan diamsusikan sebagai tradisi dan ajaran luhur masyarakat yang bersumber dari budaya yang keberadaannya di luar agama. 2) Pemisahan agama dan kepercayaan berakibat hukum tidak diakuinya aliran kepercayaan sebagai agama resmi negara, padahal status aliran kepercayaan merupakan agama lokal yang diyakini sebagai agama oleh para penganutnya. Pemisahan ini juga mengakibatkan hadirnya beragam sikap diskriminatif yang berpotensi mengganggu dan merampas hak setiap warga negara dalam meyakini suatu agama, dalam hal ini hak beragama yang diganggu dan dirampas ialah hak untuk meyakini agama lokal sebagai agama warisan leluhur bangsa Indonesia. The separation of religion and indigenous religion in the constitution is a policy that causes various problems. Often the beliefs of the indigenous religion are intimidating or other things that interfere with the exercise of civil rights to embrace and put into practice the beliefs embraced. Under the pretext of non-religious convictions, the perpetrators of anarchism often make prohibitions and violence against believers. This research uses normative legal methods. The results of the research are: The first, the legal reason for the separation of rules between religion and indigeneous religion is caused by the politics of defining both of them in which beliefs are interpreted as traditions and noble teachings of society originating from cultures which are outside of religion; The second, that the separation of religion and indigenous religion that is caused in the law does not recognize the indigenous religion as the official religion of the state, while the status of the indigenous religion is a local religion that is considered as a religion by his believers. This separation also makes several of discriminatory attitudes come up to have potency in disrupting and robbing every citizen’s right to believe in a religion. In this case, the right which is bullied is the right to believe in local religion as the religion of the Indonesian ancestral heritage.