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Belitung Nursing Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): March - April
Publisher : Belitung Raya Foundation, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.041 KB) | DOI: 10.33546/bnj.354


Background: Combining musical and aromatherapy therapy is expected to have a stronger effect in the reduction of anxiety and non-invasive hemodynamic stability. Objective: To examine the effect of the combination of music and aromatherapy on anxiety and non-invasive hemodynamic in patients in the intensive care unit. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent group. An experimental group was given a combined musical and aromatherapy, while a control group was given music therapy. Thirty respondents were selected using accidental sampling, with 15 randomly assigned in the music group and the combination group. HARS scale (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) was used to measure anxiety. Non-invasive hemodynamic status such as blood pressure and heart rate were documented in the observation sheet. Paired t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. Results: There were significant effects of combination therapy on anxiety (p=0.001), diastole (p=0.004) and heart rate (p=0.031), but no significant effect on systole (p=0.387). The music therapy alone had a significant effect on anxiety (p=0.001), systole (p=0.047), and diastole (p=0.037). Conclusion: The combination of music and aromatherapy had a greater effect than the music therapy alone in decreasing anxiety and stabilizing diastolic blood pressure and heart rate. This therapy can be used as an alternative in nursing interventions and as an input to develop standard of operational procedure for anxiety and non-invasive hemodynamic stability.
Pemberdayaan Keluarga Dalam Meningkatkan Perawatan Mandiri Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Paciran Lamongan Dyah Wijayanti; Wijayanti Dyah; Fadilah Nikmatul; Minarti Minarti; Cahyono Intim; Nurkholifah Siti; Windi Yohanes Kambaru; Sulistijono Heru; Heriyanto Bambang; Asnani Asnani; Tumini Tumini; As’ari Hasyim; Suriana Suriana; Baiq Dewi Harnani; Hilmi Yumni; Dinarwiyata; Eko Rustamaji; Ferry Kumala
Health Community Engagement Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): July
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

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Tahap akhir penyakit gagal ginjal dengan terapi hemodialisis dilaporkan menyebabkan masalah yang kompleks bagi pasien dan keluarga yang merawat. Kondisi berupa peningkatan biaya pengobatan serta jumlah tenaga edukator yang tidak cukup juga turut andil menjadi alasan perawatan mandiri penting ditingkatkan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dengan penyakit kronis beserta keluarganya. Keluarga dapat menjadi faktor yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan keyakinan, nilai dan penerimaan pasien terhadap program pengobatan yang seharusnya dijalani. Keluarga dapat memberi dukungan dan membuat keputusan mengenai perawatan dari anggota keluarga yang sakit Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberdayaan keluarga dalam meningkatkan perawatan mandiri pasien gagal ginjal kronik di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan. Komitmen keluarga dalam memelihara kesehatan bagi anggota keluarga yang sakit sangat diperlukan. Keluarga (pasangan/anak) adalah orang yang terdekat bagi pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pendukung pasien dalam mencapai kemandirian perawatan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 40 orang anggota keluarga pasien gagal ginjal kronik. Kegiatan meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan dilanjutkan proses pendampingan keluarga terhadap perawatan mandiri pasien. Modul tentang perawatan mandiri sebagai media pendidikan kesehatan disosialisaikan terlebih dahulu kepada keluarga pasien. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini menujukkan peningkatan pengetahuan pada anggota keluarga pasien dan peningkatan peran keluarga dalam meningkatkan kemadirian perawatan mandiri pasien. Rekomendasi dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pemberdayaan anggota keluarga sebagai pemberi perawatan perlu dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari program kesehatan masyarakat berbasis keluarga di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota. Dukungan dan pemantauan yang berkesinambungan dari anggota keluarga dapat meningkatkan kualtas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronik dan keluarganya.
Empowerment of Mother's Groups to Improve Adolescent Reproductive Health in Kampung Nelayan Health Center Siti Nurkholifah; Nikmatul Fadilah; Minarti Minarti; Intim Cahyono; Yohanes Kambaru Windi; Heru Sulistijono; Bambang Heriyanto; Asnani Asnani; Tumini Tumini; Dyah Wijayanti; Hasyim As'ari; Suriana Suriana; Baiq Dewi Harnani; Hilmi Yumni; Dinarwiyata Dinarwiyata; Eko Rustamaji; Ferry Kumala
Community Empowerment in Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

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Now, adolescent reproductive health problems are increasing, which may be caused by a lack ofknowledge, self-confidence, religiosity and family support. So we need community service activities thataim to empower women's groups in improving adolescent reproductive health in the work area of theKampung Nelayan Health Center, Gresik Regency. Adolescents' commitment to maintaining reproductivehealth requires support from the family. Mothers are the closest people to their children, so mother'ssupport is an important component in improving adolescent reproductive health. This activity wasattended by 40 mothers of adolescents. The first stage was increasing knowledge, then mentoring andthe next was empowerment. The module on reproductive health as a media for health education wasfirst socialized to the mother group. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in theknowledge and role of mothers in improving adolescent reproductive health.
Pemberdayaan Keluarga Dalam Meningkatkan Perawatan Mandiri Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Paciran Lamongan Dyah Wijayanti; Wijayanti Dyah; Fadilah Nikmatul; Minarti Minarti; Cahyono Intim; Nurkholifah Siti; Windi Yohanes Kambaru; Sulistijono Heru; Heriyanto Bambang; Asnani Asnani; Tumini Tumini; As’ari Hasyim; Suriana Suriana; Baiq Dewi Harnani; Hilmi Yumni; Dinarwiyata; Eko Rustamaji; Ferry Kumala
Health Community Engagement Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Januari-April
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

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Tahap akhir penyakit gagal ginjal dengan terapi hemodialisis dilaporkan menyebabkan masalah yang kompleks bagi pasien dan keluarga yang merawat. Kondisi berupa peningkatan biaya pengobatan serta jumlah tenaga edukator yang tidak cukup juga turut andil menjadi alasan perawatan mandiri penting ditingkatkan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dengan penyakit kronis beserta keluarganya. Keluarga dapat menjadi faktor yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan keyakinan, nilai dan penerimaan pasien terhadap program pengobatan yang seharusnya dijalani. Keluarga dapat memberi dukungan dan membuat keputusan mengenai perawatan dari anggota keluarga yang sakit Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberdayaan keluarga dalam meningkatkan perawatan mandiri pasien gagal ginjal kronik di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan. Komitmen keluarga dalam memelihara kesehatan bagi anggota keluarga yang sakit sangat diperlukan. Keluarga (pasangan/anak) adalah orang yang terdekat bagi pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pendukung pasien dalam mencapai kemandirian perawatan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 40 orang anggota keluarga pasien gagal ginjal kronik. Kegiatan meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan dilanjutkan proses pendampingan keluarga terhadap perawatan mandiri pasien. Modul tentang perawatan mandiri sebagai media pendidikan kesehatan disosialisaikan terlebih dahulu kepada keluarga pasien. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini menujukkan peningkatan pengetahuan pada anggota keluarga pasien dan peningkatan peran keluarga dalam meningkatkan kemadirian perawatan mandiri pasien. Rekomendasi dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pemberdayaan anggota keluarga sebagai pemberi perawatan perlu dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari program kesehatan masyarakat berbasis keluarga di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota. Dukungan dan pemantauan yang berkesinambungan dari anggota keluarga dapat meningkatkan kualtas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronik dan keluarganya.
Family empowerment as an effort to prevent hypertension in the adolescent group in the working area of the Kebonsari Health Center Surabaya Siti Nur Kholifah; M. Minarti; Heru Sulistijino; Ferry Kumala
Journal of Community Service and Empowerment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jcse.v3i1.18359


Hypertension in adolescents is increasing in Indonesia, including in East Java. An unhealthy lifestyle, activity, eating less vegetables and fruits and increasing smoking habits are the causes of the increasing prevalence of hypertension in adolescents. This condition is a big problem, because the incidence of hypertension in adolescence will continue in adulthood and have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. This service activity aims to identify the role of the family in preventing hypertension in adolescents before and after the empowerment process, as well as identifying family behavior to prevent hypertension after the empowerment process. The method used is an empowerment intervention to the family. The result of this empowerment activity is that the empowerment that has been carried out can increase the role of the family in preventing the occurrence of hypertension in adolescents. The empowerment process is carried out through the activities of providing health education, mentoring, and monitoring the increase in the role of the family.
Model of Guidance: Effective Communication with the Elderly for Empowering Elderly Caregivers in Nursing Homes in Indonesia Minarti Minarti; Siti Nur Kholifah; Heru Sulistijono; Hilmi Yumni; Y.K Windi; Asnani Asnani; Intim Cahyono; Hasyim As’ari; Bambang Heriyanto; Nikmatul Fadilah; Dyah Wijayanti; Suriana Suriana; Baiq Dewi Harnani; Dinarwiyata Dinarwiyata; Eko Rustamaji W; Ferry Kumala
Frontiers in Community Service and Empowerment Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Forum Ilmiah Teknologi dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FORITIKES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ficse.v1i2.11


Activities related to increasing the caregiver's ability to care for the elderly who experience daily problems related to psychological approaches and the like have never been carried out. Caregiver communication does not support effective communication and is still social communication. Supported by the results of research conducted at the Nursing Home for the Elderly, it showed that there was a difference between pre and post-test in the group that received guidance or counseling treatment on the happiness of the elderly with a significant value. The purpose of this training is to empower elderly caregivers at Nursing Home at St. Yosef, Surabaya, and identify the effectiveness of the guidance model (Guidance) by caregivers. The number of participants is 50 people. The method used is cadre training through discussions, demonstrations, competence training and competence assessment. The result of training for caregivers is an increase in knowledge based on pre-test and post-test scores. There was an increase in skills seen in four skills, namely communication in the elderly, active movement, passive movement, mobilization, and daily activity training. The advantage of this cadre training is that it can effectively improve communication with the elderly people who are cared for in the orphanage. The implication of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of caregivers in providing care for the elderly through effective communication with the elderly in nursing homes as an effort to improve the health of the elderly.