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Analisis Dimensi Yuridis Peranan Badan Narkotika Nasional untuk Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika : Studi Penelitian di BNN Prov. Kepri-Batam Nicha Suwalla; Nolla Puspita Dewi
Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Vol. 12 No. 04 (2023): Call for Paper July 2023
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/jhb.v12i04.2520


Penyalahgunaan dan peredaran narkotika yang terjadi di Indonesia sangat bertentangan dengan tujuan pembangunan nasional. Perkembangan penyalahgunaan narkotika berada pada tahap membahayakan generasi penerus bangsa. Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) dibentuk dalam rangka pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan narkotika berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap peranan BNN dalam melakukan pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan narkotika guna mewujudkan generasi penerus bangsa bermoral dan berintegritas dengan studi penelitian di BNN Provinsi Kepulauan Riau-Batam. Penelitian ini menganalisis dari dimensi pengaturan hukumya, implementasinya, serta faktor kendala dan solusinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan mempergunakan pendekatan normatif (legal research) untuk memperoleh data sekunder dan pendekatan empiris (yuridis sosiologis) untuk memperoleh data primer melalui penelitian lapangan (field research). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa Peran BNN dalam melakukan pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan narkotika belum maksimal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari penyalahgunaan dan peredaran narkoba yang masih banyak terjadi bahkan para pengguna dan pengedar sudah termasuk generasi muda yang seharusnya dipersiapkan untuk menjadi generasi penerus bangsa. BNN memiliki kendala dalam masalah koordinasi dan kurangnya pemahaman akan tugas pokok dan fungsi instansi terkait, peran serta masyarakat serta kekurangan personil dan anggaran. Kerjasama dan terus melakukan sosialisasi tentang bahaya narkotika adalah solusi bagi BNN untuk menjalankan perannya sebagai fasilitator, koordinator dan sosialitator.
Penyuluhan Urgensi Legalitas Usaha Dan Pemasaran Berbasis Teknologi Bagi Pelaku Umkm Di Kelurahan Sembulang Kecamatan Galang Kota Batam Nolla Puspita Dewi; Nicha Suwalla; Sri Yanti; Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah; Ana Faizah; Faris Ramadhan; Benni Sumarman
Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jnb.v1i3.180


Galang District Is One of the Administrative Areas of Batam City Formed Based on Law Number 53 of 1999 Established on October 4, 1999, Galang District Was Effectively Run After the Inauguration of the Galang Sub-District Head by Decree of the Mayor of Batam Number: Kpts 02/III. 2000 March 2, 2000. The area of ​​Galang District is 2,018.5 km2, consisting of 350.8 km2 of land and 1,667.7 km2 of sea, with a total population of 9,025 males and 8,021 females with a total population of 17,046. The Galang District area consists of 32 RWs and 83 RTs. When viewed based on ethnicity, the Galang sub-district area has at least several ethnic groups (ethnicities) inhabiting this area, namely Malays, Javanese, Flores, Buton, Banjar, Batak and other (ethnic) tribes. Sembulang Village is in the Galang District, Batam City, Riau Archipelago Province. The results of surveys or observations, at this location there is still a lack of socialization or counseling regarding the legality of technology-based businesses and marketing in the Kelurahan and RT/RW. The businesses in Galang District range from banana chips, onion chips, cakes to birthday cakes. The implementation of community service is carried out by counseling first and then providing assistance on the practice of the counseling. Availability of experts from Batam University Lecturers, and assistant staff from students, participants (community), local officials so that this Community Service activity is carried out.
Juridical Analysis of The Role of The Gegana Datasemen of The Brimob Unit of The Riau Police in Countering Criminal Acts of Terrorism Nicha Suwalla; Khairuddin Siregar; Nolla Puspita Dewi
MARAS: Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): MARAS : Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin, Maret 2024
Publisher : Lumbung Pare Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60126/maras.v2i1.192


The criminal act of terrorism is a serious crime that endangers the state ideology, state security, state sovereignty, human values ​​and various aspects of social life so that its eradication needs to be carried out in a specific, planned, directed, integrated and sustainable manner. The Datasemen Gegana Brimob unit is a certain police unit that has the agility to carry out political actions in creating order and security in society, especially in terms of countering the threat of terrorism. This study aims to conduct an analysis of the role of the Riau Islands Police Mobile Brigade Unit Datasemen in combating terrorism crimes with a research study at the Satbrimob Polda Riau Islands Province-Batam. This study analyzes the dimensions of legal regulation and the constraints and solutions. This study uses a descriptive method by using a normative approach (legal research) to obtain secondary data and an empirical approach (juridical-sociological) to obtain primary data through field research (field research). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the role of the Riau Islands Police Mobile Brigade Unit Datasemen in overcoming terrorism crimes has not been maximized. The Datasemen of Brimob Polda Kepri have constraints of limited funds and lack of personnel in carrying out countermeasures for criminal acts of terrorism.  
PENYULUHAN KESADARAN HUKUM SEJAK USIA DINI DI PANTI ASUHAN ISTANA YATIM AL-JUFRI Christiani Prasetiasari; Nicha Suwalla; Agus Siagian; Auliya Fitri Zaiana; Juli Artha Lubis
Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jabb.v5i1.884


The existence of law in society functions to maintain order, peace and harmony, as well as aligning human interests or needs in society and the state. The role of the law applies to every individual, including students, therefore it is necessary to provide legal awareness education from an early age, especially for the object of this service at the Al-Jufri Orphanage Palace.             Understanding the law is not only about avoiding violations, but also about instilling good values, such as justice, freedom and responsibility. Legal education needs to be taught from an early age. This aims to provide opportunities for students to understand how the law affects their daily lives, from basic rights, such as the right to quality education, to responsibilities as citizens