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INVENTORY OF MACROFUNGI DIVERSITY ON THE CANOPY TRACK AND CIPADARANTEN 1 TRACK IN THE PPKA BODOGOL AREA, SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA Aniza Fitria Amlimny; Novalia Widya Ningrum; Aisyah Wardatul Jannah Jamil; Kamilia Fadhilah Maryana; Demas Athallah Naufananda; Annisa Wulan Agus Utami; Mieke Miarsyah
RUMPHIUS Vol 5 No 1 (2023): RUMPHIUS Pattimura Biological Journal
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/rumphiusv5i1p023-029


The inventory of macrofungi diversity on two routes, namely the Kanopi route and the Cipadaranten 1 route at the Bodogol Nature Conservation and Education Center (PPKA), aims to determine the diversity of macrofungi species that live in the area. The research method used is direct observation in the Canopy and Cipadaranten 1 route areas. With the condition of the trees on both routes which are still quite dense and the soil area is still damp due to the cover of the trees, there is great potential for the growth of various types of macrofungi. The results obtained during research on both routes and identification produced 24 species of macrofungi Microporus sp. 1, Microporus sp. 2, Microporus sp. 3, Trametes sp.1, Lenzites sp, Ganoderma sp., Ganoderma boninense, Trametes sp.2, Microporus xanthopus, Hexagonia sp, Trametes parvispora, Microporus sp. 4, Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens, Hygrocybe sp., Marasmius sp. 1, Collybia aurea, Crepidotus sp., Volvariella sp., Marasmius sp. 2, Lycoperdon sp., Marasmiellus sp. , Coprinus sp. , Stereum sp., Auricularia sp. The results obtained prove that the diversity of macrofungi types on the Kanopi and Cipadaranten 1 routes in PPKA Bodogol, West Java is very diverse and varied.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract Community empowerment in the Bekasi regency area is needed, one of which is through science and technology skills to face the progress of the 21st century. The rapid development of science and technology makes Biotechnology one of the fields of science that must be mastered by the Indonesian nation, including high school students. This is because, in addition to being directly related to everyday life, it can also be related to aspects of "life skills". To provide good mastery and meaningfulness of biotechnology learning, it is expected that students are able to carry out biotechnology learning correctly and in accordance with good understanding. Based on these problems, this service activity provides counseling on Biotechnology in life in the Bekasi Regency High School environment. The output target to be achieved in this service activity is that students can apply microbial biotechnology and its role in life in the Bekasi Regency High School environment. The output target to be achieved in this service activity is that students can apply microbial biotechnology and its role in life in the Bekasi Regency High School environment. This service activity is carried out by providing training in the form of theory and practice of making Nata de Pina derived from pineapple skin waste. With this training method, students are directly involved in the process of making biotechnology products and make the experience worthwhile. Students are trained to have skills in making biotechnology-based products so that later they can utilize the potential of natural resources in Bekasi as a faculty target area in a sustainable manner and can improve community welfare Abstrak Pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah kabupaten Bekasi sangat diperlukan salah satunya melalui keterampilan IPTEKS untuk menghadapi kemajuan abad 21. Pesatnya perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi menjadikan Bioteknologi salah satu bidang ilmu yang harus dikuasai bangsa Indonesia, termasuk para siswa SMA. Hal tersebut dikarenakan, selain banyak terkait langsung dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, juga dapat dikaitkan dengan aspek ”life skill”. Untuk memberikan penguasaan dan kebermaknaan yang baik terhadap pembelajaran bioteknologi, diharapkan kepada siswa mampu melakukan pembelajaran bioteknologi yang benar dan sesuai dengan pemahaman yang baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut pada kegiatan pengabdian ini memberikan penyuluhan mengenai Bioteknologi dalam kehidupan di lingkungan sekolah SMA Kabupaten Bekasi. Target luaran yang akan dicapai dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yakni siswa dapat menerapkan bioteknologi mikroba dan peranannya dalam kehidupan di lingkungan sekolah SMA Kabupaten Bekasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan berupa teori dan praktik pembuatan Nata de Pina yang berasal dari limbah kulit nanas. Dengan metode pelatihan ini, siswa terlibat langsung dalam proses pembuatan produk bioteknologi dan menjadikan pengalaman yang berharga. Siswa dilatih untuk memiliki keterampilan dalam membuat produk berbasis bioteknologi sehingga nantinya bisa memanfaatkan potensi sumber daya alam di Bekasi sebagai wilayah binaan fakultas secara berkelanjutan serta dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.