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Journal : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sisfotek (Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi)

Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Website dengan Pendekatan Metode Prototype Arief Ichwani; Nizirwan Anwar; Kundang Karsono; Mohamad Alrifqi
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Kinov Seprai is a business that has been operating for four years focusing on selling sheets and mattress covers, the system used by Kinov Seprai is still uses the manual method for recording sales data and product data, product marketing is limited to the surrounding area and is carried out by word of mouth. , product orders must come to the location so that the number of sales is limited and prone to human error. Web-based information system is a technology that contains various information, transactions and data processing to overcome these problems. The method used to build an information system is a prototype and problem analysis using the PIECES method. The results of this study are web-based information systems can provide informative information, effective promotional media, wider target market and easier and time-saving sales services.
Sistem Pemantauan Level Keasaman dan Total Dissolved Solids Limbah Cair Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) Nizirwan Anwar; Agung Mulyo Widodo; Vitri Tundjungsari; Arief Ichwani; Kus Hendrawan Muiz; Yulhendri Yulhendri
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Waste as the rest of artificial materials that have no utilization value, so at this time it is not utilized. Waste is often referred to as industrial waste, some consider it as crop residue. As indicated by PP No. 82 of 2001, liquid waste is the result of an action as a fluid. Liquid waste depends on its temperament, in particular the actual and total properties, metals, inorganic non-metals, natural totals, and microorganisms. Currently the world is facing a water crisis due to polluted waste. Some organizations are not rESPonsible for dumping their waste into the sea or waterways, depriving the oceans and rivers of their capacity. Waste that pollutes waterways can destroy the clarity of the water, thus making the water concentrated and polluted with various harmful microscopic organisms from the waste. Even the river cannot be used properly because it has been polluted by waste. So that wastewater does not pollute the environment and can still be reprocessed, it is necessary to monitor the level of acidity and the amount of dissolved minerals in the liquid waste. With the monitoring system, it will be known how high the acidity level in the waste is and whether the waste can still be processed and then used.
Performansi K-NN, J48, Naive Bayes dan Regresi Logistik sebagai Algoritma Pengklasifikasi Diabetes Agung Mulyo Widodo; Yanathifal Salsabila Anggraeni; Nizirwan Anwar; Arief Ichwani; Binastya Anggara Sekti
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels. This disease is often found in adults who are elderly, but this disease can also attack people who are still young. Along with advances in machine learning technology to support decision makers, many predictive models are made of whether a person can be classified as diabetic or not by using certain algorithms. In this study, a prediction model was made whether a person is classified as diabetic or not, based on parameters/variables, namely weight, height, cholesterol levels, fasting sugar, non-fasting sugar, uric acid levels and gender. Prediction model is made using K-NN, J48 (based on decision tree), Naive Bayes and logistic regression classification algorithms. Then a performance analysis was carried out on the testing results of each of these algorithms, and it was found that the K-NN algorithm produced a prediction model with the highest accuracy compared to the three algorithms used in this study.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Pemesanan Dan Ketersediaan Komputer Pada Internet Cafe Jr Net Berbasis Android Habibullah Akbar; Calvin Ramadhani Alfahrezi; Nizirwan Anwar; Muhamad Bahrul Ulum; Mukhamad Abduh
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Internet cafe are internet services in order to be able to use them, sometimes have to queue first because of the impossible availability, so that users need a long waiting time untill the avaibility places of internet service. Many users waiting at place internet service can be bad for the company itself, because inefficiency can cause trouble for other users. Development of mobile ordering applications and the availability of computers on the internet cafe is a system that makes it easier for users to order places, and does not require a long time waiting for a computer to be available. In this case, author develops system an android application for ordering computers made with android studio software and the method used is the prototype system developer method which covers needs, planning, coding and testing. The prototype is tested based on Black Box Testing and this method is time efficient for all functional applications. The results of the black box testing prove that all the required functions can run according to the expected response, while the usability testing results produce a score 85,5 which means that is application prototype is suitable for use to make it easier for users dont want wait too long to use a computer on the internet cafe.
Modelling IoT Untuk Monitoring Suhu dan pH Budidaya Ikan Nila Metode Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) Nizirwan Anwar; Achmad Fansuri; Agung Mulyo Widodo; Kundang Karsono Juman; Muhamad Bahrul Ulum
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Fresh fish is one type of fish that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Productivity and high production value are one of the good advantages of the aquaculture sector. But unfortunately, the cultivation is still very traditional. Water as one of the important factors in the cultivation, productivity, and quality of the fish produced, still has to be controlled manually which ultimately burdens the owner. Because of this, the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) is needed to support the productivity and effectiveness of cultivation. In system development, a microcontroller is used to monitor water quality which is closely related to temperature and pH in the pond. The data that has been collected by the microcontroller is then sent to the server computer via the internet and saved to a Firebase or Firebase database on the server computer, resulting in 15 tests obtained an average temperature of 29.82 oC (99.41%) and pH 6.66 (83 ,23%). Applications with the android platform that have been made connected to the network can automatically access data and information about water quality in ponds
Perancangan Sistem Komunitas Seni dan Konten Digital Melalui Platform Berbasis Laman Nizirwan Anwar; Randy Swandy; Habibullah Akbar; Ari Pambudi; Agus Satriawan; Rudi Heri Marwan
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Currently, almost every human activity has been controlled by technology. No exception for every human being needs development to develop more advanced. No exception to the world of art and creative industries. Where intellectual resources can be explored indefinitely. Streaming services and applications are expanding on various platforms so that we can enjoy photos, music, games, pictures, videos anytime and anywhere. This is where the opportunity to develop and generate coffers through this service, namely creating various contents to be enjoyed by increasing the distribution media in the creative industry in order to raise the name of Indonesia in the international arena, especially in the creative industry.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pickup Menggunakan Pendekatan Rapid Application Development (RAD) Arief Ichwani; Fahreza Bahran; Nizirwan Anwar; Muhamad Bahrul Ulum; Nina Nurhasanah
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (827.312 KB)


PT Royal Express Indonesia (REX) merupakan perusahaan jasa ekspedisi yang bekerja sama dengan Tokopedia untuk layanan REX-10 atau layanan kargo dengan berat minimum 10 kilogram. Layanan REX-10 Tokopedia dilakukan dengan sistem pickup ke alamat pelanggan. Kegiatan usaha saat ini belum menggunakan sistem yang terintegrasi, karena seluruh tahap kegiatan masih menggunakan manifest dan resi manual. Pencatatan manual mempersulit dalam pengecekan status paket, pembuatan laporan dan pencarian data, hal tersbut mengharuskan adanya sistem informasi pickup. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem informasi pickup adalah RAD dan analisis permasalahan menggunakan metode fishbone. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem dapat mengirimkan data pickup secara otomatis menggunakan fitur pembagian pickup, dapat mencetak resi, dapat mencetak manifest, dan dapat menyajikan laporan-laporan yang diperlukan oleh REX.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Inventaris Barang di Gudang Berbasis Web Pada PT.XYZ Ilham Banuaji; Nizirwan Anwar; Binastya Anggara Sekti; Agung Mulyo Widodo
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 7 No 1 (2023): SISFOTEK VII 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the field of trading in goods, whose main activity is recording stock in and out of goods in warehouses, currently still using Microsoft Excel. Along with the development of the company, activity and the number of transactions also continues to increase, recording using Microsoft Excel is felt lacking because of frequent delays and othererrors or human errors. Another problem is regarding the inaccurate warehouse design, which makes it difficult to find goods. The purpose of this research is to overcome the problems that arise and expedite the process of recording data on goods entering or leaving the warehouse, searching for goods, making final reports, archiving, and data backup. In this study, the authors will use the prototype method which has three stages, namely Listen to Customer, Build and Revise Mockup, and Customer Test Drives mock-up. The results of this study are able to overcome the problems that occur in recording with Microsoft Excel and warehouse design. Utilization of a web-based inventory information system with this database is proven to be able to provide solutions to problems in inventory. It can be used as an integrated system for collecting, storing, searching for goods, and processing data, as well as reporting.
Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile E-Voting Dengan Framework Flutter Untuk Pemilihan Ketua BEM Universitas Esa Unggul Kampus Tangerang Muhamad Magfur; Nizirwan Anwar
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 7 No 1 (2023): SISFOTEK VII 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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In this research, accompanied by rapid technological advancements, the event of selecting the Student Executive Board (BEM) Chairman faces numerous challenges that can hinder its smooth execution. These challenges include manual voting processes, time-consuming vote counting, inadequate audit trails for voting results, and the added complexity of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made it difficult to find solutions for conducting the elections. The researcher aims to develop a mobile E-voting application to minimize these obstacles and reduce the time and excessive paper expenditure in the execution of the Student Executive Board (BEM) Chairman elections at Esa Unggul Tangerang Campus. The design of this application utilizes the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology and employs the Dart programming language with the Flutter framework. To ensure the smooth operation of the application, a storage medium, commonly referred to as a database, is necessary. The database used in this research is called Firebase, which is a storage service created by Google that simplifies the researcher's task in developing the Mobile E-voting application. This research highlights the importance of using E-voting in elections, with the potential to expedite the process, reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and improve transparency.
Implementasi Flutter Dalam Pengembangan Aplikasi Pemesanan Sangkar Burung Berbasis Android Andri Kurnia Maulana; Nizirwan Anwar; Binastya Anggara Sekti
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 7 No 1 (2023): SISFOTEK VII 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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In recent years, mobile technology, including the field of electronic commerce, has seen rapid growth. Bird cages have become one of the most sought-after products in the bird trading industry. However, there are several issues to consider during the ordering process, which often consume time and effort. The objective of this research is to create and develop an Android-based bird cage ordering application with a user-friendly interface that allows people to quickly and easily select and purchase bird cages. The research methodology involves identifying the requirements for aspects such as material, size, bird cage design, and shipping information. Flutter enables user interface designers to display a list of bird cages with photos and details, as well as customization options. Firebase provides backend storage for storing history, authentication, and orders. The application features include registration, login, searching for bird cages, viewing details with images, ordering, tracking orders, and logging out. By offering a variety of bird cage options, this application streamlines the bird cage ordering process. Customers can monitor the status of their orders and easily choose the most suitable one. Flutter simplifies cross-platform development. Using the Flutter framework and Firebase as the backend, users can select and order bird cages according to customer or application user needs.
Co-Authors Achmad Fansuri Adikara, Fransiskus Agung Mulyo Widodo Agung Mulyo Widodo Agung Mulyo Widodo Agung Mulyo Widodo Agus Herwanto Agus Satriawan Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi Alivia Yufitri Alivia Yulfitri Alpa Sundari Meganingrum Andri Kurnia Maulana Andy Julianto Anindya Billa Mustika Annisa Dwi Anggri Ari Anggarani Winadi Prasetyoning Tyas Ari Pambudi Atik Rizkiyani Bambang Irawan Bambang Irawan Bambang Irawan Binastya Anggara Sekti Binastya Anggara Sekti Budi Tjahjojo Budi Tjahjono Budi Tjahjono Calvin Ramadhani Alfahrezi Dewanto Rosian Adhy Diana Novita Doni Antoro Dwi Rohman Soleh Dwi Setiyadi Eko Prasetyo Emon Sulaksana Erry Yudhya Mulyani Erry Yudhya Mulyani Erry Yudhya Mulyani Erry Yudhya Mulyani Erry Yudhya Mulyani Euis Heryati Euis Sadeli Evi Martaseli Fachmi Tamzil Fahreza Bahran Febrianty Febrianty Febrianty Febrianty Febrianty Mustafa Fikri Saefullah Habibullah Akbar Hendra Bratanata Hendry Gunawan Ichwani, arief Iksan Ramadhan Iksan Ramadhan Ilham Banuaji Iwan Setiawan Izhar Rahim Jefry Sunupurwa Asri JUANDRI Junaidi Junaidi Kartini Kartini Kartini Kartini Khairul Fadhly Kiyota Hashimoto Krisogonus Wiero Baba Kaju Kundang Karsono Kundang Karsono Kundang Karsono Juman Kundang Karsono Juman Kundang Karsono Juman Kundang Karsono Juman Kundang Karsono Juman Kus Hendrawan Muiz Lista Meria Lista Meria Lista Meria M. Hadi Arfian Mariyana Masmur Tarigan Miliyantri Elvandari Mohamad Alrifqi Mr Zulhaimi Muhamad Bahrul Ulum Muhamad Bahrul Ulum Muhamad Magfur Muhammad Abduh Muhammad Abdullah Hadi Muhammad Abdullah Hadi Muhammad Hadi Arfian Mukhamad Abduh Mukhamad Abduh Munawwar Munawwar Mustika, Anindya Billa Nina Nurhasanah Nixon Erzed Nixon Erzed Nixon Erzed Nugroho Budhi Santosa Nur Widiyasono Nur Widiyasono Nurhasanah, Nina Panji Kuncoro Hadi Popong Setiawati Purwano SK Randy Swandy Ratnawati Susanto Rendi Satria Rian Adi Pamungkas Riya Widayanti Rizki Faro Khatiningsih Rizki Ramadhan Rizki Reza Saputra Roesfiansjah Rasjidin Roesfiansjah Rasjidin Rudi Heri Marwan Rudi Hermawan Rudy Setiawan Safrizal Safrizal Setiyati, Ritta Siti Komsiah Siti Komsiah Sularso Budilaksono Sularso Budilaksono Tarigan, Masmur Tjahjono, Budi Tri Ismardiko Tri Ismardiko Tri Ismardiko Widyawan Ummanah Ummanah Ummanah Ummanah Ummanah, Ummanah Vitri Tundjungsari Wahyu Son Haji Warnars, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Widodo, Agung Mulyo Yanathifal Salsabila Anggraeni Yulhendri Yulhendri Yulhendri, Yulhendri