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Peningkatan Akurasi Pembacaan Lembar Jawaban Komputer dengan Memperbaiki Ketidaksimetrisan Citra Hasil Pemindaian Menggunakan Transformasi Homografi Prayitno Prayitno; Guruh Fajar Shidiq; Ahmad Zainal Fanani; M. Arief Soeleman
Publisher : Universitas Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v7i4.6651


Answer Sheet Reading Computers are one of the technologies for converting images into information which continues to develop until now. Some of the applications of this technology include correcting various school exams, psychological tests, surveys and voting. Accuracy is something that is often a problem in various studies on reading computer answer sheets. Accuracy is greatly influenced by the scanned image. In the process of scanning computer answer sheets, images often produce asymmetry, such as tilting, shifting and dilatation.The process of scanning computer answer sheets often produces asymmetrical images, such as tilted, shifted and dilated.  This incident will affect the accuracy of the results of reading the computer answer sheet, due to deformation of the shape between the reference image and the scanned image. This study aims to improve asymmetric images to become symmetrical with the Homografi transformation in order to get better reading accuracy. The results showed that the improvement of image symmetry with Homografi transformation was better than the skew correction method. This is shown from the respective RMSE values, the Homografi transformation method produces an RMSE value of 51.54 and the skew correction method produces a value of 67.04. The results of the study also stated that the accuracy of reading computer answer sheets with the Homografi transformation method was better than skew correction. The skew correction accuracy is 95.8%, while the Homografi transformation is 99.3%.
Enhancing Machine Learning Accuracy in Detecting Preventable Diseases using Backward Elimination Method Muhammad Dliyauddin; Guruh Fajar Shidik; Affandy Affandy; M. Arief Soeleman
Publisher : Universitas Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v8i1.7073


In the current landscape of abundant high-dimensional datasets, addressing classification challenges is pivotal. While prior studies have effectively utilized Backward Elimination (BE) for disease detection, there is a notable absence of research demonstrating the method's significance through comprehensive comparisons across diverse databases. The study aims to extend its contribution by applying BE across multiple machine learning algorithms (MLAs)Nave Bayes (NB), k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)on datasets associated with preventable diseases (i.e. heart failure (HF), breast cancer (BC), and diabetes). This study aims to elucidate and recommend significant differences observed in the application of BE across diverse datasets and machine learning (ML) methods. This study conducted testing on four distinct datasetsraisin, HF, BC, and early-stage diabetes risk prediction datasets. Each dataset underwent evaluation with three MLAs: NB, KNN, and SVM. The application of BE successfully eliminated non-significant attributes, retaining only influential ones in the model. In addition, t-test results revealed a significant impact on accuracy across all datasets (p-value < 0.05). In specific algorithmic evaluations, SVM exhibited the highest accuracy for the raisin dataset at 87.22%. Additionally, KNN attained the utmost accuracy in the heart failure dataset with an accuracy of 86.31%. In the breast cancer dataset, KNN again excelled, achieving an accuracy of 83.56%. For the diabetes dataset, KNN proved the most accurate, reaching 96.15%. These results underscore the efficacy of BE in enhancing the execution of MLAs for disease detection.
Peningkatan Performa Ensemble Learning pada Segmentasi Semantik Gambar dengan Teknik Oversampling untuk Class Imbalance Arie Nugroho; M. Arief Soeleman; Ricardus Anggi Pramunendar; Affandy Affandy; Aris Nurhindarto
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 10 No 4: Agustus 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.20241046831


Perkembangan teknologi dan gaya hidup manusia yang semakin tinggi menghasilkan data-data yang berlimpah. Data-data tersebut dapat berbentuk data yang terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Data gambar termasuk dalam data yang tidak terstruktur. Aktifitas dan objek yang terekam dalam suatu gambar beraneka ragam. Secara normal, mata manusia dapat dengan mudah membedakan antara foreground dan background dari suatu gambar, tetapi komputer membutuhkan pembelajaran dalam membedakan keduanya. Segmentasi gambar adalah salah satu bidang dalam computer vision yang membahas bagaimana cara komputer mempelajari dan mengenali segmen dari suatu gambar sesuai label yang ditentukan. Dalam kenyataannya banyak data yang mempunyai class atau label yang tidak seimbang, tentunya akan mempengaruhi tingkat akurasi dari suatu prediksi. Dalam riset ini membahas bagaimana meningkatkan akurasi segmentasi semantik gambar pada metode ensemble learning untuk menangani masalah data yang tidak seimbang dalam segmentasi gambar. Teknik yang digunakan adalah sintetis oversampling sehingga menghasilkan data yang seimbang dan akurasi yang tinggi. Metode ensemble learning yang digunakan adalah Random Forest dan Light Gradien Boosting Machine (LGBM). Dengan menggunakan dataset Penn-Fudan Database for Pedestrian yang mengandung imbalanced class. Penggunaan teknik sintetis oversampling dapat memperbaikki tingkat akurasi pada class minoritas. Pada algoritma random forest mengalami peningkatan akurasi sebesar 37 % sedangkan pada algoritma LGBM meningkat sebesar 41 %. AbstractThe development of technology and the increasingly high lifestyle of humans produce abundant data. These data can be in the form of structured and unstructured data. Image data is included in unstructured data. The activities and objects recorded in a picture are varied. Normally, the human eye can easily distinguish between the foreground and background of an image, but computers need learning to distinguish between the two. Image segmentation is one of the fields in computer vision that discusses how computers learn and recognize segments of an image according to specified labels. In reality, a lot of data has unbalanced classes or labels, of course, it will affect the accuracy of a prediction. This research discusses how to improve the accuracy of image semantic segmentation in the ensemble learning method to deal with the problem of unbalanced data in image segmentation. The technique used is synthetic oversampling so as to produce balanced data and high accuracy. The ensemble learning methods used are Random Forest and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM). By using the Penn-Fudan Database for Pedestrian dataset which contains a imbalanced class. The use of synthetic oversampling techniques can improve the level of accuracy in minority classes. The random forest algorithm experienced an increase in accuracy by 37% while the LGBM algorithm increased by 41%.