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Kontekstualisasi Pemahaman Hadis Muhammad Rizqi; Ahmad Deski; Muhammad Ikhwan
Istinarah: Riset Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5, No 2 (2023): ISTINARAH: RISET KEAGAMAAN, SOSIAL DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/istinarah.v5i2.10611


This research aims to reveal the meaning of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad by explaining the text of the hadith along with an understanding of the hadith in accordance with the current context without departing from the meaning of its content. This research is library research using the content analysis method, approaching hadith texts and analyzed using related hadith explanation. This research found that every hadith of the Prophet Muhammad did not always correspond to the textual editorial because when he conveyed the hadith, he was sometimes in his position as an apostle, judge, mufti and as an ordinary human being. Sometimes some hadiths are intended for certain people, places and times, so it is necessary to study the asbabul wurud and the socio-historical conditions of society at the time of the hadith narration, so that the understanding of modern situations and conditions becomes different, in accordance with the information of the hadith narrating scholars.
Palestinian Independence and Religious Extremism: Using the Palestinian Issue as a Khilafah Islamiyah Propaganda Tool on Instagram Muhammad Ikhwan; Mohammad Bachrul Falah
West Science Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 01 (2024): West Science Islamic Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsiss.v2i01.600


Israel's attack on the Gaza area has become a major human rights issue that has attracted public attention. The genocide, which began on October 7, 2023, has claimed thousands of innocent lives. All Muslims in the world sympathize with the disaster that occurred in Palestine. However, this sympathy is vulnerable to being infiltrated by religious radicalism movements, especially those related to opinions spread on social media. Therefore, this research focuses on looking at these potentials. This research is empirical research using netnographic data collection by the hashtag #khilafah on Instagram. Based on this search, an account was found with the name @bultendakwahkaffah, which is an Instagram account for online bulletins spreading propaganda for the Khilafah Islamiyah movement. The propaganda spread by this account revolves around the implementation of an Islamic caliphate, which can guarantee the implementation of Palestinian independence. The form of Khilafah Islamyah as a representation of the unity of the Muslim ummah will liberate Palestine from Israeli colonialism, relying on the unity of all Muslims in the world and the implementation of Islamic law. The author also found that the account in question was affiliated with the ideologies of the Hizbut Tahrir organization, which was disbanded by the government in 2017. The Palestinian issue, which is full of humanity, really attracts the sympathy of the wider community. By hiding behind humanitarian issues, it is feared that the Islamic caliphate movement, which has long been a problem, will attract sympathy from many people on social media.
Violating Human Rights? : Substance of Human Rights in Disparity as a Result of Determination of Interfaith Marriage Application in District Court Muhammad Irfan AD; Mohammad Bachrul Falah; Afdhalia Mahatta; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Mediasas: Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Mediasas: Media Ilmu Syariah dan Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, STAI Syekh Abdur Rauf Aceh Singkil, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v6i2.140


This study aims to explore the substance of human rights in two stipulations of the application for registration of interfaith marriages in the District Court. Stipulation Number 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN. Sby granted the application, while Stipulation Number 71/Pdt.P/2017/PN. Bla did not grant it. The type of research used is normative legal research with a case approach and comparative approach. The result of Stipulation Number 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN. Sby accommodates human rights with the implementation of natural rights that are part of the universality of human rights, on the grounds of the right to freedom of religion and family. The Stipulation Number 71/Pdt.P/2017/PN. Bla contains the substance of human rights in the realm of cultural relativity, through factual considerations from the interpretation of judges and religious leaders regarding the prohibition of interfaith marriages. Therefore, although outwardly the two are contradictory, they actually still accommodate the substance of human rights in their respective perspectives. This research contributes to opening up 'opportunities' for a broader interpretation of the fulfillment of human rights, by looking at the existence of human rights in the two stipulations above. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali substansi hak asasi manusia dalam dua hasil penetapan permohonan pencatatan perkawinan beda agama di Pengadilan Negeri. Penetapan Nomor 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN. Sby mengabulkan permohonan tersebut, sedangkan Penetapan Nomor 71/Pdt.P/2017/PN. Bla tidak mengabulkan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan kasus (case approach) dan perbandingan (comparative approach). Hasil Penetapan Nomor 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN. Sby mengakomodasi hak asasi manusia dengan implementasi hak kodrati yang menjadi bagian dari universalitas HAM, dengan alasan hak kebebasan beragama dan berkeluarga. Adapun Penetapan Nomor 71/Pdt.P/2017/PN. Bla mengandung substansi HAM dalam ranah relativitas budaya, melalui pertimbangan faktual dari interpretasi hakim dan tokoh agama mengenai pelarangan pernikahan beda agama. Oleh karena itu, meskipun secara zahir keduanya bertentangan, akan tetapi sejatinya tetap mengakomodasi substansi HAM dalam perspektif masing-masing. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk membuka ‘peluang’ interpretasi pemenuhan hak asasi manusia secara lebih luas, dengan melihat eksistensi hak asasi manusia dalam dua penetapan di atas.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 4 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah al-Furqan: al-Qur'an, Bahasa dan Seni (Desember, 2017)
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v4i2.37


This research is purposed to discuss a solution to a dualism law of marriage. As Moslems, execution of marriage surely is based on the regulations arranged by Islam. As Indonesian citizens, the execution of marriage based on the regulations stirred by our country. As an example, there is a recording marriage. In Islam, marriage is regarded as legal if it has fulfilled is its principle and requirement. In order to have a law power, based on Indonesian law, a marriage must be recorded. The recording marriage also tells and about the duty and right of husband and wife and their duty to their children in case of unwanted cases in the household. The law dualism becomes a conflict in the society in which some people neglect the regulation on the recording of marriage. Therefore, the record of marriage is studied in two approaches namely; religious approach and the positive law approach. In the religious approach, fiqh studies about the rule of qiyas awla which focuses on a problem of debt transaction as stated in the Qur’an, surah Annisa, verse 282 which produces a duty of marriage record. The law positive approach stated that law realizes a discipline in the middle of society. Therefore, the recording of marriage must be done. Based on the approaches, the dualism of marriage law can be vanished and can be summarized about Indonesian Islamic Law. It states that the recording of marriage is considered a duty.
Penafsiran Nusyūz Dalam Tafsir Nazarat Fi Kitabillah Nur Ainun Tanjung; Yenni Rahman; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v8i2.46


Misunderstanding about nusyūz and the steps in overcoming it as in Qs. an-Nisa' verses 34 and 128 can cause domestic violence and can include claims that the Qur'an positions women as always weaker than men. So in this study, the problem of nusyūz is discussed based on the opinion of a female mufassir (Zainab al-Ghazali) who is an activist for women's rights defenders and also the first female mufassir to write a complete tafsir. This research is classified as library research. The primary data source in this study is the tafsir of Nazarat fi Kitabillah and secondary data sources are books, scientific journals and others related to object problems. Nusyūz according to Zainab al-Ghazali in Qs. an-Nisa 'verse 34 and 128 means to exalt. A nusyūz woman is one who exalts herself from her husband and leaves her obligations. And the nusyūz solution that Zainab offers in her tafsiris to give advice,separate the bed (back to back and do not talk when sleeping), giving a light blow. Meanwhile, the husband's nusyz is characterized by the husband turning away and showing bad behavior towards his wife. And the solution is reconciliation. Although she is one of the feminist figures who fight for women's rights, in her tafsir of the problem of nusyūz wives and husbands does not at all show gender bias like what feminists do.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v9i2.66


This research is motivated by the fact that there are differences in interpretation of the understanding of the Ahl al-Kitab which causes marriage problems in it. This research aims to find out the interpretation of Rashid Rida and M. Quraish Shihab regarding the understanding of Ahl al-Kitab, as well as a comparative analysis of the interpretation between Rasyid Ridha and M. Quraish Shihab regarding marriages between Muslim men and women of the Ahl al-Kitab. This type of research is library research. The interpretation method used is the Muqaran method by comparing the Tafsir al-Manar by Rasyid Ridha with the Tafsir al- Misbah by M. Quraish Shihab in QS al-Maidah/5:5 by using an interpretive approach, as well as books that have relevance to the problem at hand. discussed, then review and conclude.According to Rasyid Ridha in his book Tafsir al-Manar, it is explained that what is meant by ahl al-Kitab in the Qur'an is not only Yahudi and Nasrani, but he includes religions that have holy books in which the teachings of monotheism are contained. This is based on Q.S an-Nahl verse 36, that Allah sent messengers from all people, it's just that their holy book along with the times has changed and is even lost to time. Meanwhile, M. Quraish Shihab argues that the Ahl al-Kitab group in the Qur'an is only focused on Yahudi and Nasrani, apart from that they are not included in the ahl al-Kitab.
LUQHATAH : Pengertian Luqhatah, ketentuan dan permasalahan nya Delpi Wijaya; Syafril Syafril; Saraswati Saraswati; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v11i1.83


Abstract This research has the following objectives: to find out the meaning, luqatah, provisions and problems of luqatah itself. Luqathah is an item found in a place that does not belong to an individual. For example: a Muslim finds money or clothes on the street, because he is worried that the money or clothes will be wasted, so he takes them. Found items must be declared for at least one year. For example, when the person who found it has announced that for a year or more, the finder has not found the owner of the item, then the item may be used. Data collection used in this journal uses the library research method. By referring to primary sources such as hadith books and other secondary sources that contain and relate to the issues discussed,. Results: The similarities and differences between luqathah (found items) in Islamic law and civil law are that an item is lost from its owner and then found and taken by someone else. The loss of an item from its owner does not result in the loss of ownership of the item. The community is of course responsible for taking care to store and convey these goods to their owners as best they can. Abstrak Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan sebagai berikut: untuk mengetahui pengertian, luqatah, ketentuan serta permasalahan-permasalahan dari luqatah itu sendiri. Luqathah adalah barang yang ditemukan ditempat yang bukan milik perorangan. Misalnya: seorang muslim menemukan uang atau pakaian dijalan, karena ia merasa khawatir uang atau pakaian itu akan sia-siakan, maka ia mengambilnya. Barang temuan harus diumumkan setidaknya selama satu tahun. Misalnya, ketika orang yang menemukan telah mengumumkan selama satu tahun atau lebih, penemu tidak juga mendapati pemilik barang, maka barang tersebut boleh dimanfaatkan. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan (library research). Dengan merujuk kepada sumber-sumber primer seperti kitab-kitab hadis dan sekunder lainnya yang mengandung dan berkaitan dengan masalah yang dibahas,. Hasil  Persamaan dan perbedaan luqathah (barang temuan) dalam hukum Islam dan hukum perdata ialah, suatu barang yang hilang dari pemiliknya lalu ditemukan dan diambil orang lain. Hilangnya sebuah barang dari pemiliknya tidak mengakibatkan kepemilikannya terhadap barang tersebut juga hilang. Masyarakat tentu saja bertanggung jawab untuk merawat menyimpan dan menyampaikan barang tersebut kepada pemiliknya semampu mereka.        
Dropship Sistem dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam Aldi Novendra; Permata Sari Ranti; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v11i1.84


                      Abstract In today's online business, the dropshiper population is no longer small and plays a central role. Most of them who are Muslims do the dropship system without knowing and thinking about how Islamic law is related to it. In this paper, the problem that the author raises is how the dropship system is reviewed in Islamic law, what kind of dropship system is prohibited, what is the solution and what kind of dropship system is allowed. The method the author uses is a literature review with a qualitative approach. The results of this study are 1. Dropship with a dropshiper system that does not have stock items and does not cooperate with suppliers, there will be gharar, carrying out contracts above obscurity. 2. The solution and the permissible dropship system is if the contract is clear and there are guarantees for all parties, or the dropshiper acts as a representative of the supplier, it can also be a salam contract.      Abstrak Dalam bisnis online dewasa ini populasi dropshiper sudah tidak lagi kecil dan memegang peran yang sentral. Sebagian besar dari mereka yang notabene muslim melakoni dropship sistem tanpa tahu dan memikirkan bagaimana hukum Islam terkait hal itu. Pada tulisan ini masalah yang penulis angkat yaitu bagaimana sistem dropship dalam tinjauan hukum Islam, seperti apa sistem dropship yang terlarang, bagaimana solusi dan seperti apa sistem dropship yang dibolehkan. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 1. Dropship dengan sistem dropshiper tidak memiliki stok barang dan tidak bekerjasama dengan suplier, maka akan terjadi gharar, melaksanakan akad diatas ketidakjelasan. 2. Solusi dan sistem dropship yang dibolehkan itu adalah jika akad jelas dan ada jaminan bagi semua pihak, atau dropshiper bertindak sebagai wakil dari suplier, bisa juga dengan akad salam.     
KEDUDUKAN HARTA DAN PERMASALAHANNYA Irdaningsih Irdaningsih; Fahrurozi Nasution; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v11i1.89


Abstrack The author interprets and explains the position of property and the function of property itself in Islam. The results of this discussion are: 1. The position of assets 2. The functions of assets in accordance with sharia' include: Perfection of mahdhah worship, Maintaining and increasing faith and devotion to Allah SWT, Continuing the relay of life, Harmonizing life in this world and the hereafter, Provisions for finding and develop knowledge, Harmony in state and society, To rotate the roles of life, To foster friendship.,3. Division of assets as a result of law, 4. Gift of property. Property ownership is based on the following principles: Trust, Infradhiyah, ijtima'iyah and benefits. Maintaining assets is the last in the five elements of benefit, but according to the author, assets are the main milestone in maintaining the five maqashid of sharia (shariah goals). By having sufficient wealth, all five benefits (religion, soul, intellect, offspring and wealth) will be fulfilled. This research uses qualitative research with a literature review approach. Abstrak Penulis  menginterprestasikan  dan  menjelaskan  tentang  kedudukan  harta  dan fungsi  harta  sendiri  dalam  Islam. Hasil dari pembahasan ini adalah: 1. Kedudukan harta 2.Fungsi harta yang sesuai dengan syara’ antara lain untuk: Kesempurnaan ibadah mahdhah, Memelihara dan meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT, Meneruskan estafet kehidupan, Menyelaraskan antara kehidupan dunia dan akhirat, Bekal mencari dan mengembangkan ilmu, Keharmonisan hidup bernegara dan bermasyarakat, Untuk memutarkan peranan-peranan kehidupan, Untuk menumbuhkan silaturrahim.,3. Pembagian harta akibat hukum,4. Pemberian harta. Kepemilikan harta di dasarkan pada asas sebagai berikut: Amanah, Infradhiyah, ijtima’iyah dan manfaat. Memelihara harta merupakan urutan terakhir dalam lima unsur kemaslahatan, namun menurut penulis harta merupakan tonggak utama dalam memelihara kelima maqashid syariah (tujuan syariah). Dengan memiliki harta yang cukup akan terpenuhi semua lima maslahat (agama, jiwa,akal, keturunan dan harta). Penelitan ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur review.  
Judi, Perlombaan dan Undian Sri Dea Puspita; Sarah Aulia; Muhammad Akmal Maulana; Muhammad Ikhwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Furqan: Al-qur'an Bahasa dan Seni
Publisher : STAI Darul Quran Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69880/alfurqan.v8i1.91


Pada zaman modern sekarang ini, timbul banyak permasalahan yang belum diketahui hukum pastinya, padahal masyarakat sangat membutuhkan pemahaman dan penjelasan mengenai persoalan tersebut. Sebagaimana judi, undian, dan perlombaan dan lainya. Perihal hal tersebut terdapat banyak kerancuan atau keraguan masyarakat mengenai hukum tersebut karena proses pelaksanaan yang hampir sama, oleh karena itu penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana pengertian, konsep pelaksaan, hingga hukum dari masing-masing kegiatan tersebut. Peneliti menemukan bahwasannya apabila adanya unsur taruhan dan adu nasib dari kegiatan, undian atau perlombaan tersebut, maka hukumnya melaksanakannya adalah haram berbeda dengan judi. Didalam Islam judi merupakan suatu perbuatan yang dilarang oleh Allah SWT dan Rasulullah yang mana terdapat dalam QS. Al-Maidah ayat 90-91. Disini penulis juga menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan ( Library Research)  yaitu serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan memcatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian dari bahan yang ditemukan penulis, yaitu baik dari buku, artikel, jurnal, skripsi dan karya ilmiyah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan judi, perlombaan, dan undian.