Nahrul Faidin
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

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Peningkatan Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Melalui Hasil Produksi Kerajinan Rumahan di Desa Sambori Kecamatan Lambitu Kabupaten Bima Nahrul Faidin; Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak: Kerajinan anyaman merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh keluarga dengan tujuan untuk menambah penghasilan dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Tujuan penelitian (1) Menganalisis Kehidupan sosial Ekonomi Pengrajin anyaman, (2) Menganalisis upaya Pengrajin Anyaman dalam mempertahankan hidup. Jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan Porposive Sampling. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan Observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Jumlah Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Enam Orang pengrajin anyaman. Hasilnya (a) Kehidupan sosial ekonomi keluarga kelas rendah, keluarga kelas menengah dan keluarga kelas atas sangat memperhatikan pendidikan anak. Kemudian penggunaan pendapatan keluarga kelas rendah dan Menengah mengutamakan kebutuhan hidup, sementara Keluarga kelas atas, mengutamakan tuntutan gaya hidup secara berlebihan. (b) Sementara Upaya keluarga meningkatkan kehidupan sosial ekonomi, Selain dari hasil pertanian, masyarakat mengnadalkan hasil kerajinan tradisional seperti anyaman tikar, camping, nyiru. Simpulanya (a) Kehidupan sosial Ekonomi keluarga Kelas rendah, kelas menengah dan keluarga kelas atas sangat memperhatikan kondisi pendidikan anak hal itu terlihat dari cara orang tua memenuhi segala keperluan pendidikan anak. Sementara penggunaan pendapatan Keluarga Kelas atas mementingkan kebutuhan gaya hidup, sementara keluarga kelas rendah dan menengah, mengutamakan kebutuhan mendasar. (b) Upaya keluarga mempertahankan hidup menjadi pengrajin anyaman seperti tikar, camping, dan nyiru yang nanti hasilnya akan dipasarkan di beberapa pasar di Bima. Penelitian ini dapat menambah khazanah keilmuan bagi generasi baik secara teori maupun praktik dalam melestarikan kerajinan rumahan pada masyarakat desa Abstract: Woven crafts are activities carried out by families with the aim of increasing income and meeting the needs of life. The research objectives (1) analyze the socio-economic life of weaving craftsmen, (2) analyze the efforts of weaving craftsmen in maintaining life. This type of qualitative descriptive research with the technique of selecting informants using Porposive Sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The number of informants in this study were six weaving craftsmen. The results are (a) The socio-economic life of lower-class families, middle-class families and upper-class families is very concerned about children's education. Then the use of the income of the lower and middle class families prioritizes the necessities of life, while the upper class families prioritize the demands of an excessive lifestyle. (b) Meanwhile, in the family's efforts to improve socio-economic life, apart from agricultural products, the community relies on traditional crafts such as woven mats, tents, and nyiru. Conclusion (a) Family Socio-Economic Life Lower, middle and upper class families are very concerned about the condition of children's education, this can be seen from the way parents fulfill all their children's educational needs. While the use of upper-class family income emphasizes lifestyle needs, while lower and middle-class families prioritize basic needs. (b) The family's business to survive is weaving crafts such as mats, tents, and nyiru, the results of which will later be marketed in several markets in Bima. This research can add to the scientific treasures from generation to generation both in theory and practice in preserving household crafts in rural communities
The Implementation of Character Education Values in Children of Female Worker Families in Langgudu District, Bima Regency Nahrul Faidin; Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti; Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti; Puji Hardati; Nurlailatun Ramdani
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Character education is education that prioritizes instilling good behavioral values to children carried out by parents. This study aims to analyze the implementation of character education values carried out by the families of Female Workers in Langgudu District, Bima Regency. This research used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research was conducted in Langgudu Subdistrict, Bima Regency with a research focus on the implementation of children's character education values with indicators of discipline education, exemplary education, and advice education. Informant selection technique using purposive sampling technique. Data acquisition was carried out by means of interviews, observations and document studies. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of character education carried out by upper-class, middle-class and lower-class Female Worker Families in terms of exemplary aspects that parents still behave politely in front of children, parents always keep promises and parents get used to reading prayers before eating. Discipline education for children in upper-class families is very concerned, this is evidenced by parents' efforts to regulate and control children's activity time at all times, while in middle-class families, discipline education is not given much attention, then lower-class families, discipline education is not carried out due to the busyness of parents working outside the home. In upper-class families, the application of advice education is carried out strictly. However, it is different for middle-class families, by giving advice in a kind and gentle manner. Meanwhile, in lower-class families, advice education is not carried out regularly because parents are busier working outside the home.