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An Application of Peer Tutoring to Improve Volleyball Bottom Passing Skills in Semester 1 Physical Education Students at Bengkulu University Oddie Barnanda Rizky; Andika Prabowo; Andes Permadi; Septian Raibowo Raibowo; Arwin Arwin
Musamus Journal of Physical Education and Sport (MJPES) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Musamus Journal of Physical Education and Sport (MJPES)
Publisher : Program Studies of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Objectives. The study observed that some first-semester Physical Education students at Bengkulu University lacked proficiency in basic volleyball techniques such as passing and were not motivated by their lecturers' teaching methods. To address this, the peer tutorial method was applied to skilled students. This proved successful and saved time. The research aims to evaluate whether this method can improve passing skills. The study uses action research. Materials and Methods. The subjects of this research were 1st Semester Physical Education Students at Bengkulu University with a total of 30 students consisting of 17 men and 13 women. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, and tests of volleyball passing skills. Results. Pre-cycle research found 56.67% students failed to understand bottom passing movement (17 students). Cycle I peer tutorial improved to 66.66% (19 students). Cycle II improved further to 76.67% (23 students). Conclusion. The results suggest that the peer tutorial method has a positive impact on improving volleyball bottom passing skills, resulting in an increase in the number of students passing the bottom.
Jurnal Muara Pendidikan Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Muara Pendidikan, Vol 8 No 2, Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/mp.v8i2.1498


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the necessity for creating thunkable applications-based tennis learning medium. By completing a questionnaire, a survey is used in this research method. 140 students from the semester I and III physical education study programs participated in the study as respondents. The findings of this study demonstrate that tennis is a required course that must be taken, that 92.85% of students lack the necessary tennis skills, that free internet connection is provided in every campus room, that 100% of students own computers and smartphones, and that 60% of students are freshmen. The sole learning resources remain secondary economics and instructors. The findings of this analysis show that the creation of tennis learning media based on thunkable applications is actually required in order to achieve the learning objectives.
Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Guru Olahraga Melalui Workshop Penyusunan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Ari Sutisyana; Yahya Eko Nopiyanto; Andes Permadi
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 4 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v5i4.9295


Belum optimalnya pengetahuan guru olahraga dalam melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas menjadi dasar untuk dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian ini. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru olahraga tingkat Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Sukaraja dalam menyusun penelitian tindakan kelas dan menulis artikel ilmiah. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan adalah menggunakan metode ceramah, demonstrasi, dan bimbingan secara intensif, serta pendampingan untuk mitra. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 21 Juni 2023 di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 149 Seluma. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 20 guru olahraga. Instrumen berupa tes tertulis yang terdiri dari 5 indikator digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mitra, yaitu: penelitian tindakan kelas, artikel ilmiah, turnitin, mendeley, publikasi artikel ilmiah. Hasil pre-test menunjukkan nilai rerata sebesar 44%. Hasil post-test menunjukkan nilai rerata sebesar 86%. Simpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan mitra dalam penyusunan penelitian tindakan kelas dan penulisan artikel ilmiah.The lack of optimal knowledge of sports teachers in carrying out classroom action research is the basis for this service activity. This service activity aims to increase the understanding of elementary school-level sports teachers in Sukaraja District in preparing classroom action research and writing scientific articles. The method used to achieve the goals that have been set is using lectures, demonstrations, and intensive guidance, as well as mentoring for partners. The activity will be held on June 21, 2023, at State Elementary School 149 Seluma. Partners in this activity are 20 sports teachers. An instrument in the form of a written test consisting of 5 indicators is used to determine the partner's level of knowledge, namely classroom action research, scientific articles, Turnitin, Mendeley, and publication of scientific articles. The pre-test results show an average value of 44%. The post-test results show an average value of 86%. The conclusion from this activity was that there was an increase in partners' knowledge in preparing classroom action research and writing scientific articles.