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Analisis aliran Beban pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik di PT XYZ Pujianto; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Anton Mulyono
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/262


Dalam sistem tenaga listrik, studi aliran beban sangat diperlukan dalam perhitungan maupun simulasi sebagai acuan dalam perbaikan sistem agar lebih optimal. Analisis aliran beban dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai metode, antara lain dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak, salah satunya ETAP Power Station yang mendukung dalam hal studi aliran beban. Untuk proses pembangkitan listrik di PT.XYZ ditemukan beberapa pengaturan yang kurang tepat sehingga beberapa titik ditemukan adanya over voltage, under voltage, dan overload pada jaringan distribusi listrik. Selain itu, rencana pemindahan Generator D3512B2 untuk area X menjadi pembahasan utama, solusi yang diambil dengan penyambungan jalur 20kV dari PLN diharapkan dapat menyalurkan tanpa ada gangguan pada distribusi listrik seperti yang sudah disimulasikan. Berdasarkan perhitungan keekonomian diprediksi dapat menghemat biaya operasi sampai dengan 50% dan mendapatkan Pay Back Period dalam jangka waktu 78 hari.
Design of Monitoring System Distribution Water Based on IoT Feras Ferdinan Sabono; Umi Yuliatin; Roni Heru Triyanto; Astrie Kusuma Dewi
Indonesian Journal of Energy and Mineral Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Energy & Mineral
Publisher : Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53026/IJoEM/2022/2.1/997


Based on the reference journal states that the increase in water use activities in urban areas for the lower Golan is 169.11 liters per person per day, and in the upper middle class it is 247.36 liters for each person per day, this cannot be denied that many activities use large amounts of water. large, so that from this problem, a distribution system and regular water monitoring is needed so that there is no wastage of water. In this research, a water distribution monitoring system has been designed, using Wemos D1 R1 and Blynk as interfaces. The purpose of this system design is to be able to design and realize a simple system for flow monitoring. This system consists of a water flow sensor YF-201 water flow sensor, Wemos D1 R1 Microcontroller, Blynk HMI to display measurement data that will detect the flow rate of water, then the water discharge value will be converted by Wemos D1 R1. After that Wemos D1 R1 will control and communicate with Blynk using the com port to display the measurement results in the form of numbers which are the final display of the flow rate measurement. For the experimental results of the prototype water distribution monitoring system tool, which is designed to show that the measurement system has been able to run quite well. accuracy 97.42 – 99.98%
Performance Analysis Cooling Tower Type Induced Draft with PVC Plate Filling Material Mochamad Rizky Pradana; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Natasya Aisah Septiani; Asepta Surya Wardhana; Muhammad Ramdhan; Wendy Triadji Nugroho
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i1.3185


In the industry, savings in water use are needed, so that the output water from the condenser will be recirculated for reuse so that it does not need new water. The output of the condenser, which is hot water with a temperature of 45 °C, needs to be conditioned to a normal temperature. So they designed a cooling tower to reduce the temperature of the hot water through direct contact with the air. Filling material is a component that is very influential on the performance of the cooling tower because, in this material, there is direct contact between hot water and dry water in opposite directions. The purpose of this study was to determine the height of the PVC plate filling material that has adequate effectiveness so that the hot water in the cooling process runs optimally. In this study, several tests were carried out that showed the performance of the cooling tower, including range, approach, cooling effectiveness, cooling capacity, and the rate of evaporation of water into the air. So from this research, it was found that the optimal height of fill material is 20 cm, which has the highest relative humidity (RH) of the outgoing air, which is 87.2%, and the lowest exit air temperature of 29.3°C
Design of Feed Rate Control System on Loss in Weight Feeder using Programmable Logic Controller Asepta Surya Wardhana; Chalidia Nurin Hamdani; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Javier Umar Ravy; Ferro Aji; Dwiana Hendrawati
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i1.3184


In the industrial world where there is a material process or solid product, it definitely requires a consistent material distribution process to be used in the next process. And to move material from the main storage area, it is necessary to use a tool commonly called a feeder machine or Loss In Weight Feeder. This tool has a feeder system consisting of a hopper and a feeder mounted on a load cell with high accuracy. So in this study, a feed rate control system was designed on the Loss In Weight Feeder to keep the feed rate process at the desired value, so there is a controller to regulate the motor speed in the feeder. To run the control system, a parameter control is needed, namely PID. In this study, in designing the PID controller using Direct Synthesis tuning which will be carried out using two methods in producing a plant model, namely the process model, the proportional gain (Kp) value is 38.7, integral gain (Ki) is 0.6, and derivative gain (Kp) is 0.6. Kd) of 8.12. And the plant structure model of the Auto Regressive eXogenous (ARX) model, the proportional gain (Kp) value is 13, the integral gain (Ki) is 0.78, and the derivative gain (Kd) is 12.85. Based on direct testing, the PID controller parameter that is suitable and reliable with the desired process response from the feed rate output from the Loss In Weight Feeder prototype is the PID controller parameter using Direct Synthesis tuning based on the plant process model. In the system test without disturbance, it produces a time constant (τ) of 3 seconds, settling time (ts) of 5 seconds, delay time (td) of 1.5 seconds, overshoot (Mp) of 79.92% and steady state error (ess) of 0%. And when testing the prototype by providing interference, it shows a fairly good interference rejection
AUDIT ENERGI PADA BANGUNAN GEDUNG – STUDI KASUS PADA GEDUNG PERKANTORAN Chalidia Nurin Hamdani; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Asepta Surya Wardhana; Primaldi Anugrah Utama; Radityo Cahyo Yudanto; C.F. Pradana Swandaru
Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31884/jtt.v9i1.391


Energy usage is constanly increasing with regard to technology invention, equipment number growth and people growth. So, we have to do energy conservation. The first step in energy conservation implementation is energy audit. By doing energy audit, we are able to identify energy saving potential in audit object. In this paper, we provide a study case of energy audit in office building in Indonesia performed on 2018. This office building has an area of approximately 1.120 m2 with Rp 10,889,658 of average of energy use per month. Energy audit had performed on electricity system, air conditioning system, lighting system dan energy management system. Energy usage profile had been identified and modeled using linear approximation so the main factor of energy usage can be known. Energy saving potential that can be obtained is about 2.358 kWh (30,45%) with Rp 2,431,359 of cost saving approximation per month or Rp 29,176,308 per year.
Pengaturan Kandungan Nutrisi pH secara Otomatis pada Hidroponik menggunakan Mikrokontroller Asepta Surya Wardhana; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Fauzi Neaja Wiranto; Natasya Aisah Septiani; Javier Umar Ravy
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro, Sistem Informasi, dan Teknik Informatika (SNESTIK) 2023: SNESTIK III
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/p.snestik.2023.4402


Tanaman hidroponik secara umum memerlukan pertumbuhan dengan menggunakan tambahan nutrisi X dan nutrisi Y maupun campuran antara nutrisi X dan Y. Untuk mendapatkan hasil panen yang maksimal diharuskan untuk menjaga nutrisi dan pH pada sumber air pengairan hidroponik. Pengendalian dan pengukuran pH sangat tergantung pada operator (manusia), apabila terjadi permasalahan pada proses maka pertumbuhan tanaman menjadi terganggu dan menyebabkan produktivitas tanaman menurun. Jadi dibutuhkan sebuah alat yang dapat memonitoring dan mengoreksi bila terjadi perubahan kadar asam (pH) pada tandon air selama 24 jam. Sistem otomatisasi diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan tanaman hidroponik dengan standar pH 6-7, pengaturan pH pada air dikendalikan oleh sensor pH yang dapat dimonitoring oleh mikrokontroler sewaktu-waktu jika pH air yang bercampur nutrisi tidak mencapai nilai pH standar yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Mikrokontroler akan merespon pembacaan dari sensor pH dan mengatur pompa air asam atau pompa air basa bekerja dan akan mengisi larutan pH yang dibutuhkan dengan air tangki untuk mencapai nilai pH yang standar. Alat ini juga dapat dimonitoring melalui aplikasi Blynk, dari aplikasi Blynk ini kita akan mendapatkan notifikasi apabila tandon air asam ataupun tandon air basa habis. Besar harapan alat ini dapat membantu para petani hidroponik untuk mempermudah saat menjaga kestabilan pH pada sumber air.
Mesin Penyiraman Otomatis pada Tanaman Cabai dengan Modul Nodemcu ESP8266 Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) Asepta Surya Wardhana; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Hellmy Fadhil Airlangga; Natasya Aisah Septiani Septiani; Javier Umar Ravy
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro, Sistem Informasi, dan Teknik Informatika (SNESTIK) 2023: SNESTIK III
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/p.snestik.2023.4263


Teknologi ini dirancang untuk menyiram tanaman cabai secara otomatis. Budidaya cabai memerlukan perhatian khusus karena jika tanaman ini tidak memiliki kondisi yang menguntungkan, mereka tidak akan berkembang. Misalnya, jika tingkat kelembaban tanah tidak mencukupi, tanaman cabai tidak akan tumbuh subur. Tingkat kelembaban tanah yang dianjurkan untuk tanaman cabai adalah 60% sampai 70%. Sensor soil moisture akan mendeketsi kelembapan tanah secara real time. Bila kelembapan tanah pada tanaman cabai tidak sesuai dengan set point (60% dan 70%) maka microcontroller akan merespon hasil pembacaan sensor moisture dan mengatur pompa dari tandon air untuk aktif selama 10 detik. Pada tandon air juga terdapat sensor ultrasonik HC – SR04 yang berguna untuk mendeteksi ketinggian air tandon dan akan memberikan input-an ke microcontroller apabila air pada tandon air habis maka microcontroller akan merespon input-an sensor ultrasonik HC – SR04 dan mengatur pompa untuk mati sampai air pada tandon air terisi kembali. Sistem penyiram tanaman yang dapat dimonitor pada LCD (Liquid Cristal Display) dan perangkat Mobile dengan aplikasi Blynk yang dapat menampilkan kondisi tanah apakah lembab, normal, atau kering sesuai dengan pembacaan dari sensor kelembaban tanah serta dapat memberikan notifikasi apabila air pada tandon air habis.
Prototype Pendeteksi Api Menggunakan Arduino Uno R3 ATMega 328P Astrie Kusuma Dewi
Journal of Systems, Information Technology, and Electronics Engineering Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ivet

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Pembangunan suatu rumah pasti memperhatikan keamanan dan kenyamannya. Tetapi tetap saja hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan bisa saja terjadi karena unsur ketidaksengajaan atau juga keteledoran. Maka diperlukan tindakan penanggulangan atau pencegahan dengan memasang alat atau alarm pendeteksi sebagai peringatan akan terjadinya bahaya yang terjadi dari dalam rumah, salah satunya akibat kebakaran. Dalam projek sederhana ini dibuat prototype alat untuk mendeteksi adanya percikan api atau api dalam ruangan berukuran 2 m2 menggunakan sensor api 4 pin, Arduino UNO R3 ATMEGA328P dan Buzzer 3-24 . Dari hasil pengujian rangkaian alat diketahui buzzer akan menyala ketika api berada tidak lebih 100 cm dari sensor api. Ketika api berada di bawah 100 cm dari sensor api, maka sensor api akan mengirimkan sinyal HIGH yang berarti api terdeteksi dan kemudian akan menyalakan buzzer yang berfungsi sebagai alarm tanda bahaya
Prototype of cascade level and flow control system on steam drum based on IoT Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Andhika Darussalam; Pujianto Pujianto; Chalidia Nurin Hamdani; Natasya Aisah Septiani
JURNAL INFOTEL Vol 15 No 2 (2023): May 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/infotel.v15i2.936


In the industrial field, boiler functions to heat a fluid in the form of water, the boiler has a part which is a steam drum which has a function to produce steam for use for utility needs, and a steam turbine, in practice, the state of the water level must be maintained at the desired value or set. point so that carryover does not occur, and in overcoming these problems a control system is needed. This control works by comparing the value of the sensor and the set point, then gives an output signal to correct that to speed up the response, so it is necessary to use a cascade control configuration that adds an input flow control as a slave control. In this prototype, the cascade level control serves to control the level process. In addition, the human-machine interface has been designed to monitor processes in real-time. In addition, this prototype is equipped with an Internet of Things system that functions for the monitoring process as long as it is always connected to the internet. To run the control system, parameter control is needed, in this project the PID parameter setting uses the Ziegler-Nichols method with the parameter Kp level=20.25; Ki level = 1.51; Kp Flow = 5.14; Ki flow = 2.2.
Pemodelan Energi Listrik yang Dihasilkan oleh PV Menggunakan Metode Time Series dan Neural Network untuk Komparasi Umi Yuliatin; Asepta Surya Wardhana; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Chalidia Nurin Hamdani
EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Ma'arif NU Janggan Magetan

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Renewable energy sourced from the sun has become one of the focal points of alternative renewable energy as fossil energy reserves diminish. Solar energy, which is converted into electricity using photovoltaic technology, is influenced by several variables, particularly weather variables such as temperature, humidity, and solar radiation. This study involves modeling and forecasting the power output of a 100 Watt PV Solar system using Time Series Analysis and Neural Network techniques. The PV solar system is connected to various weather variable measurement sensors, such as a pyranometer, temperature sensor, and humidity sensor. The data collected from these sensors serve as input for calculating the power output of the installed 100 Watt PV system. The power output is observed on an hourly and daily basis. The modeling results indicate that the best model obtained using ARIMA with variables is ARIMA (0,0,2), incorporating all weather variables (Radiation, Humidity, Temperature*, Wind, and Light*) with a MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) of 2.91%. Meanwhile, for the best Neural Network (LSTM) model, the input variables of radiation, temperature, and intensity achieved a MAPE of 3.41%