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KERAGAMAN PLASMA NUTFAH BAMBU DI KABUPATEN MALANG JAWA TIMUR Prajaka, Nanang Wahyu; Yulianah, Izmi; Ardiarini, Noer Rahmi
Jurnal Produksi Tanaman Vol 5, No 7 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/480


Bambu merupakan tanaman monokotil (berkeping satu) dan termasuk keluarga rerumputan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bambu berdasarkan karakter morfologi, serta mengetahui keragaman jenis bambu yang ada di Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilakukan mulai April hingga Juli 2015 di 4 kecamatan di Kabupaten Malang yaitu Kecamatan Tajinan, Kecamatan Wonosari, Kecamatan Wajak, dan Kecamatan Kromengan. Alat yang digunakan meliputi alat tulis, penggaris, form pengamatan karakter morfologi bambu, kamera, meteran, pisau, gunting, parang, gergaji, cetok, pedoman color chart RHS, termometer, klinometer, dan altimeter. Bahan yang digunakan meliputi kertas label, plastik sampel, tali rafia dan plasma nutfah bambu di lokasi penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei yang meliputi observasi, wawancara dan pengamatan karakter morfologi tanaman bambu. Hasil dari penelitian bambu di Kabupaten Malang diperoleh 13 jenis (spesies) yang termasuk ke dalam 5 marga yaitu Bambusa, Schizostachyum, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus dan Phyllostachys. Pada identifikasi tingkat spesies, masing-masing bambu yang ditemukan dengan masih menggunakan nama lokal dapat ditentukan masing-masing nama ilmiahnya. Nama-nama bambu yang ditemukan sebagai berikut Bambu Ampel (Bambusa vulgaris), Bambu Apus (Gigantochloa apus), Bambu Jabal (Schizostachyum aequiramosum), Bambu Jakarta (Phyllostachys aurea), Bambu Jawa (Gigantochloa atter), Bambu Kuning (Bambusa vulgaris var. Striata.), Bambu Ori (Bambusa blumeana), Bambu Petung (Dendrocalamus asper), Bambu Rampal Kuning (Schizostachyum brachycladum), Bambu Rampal (Schizostachyum zollingeri), Bambu Tutul (Bambusa maculata), Bambu Wuluh (Schizostachyum silicatum), dan Bambu Wulung (Gigantochloa atroviolacea).
Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis dan Volume Media Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Melon (Cucumis melo L.) dengan Sistem Hidroponik Shendi Elendrya; Rizka Novi Sesanti; Lisa Erfa; Sismanto Sismanto; Nanang Wahyu Prajaka
Journal of Horticulture Production Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

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Conventional melon cultivation has limiting factors, one of which is the extreme climate and the provision of sufficient nutrients that are not fully absorbed by plants, which results in greatly varied and inadequate of melon production. The purpose of this research was to determine the type of planting media, the volume of planting media, and combination between the type of planting media and the volume of planting media that was best for the growth and yield of melon plants in a hydroponic system. This research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Lampung State Polytechnic from March to June 2021. The analysis used was Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). The first factor was the type of planting media (husk charcoal+sand, cocopeat+sand, husk charcoal only, and cocopeat only). The second factor was the volume of the planting medium (4.3 liter, 7.5 liter, and 9.9 liter). In this study, there were 12 treatment combinations, 3 replications, and analyzed using 5% level of Tukey's test. The variables observed in this study were plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, pollination time, fruit weight, fruit diameter, and fruit flesh thickness. The results showed that the type of planting media, the volume of planting media, and the combination of both did not significantly have a different effect on the observed variables of the growth and yield of melon plants.
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Pupuk NPK dan Jenis Media Tanam Secara Hidroponik NFT Dinda M. Thessalonika Siregar; Fahri Ali; Desi Maulida; Erie Maulana; Nanang Wahyu Prajaka; Wika Anrya Darma
Journal of Horticulture Production Technology Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

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NFT hydroponic is a plant cultivation technology that allows plant roots to grow on a shallow nutrient layer on the narrow field. The goal of this study was to evaluate the best NPK 16-16-16 fertilizer concentration and planting media, as well as the combination of the best NPK 16-16-16 fertilizer concentration and planting media, on the growth and yield of pakchoy (Brassica rapa L). This study used a split plot in factorial randomized block design. The first factor is the concentration of AB mix fertilizer as a control at 1400 ppm (N1) and the concentration of NPK fertilizer, namely: 758 ppm (N2), 1000 ppm (N3). The second factor element is the type of planting medium, which consists of 6 media: rockwool (M1), cotton (M2), sponge (M3), fern (M4), charcoal husk (M5), and cocopeat (M6), with 2 repetitions and 18 treatment combinations. Plant height (cm), number of leaves (pieces), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), wet weight of sample plants (grams), and dried weight of plants (grams) were the observation variables. In comparison to an NPK nutrient concentration of 1000 ppm, providing an NPK fertilizer concentration of 758 ppm resulted in better growth and yield in the parameters of number of leaves, wet weight, and dry weight of pak choy plants. Using husk charcoal as a planting medium resulted in superior growth and results in the plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length, and wet weight of pakchoy plants.
Karakteristik Gejala dan Tingkat Kejadian Penyakit Kuning Keriting Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum sp) dalam Budidaya Sistem Organik Dila Febria; Betari Safitri; Nanang Wahyu Prajaka; Yeni Yeni; Raida Kartina; Sekar Utami Putri
Journal of Horticulture Production Technology Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

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Organic chili cultivation has become a necessity nowadays as awareness increases about the dangers of chemical residues used in conventional cultivation practices. Chili is one of three main of vegetables commodities in Lampung. However, pepper yellow leaf curl disease is still a major obstacle faced by farmers to increase chili productivity. Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the characteristics of symptoms and the incidence rate of pepper yellow leaf cull disease of Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens in organic cultivation practice. The results shown that the characteristics or early symptoms of pepper yellow leaf curl disease on chilies are yellowing of young leaves, mosaic and malformation which are found in C. annuum L and C. frutescens. The intensity of disease attacks on chili plants by giving POC from the Mimosa pudica roots (PM) gave positive efect with an average low attack intensity in the 8th week, namely 32% compared to giving POC from bamboo roots (AB) with an average attack intensity 45.5%. This indicates that POC from the roots of Mimosa pudica (PM) is capable of being a bioprotectant for chili plants. The application of POC type 3 also provided a positive response with a low intensity of pepper yellow leaf curl disease on C. frutescens.
Jurnal Pengembangan Agroindustri Terapan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jupiter.v2i2.3242


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar air, kadar lemak dan protein pada jamur tiram putih yang ditumbuhkan pada media baglog limbah bambu. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kubung Jamur Politeknik Negeri Lampung yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan. Pertama proses pembuatan media baglog, kedua penanaman bibit jamur tiram putih, dan ketiga pemanenan jamur tiram putih. Hasil panen jamur tiram dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dilakukan analisis. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian kandungan jamur tiram pada media tumbuh limbah bambu untuk parameter kadar air sebesar 85,93%, kadar lemak sebesar 0,36%, dan protein 1,35%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa selain serbuk gergaji kayu, limbah bambu dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media alternatif untuk media tumbuh jamur tiram putih.