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Ainun Wulandari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima

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Metaverse Regulation Formulation In Indonesian Cyber Law Ridwan Ridwan; Ainun Wulandari; Syamsuddin
Law and Justice Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Law and Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/laj.v7i2.757


Research Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and understand the formulation of the Metaverse regulation for actions prohibited in the ITE Law in the concept of cyber law and to examine how the legal conditions and developments in Indonesia respond to the presence of Metaverse. Method: The research method used is a normative legal research method using several approaches, namely: 1) Conceptual approach; 2) Statute approach; and 3) Comparative approach. Findings: The findings of the study show that the condition of human civilization is currently advancing rapidly, this refers to the ease of accessing every line of life through the use of technology. To anticipate and monitor every aspect of life that occurs in the cyber realm, the concept of Cyber Law is present in ensuring legal protection for the community as technology users. The presence of metavers needs to be anticipated by designing or updating legal products that will become a reference in protecting citizens as subjects who are active in the Metavers era. Function: The function of the study is to examines the formulation of the Metaverse regulation of actions prohibited in the ITE Law in the cyber legal framework. Novelty: This research is important considering that there are no previous studies that examine the concept of cyber law in looking at the influence of the existence of Metaverse on actions prohibited in the ITE Law. In addition, considering the importance of carrying out legal protection for every activity that occurs in the Metaverse era in an effort to develop cyber law in Indonesia in the future.
Bima Regional Government Policies in The Economic Development of Persons With Disabilities Perspective Inclusive Economic Development Index Junaidin; Ridwan; Taufik Firmanto; Gufran Sanusi; Ainun Wulandari; Nuratika; Firdaus; Nuruzzakiyah Salsabila
Law and Justice Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Law and Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/laj.v8i1.2134


Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian mengenai Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Bima dalam Upaya Pengembangan Ekonomi Penyandang Disabilitas dari Perspektif Indeks Pembangunan Ekonomi Inklusif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian Hukum Normatif. Beberapa pendekatan digunakan, termasuk pendekatan Perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan filosofis, pendekatan perbandingan, dan pendekatan analitis. Kebaruan penelitian ini adalah pengungkapan kebijakan pemerintah daerah Kota Bima dalam mengembangkan ekonomi penyandang disabilitas dari perspektif indeks pembangunan ekonomi inklusif yang sebelumnya belum pernah ditemukan. Diskusi menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah daerah Kota Bima belum sepenuhnya mampu memenuhi hak-hak penyandang disabilitas di sektor pembangunan ekonomi. Indikasinya adalah masih banyak penyandang disabilitas yang tersebar di berbagai tempat dalam kondisi sulit. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mereka terpaksa mengemis dan mengharap belas kasihan dari orang lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan harian mereka. Kondisi seperti ini bertentangan dengan tujuan mencapai indeks pembangunan ekonomi inklusif di Indonesia. Kesimpulan, kebijakan pemerintah daerah Kota Bima dalam pengembangan ekonomi bagi penyandang disabilitas dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia, namun hal ini belum diimplementasikan secara optimal. Tidak ada kebijakan konkret dari pemerintah daerah yang dapat mendukung peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia penyandang disabilitas untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketidaksetaraan. Begitu pula, upaya pemerintah daerah Kota Bima dalam mengembangkan ekonomi penyandang disabilitas dari perspektif indeks pembangunan ekonomi inklusif belum diimplementasikan secara optimal. Kebijakan ekonomi yang tidak diimplementasikan secara optimal mengakibatkan kualitas hidup penyandang disabilitas lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan anggota masyarakat lainnya.     This article is the result of research on Bima City Regional Government Policy in Efforts to Develop the Economy of Persons with Disabilities from the Inclusive Economic Development Index Perspective. The method used in this research is the Normative Law research method. With several approaches used, including approximation Legislation, conceptual approach, philosophical approach, comparative approach, and analytical approach. The novelty of this research is the revelation of the Bima City regional government's policy in developing the economy of people with disabilities from an inclusive economic development index perspective that has never been found before. The discussion shows that the regional government of the city of Bima has not been fully able to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities in the economic development sector. The indications are that there are still quite a lot of people with disabilities scattered in various places in dire conditions. In their daily lives they are forced to beg and expect mercy from others to fulfill their daily needs. Conditions like this are contrary to the goal of achieving an inclusive economic development index in Indonesia. Conclusion, local government policy Bima City in its economic development for people with disabilities can influence increased economic growth and the quality of human resources, however this has not been implemented optimally. There are no concrete policies from the regional government that can support increasing the capacity of human resources for people with disabilities to reduce poverty and inequality. Likewise, the Bima City regional government's efforts to develop the economy of people with disabilities from the perspective of the inclusive economic development index have not been implemented optimally. Economic policies that are not implemented optimally result in a lower quality of life for people with disabilities compared to other members of society.  
Implementation of Know Your Customer Principle in Banking Practices at Bank BNI 46 Bima Branch Miskun Miskun; Iksan Iksan; Kasmar Kasmar; Taufik Firmanto; Ainun Wulandari; Masrin Masrin; Sahidah Sahidah; Nastion Nastion
Law and Justice Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Law and Justice
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/laj.v8i2.2135


Artikel ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang menganalisis penerapan prinsip mengenal nasabah (know your customer) dalam praktik perbankan, hal ini sangat penting dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi transaksi yang mencurigakan sejak dini, dan meminimalkan berbagai risiko, seperti risiko operasional, risiko hukum, risiko transaksi terkonsentrasi, dan risiko reputasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum empiris, dengan mengambil lokus di Bank BNI 46 Cabang Bima. Temuan baru yang ditemukan dari penelitian ini adalah pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerahasiaan di mana bank diizinkan untuk mengetahui identitas nasabah terkait dengan profil dan karakter transaksi nasabah. Hasil dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa Bank BNI 46 Cabang Bima menerapkan Prinsip know your customer. Aturan Know Your Customer sebagaimana tercantum dalam PBI Nomor 3/10/PBI/2001 yang kemudian diubah oleh Bank Indonesia Mengenai Penerapan Prinsip dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 5/21/PBI/2003 Mengenai Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 3/10/PBI/2001 tentang Penerapan Prinsip Kenal Nasabah. Dalam menerapkan prinsip mengenal nasabah, bank dapat mencurigai transaksi yang diduga berasal dari hasil kejahatan, seperti penyelundupan uang, suap, tindak pidana korupsi, penyelundupan tenaga kerja, dan kejahatan perbankan. Selain itu, transaksi keuangan yang menyimpang dari profil, karakteristik, atau kebiasaan pola transaksi nasabah perusahaan juga patut dicurigai. Kesimpulannya, prinsip mengenal nasabah (know your customer principle) adalah salah satu prinsip penting dalam dunia perbankan dan keuangan, yang telah diimplementasikan oleh Bank BNI 46 Cabang Bima mengacu pada kebijakan dan prosedur yang diterapkan oleh lembaga keuangan untuk memastikan identitas dan karakteristik nasabah sebelum memberikan layanan keuangan kepada mereka. Namun, hal ini justru bertentangan dengan tradisi kerahasiaan antara bank dan nasabahnya, yang menjadi pilar utama membangun hubungan kepercayaan antara bank dan nasabahnya.     This article is a legal research that analyzes the application of the principles get to know customers (know your customer ) in banking practice, this is very important to do to be able to identify transactions early suspicious, and minimize various risks, such as operational risk, legal risk, risk of concentrated transactions, and reputation risk. The method used in this research is an empirical legal research method, by taking the locus at BNI 46 Bima branch. novelty What is found from this research is a violation of the principle of confidentiality where the bank is allowed to know the identity of the customer related to the profile and the character of the Customer's transaction. The results and discussion show that BNI has 46 Bima branches apply Know Your Customer Principles. Know Your Customer Rules as set forth in PBI Number 3/10/PBI/2001 which was later amended by Bank Indonesia Concerning Application of Principles with Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 5/21/PBI/2003 Concerning the Second Amendment to Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 3/10/PBI/ 2001 concerning Application of Know Your Customer Principles . In implementing the principle of knowing your customer, banks can suspect transactions that are suspected of originating from the proceeds of crime, for example money smuggled, bribery, corruption crimes, labor smuggling, banking crimes. In addition, financial transactions that deviate from the profiles, characteristics or habits of the company's customer transaction patterns are also suspect. In conclusion, the principle of knowing your customer (know your customer principle) is one of the important principles in the world of banking and finance, which has been implemented by Bank BNI 46 Bima Branch referring to the policies and procedures implemented by financial institutions to ensure the correct identity and characteristics of their customers before provide financial services to them. However, this is precisely the opposite of the tradition of secrecy between the bank and its customers, which is the main pillar for building a trusting relationship between the bank and its customers.