Gandhi Liyorba Indra
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Manajemen Pengelolaan Tanah Wakaf dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Studi Pada Yayasan Masjid Al-Furqan Bandar Lampung) Indra Dkk, Gandhi Liyorba
JURNAL ASAS Vol 10, No 01 (2018): Asas, Vol. 10, No. 1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pada hakekatnya kekayaan milik Allah semata, namun Allah SWT., telah menyerahkan kekayaan tersebut kepada manusia, untuk dipergunakan dan diperdayakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia.
Turun Ranjang Marriage in Interdisciplinary Perspective: A Study on the Community of West Java and Lampung A. Kumedi Ja’far; Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Linda Firdawaty; Rohmadi Rohmadi
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 24, No 2 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v24i2.3894


Turun ranjang marriage is a tradition that shows a widower or widow who married their  brother or sister-in-law. This tradition of turun ranjang marriage only occurs when one married couple passes away. However, the existence of turun ranjang marriage is still understood as only part of the implementation of local culture. This paper took the object  of  West Java and Lampung’s society by focusing on how the position and practice of turun ranjang marriage, as well as several perspectives within it, including: Islamic law, psychological, sociological, and economic perspectives. This research is a field research  using the observation method, the interview method, and the documentation method. The results showed that the tradition of turun ranjang marriage is valid as long as the terms and conditions of marriage are fulfilled, both in Islamic law and national legal system. When viewed from the wedding procession, the two regions have something in common, namely that it is carried out more simply, in contrast to the usual wedding procession. However, if seen from the motive for turun ranjang marriage, the Lampung area aims to maintain traditional honor and to continue the lineage, while in West Java it aims to maintain family inheritance. The results of this study also indicate that economic, psychological, and social perspectives  are factors that influence people's understanding of practicing turun ranjang marriage in forming a happy and lasting family. Perkawinan turun ranjang merupakan sebuah tradisi yang menunjukkan seorang duda atau janda yang mengawini adik atau kakak iparnya. Tradisi perkawinan turun ranjang ini hanya terjadi apabila salah satu pasangan suami istri meninggal dunia. Namun demikian, keberadaan perkawinan turun ranjang masih dipahami hanya sebatas bagian  dari implementasi budaya lokal setempat. Tulisan ini mengambil objek di daerah  Jawa Barat dan Lampung dengan menfokuskan kepada bagaimana kedudukan  dan praktek perkawinan turun ranjang, serta beberapa pandangan dibalik perkawinan turun ranjang, antara lain: pandangan hukum Islam, psikologis, sosiologis, dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini  merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan metode observasi, metode interview, dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi  perkawinan turun ranjang adalah sah selama syarat dan rukun perkawinan terpenuhi, baik secara hukum Islam maupun perundang-undangan. Jika dilihat dari prosesi perkawinan, kedua daerah tersebut memiliki kesamaan yaitu dilakukan dengan lebih sederhana, berbeda dengan prosesi perkawinan biasa. Namun, jika dilihat dari motif dalam melangsungkan perkawinan turun ranjang, maka daerah Lampung bertujuan untuk menjaga kehormatan adat dan untuk meneruskan garis keturunan, sementara di Jawa barat bertujuan untuk mempertahankan harta warisan keluarga. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pandangan ekonomi, psikologi, dan sosial merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi pemahaman masyarakat dalam melangsungkan pernikahan turun ranjang dalam membentuk keluarga yang bahagia dan kekal. 
Investasi Dengan Sistem Build Operate And Transfer (Bot) Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi di Rumah Makan Pindang Uwo Sumur Putri Bandar Lampung) Rini Sukmawati; Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Ahmad Nurcholis
JURNAL ASAS Vol 14, No 01 (2022): Asas, Vol. 14, No. 01 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (37.563 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/asas.v14i01.13141


An agreement is a deal made between somebody or some person with somebody or other people to do a deed certain. If this observed, that the agreement made by the two parties will basically give rise to a right on the one hand, and an obligation on the other. This is closely related to the existing legal aspect. So that is in law if something deed has influence or consequence which related to a law called with deed law (including agreement). The problem in the study is how to form an agreement to work on the same among owner soil with manager House Eat and How View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Destination from the study this that is for knowing form agreement work same Among owner soil with manager House Eat and for knowing View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Type study which used in a study this is study field (Field Research) that is something studies which conducted in environment Public certain, good in institutions organization Public (social), nor institution government. Source data obtained from the study direct and obtained from a source other like dark books about the agreement, journals, and source Al- Qur'an and hadith about the agreement. Based on description on study this could take conclusion that is Form agreement cooperation Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which set in Regulation Minister In Country No. 19 Year 2016 About Guidelines Management Goods Owned by Area, on base agreement No.511.3/11297, No.007/OIM/VII/ 2004 Among holder power soil in Thing this owner soil with manager house eat or perpetrator effort which will set up effort on soil owner soil building with notes will give part profit results business to government and later will return object agreement in the form of soil to owner soil if time which agreed already finished. Cooperation system Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which conducted by owner soil and manager house eat based on get along and condition which already in do already Fulfill sharia Islam where second party each other profitable and To do Thing Halal in accordance with provision Islamic law. Keywords: Investation , BOT, System , Islamic Law
Investasi Dengan Sistem Build Operate And Transfer (Bot) Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi di Rumah Makan Pindang Uwo Sumur Putri Bandar Lampung) Rini Sukmawati; Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Ida Khoridah Huriyah
JURNAL ASAS Vol 14, No 01 (2022): Asas, Vol. 14, No. 01 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (880.068 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/asas.v14i01.11526


An agreement is a deal made between somebody or some person with somebody or other people to do a deed certain. If this observed, that the agreement made by the two parties will basically give rise to a right on the one hand, and an obligation on the other. This is closely related to the existing legal aspect. So that is in law if something deed has influence or consequence which related to a law called with deed law (including agreement). The problem in the study is how to form an agreement to work on the same among owner soil with manager House Eat and How View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Destination from the study this that is for knowing form agreement work same Among owner soil with manager House Eat and for knowing View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Type study which used in a study this is study field (Field Research) that is something studies which conducted in environment Public certain, good in institutions organization Public (social), nor institution government. Source data obtained from the study direct and obtained from a source other like dark books about the agreement, journals, and source Al- Qur'an and hadith about the agreement. Based on description on study this could take conclusion that is Form agreement cooperation Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which set in Regulation Minister In Country No. 19 Year 2016 About Guidelines Management Goods Owned by Area, on base agreement No.511.3/11297, No.007/OIM/VII/ 2004 Among holder power soil in Thing this owner soil with manager house eat or perpetrator effort which will set up effort on soil owner soil building with notes will give part profit results business to government and later will return object agreement in the form of soil to owner soil if time which agreed already finished. Cooperation system Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which conducted by owner soil and manager house eat based on get along and condition which already in do already Fulfill sharia Islam where second party each other profitable and To do Thing Halal in accordance with provision Islamic law. Keywords: BOT, Islamic Law, Investation, System
POLIGAMI DALAM TAFSIR MUBADALAH Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Marisa Putri
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/mahkamah.v7i2.11115


Jurnal ini bertujuan menjelaskan tentang tafsir mubadalah dalamhal poligami. Data utama terdiri dari buku Faqihuddin Abdul Kadir berjudul Qira’ah Mubadalah, buku-buku berkaitan dengan poligami, karya ilmiah berupa tesis, jurnal, artikel, skripsi, dan bahan pendukung lainnya. Hasil dari artikel ini bahwa mubadalah memiliki pandangan terkait poligami, bahwa pandangan mubadalah terkait poligami ialah: (1) Poligami bukanlah solusi dalam relasi pasangan suami istri, melainkan problem yang akan sering mendatangkan kemudharatan. Perempuan mempunyai hak mutlak untuk menolak poligami dengan alasan menghindari dari kerusakan dan mudharat yang akan terjadi pada dirinya atau keluarganya. (2) Perempuan tidak berhak melarang suaminya untuk berpoligami akan tetapi dia mempunyai hak cerai jika dia tidak terima untuk dipoligami, untuk kehidupan yang layak dan bahagia.
Investasi Dengan Sistem Build Operate And Transfer (Bot) Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi di Rumah Makan Pindang Uwo Sumur Putri Bandar Lampung) Rini Sukmawati; Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Ida Khoridah Huriyah
JURNAL ASAS Vol 14, No 01 (2022): Asas, Vol. 14, No. 01 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/asas.v14i01.11526


An agreement is a deal made between somebody or some person with somebody or other people to do a deed certain. If this observed, that the agreement made by the two parties will basically give rise to a right on the one hand, and an obligation on the other. This is closely related to the existing legal aspect. So that is in law if something deed has influence or consequence which related to a law called with deed law (including agreement). The problem in the study is how to form an agreement to work on the same among owner soil with manager House Eat and How View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Destination from the study this that is for knowing form agreement work same Among owner soil with manager House Eat and for knowing View Law Islam to implementation cooperation Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) in development and management House Eat as the place effort. Type study which used in a study this is study field (Field Research) that is something studies which conducted in environment Public certain, good in institutions organization Public (social), nor institution government. Source data obtained from the study direct and obtained from a source other like dark books about the agreement, journals, and source Al- Qur'an and hadith about the agreement. Based on description on study this could take conclusion that is Form agreement cooperation Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which set in Regulation Minister In Country No. 19 Year 2016 About Guidelines Management Goods Owned by Area, on base agreement No.511.3/11297, No.007/OIM/VII/ 2004 Among holder power soil in Thing this owner soil with manager house eat or perpetrator effort which will set up effort on soil owner soil building with notes will give part profit results business to government and later will return object agreement in the form of soil to owner soil if time which agreed already finished. Cooperation system Build Operate And Transfer (BOT) which conducted by owner soil and manager house eat based on get along and condition which already in do already Fulfill sharia Islam where second party each other profitable and To do Thing Halal in accordance with provision Islamic law. Keywords: BOT, Islamic Law, Investation, System
Strengthening the National Waqf Ecosystem through Legal Reform: An Analysis of Waqf Issues in the Provinces of Lampung and South Sumatra Faisal Faisal; Fathul Mu'in; Relit Nur Edy; Gandhi Liyorba Indra; Rudi Santoso Santoso
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v9i1.9320


The study aims to identify waqf issues in Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces and explore potential solutions to develop a national waqf ecosystem that is more responsive to the development of time. This research employed empirical juridical research. The primary data was gathered through observations, interviews, and documentation with waqif (donors), nadzir (the administrators of Waqf), public figures, academics, and BWI (Indonesian Waqf Institution) of Lampung and South Sumatra. The secondary data were gathered from books, laws and regulations, judicial decisions, scientific journals, and websites. This study discovered that the challenges of Waqf in Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces comprised aspects of management and supervision, a lack of socialization and literacy, waqf fraud, and insufficient nadzir (donors) resources for creating profitable Waqf and waqf digitization. The solution is to enhance the national waqf ecosystem by reforming waqf laws to strengthen waqif, nadzir, and BWI. With the renewal of waqf law, a positive ecosystem will emerge, reducing waqf disputes and improving people's well-being.