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Tips for Building Harmonious School and Community Relations to Improve the Quality of Education Teguh Waluyo; Sofyan Anif; Sigit Haryanto; Ahmad Muhibbin
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 11 (2023): November
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i11.5473


The aim of this research is to describe school tips for building harmonious relationships with the community to improve the quality of education at SD IT Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Kerinci. The research method used is qualitative using data sources in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions by checking the validity of the data through triangulation of sources and methods. The research results show that school tips for building harmonious relationships with the community include effective communication, community involvement in school programs, teacher development, increasing student participation, a safe and comfortable learning environment, as well as fairness and transparency. The school creates a conducive climate for parents to actively participate in school activities. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the school's efforts to improve the quality of education through harmonious relations with the community have been successful by implementing the tips that have been explained. Thus, good cooperation between schools and the community can have a positive impact on improving the quality of education at SD IT Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Kerinci.
The Evaluation of The Project on Strengthening The Students' Pancasila Profile in SMKN 7 Surakarta Asri Pujihastuti; Teguh Waluyo; S Sumardi
Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science 2023: Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The implementation of kurikulum Merdeka presents a significant challenge, particularly in developing students' character aligned with the Pancasila Student Profile. To address this, SMKN 7 Surakarta introduced the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) as part of Kurikulum Merdeka. This study focuses on evaluating the P5 implementation at SMKN 7 Surakarta, specifically its planning stage using the P5 module created by teachers. The research adopts the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) method to assess the implementation. A qualitative approach was employed, analyzing survey data through questionnaires and providing descriptive explanations of the findings. The study concluded that: 1) teachers successfully developed a P5 module following module-making principles, applicable to class X students, 2) teachers enhanced the quality of teaching material modules, particularly those related to fieldwork practice, and 3) the P5 module effectively strengthened the implementation of the independent curriculum.
Menumbuhkembangkan Kinerja Guru TK melalui Pendekatan Transformasi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah di TK ABA Teguh Waluyo; Darsinah Darsinah; Wafroturrohman Wafroturrohmah
Jurnal Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Borneo Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Borneo, 5(1), Februari 2024
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/jtikborneo.v5i3.6971


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang hubungan antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Bukit Gajah. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif, di mana data yang dikumpulkan berupa informasi verbal. Informan dalam penelitian ini ialah kepala sekolah dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru dinilai baik. Dari delapan indikator yang diamati, tujuh indikator telah terlaksana dengan baik, sedangkan satu indikator masih belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Indikator-indikator tersebut mencakup pembinaan motivasi semangat kerja, pembinaan disiplin, memberikan konsultasi, memberikan penghargaan, melakukan kunjungan kelas, menunjukkan sikap dan perilaku teladan, membangun kerja aktif dan kreatif, serta mengembangkan profesi guru. Selain itu, kinerja guru juga dinilai baik dengan tercapainya lima indikator, yaitu menyusun rencana pembelajaran, mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran, menjalin hubungan interpersonal, melakukan penilaian, dan menguasai kajian akademik. Berdasarkan temuan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah memiliki kontribusi yang positif terhadap peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dan mutu pendidikan secara keseluruhan, dengan kinerja guru menjadi kunci keberhasilan dalam dunia pendidikan.