Asri Awal
Universitas Negeri Makassar

Published : 3 Documents Claim Missing Document
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The Agility Analysis of the Ability to Accompany the Ball in Student Football Games Muhammad Nur; Asri Awal; Erwan Hafid
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the Agility Analysis of the Ability to Accompany the Ball in the Football Game of Students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using observation. The method in this study uses descriptive statistics with observation techniques and tests. The population in this study was all students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto as many as 365 students. The sampling technique uses random sampling, so the number of samples in this study was 30 students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto. The test instruments used in this study were agility test instruments and dribbling ability tests in football games. Data analysis uses quantitative description with percentages. the overall data of this study shows that There is a relationship between agility to the ability to accompany the ball in the football game of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto students.
The Shooting Technique Uses The Inner Foot In The Game Of Football Muhammad Nur; Asri Awal; Erwan Hafid
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine shooting techniques using the inner foot in football games. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The method in this study uses descriptive statistics with test and measurement techniques. The population in this study was all students of SMA 11 Sinjai. The sampling technique uses random sampling, so the number of samples in this study is 20 students. The test instrument used in this study is a basic football-playing skill test instrument according to Nurhasan which has been tested for validity: shooting of 0.779 and 0.868. Data analysis uses quantitative description with percentages. The overall data of this study shows that the ability to shoot using the inner foot in football games is in a good category.
Pelatihan Penyusunan Business Plan bagi Calon Wirausaha di Desa Arasoe, Kabupaten Bone Nurul Fadilah Aswar; Hasmyati; Nur Indah Atifah Anwar; Muh Ilham Aksir; Asri Awal
Paramacitra Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 01 Nomor 02 (Mei 2024)
Publisher : PT Ininnawa Paramacitra Edu

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Kewirausahaan memainkan peran penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, terutama di tingkat lokal. Namun, banyak dari mereka yang kesulitan dalam menyusun business plan yang efektif, yang merupakan dasar bagi keberhasilan usaha. Desa Arasoe, Kabupaten Bone, memiliki potensi besar dalam pengembangan kewirausahaan, namun para calon wirausaha di daerah ini masih kurang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menyusun rencana bisnis yang komprehensif. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan penyusunan business plan bagi calon wirausaha di Desa Arasoe. Pelatihan ini mencakup pemahaman dasar tentang pentingnya rencana bisnis, teknik penyusunan rencana bisnis, analisis pasar, perencanaan keuangan, manajemen operasional, dan strategi pemasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tersebut memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi para peserta. Mereka menjadi lebih terampil dalam merencanakan usaha secara profesional, mampu menyusun rencana bisnis yang baik, dan siap menghadapi tantangan dalam menjalankan usaha.