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Implementation of Islamic Spiritual Guidance for People with Mental Disorders at the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation Hasan Bastomi
Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/konseling.v5i2.12850


Implementation of Islamic Spiritual Guidance for People with Mental Disorders at the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation. This study aims to reveal the implementation of Islamic spiritual guidance for people with mental disorders at the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation. This research on the implementation of Islamic spiritual guidance for people with mental disorders was carried out using a qualitative approach with the type of field research (field research) with data collection techniques using Interview, Observation and Documentation. The research subjects or informants in this research are the Chairperson of the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation, nurses, and spiritual mentors of the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation. The results showed that the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation in carrying out spiritual guidance for people with mental disorders. Methods. Spiritual guidance for people with mental disorders was carried out by the individual method (direct) and the group guidance method. The stages and materials for spiritual guidance for people with mental disorders are in three stages, namely: (1) the initial stage is by introducing Fiqh Worship, (2) the intermediate stage is the seriousness stage, namely by providing religious lecture guidance, and the final stage is the stage of ending the guidance process ( termination). Suggestion It is necessary to have a permanent spiritual guide who is assigned to carry out spiritual guidance at the Jalma Sehat Kudus Foundation so that the implementation of Islamic spiritual guidance can run continuously.Keywords: Guidance, Islamic Spirituality, Mental Disorders
Cyber Konseling: Sebuah Model Konseling Pada Konteks Masyarakat Berbasis Online Hasan Bastomi
Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Konseling Edukasi: Journal Of Guidance and Counseling
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/konseling.v3i1.4993


Cyber Counselling: A Model of Counselling in the Online-Based Society Context. A decade lately the virtual world appears to be one of the most important aspect in human life. Virtual reality, one of which developed from the evolution of the internet creates a virtual space that can be a representation or simulation of real life, including in the field of guidance and counselling called cyber counselling. Cyber counselling services are one of the virtual counselling service strategies or counselling that takes place by using an internet connection. Cyber Counselling is the alternative way when today, almost everyone who has a smartphone, also has social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and so on. Nevertheless, the counselling process can occur separately between counsellors and counselees in different time and place. In implementing cyber counselling a number of issues such as ethical issues and issues of developing counselling relationship may arise and must be considered. Therefore, cyber counsellors should have the ability of cyber counselling.
Konseling Rational Emotif Behaviour Theraphy (Rebt)-Islami (Sebuah Pendekatan Integrasi Keilmuan) Hasan Bastomi; Muhammad Ali Sofyan Aji
Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Konseling Edukasi: Journal Of Guidance and Counseling
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/konseling.v2i2.4465


Adanya spesialisasi ilmu adalah sebuah keniscayaan. Namun juga membawa dampak yang negatif, terjadi suatu arogansi, ketika dihadapkan pada problem-problem realitas kemasyarakatan, begitu juga didalam kajian konseling. Maka Integrasi keilmuan dapat menjadi paradigma pilihan. Oleh karena itu, perlu ditekankan kajian keagamaan, baik hal itu berasal dari perspektif Indigenous Counseling yang cross cultural dan mengungkap variabel budaya lokal maupun Konseling Agama terhadap pembentukan karakter individu. Dalam artikel ini  mengintegrasikan pendektan konseling REBT dengan ajaran Islam.  REBT Islami adalah sebuah pendekatan konseling mengakomodasi keyakinan agama klien yang mana keyakinan agama klien dapat memberikan struktur penting kepada skema pengorganisasian kepribadian klien. Maka REBT Islami sangat cocok untuk mengintegrasikan keyakinan agama klien dalam intervensi konseling.Kata Kunci: Konseling REBT, Islami, Integrasi Keilmuan
Optimization of religious extension role in COVID-19 pandemic Hasan Bastomi
Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jagc.2020.1.2.6032


Purpose -  This study aims to investigate the optimization of the role of religious instructors in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.Method - This research is a type of library research, namely, by recording all findings and integrating all findings, both theories and new findings about the religious extension, analyzing all findings from various reading and providing critical ideas about optimizing the role of religious instructors in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.Result - The results of the study show that various issues in all sectors emerged as a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to optimize the role of religious instructors who play a very strategic role in the framework of mental, moral, and value development devotion of the people and also contribute to improving the quality of life of the people in various fields both in the field of religion and development amid COVID-19 pandemic by carrying out informative and educative functions, consultative functions, and advocacy functions.Implications - To optimize the role, several things need to be done by religious instructors.Originality - The framework of mental development with optimization of religious extension role in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. Tujuan -  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui optimalisasi peran ustadz di tengah pandemi COVID-19.Metode - Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pustaka yaitu dengan mencatat semua temuan dan mengintegrasikan semua temuan baik teori maupun temuan baru tentang penyuluhan agama, menganalisis semua temuan dari berbagai bacaan dan memberikan gagasan kritis tentang optimalisasi peran penyuluh agama di tengah-tengah. dari pandemi COVID-19.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai permasalahan di semua sektor muncul sebagai akibat dari merebaknya pandemi COVID-19, maka diperlukan optimalisasi peran ustadz yang berperan sangat strategis dalam kerangka mental, moral, dan pengembangan nilai pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat di berbagai bidang baik di bidang keagamaan maupun pembangunan di tengah pandemi COVID-19 dengan menjalankan fungsi informatif dan edukatif, fungsi konsultatif, dan fungsi advokasi.Implikasi - Untuk mengoptimalkan peran tersebut, beberapa hal perlu dilakukan oleh para penyuluh agama.Originalitas - Kerangka pembinaan mental dengan optimalisasi peran penyuluh agama di tengah pandemi COVID-19.
Dakwah Bi Al-Hikmah Sebagai Pola Pengembangan Sosial Keagamaan Masyarakat Hasan Bastomi
Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah Vol 36, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Dakwah and Communication, Walisongo State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jid.v36.2.1776


Islam is da’wa religious, its mean obey muslim to preach Islam to other people everytime, everywhere. Dawah can efective if use good method. Dawah method is ways that did by dai (communicator) to mad’u for purpose based hikmah and love. Base on developing religious civil sociaty, implementation of da’wa need significant motivation, methodology and institution. One of them is dawah have to implement with semiotic skill and imagology, with organize sign elements so its interesting and can be mobile everyone to receive Islam and implemen mision of dawah, its remain to do al-khair, ma’ruf and reject al munkar in every dimention. Da’wa like this, summary in word hikmah. Al-hikmah is skill of dai to choose and do technique of  dakwah acording to objective  condition of mad’u and explaine Islamic doctrine and reality in logic argumentation and comunictaive language. Al-Hikmah as a system that unity theoritic and practice skill in da’wa.
Muslim Heritage Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Muslim Heritage: Jurnal Dialog Islam dengan Realitas
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/muslimheritage.v7i1.3551


AbstractThis article aims to examine philanthropic activities in the pandemic era by looking at the role of the NU Task Force in dealing with the impact of Covid-19 in Indonesia. This research uses field research with descriptive-qualitative-analytical analysis techniques. The results showed that as an Islamic philanthropic movement in the pandemic era, the NU Covid-19 Task Force carried out the following activities: (1) Education and outreach to the public about the urgency of philanthropic attitudes in achieving happiness in the hereafter through socialization through educational videos about preventing Covid-19. (2) Collecting donations by involving volunteers, NU internal institutions and external institutions engaged in philanthropy through professional and proportional investment in dealing with Covid-19. (3) Expanding the use of philanthropic funds by distributing and utilizing them in the form of providing consumptive and productive assistance to communities affected by Covid-19. (4) Supervision of the NU Covid-19 Task Force through supervision from PBNU involving WHO and other institutions. This collaboration with various parties is carried out so that this philanthropic movement becomes a massive joint movement through synergies with related parties in the fight against Covid-19. AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kegiatan filantropi di era pandemi dengan melihat peran Satgas NU dalam menaggulangi dampak Covid-19 di Indonesia.Penelitian ini mengunakan riset lapangan (field research) dengan teknik analisis deskriptif-kualitatif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagai sebuah gerakan filantropi Islam di era Pademi, Satgas Covid-19 NU melakukan kegiatan: (1) Edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang urgensi sikap filantropi dalam meraih kebahagiaan hidup dunia akhirat melalui sosialisasi lewat video edukasi tentang pencegahan Covid-19. (2) Pengumpulan donasi dengan cara melibatkan relawan, lembaga internal NU dan lembaga eksternal yang bergerak di bidang filantropi melalui penanaman kerja secara professional dan proporsional dalam penaggulangan Covid-19. (3) Memperluas pemanfaatan dana filantropi dengan pendistribusian dan pendayagunaan dalam bentuk pemberian bantuan konsumtif dan produktif kepada masyarakat terdampak Covid-19. (4) Pengawasan Satgas Covid-19 NU melalui pengawasan dari PBNU yang melibatkan WHO dan lembaga lain. Kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak ini dilakukan agar gerakan filantropi ini menjadi gerakan bersama yang bersifat massif melalui sinergi dengan pihak terkait dalam penaggulangan Covid-19.
Perbandingan Sikap Empati Mahasiswa Sebagai Calon Konselor Berdasarkan Analisis Gender Hasan Bastomi
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Ghaidan Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam & Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ghaidan.v4i2.5673


This study aims to compare the empathy attitudes of Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling students at the Kudus State Islamic Institute as prospective counselors based on gender analysis. This study used a qualitative method with the type of Field Research research with a sample size of 120 Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling students at the Kudus State Islamic Institute, extracting data using questionnaires, observations, interviews and documentation and then analyzed using a descriptive percentage table. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in empathy between female research participants and male research participants with affective empathy components in the good category, namely 32% versus 42% and cognitive empathy in the good category 79% versus 80%. This can happen due to various things. Initially, the stereotype said that women are more nurturance and have an interpersonal orientation compared to men so that it has an impact on the level of empathy they have.
Implementation of Counseling Services on Platform in Overcoming Mental Health Problems Hasan Bastomi; Diana Fitriani; Maulida Rizqiyyatul Chusna; Safitra Salwa; Muhammad Sholeh
Pamomong: Journal of Islamic Educational Counseling Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi BKPI IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/pamomong.v3i1.1-14


This research aimed to reveal the implementation of the counseling service on platform in overcoming mental health problems. This field research used a qualitative approach with interviews, observation, and documentation techniques in collecting the data. The results showed that the main background of was utilizing technology to ease anything, including counseling services. The implementation of the counseling service in dealing with mental health problems was as follows: (1) Establishing a relationship with the counselees using friendly greetings, (2) Reflecting on the counselees' empathy and appreciating their courage to share their story/problems, and then finding the solutions, (3) Providing self-help psychoeducation to train their ability in solving daily problems and developing their character.
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 24 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.545 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v24i2.2826


Pondok Pesantren merupakan lembaga dan wahana pendidikan agama sekaligus sebagai komunitas santri yang “ngaji“ ilmu agama Islam. Beberapa pandangan tentang pendidikan pesantren menurut KH. Ma’shum Ahmad antara lain: tujuan pendidikan pesantren sebagai pencetak ulama’ untuk menyebarkan ilmu, dan memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain. Kurikulum di pesantren lebih mengutamakan pelajaran berbasis agama yang dilakukan melalui pembelajaran kitab kuning. Sedangkan seorang pendidik (guru) dipesantren harus memiliki komitmen dan senantiasa selalu meningkatkan keilmuan (belajar) serta menguasai materi pelajaran. Pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tidak hanya sebagai tempat mendidik dan belajar, namun juga berfungsi sebagai lembaga untuk menanamkan jiwa sosial. Sebagai seorang pendidik di pesantren dituntut memiliki kemampuan dalam mengenali potensi dan karakteristik santri melalui perhatian kepada para santri. Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Pandangan, KH. Ma’shum Ahmad
Pendidikan Keluarga melalui Keterampilan Mendengar: Studi Kasus di Wedung, Demak Hasan Bastomi
BUANA GENDER : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.705 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/bg.v1i2.403


A family is the smallest comunity in society. It is the first environment (milleu) for the children in having interaction. This correlation pattern is embodied by the attitude and behavior of parents towards their children, one of them is through listening culture. This research employed a field research method with descriptive qualitative analisys technique. The research data collected subsequently analyzed by using deductive and inductive approaches related with listening skill of parents in Desa Mutih Wetan Wedung Demak. The result of the research shows that listening skill is important in the family especially the awareness for parents in entrusting their children to express any idea or opinion.Keluarga merupakan komunitas terkecil dalam masyarakat. Ia merupakan lingkungan pertama bagi anak dalam berinteraksi. Pola hubungan ini diwujudkan dengan sikap dan perilaku orang tua terhadap anak, salah satunya dengan budaya mendengar. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode riset lapangan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deduktif dan pendekatan induktif yang berkenaan dengan ketrampilan mendengar orang tua di Desa Mutih Wetan Wedung Demak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketrampilan mendengar penting dalam keluarga terutama kesadaran bagi orang tua dalam memberikan kepercayaan kepada anak untuk mengeluarkan segala ide ataupun gagasan yang dimilikinya.