Abdul Rozak
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

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Fikrah : Journal of Islamic Education Fikrah: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 4 No. 1 June 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/fikrah.v4i1.728


Tulisan ini berupaya mendeskripsikan tentang profil guru ideal menurut Islam dan bagaimana upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghasilkan guru yang berkualitas sehingga mampu mendidik umat ini agar menjadi umat terbaik. Guru ideal menurut Islam adalah guru yang mewarisi akhlaq Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang memiliki cirri-ciri jujur, sabar, adil, amanah, dermawan, istiqomah, pemberani, zuhud, rendah hati, pemaaf, penuh kasih sayang, visioner, ulil albab, komitmen, dan kompeten. Untuk menghasilkan guru yang ideal perlu ada terobosan baru, yaitu menjaring calon-calon yang berkualitas, kemudian didik dengan system dan kurikulum yang mengacu pada pembentukan guru ideal.
Kajian Gender dalam Pendidikan Islam dan Transformasi Pendidikan Berkeadilan Gender Nuridin Nuridin; Cecep Sumarna; Abd Rozaq
Darajat: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Darajat: Jurnal PAI
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Fakultas Tarbiyah dam Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah (IAI TABAH) Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58518/darajat.v5i2.1410


Diskriminasi dalam pendidikan disadari atau tidak, hal itu akan sangat merugikan bagi salah satu pihak, dalam hal ini perempuan sebagai pihak yang selalu dinomor duakan. Ada sejumlah faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya diskriminasi atau ketidak adilan tersebut, yaitu faktor struktural dan kultural.(Ariefa, 2008) Selain kebijakan pembangunan yang kurang sensitive gender, dimasyarakat juga masih terdapat praktik-praktik budaya yang bias gender. Menghadapi kondisi seperti ini, tentunya diperlukan upaya nyata dalam upaya pemajuan perempuan menuju pendidikan yang lebih berkeadilan gender. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap perbedaan gender dalam Pendidikan Islam yang berkeadilan
The Role Of Pancasila In Growing The Soul Of Nationalism For The Millenial Generation Masruroh Masruroh
Mimbar Agama Budaya Vol 39, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/mimbar.v39i2.27249


The entry of the era of globalization makes the world's nations almost have no boundaries. The good and bad impact of globalization, of course, let's examine it together by basing Pancasila as a way of life for the Indonesian people in facing all problems along with the times. The research methodology that we use in this study is quantitative. The number of samples taken were 32 students of chemistry education at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The data collection technique that researchers used in this observation was a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire distributed to students resulted in several steps that could be taken from the role of Pancasila in fostering the spirit of nationalism of the millennial generation, including by applying the role of Pancasila values which can foster the spirit of nationalism in general, namely by applying the values of Pancasila in everyday life, respecting differences, use the good and correct Indonesian language, participate responsibly in maintaining independence according to ability, love domestic products, put the interests of the state above personal interests, preserve the nation's culture, love the diversity of Indonesia.
Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dan Implementasinya Dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam di Abad 21 Acep Saefuddin; Cecep Sumarna; Abdul Rozak
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 6 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.989 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7769740


This article aims to discuss the values ​​of religious moderation and their implementation in Islamic religious education in the 21st century. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data analysis is more focused on library research or literature studies. The conclusion in this study is that the 21st century is marked by the emergence of an era of disruption, due to the great influence of technology in this century, changing trends, namely from analog trends to digital trends with digital innovations that make everything easy. So to face this era, special skills are needed including critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Religious moderation is a religious attitude with the principle of balance and fairness so that it will avoid excessive attitudes. The implementation of religious moderation values ​​in PAI learning is one of the solutions in facing the challenges of this century and in order to ward off radical attitudes in religion which is also one of the influences social media. PAI learning has a strategic role in achieving the goals of National Education, especially those related to instilling faith and devotion to God Almighty and increasing noble character
Pendidikan Islam Abad 21: Antara Tuntutan Komodifikasi & Nilai Religius Nurohmat Nurohmat; Cecep Sumarna; Abdul Rozak
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 8 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7898022


In the midst of efforts to provide quality Islamic education services to the user community, it certainly has an impact on the need for an adequate budget, including the supply of budget from the user community, giving rise to the stigma of 'commodification' of Islamic education. On the other hand, paradigmatically, Islamic education is demanded with humanist, religious, and sacred values that are perceived as far from the commodification and capitalization of education. This study aims to examine conceptually the commodification of Islamic education and the demands of maintaining the substance of religious values in 21st century Islamic education. Methods The research used in this research is literature review or literature review in the form of scientific articles contained in journals and books related to the research theme. The results of the study indicate that there is a new paradigm in Islamic education that demands the process of commodification of Islamic education. On the other hand, Islamic education seeks to dialogue between the sources of Islamic teachings and the demands of the times and human needs. Religious values exist as an adhesive for the peace of students in meeting the demands of the times. So that paradigmatically there is a need for reconciliation between commodification demands and religious substance in Islamic education.
Window shopping model to develop student’s religious moderation literacy Zaenul Slam; Abd Rozak
Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan Vol 20, No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jc.v20i1.58988


Religious diversity is a significant aspect of contemporary society, with individuals adhering to various faiths and belief systems. Promoting religious moderation among students in educational settings is crucial to fostering an inclusive and harmonious environment that respects diverse religious perspectives. Student's religious moderation literacy is inseparable from various factors. This study aimed to determine how the window-shopping model developed students' religious moderation literacy. This study was motivated by diminishing religious moderation literacy among students. This study was conducted qualitatively by using a case study. The results showed that through the window-shopping model, student's religious moderation literacy could be developed. In addition, the window-shopping model could teach students to be independent, collaborative, critical, and creative. This study is recommended to optimize the window-shopping model as a learning model that can develop various student potencies.
Qiro'ah : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Qiroah: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah Institut Ilmu Al-Qur'an (IIQ) Jakarta, Indonesia

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The Merdeka Curriculum is a development of the K13 curriculum which focuses on aspects ofdeveloping the potential, talents, and interests of students through digitizing learning with the useof technology. This curriculum is a starting point for facing the Society 5.0 era whichpredominantly uses technology. The Merdeka Curriculum is compiled based on four schools ofeducational philosophy, each of which has characteristics that complement each other incurriculum preparation, only the dominance is different in each curriculum. The development ofan independent curriculum needs to be reviewed in terms of educational philosophy so that thedominance of this philosophy can be identified so that the output results are identified with thebasis of the curriculum. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach(library research), primary sources are obtained from scientific literature and secondary sourcesare obtained from supporting sources, such as essays, papers, seminar results, and others. Theresults of this study are first, the perennialism school of philosophy does not dominate in theindependent curriculum because it is only used as a stronghold of cultural values so as not tocollapse in the modern era. Second, the essentialism school of philosophy dominates in the contentof learning materials. Third, the progressivism school of philosophy fills in the process of studentcharacter building through the Pancasila student profile. Fourth, the constructionism school ofphilosophy dominates the whole because of the renewal of the structure and system of schoolstakeholders
Publisher : Adisam Publisher

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In today's digital landscape, librarians serve as linchpins in advancing digital citizenship through their efforts to bridge the digital divide and preserve digital memories. Librarians employ tailored digital literacy programs, innovative technologies, and strategic partnerships to ensure equitable access to digital resources and foster digital fluency across diverse communities. Their advocacy for policies promoting digital inclusion and stakeholder collaboration further amplifies their impact. Additionally, librarians recognize the significance of safeguarding digital memories and promoting information literacy amid rapid technological advancements. They safeguard valuable digital content for future generations by guiding digital preservation and information management. This abstract underscores the pivotal role of librarians as advocates for digital literacy and custodians of digital heritage, driving endeavors toward a more inclusive and digitally resilient society. In an age dominated by digital technology, librarians play a crucial role in empowering digital citizenship by addressing the digital divide and preserving digital memories. Through tailored digital literacy programs, innovative technologies, and strategic partnerships, librarians ensure equitable access to digital resources and foster digital fluency across diverse populations. Moreover, their advocacy for policies promoting digital inclusion and stakeholder collaboration amplifies their impact. Librarians also recognize the importance of preserving digital memories and promoting information literacy amidst rapid technological evolution. By offering guidance on digital preservation and information management, they protect invaluable digital content for future generations. This abstract highlights librarians' critical role as champions of digital literacy and custodians of digital heritage, driving initiatives toward a more inclusive and digitally resilient society.
CHANGE IN SOCIETY IN MODERN DIGITAL AGE SOCIETIES Bernadus Wibowo Suliantoro; Farida Asy'ari; Loso Judijanto; Firmansyah Firmansyah; Abdul Rozak
Publisher : Adisam Publisher

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This article provides an overview of social change in modern society, covering drivers, types of change, impacts, and challenges faced. Factors such as technological development, globalization, urbanization, demographic change, and cultural change play a major role in social change. Social change can affect social structures, value systems, individual behaviour, and social group dynamics. Impacts include new opportunities and instability, while challenges include socio-economic gaps, meeting basic needs, cultural integration, changing social identities, and eradicating access to resources. This journal provides important insights for policymakers, researchers, and social practitioners in the face of ever-increasing social change.
International Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Adisam Publisher

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This cross-cultural analysis explores the socioeconomic impacts of digital literacy initiatives in primary education, undertaking a comparative study across Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The study investigates the multifaceted dimensions of digital literacy, considering its implications for academic achievement, workforce readiness, and economic development within the distinct cultural contexts of these nations. The analysis examines the primary education systems, digital infrastructure, and cultural perspectives, uncovering the diverse landscapes that shape the implementation and outcomes of digital literacy initiatives. Furthermore, the study identifies common challenges and opportunities, providing insights into the strategies employed and recommendations for enhancing program effectiveness. Through a systematic exploration, this research contributes valuable perspectives on the role of digital literacy in shaping the socioeconomic trajectories of primary education in Southeast Asia.