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Physical Activity and The Strength of Bone in Menopause Patients in National Sports Hospital in 2017 Waseso, Laras Bani; Supartono, Basuki; Fauziah, Cut
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v14i1.4587


Abstract: Osteoporosis is three times more likely to happen to menopause patients with low physical activity because it causes the bone mass to decrease. Standard examination for osteoporosis is a bone mass examination or also known as BMD (Bone Mass Densitometry). This research aims to identify the correlation between physical activity and bone strength in menopause patients. This is an observational analytical research which used cross-sectional design. The sample consists of 74 patients from Kemenpora National Hospital in 2017. The data were analyzed by using Chi-square test. The result shows that 37% of low physical activity patients have normal bone strength, 63% of which have osteopenia and 20% of the patients have osteoporosis. Meanwhile, 52% of medium physical activity patients have normal bone strength, 19% of the patients have osteopenia, and 33% of the patients have osteoporosis. 16% of patients with high physical activity have normal bone strength, 18% of the patients have osteopenia, and 47% of the patients have osteoporosis. This research proves that there is a correlation between physical activity and bone strength in menopause patients (p = 0,004). Keywords: Physical Activity, Bone Mass Densitometry, Menopausal Women
Jurnal Profesi Medika : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 8, No 2 (2014): JPM : Jurnal Profesi Medika
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran UPN Veteran Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (34.155 KB) | DOI: 10.33533/jpm.v8i2.679


Introduction :  Research of CD34+ cells intervention to rats is not yet done. This researchis the latest research which investigated the toxic reaction of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell intervention in non engineered rats.Methods : 3 Sprague Dawley rats, male, 7 months, 285+18,5 g. Rat 1 : received intraartricular injection of human peripheral blood CD34+ cells (105 cells). Rat 2 : received intraartricular injection of human cord blood CD34+ cells (105 cells). Rat 3 : received intraartricular injection of human cord blood CD34+ cells (106 cells), hyaluronic acid and grown factors. All rats were examined hematological, blood chemistry parameters and microscopic of the liver and kidney.Result : All rats showed good condition. There is slight increasing parameter in hematological and blood chemistry but liver and kidney in normal microscopic condition. No hiperacute rejection reaction : edema, systemic bleeding. There is no hyper acute and acute reaction.Conclusion :  Human CD34+ cells suspension with or without scaffold and growth factors does not cause toxicity reaction in naïve Sprague Dawley rats. 
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v2i2.1504


Osteoporosis is three times more likely to occur in patients experiencing menopause with low physical activity,resulting in reduced bone mass. The standard examination of bone osteoporosis is an examination of bone mass, alsoknown as BMD (Bone Mass Densitometry). This study aims to identify the correlation between physical activityand bone mass in menopausal patients. This is an analytical observation research that uses cross sectional model.The sample consists of 74 patients from the Kemenpora National Hospital in 2017. Data were analyzed using thechi-square method. The result shows that 37% of patients with low physical activity had normal bone strength, 63%had osteopenia and 20% of patients had osteoporosis. Meanwhile, 52% of patients with moderate physical activityhad normal bone strength, 19% had osteopenia, and 33% of these patients have osteoporosis. 16% of patients withhigh physical activity have normal bone strength, 18% of patients experience osteopenia, and 47% of patientsexperience osteoporosis. This study proves that there is a relationship between physical activity and bone strength inmenopausal patients (p = 0.004).Osteoporosis tiga kali lebih mungkin terjadi pada pasien yang mengalami menopause dengan aktivitas fisik rendah yang mengakibatkan massa tulang berkurang .Pemeriksaan standar osteoporosis tulang adalah pemeriksaan massa tulang atau juga dikenal sebagai BMD (Bone Mass Densitometry). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi korelasi antara aktivitas fisik dan tulang massa pada pasien menopause. Ini adalah suatu analitis pengamatan riset yang menggunakan model cross sectional.  Sampel terdiri dari 74 pasien dari Rumah Sakit Nasional Kemenpora pada tahun 2017. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode chi-square. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 37% pasien aktivitas fisik rendah mempunyai kekuatan tulang yang normal, 63% yang mengalami osteopenia dan 20% pasien mengalami osteoporosis .Sementara itu, 52% pasien aktivitas fisik menengah tersebut masih mempunyai kekuatan tulang yang normal, 19% mengalami osteopenia, dan 33% dari para pasien tersebut mengalami osteoporosis. 16 % pasien dengan aktivitas fisik tinggi mempunyai kekuatan tulang yang normal, 18% dari pasien mengalami osteopenia, dan 47% dari pasien mengalami osteoporosis. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ada hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dan kekuatan tulang pada pasien menopause (p = 0,004).Kata kunci: Physical Activity, Bone Mass Densitometry, Menopausal Women
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v5i1.7315


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that cause damage to joint cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis affects 151,4 million people in the world, including 27,4 million in Southeast Asia. Osteoarthritis is a disease that is a burden on public health and the country. The prevalence of osteoarthritis is one in four people aged 50 years and individuals aged 65 years are more at risk of developing calcification of the knee joint. Risk factors such as type II Diabetes Mellitus are observed in one of osteoarthritis research. A hispanic study explained the prevalence of osteoarthritis patient are twice as much in diabetic patient than non-diabetic patient. A score of 6.5% of HbA1c test is required to diagnose diabetes. The goal of this study is to find out the connection of type 2 diabetes mellitus and knee osteoarthritis. This research uses observational analytic with cross sectional research design with a total of 45 patient from Orthopedic clinic of Al – Fauzan General Hospital in 2016 – 2019 and analyzed with chi square test. According to the result, the most group of age is elderly about 34 people (75,6%), the most group of gender is women about 34 people (75,6%), the most group of HbA1c is non-diabetes mellitus group about 30 people (66,7%), the most group of osteoarthritis stage is severe de (4) about 28 people (62,2%), and there is no connection between type II diabetes mellitus with the stage of knee osteoarthritis with p value of 0,828 (p > 0.05). this research shows no significant correlation between type II diabetes mellitus and the stage of knee osteoarthritis. Keywords : Knee Osteoarthritis; HbA1c; Type II Diabetes Mellitus AbstrakOsteoarthritis adalah penyakit degeneratif yang disebabkan kerusakan tulang rawan sendi. Osteoarthritis dialami 151,4 juta orang di dunia dan 27,4 juta orang di Asia Tenggara. Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit yang menjadi beban kesehatan masyarakat dan negara. Prevalensi terjadinya osteoarthritis yaitu satu dari empat orang berusia 50 tahun dan individu berusia lebih dari 65 tahun beresiko mengalami pengapuran sendi lutut. Penelitian osteoarthritis mengamati faktor risiko terjadinya osteoarthritis seperti diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Studi Hispanik menjelaskan prevalensi penderita osteoarthritis dua kali lebih banyak terjadi pada penderita dengan diabetes dibandingkan penderita tanpa diabetes. Pemeriksaan HbA1c direkomendasikan untuk mendiagnosis diabetes, dengan batas nilai 6,5 %. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara diabetes mellitus tipe II dengan derajat osteoarthritis lutut. Penelitian ini menggunakan analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel 45 pasien di Poli Orthopedi Rumah Sakit Umum Al – Fauzan tahun 2016 – 2019 dan dianalisa menggunakan uji kai kuadrat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, usia terbanyak adalah lansia yaitu 34 orang (75,6 %), jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah perempuan yaitu 34 orang (75,6 %), HbA1c terbanyak adalah non diabetes mellitus yaitu 30 orang (66,7 %), derajat osteoarthritis lutut terbanyak adalah derajat berat (4) yaitu 28 orang (62,2 %), dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara diabetes mellitus tipe II dengan derajat osteoarthritis lutut dengan nilai p sebesar 0,828 (p > 0,05). Penelitian ini menunjukan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara diabetes mellitus tipe II dengan derajat osteoarthritis lutut
Efficacy of Osteoporosis Drugs Anabolic and Antiresorptive Classes in Post Menopause Women Ribka Carolin; Basuki Supartono; Yanto Sandy Tjang
Saintika Medika Vol. 17 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/sm.Vol17.SMUMM2.15595


Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease that affects many postmenopausal women. Antiosteoporosis drugs consist of antiresorptive and anabolic groups. So far, there is still controversy over the administration of antiosteoporosis drugs, therefore researchers conducted a systematic review study aimed at determining which one is more effective. This research was conducted by reviewing several studies through the PubMed and Science Direct databases. The results showed that abaloparatide, teriparatide, and SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) were more effective than bisphosphonates. In conclusion, the anabolic class is more effective than the antiresorptive class in postmenopausal women.
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala Vol 21, No 3 (2021): Volume 21 Nomor 3 Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jks.v21i3.20726


Ankle sprain merupakan cedera muskuloskeletal yang sering terjadi terutama pada atlet. Ankle sprain terjadi akibat regangan berlebihan ataupun robekan pada ligamen pergelangan kaki. Cedera tersebut diyakini dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya namun sering menimbulkan kekambuhan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penatalaksanaan yang berkualitas serta pencegahan yang tepat untuk cedera tersebut. Jika pencegahan maupun penatalaksaan dilakukan secara tepat, risiko cedera dan kekambuhan pada atlet dapat menurun. Hal ini dapat mempertahankan dan juga meningkatkan performa atlet sehingga dapat mencapai prestasi yang maksimal.
Physical Activity and The Strength of Bone in Menopause Patients in National Sports Hospital in 2017 Laras Bani Waseso; Basuki Supartono; Cut Fauziah
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.203 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v14i1.4587


Abstract: Osteoporosis is three times more likely to happen to menopause patients with low physical activity because it causes the bone mass to decrease. Standard examination for osteoporosis is a bone mass examination or also known as BMD (Bone Mass Densitometry). This research aims to identify the correlation between physical activity and bone strength in menopause patients. This is an observational analytical research which used cross-sectional design. The sample consists of 74 patients from Kemenpora National Hospital in 2017. The data were analyzed by using Chi-square test. The result shows that 37% of low physical activity patients have normal bone strength, 63% of which have osteopenia and 20% of the patients have osteoporosis. Meanwhile, 52% of medium physical activity patients have normal bone strength, 19% of the patients have osteopenia, and 33% of the patients have osteoporosis. 16% of patients with high physical activity have normal bone strength, 18% of the patients have osteopenia, and 47% of the patients have osteoporosis. This research proves that there is a correlation between physical activity and bone strength in menopause patients (p = 0,004). Keywords: Physical Activity, Bone Mass Densitometry, Menopausal Women
Skrining Osteoporosis Dengan Ultrasonografi Kalkaneus Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Patah Tulang Pada Usia Lanjut Basuki Supartono; Sofia Wardhani; Prita Kusumaningsih
Society : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Vol.1 No.2, April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Dinamika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37802/society.v1i2.132


Abstrak Latar Belakang. Patah tulang osteoporosis pada usia lanjut menimbulkan banyak komplikasi dan menjadi beban ekonomi. Pemerintah telah melakukan strategi pencegahan dan pengobatan namun belum melakukan strategi skrining osteoporosis. Bila hal ini tidak dilakukan maka beban tersebut akan semakin berat di masa mendatang. Skrining dapat dilakukan menggunakan alat pengukur densitas tulang ultrasonografi kalkaneus. Alat ini ringan, mudah dipindah-pindahkan, aman, nyaman dan hasilnya akurat untuk skrining tulang. Alat ini adalah alternatif diagnosis osteoporosis secara dini sebagai strategi pencegahan patah tulang osteoporosis pada kaum lanjut usia terutama bagi warga desa. Kegiatan skrining akan maksimal hasilnya bila menggunakan pendekatan kolaborasi dengan melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan. Analisis situasi. Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Depok mempunyai banyak warga lanjut usia yang berisiko patah tulang. Terdapat kegiatan pos pembinaan terpadu (Posbindu) namun tidak mempunyai program pencegahan osteoporosis. Permasalahan. Belum adanya kegiatan pencegahan osteoporosis bagi warga desa lanjut usia. Solusi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa skrining osteoporosis dengan melibatkan Pos Pembinaan Terpadu menggunakan alat ultrasonografi kalkaneus. Kesimpulan. Pencegahan osteoporosis wanita lansia di desa berhasil dilakukan melalui skrining tulang menggunakan alat ultrasonografi kalkaneus berkolaborasi dengan Posbindu setempat. Kata Kunci: pengabdian masyarakat, osteoporosis, patah tulang, usia lanjut, ultrasonografi kalkaneus Abstract Background. Osteoporotic fractures in the elderly cause many complications and become an economic burden. The government has implemented prevention and treatment strategies but has not implemented osteoporosis screening strategies. If this is not done, the burden will become heavier in the future. Screening can be performed using a calcaneus ultrasound bone densitometry. This device is lightweight, portable, safe, comfortable, and accurate for bone screening. This tool is an alternative early diagnosis of osteoporosis as a strategy to prevent osteoporosis fractures in the elderly, especially for rural residents. Screening activities will have maximum results when using a collaborative approach involving various stakeholders. Situation analysis. Tugu Village, Cimanggis District, Depok has many elderly populations who are at risk of fractures. This village has an Integrated Healthcare Center (Posbindu), but it has no osteoporosis prevention program. Problem. There are no osteoporosis prevention activities for elderly villagers. Solution. Community service activities in the form of an osteoporosis screening program involving the Integrated Guidance Post using a calcaneus ultrasound. densitometry Conclusion. The prevention of osteoporosis fracture in elderly villagers has been successfully carried out through bone screening using a calcaneus ultrasound bone densitometry in collaboration with the local Posbindu. Keywords: community service, osteoporosis, fractures, elderly, calcaneus ultrasound densitometry
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v5i1.18219


Tugu Village, Cimanggis District, Depok has many elderly residents who are at risk of suffering from osteoporosis. One in four women is at risk of suffering from osteoporosis and suffering from disability and death. The pandemic situation has made people reluctant to seek treatment while the problem of osteoporosis continues to develop. This problem can be solved by screening for osteoporosis. However, this activity has never been carried out so far. Therefore we did osteoporosis screening activities to reduce the problem. The implementation method is carried out by screening for osteoporosis, implementing health protocols, measuring bone density, identifying risk factors, education and evaluation. The results of the method implemented were 33 elderly and pre-elderly female participants who participated in the activity. Participants have been vaccinated against covid-19 and no one has been indicated by covid-19 disease. All participants had a decrease in bone density. Seven risk factors of osteoporosis were found in 22 participants (67%), namely old age (≥ 60), decreased height, broken a bone after the age 50, parents had hip fractures, underweight, diabetes, and medication. The number of participants who had osteoporosis was twice as high in the group of participants with risk factors. The data show how important osteoporosis screening is, and risk factor control. Osteoporosis screening should be done early in the pre-elderly period. After the activity there were no reports from participants, and the community service team was infected with covid-19.Participants feel satisfied and agree if this activity is continued and will recommend others to follow it. The conclusion from this activity is that prevention of osteoporosis in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic was successfully carried out safelyABSTRAK:Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Depok mempunyai banyak warga lanjut usia (lansia) yang berisiko menderita osteoporosis. Satu dari empat orang perempuan terancam menderita osteoporosis. Penyakit ini dapat menimbulkan kecacatan dan kematian. Situasi pandemi membuat masyarakat enggan berobat namun masalah osteoporosis terus bertambah. Masalah ini dapat dikurangi dengan skrining osteoporosis. Kegiatan ini belum pernah dilakukan oleh karenanya kami melakukan kegiatan tersebut untuk mengurangi masalahnya. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dengan caraskrining osteoporosis, penerapan protokol kesehatan, pengukuran densitas tulang, identifikasi faktor risiko, edukasi dan evaluasi. Hasil dari metode yang dilaksanakan adalah33 peserta perempuan lansia dan pra lansia mengikuti kegiatan. Peserta semuanya telah divaksinasi Covid-19 dan tidak ada peserta yang terindikasi penyakit Covid-19. Semua peserta mengalami penurunan densitas tulang. Tujuh jenis faktor risiko osteoporosis ditemukan pada 22 peserta (67 %), yaitu usia lanjut, penurunan tinggi badan, riwayat patah tulang, riwayat patah tulang sendi panggul pada orang tua, kurus, diabetes, dan konsumsi obat. Osteoporosis terjadi dua kali lebih banyak pada peserta yang mempunyai faktor risiko. Data tersebut menunjukkan pentingnya skrining, pengendalian faktor risiko dan edukasi osteoporosis. Sebaiknya skrining dilakukan lebih dini yaitu di masa pra lansia. Pasca kegiatan tidak ada laporan dari peserta, dan tim pengabdian masyarakat yang terinfeksi covid-19. Peserta merasa puas dan setuju kegiatan ini dilanjutkan dan  akan merekomendasikan orang lain untuk mengikutinya. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari kegiatan ini adalah pencegahan osteoporosis di masyarakat di masa pandemi covid -19 berhasil dilakukan dengan aman
KHITANAN MASSAL DI MASA PANDEMI VIRUS CORONA DENGAN SMARTCLAMP Basuki - Supartono; Muhammad Ibnu Khaldun; Aronica - Tounso Abdennour; Rayhan Maulana; Dhial Falah Mahasin
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v4i3.13448


Coronavirus pandemic (pandemic) decreases the economic capabilities of the communities while they want to circumcise their children. There is a need for free mass circumcision activities. Mass circumcision in pandemics is risky but can be done by implementing smart clamp health protocols, screening, and circumcision techniques. There is a need for the Kramat Jati sub-district, East Jakarta, to circumcise their children. People are afraid to go to health facilities because of coronavirus transmission, and the circumcision is paid. People's economic capabilities are declining due to pandemics. There need to be community service activities that are free mass circumcision that is safe and convenient. Pandemics cause people difficulties in circumcising their children. Free mass circumcision is safe and convenient with implementing health protocols, screening, and smart clamp circumcision techniques. Mass circumcision was successfully carried out safely and comfortably in 55 participants, with the youngest age two years and the oldest 12 years. The majority of participants were seven years old. Found mild complications of swelling in 4 children. Symptoms that occur subside within a week. Participants and parents were satisfied. After mass circumcision, there were no participants, parents, health workers, or organizers infected with the coronavirus. Free mass circumcision in pandemic times was successfully implemented safely and comfortablyABSTRAKPandemi virus corona (pandemi) menurunkan kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat sedangkan masyarakat ingin  mengkhitan anaknya. Hal inilah mendorong diadakannya kegiatan khitanan masal gratis. Khitanan massal di masa pandemi berisiko namun dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan, skrining, dan teknik khitan yang cepat menggunakan smartclamp. Terdapat kebutuhan masyarakat kecamatan Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur untuk mengkhitan anaknya. Masyarakat takut ke fasilitas kesehatan karena kawatir penularan virus corona dan tindakan tersebut berbayar. Kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat menurun akibat pandemi. Perlu ada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu khitanan massal gratis yang aman dan nyaman. Pandemi menyebabkan kesulitan masyarakat mengkhitan anaknya. Khitanan massal gratis yang aman dan nyaman dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan, skrining dan teknik khitan smartclamp. Khitanan massal berhasil dilakukan secara aman dan nyaman pada 55 peserta dengan usia termuda 2 tahun dan tertua 12 tahun. Peserta terbanyak berusia 7 tahun. Terdapat komplikasi ringan yaitu bengkak pada 4 anak. Gejala mereda dalam waktu satu pekan. Peserta dan orangtua merasa puas. Pasca khitanan massal tidak ada peserta, orangtua, tenaga kesehatandan panitia yang terinfeksi virus corona. Khitanan massal gratis di masa pandemi berhasil dilaksanakan secara aman, dan nyaman.