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Al-Usroh Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v2i2.682


The implementation of the study has some purpose of knowing: 1) How mediator’srole in the divorce mediation at Singkawang Religious Court. 2) How the successrate of the divorce mediation at Singkawang Religious Court. 3) What are theobstacle factors for mediator judges in the divorce mediation at SingkawangReligious Court. This study used empirical normative legal research (applied lawresearch). In addition uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This study uses twodata sources, there are primary data sources obtained from research subjects, as wellas secondary data sources consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. Thisstudy uses structured interview techniques and documentation. Data analysistechniques uses are reduction, presentation then verification the data. Then, usedtechnique of rechecking all of the data and information (member check) obtainedfrom the data collected. Through the findings obtained from the results of theanalysis of data that have been studied in this study, it can be concluded that: 1)Mediator judges in carrying out his role to reconcile the parties in divorce mediationat Singkawang Religious Court following Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of2016 on Mediation Procedures. However, the final mediation is entirely based onthe parties’ will. 2) The success rate of mediation at Singkawang Religious Courtis low. 3) Factors that inhibit mediators in mediation at Singkawang Religious Courtare difficulty of reconciling the parties who have complicated problems in thehousehold, the absence of either litigant, the absence of goodwill of the parties orone party, the parties strong desire to divorce and position of the judge as a mediatorcauses a limited quantity of mediators.
Al-Usroh Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v2i2.687


This research was conducted to find out: 1) The reasons for the rejected divorce suit at the Ketapang Religious Court; 2) The basic juridical aspect of the judge's consideration in refusing a divorce suit. This research uses jurudical normative with a statute approach and case approach. The data source uses primary data sources in the form of divorce case decisions that were rejected at the Ketapang Religious Court totaling 8 decisions, the Civil Code, Het Herzine Indonesia Reglemen (HIR), Rechtreglement Voor de Buitengwesten (RBG).While secondary data in the form of books, articles, journals and documents related to research. Data collection in this study is by documentation. The data were then analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the reason for the rejected divorce suit is because the plaintiff or applicant cannot prove the truth of the argument of his lawsuit, namely the plaintiff or applicant does not present a witness in the trial. As for the witnesses who submitted evidence did not meet the minimum limit and did not know the events that occurred. 2) The panel of judges in deciding the rejected divorce suit in accordance with the applicable laws, namely Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration articles 1 paragraphs 7 and 8, Government Regulation No. 9/1975 article 22 paragraph 2 jo. Article 76 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 1989,Rechtreglement Voor de Buitengwesten (RBG)articles 171, 172, 283, 308 and 309, Het Herzine Indonesich Reglemen (HIR) articles 170 and 171, the Civil Code Articles 1905, 1909 and 1911.
Al-Usroh Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v2i1.695


Dengan adanya penelitiaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap `hak pengasuhan anak’; 2) Upaya perlindungan hukum Panti Asuhan Ad-Dhuha Kubu Raya dalam memenuhi hak-hak pemeliharaan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan` normatif-sosiologis yang dilaksanakan dengan cara menghimpun sumber data melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Saat penelitian hukum ini dilakukan, data dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Semua data tersebut ditampilkan sebagai temuan bertujuan untuk menampilkan fakta, maka fakta tersebut diinterpretasikan menggunakan metode atau analisis, atau pendekatan secara sosiologis untuk menghasilkan informasi atau pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi’ partisipan dengan cara peneliti menjalin keakraban dengan mengikuti kegiatan keseharian guna mengamati dan mendapatkan sumber data penelitian. Manfaat dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan dan informasi tentang kajian ilmu tentang Hukum Perdata dan Fikih Munakahat. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini berupa upaya panti asuhan Ad-Dhuha Kubu Raya dalam memenuhi hak pemeliharaan anak dan berdasarkan peraturan yang di keluarkan Menteri Sosial tentang Standart Pengasuhan Anak Panti Asuhan AdDhuha Kubu Raya sudah mencukupi dan memenuhi segala kebutuhan dan hak-hak anak asuhnya mulai dari sandang, pangan dan papan.
MAHAR DAN UANG ASAP PERNIKAHAN ETNIS MADURA (Studi Kasus Siantan Tengah Kecamatan Pontianak Utara) Bunasan Bunasan; Dahlia Haliyah; Arif Wibowo
Al-Usroh Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v2i2.718


The purpose of this study was to find out: 1) To find out the procedures for determining the dowry and smoke money of Madurese ethnicity in Siantan Tengah, North Pontianak District. 2) To find out the law of dowry and smoked money according to Islamic law. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The source of data in this study is primary data where researchers take information from informants such as people who are experienced (experienced) and are in that situation. Techniques used to collect interview data, document study. In technical data analysis, the researcher uses data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Then check the validity of the data, re-check. Based on the analysis conducted by the researcher: 1) The procedure for determining the dowry, the smoked money of the Madurese Central Siantan ethnic, North Pontianak District with several stages, including a meeting of the two parties to negotiate (deliberation) after that, to reach a consensus. 2) Dowry in Islamic law is obligatory in giving but may not say because dowry is not included in the pillars of marriage. 3) Smoked money in Islamic law Al-urf where Urf is divided into two parts, Urf sahih (good), Urf fasid (bad), from this smoke money is included in Urf sahih (good).
PERTIMBANGAN HUKUM HAKIM TERHADAP PERKARA DISPENSASI NIKAH (Studi Penetapan Pengadilan Agama Kelas 1-A Pontianak Nomor 42/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Ptk) Nugrahanto Nugrahanto; Dahlia Haliyah; Moh. Fadhil
Al-Usroh Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v2i2.721


The purpose of this study is to find out what are the basic sociological considerations and what factors cause sociological considerations to judge the considerations of the Religious Court Class 1-A Pontianak, in granting or rejecting the case of the marriage dispensation. Researchers use qualitative research methods with the type of field research (field research), namely research to solve problems and find theories based on verification of data collected in the field. The normative juridical approach, namely legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data as the basis for research, by conducting a search on regulations and previous research relating to the problem under study. The results of the study show that: the basis of sociological considerations is to maintain or prevent a bigger problem from occurring, according to the fiqh rule that preventing damage is prioritized over bringing good, this pregnant woman candidate cannot be separated from the basic considerations by the judges even though it is not stated in the determination of considerations , also do not merely become pregnant as a marriage dispensation granted. There are several factors of sociological consideration of the judges of the Pontianak Religious Court class 1-A in determining the case of marriage dispensation. Among other things: the circumstances, the closeness between the prospective husband and wife and the agreement or agreement on the rights of a child.