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Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Dakwah Dan Tantangannya
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.228


The obligation of preaching is essential for all the Muslim that is appropriated by the capability and proficiency every Muslim because the meaning of religious preacher generally is every Muslim or Muslim women of Mukallaf, the obligation attaches and does not separate from the mission as the Muslim. Moreover, for special meaning are they taking special proficiency (mutakhassis) in Islam religion recognized as Islamic teacher. Then, in conveying the preaching, the religious preacher wants the preaching material that was message conveyed by the religious preacher to mad’u that includes the truth and kindness for the people that source from al-Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Hadis) covered faith, Islamic law, and behavior with kinds of knowledge that achieved by him. Nevertheless, in conveying the preaching material, a religious preacher must determine the media to be used; it is able in oral, written, portrayal, audio visual and behavior. The awareness will be importance of media of preaching in conveying the preaching material to get the preaching’s goal. So that, many religious teachers have taken advantage the media of television as the facility in distributing the preaching. One of the religious teachers is Jefri al-Bukhori. He introduces as massive message of preaching in Rabbani generation through television. The Rabbani generation is the generation who believes and Islamic theology, and between of those trusting in God, patience, and positive thinking. To get this matter, it is needed the role and active parents and family’s role to be always train, giving guiding and presenting the environment for the children that always full of Islamic condition.
Poligami dalam Perspektif Gender: Studi Terhadap Kiai di Kabupaten Cirebon Maliki, Noval; Fitriah, Fitriah; Khoiri, Imam Ali
MUWAZAH Vol 11 No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.004 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v11i1.1976


This article discusses the concept of gender in polygamy kiai in Cirebon Regency. There are four polygamy kiais who are the resource persons in this study who use qualitative-descriptive methods as this method, with religious education backgrounds that are relatively different each other. Kiai is an important figure for the gender mainstreaming campaign in view of his position which is still considered important in the community. Moreover, gender-biased constructions very often, if not always, hide behind the cloak of religious truth. Their status as polygamy kiai are interesting to study the conception of gender behind them. The results of this study indicate that the views of all polygamy kiai who become the resource persons still have a gender biased construction with religion as the main justification for such views. This indicates that the socialization related to gender equality discourse is still not optimal or at least has obstacles precisely in an environment that has wider religious knowledge.
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 16 Nomor 2 2019
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.274 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v16i2.2276


This study seeks to capture understanding of tolerance among santris in Babakan Islamic boarding school in Ciwaringin, Cirebon. Based on the findings of various research institutions which state that the Indonesian young generation turns out to have an alarming tolerance level, we try to target santris who have the same age range as respondents from PPIM Jakarta, for example. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive with the help of SPSS 23.0 for windows as a calculation tool. The total population of santri in three schools is 4108, and the sample taken is 843 or about 20% of the population. The results of the study showed that understanding tolerance among santri in the Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon boarding school was very high.
JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan Vol 3, No 1 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/jy.v3i1.2127


Abstrak: Artikel ini mendedah sebuah konsep yang dewasa ini sangat populer karena disalahgunakan oleh para teroris di berbagai belahan bumi. Distorsi makna ini terjadi lebih karena aspek kepentingan politik semata, alih-alih menunjukkan makna aslinya yang secara generik berarti perang melawan kejahatan dan setan, disiplin diri di mana orang-orang yang beriman berusaha untuk mengikuti kehendak Tuhan, untuk menjadi muslim yang lebih baik. Jihad, dengan demikian, adalah perjuangan seumur hidup untuk menjadi saleh, berada di jalan Allah. Sedangkan selama ini, atas konstruksi yang dibangun oleh berbagai kalangan terutama kaum radikalis, jihad diartikan sebatas peperangan. Karenanya, selain akan mengurai makna jihad baik secara etimologis dan terminologis juga pendapat para cendekiawan mengenai hal itu, tulisan ini juga akan mencoba mendekripsikan relasi antara agama dan negara sebagai salah satu pemicu kemunculan fenomena jihadis. Alih-alih bernuansa keislaman, yang damai dan memiliki aturan ketat mengenai peperangan, fenomena jihad dewasa ini lebih terlihat sebagai sebuah aksi politis yang justru tidak mengenal aturan dan berbentuk teror.  Kata kunci: Jihad, Politik, Perang, Negara, Holly war     
Al-Tarbawi Al-Haditsah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruann, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/tarbawi.v3i1.2847


ABSTRAKArtikel ini mencoba membedah pemikiran Ali Syariati dalam ranah pendidikan, hal yang selama ini sedikit dilakukan mengingat ia lebih dikenal sebagai ideolog politik dan pemikir keagamaan. Gagasan humanistik dalam Islam, bagi Syariati, dapat dilacak dalam konsepsi mengenai manusia itu sendiri. Ia merumuskan tiga dimensi manusia yang ada dan ketiganya merefleksikan kualitas yang berbeda pula, ketiganya secara berurutan adalah; Basyar, Insan, dan Rasusyan Fikr.   Basyar adalah makhluk tertentu yang terdiri dari karakteristik fisiologis, biologis, psikologis yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia tanpa memandang ras, agama dan warna kulit atau bangsa, tanpa memandang agama tertentu, atau tidak beragama sekalipun. Insan adalah makhluk yang mempunyai karakteristik tertentu yang dapat mencapai tingkat kemanusiaan (insaniyyat) lebih dari sekedar makhluk hidup dengan naluri instingtif yang bersifat alamiah. Sedangkan rausyan fikr digunakan untuk menunjuk pada orang yang melakukan perjuangan tertentu. Dari ketiga konsep mengenai manusia inilah kemudian konsepsi pendidikan dirumuskan.   Kata Kunci: Ali Syariati, Pedidikan, Humanistik, Basyar, Insan, Rausyan Fikr.
Pesantren and Tolerance: Looking at the Faces of Santri Tolerance in Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon Hilyatul Auliya; H Syarif Abubakar; Noval Maliki
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 16 Nomor 2 2019
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v16i2.2276


This study seeks to capture understanding of tolerance among santris in Babakan Islamic boarding school in Ciwaringin, Cirebon. Based on the findings of various research institutions which state that the Indonesian young generation turns out to have an alarming tolerance level, we try to target santris who have the same age range as respondents from PPIM Jakarta, for example. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive with the help of SPSS 23.0 for windows as a calculation tool. The total population of santri in three schools is 4108, and the sample taken is 843 or about 20% of the population. The results of the study showed that understanding tolerance among santri in the Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon boarding school was very high.
Poligami dalam Perspektif Gender: Studi Terhadap Kiai di Kabupaten Cirebon Noval Maliki; Fitriah Fitriah; Imam Ali Khoiri
Muwazah Vol 11 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v11i1.1976


This article discusses the concept of gender in polygamy kiai in Cirebon Regency. There are four polygamy kiais who are the resource persons in this study who use qualitative-descriptive methods as this method, with religious education backgrounds that are relatively different each other. Kiai is an important figure for the gender mainstreaming campaign in view of his position which is still considered important in the community. Moreover, gender-biased constructions very often, if not always, hide behind the cloak of religious truth. Their status as polygamy kiai are interesting to study the conception of gender behind them. The results of this study indicate that the views of all polygamy kiai who become the resource persons still have a gender biased construction with religion as the main justification for such views. This indicates that the socialization related to gender equality discourse is still not optimal or at least has obstacles precisely in an environment that has wider religious knowledge.
Generasi Rabbani Noval Maliki
TASAMUH: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10 No 1 (2018): Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/tasamuh.v10i1.70


The obligation of preaching is essential for all the Muslim that is appropriated by the capability and proficiency every Muslim because the meaning of religious preacher generally is every Muslim or Muslim women of Mukallaf, the obligation attaches and does not separate from the mission as the Muslim. Moreover, for special meaning are they taking special proficiency (mutakhassis) in Islam religion recognized as Islamic teacher. Then, in conveying the preaching, the religious preacher wants the preaching material that was message conveyed by the religious preacher to mad’u that includes the truth and kindness for the people that source from al-Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Hadis) covered faith, Islamic law, and behavior with kinds of knowledge that achieved by him. Nevertheless, in conveying the preaching material, a religious preacher must determine the media to be used; it is able in oral, written, portrayal, audio visual and behavior. The awareness will be importance of media of preaching in conveying the preaching material to get the preaching’s goal. So that, many religious teachers have taken advantage the media of television as the facility in distributing the preaching. One of the religious teachers is Jefri al-Bukhori. He introduces as massive message of preaching in Rabbani generation through television. The Rabbani generation is the generation who believes and Islamic theology, and between of those trusting in God, patience, and positive thinking. To get this matter, it is needed the role and active parents and family’s role to be always train, giving guiding and presenting the environment for the children that always full of Islamic condition
Radikalisme dan Gerakan Dakwah Noval Maliki
TASAMUH: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 12 No 1 (2020): Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/tasamuh.v12i1.234


Radicalism does not only revolve around religious ideology, but the term has been incarnated in social, political and cultural life. Thus it means, any ideology or thought that has a negative effect (side effect) cause someone to be militant and fanatical can be categorized into radicalism. Religious radicalism which has recently surfaced, seems to imply the dissatisfaction of a people in its adaptation to another. This matter concerns the practice of life (mu'amalah) and worship (ubudiyah), especially about the different perspectives on the religion they profess. Different interpretations of seeing a religious law compounded by selfish reasoning leads to harmony elimination in society. Someone who is considered not in accordance with the same understanding, is considered to have deviated from the true teachings of Islam. Then, many influential people called on the people to return to the teachings of the true religion. He considers that he is obliged to straighten out the religious teachings that are bent from the practice of life. Unfortunately, this true teaching is only based on their own understanding. For him, the teachings as understood by him are considered pure and represent the teachings of true and legitimate Islam. If things like this continue, then surely the internal divisions of religious communities will certainly be wide open.
Metode Membaca dan Menghapal Al-Qurán Perspektif KH. Ahsin Sakho Muhammad Noval Maliki; Abdul Ro’up
TSAQAFATUNA : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Buntet Pesantren Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54213/tsaqafatuna.v4i2.175


Membaca dan Menghafal Al-Qur’an merupakan ibadah yang mentradisi sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga sekarang. Berbicara tentang metode membaca dan menghapal al-Qur’an tidak bisa lepas dari sosok KH. Ahsin Sakho Muhammad, seorang ahli qiro’at dan ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur’an yang tinggal di Cirebon. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode membaca dan menghapal al-Qurán KH. Ahsin Sakho Muhammad dan dampaknya terhadap kemampuan membaca dan menghapal santri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode membaca dan menghafal Al-Qur’an dalam perspektif KH. Ahsin Sakho Muhammad adalah Metode Iqro’, Tahsin, Fahmi Bisyauqin, Metode Membaca Ayat, Metode Murojaah, Metode Tasmi’, Metode Menulis Ayat, dan Metode Partneran Ayatan. Dampak menggunakan Metode tersebut menunjukkan santri dapat lebih mengerti bagaimana pengucapan huruf-huruf hijaiyah secara benar dan fasih sesuai ilmu tajwid dalam membaca Al-Qur’an dengan indah dan tata pengucapanya, menghasilkan hafalan yang sangat kuat, hafalan yang kuat dihasilkan dari seringnya penghafal Al-Qur’an berinteraksi dengan Al-Qur’an.