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Journal : Warta IHP (Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian)

Aplikasi Sediaan Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis) Sebagai Salep Obat Luka Aviana, Tita; Sudibyo, Agus; Nuraini, Dhiah
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 30, No 02 (2013)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Penelitian mengenai aplikasi sediaan ekstrak daun binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis) yang selanjutnya disebut dengan daun A.cordifolia telah dilakukian. Tanaman A.cardifolia merupakan salah satu tanaman obat tradisional yang banyak digunakan untuk membantu proses penyembuhan luka baik luka dalam maupun luka luar.Salah satu kendala dalam penggunaan sediaan obat tradisional adalah dalam hal penyimpanan. Untuk mengatasi masalah penyimpanan serta untuk mempermudah penggunaan, maka sediaan obat tradisional dapat dibuat dalam bentuk yang lebih praktis, misalnya dalam bentuk salep. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan basis salep yang paling baik sebagai pembawa ekstrak daun  A.cordifolia dan untuk mengetahui efektifitas formulasi salep ekstrak daun A.cordifolia dengan basis yang berbeda sebagai obat luka pada mencit jantan (mus musculus albinus). Penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu (1) tahap pembuatan sediaan ekstrak dan salep ekstrak daun A.crodifolia, (2) tahap pengamatan stabilitas salep dan (3) tahap uji efektivitas salep. Hasil dari pengamatan stabilitas produk menunjukan bahwa basis salep berminyak, basis emulsi dan basis larut air dapat menjadi pembawa ekstrak daun A.cordifolia yang baik serta bersifat stabil disuhu ruang sampai akhir waktu pengamatan (8 minggu). Uji efektivitas masing-masing salep menunjukan pada pemakaian 200mg perhari, luka sudah terlihat mulai menyempit, pada kisaran hari ke-3 dan ke-4.
(Identification and Analysis Of Competitiveness Of Marine Products Industry in Tegal Regency, Central Java) Sudibyo, Agus; Dwi Erlina, Mei; -, Winiarti
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 23, No 01 (2006)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Study on identification and analysis of competitiveness for the marine-fisheries product industry in Tegal regency,Central of Java has been conducted.The methods used of this study was using descriptive and system approach that included identification of marine fisheries potential,selection of potential commodities,determination of marine-fisheries based industry specially products and feasibility study on the development of those product.The process selecting potential commodities and determination of the marine-fisheries based industrycompetitiveness product were analysis by using Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP)approach,while feasibility was analysis by using three econemic indicates in terms of B/C ratio,NPV and IRR.The results showed that based on the all criteria desigeneed in identification and selecting of the marine-fisheries based industry competitiveness products,it was indicated that the availability and economic value of raw material were the important factor in the evaluation of potential alternative commodity.Meanwhile,technology capability,value added,quality and continues supply of raw materials and market the marine-fisheries based industry specially products.Based on the adjustments of weighting and scoring to the various commodities and processing technologies resulted that salted-dried anchoy and boiled-salted scads were the most prospective marine-fisheries product that can be developed as specially product for Tegal regency.Financial analysis lso show that the two products were very feasible financially. 
(Carotenoids and Its Use in Industries) Sudibyo, Agus
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 7, No 02 (1990)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Carotenoids are widely distributed in nature. They are found in plants, insects, birds, and other animals producing a wide array of brilliant yellow to red colors. This paper reviewed the structure of carotenoids, Their properties and their influence factors, production and application in industries.
(Developments and Innovation of Food technology to Produce of Health Food Products andIts Market Prospect) Sudibyo, Agus
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 26, No 02 (2009)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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In recently years, the increase cause of the illness related life style, such as diabetes mellitus and obesity, cardiovascular and cancer diseases, have been characterized as social issues which leads to the loss of quality of life and increases in medical care expenses. On the other hand, to make a guarantee to extend the length of a healthy life expecting in an aging society is society is significant social issue in the world. Consequently, modern nutritional science was needed to provide ever more information on the functions and mechanisms of specific food components in health promotion and/or diseases prevention. Recent innovations in food technologies have led to the use of many traditional technologies, such as fermentation, extraction, encapsulation, fat replacement, and enzyme technology, to produce new health food ingredients, reduce or remove undesirable food components, add specific nutrient or functional ingredients, modify food compositions, mask undesirable flavors or stabilize ingredients.Modern biotechnology has also changed fundamentally the way foods are created; meanwhile nanotechnology is also beginning to find potential applications in the area of food and agriculture. In the global marketplace food products for health, especially functional food and netraceuticals have a multi-billion dollar industry and development of food product for health with distinctive genetic and ecotype traits has to deliver unique product to the world was large quantity. this paper offers a brief overview of the developments and annovations of the food product for health with technologies involved in ingredient modification, protecting ingredient and controlling delivery. Furthermore, it discusses the prospect of these food product currently in the market.
The Effect of Variety and Methods of Extraction on The Yield and Content of Catechin of Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) Sudibyo, Agus; J, Joseph; -, Pardede; -, Suprapto
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 5, No 01 (1988)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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A research on the effect of varieties and methods of extraction to the yield and content of catechin of gambier has been conducted. Leaves of gambier from Uncaria gambir Roxb and Uncaria payakumbuh were extracted by steaming and boiling for 5-10 minutes, then pressed in 18.000 kg/cm^2 pressure and dried for 3-4 days. The yields of gambier were 6,44-6,47% (steaming) and 4,80-5,00% (boiling) respectively, whereas the catechin content of gambier were 64,45-65,08% (steaming) and 53,24-55,47% (boiling). Methods of extraction by steaming has a higher yield and catechin content than extraction by boiling.
(Aflatoxins in Food Products and its methods for Elimination of the Toxin Content) Sudibyo, Agus
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 20, No 1-2 (2003)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Aflatoxin arehighly toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic compounds that produced by species of the molds asapergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Generally they are found in food products especially the cereals and oilseeds from the contaminated commodities during both in pre- and post harvest conditions of food production. Elimination or reduction of aflatoxins as low as possible are important in food trade concern. This paper discuss and reviews the occurrence of aflatoxin in foods commodity, methods for elimination of the toxin content by chemical, physical and biological methods and regulation of irreducible levels of aflatoxin in international trade.
(Research on The Levels of Awareness and Resposibility of Small Scale Food Industry To Produce A Qualifying and Safe Food) Sudibyo, Agus; -, Sumarsi
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 21, No 01 (2004)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Research on the levels of awareness and responsibility of small scale food industry to produce a qualifying and safe food has been conducted .this research was conducted by carrying out a survey, an interview , plant visit and distribute a questionnaire to the managers/owners of small scale of small scale food industries at six region ,ie jakarta,bogor tangerang,bekasi(jabotabek),bandung (west java) and padang ,bukit tinngi (west sumatera)A random sampling of food products samples that was taken from small scale food industry at traditional market or at the businesses operation was also conducted to identify the food product were safety regulion the results showed that generally ,after the indonesian government decree the food safety regulations,i.e food act no. 7 decree in 1996; lebeling government no. 69 in 1999 on cosumer protection act no. 8 decree in 1999 ; the of food hygiene practices and 36.31% implementation labeling goverment regulation no. 69 decree in 1999.
(Design of Cocoa Butter and Cocoa Powder Equipments for Small Scale Industry) Sudibyo, Agus; Yulistia, Aan; Mita Mala, Dheni
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 22, No 02 (2005)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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 Research on design of cocoa better and cocoa powder equipments for small scale industry was conducted.The steps of this experimental were a literature study,comparative study and plant visit on the large cocoa and chokolate industries,design equipment to produce cocoa butter and cocoa powder for small scale industry,peformance test of equipments and analysis of cocoa butter and coco powder products using Indonesia National Standard (SNI)requirements.The treatment conducted consist of the effect of temperature extraction in hydrolic pressing and the effect of alkalization with sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in 4% concentration.The result showeds that the a set of cocoa butter and cocoa powder processing equipment were able to be implemented for small industry by small modification.The performance of the equipment in term of efficiency on cacao bean peeling,throw put capacity of peeling, roasting energy consumption,efficiency of cocoa paste grinding and efficiency of hydrolicpressing were 81,29%,34.kgs per hour,4.92 liters of kerosene per 20 kgs of cocoa bean 83,5% and 28,7% respectively. The cocoa bitter and cocoa powder product have not fulfilled the requirements of Indonesia National Standard(SNI) in term of fat content of cocoa butter;water content,fat content,ash content and vthe degree of particle size loose in mesh number 200 of cocoa powder.
Penggunaan Berbagai Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS) Hasil Hidrogenasi dalam Pembuatan Cokelat Batangan Isyanti, Mirna; Sudibyo, Agus; Supriatna, Dadang; Herman Suherman, Ade
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 32, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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Penelitian pemanfaatan Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS) untuk produk olahan cokelat telah dilakukan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS) hasil hidrogenasi menjadi cokelat batangan, menganalisis berbagai jenis CBS dalam proses pembuatan cokelat batangan, dan mengetahui tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap produk olahan cokelat batangan tersebut.  Analisis yang dilakukan dilakukan yaitu : analisis proksimat, titik leleh, profil trigliserida, profil asam lemak, total padatan lemak (SFC), ukuran partikel, informasi nilai gizi, serta masa simpan (akselerasi).  Analisis fisiko kimia cokelat batangan menunjukkan kadar air berkisar 0,98-1,36%, kadar abu 1,43-2,37%, protein 1,90-7,05%, lemak 31,1-37,7%, bilangan iod 4,0-16,9 g iod per 100 g, indeks bias 1,4485-1,4545, dan tidak mengandung lemak trans.  Titik leleh cokelat batangan berkisar 32°C-40°C.  Titik leleh produk cokelat batangan terpilih, Fully Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Stearin (FHPKSt) sebesar 32°C, dengan kandungan lemak padat meleleh mendekati sempurna pd suhu 40°C.  Produk cokelat komersial menunjukkan suhu titik leleh yang tinggi, 37°C dan 40°C.  Berdasarkan uji organoleptik,  produk cokelat batangan CBS yang terpilih adalah jenis FHPKSt menggunakan 30 persen CBS.  Jenis CBS yang cocok untuk cokelat batangan adalah jenis Fully Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Stearin (FHPKSt) dengan proses hidrogenasi sempurna.  Profil trigliserida cokelat batangan terpilih (FHPKSt) dan cokelat komersial terlihat dominasi TAG LaLaLa, LaLaM, LaMM/LaLaP dan LMM/LaOM dari minyak inti sawit. Ukuran partikel cokelat batangan hasil penelitian lebih kecil dibandingkan cokelat komersial. Masa simpan produk cokelat batangan selama 35 minggu pada suhu 25°C dengan parameter kritis yaitu kadar air.
(Study on effect of Delignification and Fermentation of Clove Stem on the Yield and its Oil Quality) Sudibyo, Agus; Astuti, Juli
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 25, No 02 (2008)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of clove stem preparation (delignification and fermentation) on the yield and quality of clove stem oil. The clove stem (Syzigium aromaticum, L) were obtained from Institute for Research and Development of Medical Plants and Spice, Bogor meanwhile Trichoderma vired mold was taken form Center for Research and Development of Biology, Indonesia Institute of Scince (LIPI) Bogor. It was dried until maximum moisture content of 12 %. Expriment was conducted in ywo replications base on these treatments, i.e. delignification temperature (60C, 80C) and fermentation time (2,4,6 and 8 dayas). Sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH 0.5%)was used for delignification. The ditillation process was conducted at 100-2C during 6 hours and ambient pressure condition. The clove stem oil quality were analyzed for the yield, specific gravity at 25C, rotary index and eugenol content. The results showed that increased of fermentation time was followed by decreased of the clove stem oil quality parameter. It was indicated that the best treatment in term of the yield and quality which about 5.62 % (w/w), specific gravity 1.074, rotary index 1.545 and eugenol content 95.4% was that treating clove stem with delignification at 60C and fermentation time for 6 day. The clove stem oil produced using treatment of fermentation time were in the range of physico-chemical quality standardof clove oil given by SNI no 06-2387-1998