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Analisa Audit Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Menggunakan Cobit Frame Work Riyandi, Albert; Sudibyo, Aji; Wijonarko, Bambang; rinaldi, muhammad; fahleyi, muhammad fahreza
JUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.207 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/justin.v8i3.41167


AbstrakTata kelola IT diperlukan untuk menjaga pelayanan Sistem Informasi perpustakaan berjalan dengan seharusnya baik support maupun pelayanan IT bagi para penggunanya yang dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini berlaku juga di MTSN 1 Tangerang yang menerapkan teknologi secara berkelanjutan dengan support dan pelayanan yang maksimal. Audit Sistem Informasi yang dilakukan di MTSN 1 Tangerang bertujuan dalam rangka pengecekan terhadap support dan pelayanan IT khususnya dalam layanan sistem informasi perpustakaan. COBIT merupakan alat bantu dalam melakukan Audit yang salah satunya Audit Domain Deliver and Support. Domain ini mempunyai fokus pada tingkat layanan, keamanan sistem dan pengelolaan permasalahan. Dari hasil Audit Sistem Informasi perpustakaan yang dilakukan di MTSN 1 Tangerang rata-rata Maturity score sebesar 3.24 yang didapat dari DS 01 sebesar 2.7, DS 02 sebesar 2.8, DS 03 sebesar 3.6, DS 04 sebesar 3.69, DS 05 sebesar 3.76, DS 06 sebesar 3.89. Rata-rata GAP analisis sebesar 0,76 dari nilai yang diinginkan sebesar 4 dengan rincian DS01 sebesar 1.30, DS02 sebesar 1.20, DS03 sebesar 1.40, DS04 sebesar 0.31, DS05 sebesar 0.24 dan DS06 sebesar 0.11. dapat disimpulkan score yang dihasilkan masih berada pada level 3 atau disebut defined level. Pada proses ini MTSN 1 Tangerang berada dalam pengembangan dilevel standar, baik dalam pengembangan suatu produk baru yang didokumentasikan, aturan-aturan yang ditetapkan, kejelasan dalam tanggung jawab, integrasi produk yang dihasilkan, management biaya dan kemajuan semua proses dalam pengawasan yang dapat dipertanggun jawabkan.
Implementasi Atribut Local Preference di Protokol BGP Untuk Optimalisasi Jaringan Backbone Bambang Wijonarko; Andi Taufik; Irwan Pratama Aprilianto
JURNAL TEKNIK KOMPUTER Vol 5, No 1 (2019): JTK - Periode Februari 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.701 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jtk.v5i1.4792


In terms of Nework, Network Quality determine by some factor and one of the factor is come from a Backbone Network, when traffic data exchange is occuring there are two type of path that pass by data package which we call as Downstream and Upstream Path. Every interface that build in network computer hardware usually are supported by full duplex sistem therefore in one interface it could be pass by Upstream and Downstream Data Package at the same time. When configuring both of the path, the parameter should be adjusted or else there would be an invalid routing configuration, this state would impact in network quality. iBGP Routing would help Network Administrator to set the path based on parameter adjustment in iBGP routing protocol. There are some parameter that can be use to set the network path and one of them is call local preferences, with adjust the value on the atribute of local preference the downstream and upstream path could be manage to fit the network utilities.Keywords: routing, iBGP, local preference, backbone 
Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Zakat dan Infaq Berbasis Android Pada Baznas Kabupaten Tangerang Imron Imron; Nurul Azizah; M Sinta Nurhayati; Bambang Wijonarko
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v21i1.1234


Science and Technology can be utilized in improving performance in an organization or company. During the COVID 19 Pandemic, BAZNAS Kabupaten Tangerang was encouraged to create a media as a facility for philanthropists in delivering zakat and infaknya, due to many limitations to be done directly as before.  An application to receive and distribute zakat through android-based devices in the palm of the hand is the solution of the problem that can help BAZNAS Kabupaten Tangerang to be able to continue carrying out its activities.  The result of this research is designing and building android-based applications in BAZNAS kabupaten Tangerang that are expected to be able to serve the community, store and share information to the community. Supported by articles, news, information documents, and discussion forums as a forum to increase trust and foster religious and religious values in the community. 
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 14 No 1 (2018): PILAR Periode Maret 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.656 KB) | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v14i1.83


In data mining, a known Classification model that can be used to identify thyroid disease is Naive Bayes and Bayes Network methods. In this study, a model is made by using both algorithms. the data used are taken from the data of Patients with thyroid by using the tools KNIME. The model then compared to determine the best algorithm in the determination of disease identification. To measure the performance of the two algorithms, it used methods of testing of cross-validation and split percentage. The measurement results using confusion matrix and ROC curves. By using the confusion matrix, Bayes Network has higher accuracy with 98,491% compared with the Naive Bayes with 91,803%. Using the ROC curve, Bayes Network also has higher accuracy with the ROC curve - negative (0.9337), ROC - hyperthyroid (0.9933) and ROC - hypothyroid (0.9977). while Naive Bayes with ROC curve - negative (0.8760), ROC - hyperthyroid (0.9789) and ROC - hypothyroid (0.9018). The method which has very good classification is sequentially Bayes network and naïve Bayes based on assessment AUC between 0.90-1.00. thus the Bayes Network algorithm can provide solutions to the problems of identifying thyroid disease.
INTI Nusa Mandiri Vol 14 No 1 (2019): INTI Periode Agustus 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1119.881 KB)


Teknologi jaringan saat ini sudah bukan mencakup satu gedung, atau satu kantor atau satu area saja, tetapi saat ini perkembangannya beberapa convarege area beda propinsi, beda pulau bahkan bisa juga beda benua. Kementrian perhubunhgan merupakan kantor pemerintahan yang di mana keamanan dalam pengiriman data adalah suatu hal yang sangat penting. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Kementrian Perhubungan adalah belum amannya proses pengiriman data yang di lakukan dari kantor pusat ke kantor cabang. Hadirnya VPN memberikan suatu mediasi jalur komunikasi melalui jaringan publik dengan proses enkripsi pada data, sehingga data yang akan di transmisikan hanya dapat di akses oleh client dan terjaga kerahasiaannya. Dengan menggunakan infrastruktur VPN IPSecurity merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan keamanan data pada jaringan komputer yang mendukung banyak metode otentikasi dan enkripsi. IPSec bekerja dengan melakukan enkripsi pada paket data secara otomatis sebelum dikirimkan. Dengan demikian walaupun data berhasil disadap oleh pihak ketiga maka data tidak akan berguna karena data telah terenkripsi. Permasalahan seperti ini pada dasarnya merupakan masalah umum yang biasa terjadi di banyak perusahaan diseluruh dunia. Kata Kunci: Virtual Private Network, Jaringan Skala Luas, IP Security
INTI Nusa Mandiri Vol 14 No 2 (2020): INTI Periode Februari 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/inti.v14i2.1225


PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi, is a company engaged in internet service providers (ISP) in the work of PT. Maxindo has many divisions, so it is necessary to divide the network segmentation from each division, requires one switch one division device so that it consumes a lot of the remaining switch ports and also purchases a lot of network devices, for that it is needed Implementation of network design that can divide network segments in a physical device. like a layer three switch. For the above problems, PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi applies the concept of a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) with a manageable switch device that functions as a network divider between divisions, to help the Network Development process at PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) development method. VLAN implementation can facilitate network troubleshooting and maintenance, and become more organized in providing IP addresses, avoiding broadcast domains, increasing security and increasing network performance.
Per Connection Classifier Load Balancing dan Failover MikroTik pada Dua Line Internet Taufik Rahman; Eko Sulistianto; Aji Sudibyo; Sumarna Sumarna; Bambang Wijonarko
Jurnal Informatika Vol 5, No 2 (2021): JIKA (Jurnal Informatika)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jika.v5i2.4517


Internet is a primary need for all people. Many companies integrate Web sites with back-office systems such as databases. Problem that occurs is that the utilization of the two internet lines is less than optimal and efficient. This happens because the two lines are not in the same network. Likewise at PT. ICC Export, it can be seen from two internet lines that are not managed and go directly to switch. so that there is often a buildup of internet traffic on one line, resulting in slow internet access. When one internet line is disconnected, internet connection will automatically be disconnected because modem is not managed by router, so it can't back up automatically. Purpose of making load balancing and failover at PT. ICC Export to try a solution if one of two internet lines is dead, other line is active and if both lines are active then it can run simultaneously. Per Connection Classifier Load Balancing and Failover MikroTik on Two Internet Lines managed to spread the connection load on ISP gateway used in a balanced way. Size of the packets that are passed to each ISP is not balanced, because the PCC method only divides based on the connection, not the size of packets that pass through ISP. When one line is disconnected, internet connection will be automatically transferred to an active internet line.
Analisa Pemakaian Alat Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Hafis Nurdin; Irwan Agus Sobari; Aji Sudibyo; Bambang Wijonarko; Felix Wuryo Handono; Taufik Asra
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.461 KB)


Medical devices are items that are needed in the medical world. Because too many types of medical devices are used, a comparison was made to choose medical devices that are often used in hospitals, especially by operating room (OT) nurses. So a research was made using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. AHP is an alternative for making decisions that have several goals or criteria. To complete the input, it is assisted by the Expert Choice 11 application. From the results of data processing, it is concluded that for the use of medical devices that are often used in hospitals, there are several influencing factors, namely packaging, quality, usage and indications. While the medical devices that are often used are Pencil Couter, Grounding Plate, Syringe and Gloves.
CONTEN : Computer and Network Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.945 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/conten.v1i1.403


Sistem absensi saat ini memerlukan pembaharuan sistem yang baru. Karena dengan melakukan hal ini akan berdampak sangat baik bagi perusahaan dilihat dari sisi efisien, efektif dan cepat. Hal tersebut membutuhkan desain rancangan sebelum sistem ini dibuat. Desain sistem absensi online dengan menggunakan metode pembatas jarak LBS (Location Based Serviced) berbasis aplikasi Android yang dimiliki masing-masing karyawan. Hal ini membutuhkan jaringan local ataupun internet yang ditentukan batasan jarak dengan LBS yang titik koordinatnya telah diatur. Guna membuat sebuah laporan dengan metode sistem diatas, memerlukan metode pengumpulan data sistem yang berjalan, wawancara, observasi, Analisa, sistem usulan, dan testing sebagai sistem usulan. Adapun metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah CASE (Computer-Aided-Software Engineering) dengan menggunakan konsep Unified Modelling Language (UML), sedangkan diagram yang digunakan adalah Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram dan Class Diagram. Aplikasi Sistem Absensi ini dapat digunakan oleh karyawan dan hrd pada PT Intra Asia untuk melakukan absensi keseharian, pengajuan cuti dan lembur.