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MODERASI BERAGAMA DAN PERAN GURU DALAM PENANAMANNYA DI SEKOLAH Darma Yanti, Annisa; Masduki; Syafiuddin, Fauzan Azima; Siregar, Syahruddin
Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/lijid.v7i1.4881


Indonesia is a country with all the diversity that exists. Ethnic, cultural and religious diversity are some of the forms of diversity that exist in Indonesia. Prolonged conflicts in the name of religion often occur in various regions in Indonesia. Mosques are burned, churches are attacked, religious leaders are subjected to cruelty by irresponsible hands, suicide bombings in the name of religion, radicalism and discrimination in the name of sara issues often occur and become national news. For this reason, an attitude or perspective is needed to be a resolution to the conflict. Religious moderation is a moderate perspective, attitude and behavior in religion, namely understanding and practicing religious teachings without extremes. Neither extreme right nor extreme left. Basically, normative Islam itself has a wasathiyah character, moderation. Religious moderation education in strengthening national insight is important especially in recent years the diversity on earth Indonesia is being tested by the existence of extreme religious attitudes expressed by a group of people in the name of religion. This happens in actions in the real world and statements in cyberspace. This exclusive and intolerant group is dangerous for the religious climate in Indonesia. This research is a type of library research. What is called library research or often also called library studies, is a series of activities using library data collection methods, reading and recording and processing research materials. The world of education is the foundation of hope for strengthening the values of religious moderation. The high participation of the Indonesian people in establishing and organizing religion-based educational institutions needs to be directed to strengthen this idea. Religious moderation education needs to be developed along with the character building of students. Religious moderation education is expected to answer the target of the mental revolution of students to continue to develop the values of peace and tolerance.  Keywords : Religious Moderation, Teacher Role, School   Indonesia merupakan negara dengan segala keragaman yang ada. Keragaman suku bangsa, budaya dan agama merupakan beberapa bentuk keberagaman yang ada di Indonesia. Konflik berkepanjangan atas nama agama sering kali terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Masjid dibakar, Geraja diserang, tokoh agama menjadi sasaran kekejaman tangan-tangan tidak bertanggung jawab, bom bunuh diri mengatasnamakan agama, radikalisme dan diskriminasi atas nama isu sara seringkali terjadi dan menjadi pemberitaan nasional. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sikap atau cara pandang untuk dapat menjadi resolusi dari konflik tersebut. Moderasi beragama merupakan cara pandang, sikap dan perilaku dalam beragama secara moderat, yakni memahami dan mengamalkan ajaran agama dengan tidak ekstrem. Baik ekstrem kanan maupun ekstrem kiri. Pada dasarnya normatif Islam itu sendiri mempunyai watak wasathiyah, moderasi. Pendidikan moderasi beragama dalam penguatan wawasan kebangsaan menjadi penting apalagi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir keragaman di bumi Indonesia sedang diuji dengan adanya sikap keberagamaan yang ekstrem yang diekspresikan oleh sekelompok orang yang mengatas namakan agama. Hal ini terjadi dalam aksi-aksi di dunia nyata maupun statement di dunia maya. Kelompok ekslusif dan intoleran ini membahayakan bagi iklim keberagamaan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dengan jenis riset kepustakaan. Apa yang disebut dengan riset kepustakaan atau sering juga disebut studi pustaka, merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Dunia pendidikan menjadi tumpuan harapan untuk penguatan kembali nilai-nilai moderasi beragama. Partisipasi masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggi dalam mendirikan dan menyelenggarakan lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama, perlu diarahkan untuk menguatkan gagasan ini. Pendidikan moderasi beragama perlu dikembangkan beriringan dengan pembangunan karakter peserta didik. Pendidikan moderasi beragama diharapkan menjawab sasaran revolusi mental para peserta didik untuk terus mengembangkan nilai-nilai kedamaian dan toleransi. Kata kunci : Moderasi Beragama, Peran Guru, Sekolah
Pengembangan Evaluasi Media Slide Berbasis Aplikasi Physics Education Technology (PhET) dalam Meningkatkan Eksplorasi Aktif dan Kreasi Materi Listrik Syahrina, Aulia; Yovita, Yovita; Syafiuddin, Fauzan Azima
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v10i1.1516


The aim of this research is to enhance students' understanding in the subject of Science and develop their practical skills. The study assesses the role of educators in designing and effectively delivering this integrated curriculum, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach. Furthermore, the research evaluates the curriculum's impact on students' learning outcomes and their engagement in the subjects of Science and electrical installations. The Research and Development (RnD) method, specifically field research, was employed, utilizing literature sources from books and journals. Data collection involved interviewing 28 students as the sample. Validation analysis indicates that the learning media is highly rated by teachers for content suitability, presentation quality, user-friendliness, alignment with objectives, and teaching effectiveness, with scores ranging from 9.1/10 to 9.6/10. Students also provided positive assessments, albeit slightly lower, with average scores ranging from 8.4/10 to 8.9/10. Overall, the learning media is considered valid and effective in enhancing understanding of electrical installation materials. Practicality assessments regarding validity show that teachers and students rated the learning media highly in all aspects, indicating high consistency in media quality. Despite minor differences in opinions between teachers and students, both generally acknowledge the quality of the learning media.
Innovation in Qur'an Hadith Learning Media Through Audio Visual Media Priyatno, Dwi; Taufik, Muhamad; Siregar, Syahruddin; Syafiuddin, Fauzan Azima; Guilin, Xie
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/ijen.v2i2.986


Background. Education is very important for all humans. There are so many learning media available for teachers and students. Educators and students can use one of these media, one of which is audio visual media. However, educators and students have not been able to use this audio visual media properly. Which by applying this audio visual media students are easier to understand learning. Purpose. This study aims to find out how to use this audio visual media for learning Al Qur'an hadith. Method. This research method uses quantitative methods and in-depth interviews. The results of this study are to find out the existence of teachers who apply audio visual media in learning Qur'an hadith, and there is an increase in student learning outcomes after the teacher applies this audio visual media.    Results. This study explains that the role of audio-visual media in learning is very important, especially in learning Qur'an hadith. Conclusion. Because the existence of audio-visual media is very helpful for teachers in learning Qur'an hadith so that students easily understand the lesson, and also improve student achievement.