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Library Service Management to Enhance Students' Reading Interest at State Senior High School 1 Secanggang, Langkat Regency Azmar, Azmar; Neliwati; Rifa’i, Muhammad
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v7i2.619


Library service management is the process of optimizing the contribution of human resources, materials, and budget to achieve the goals of the library or library management process based on management principles and theories. Meanwhile, reading interest is the ability to read and encourages the growth of reading culture and habits. Through reading, students can broaden their insights, sharpen their ideas, and enhance creativity. This research aims to explore the planning, implementation, and assessment of library service activities at State Senior High School 1 Secanggang, Langkat Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection is conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. The primary data sources for the research are interviews with the school principal, library head, library staff, teachers, and students. Secondary data consists of documents related to library service management in enhancing students' reading interest at State Senior High School 1 Secanggang, Langkat Regency. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and checking data validity by comparing interview data with the research object. The results of the research show that library service management in enhancing reading interest at State Senior High School 1 Secanggang, Langkat Regency, is well-established. The planning activities begin with meetings attended by the school principal, library head, library staff, teachers, and students. The implementation of library services is carried out by two library staff members with their respective schedules and is supervised by the library head. Assessment is conducted for the school principal, library head, library staff, teachers, and students.
Headmaster Management in Improving Teacher Quality at MAN 2 Langkat Hendriyal; Neliwati; Rifa’i, Muhammad
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v7i2.634


This research is to describe how the Management of the Madrasah Principal in Improving Teacher Quality at MAN 2 Langkat is one of the studies that reveals the improvement of teacher quality in madrasas. It is time for the head of the madrasa as a manager to optimize the quality of learning activities to meet the expectations of education customers, madrasas have the function of fostering creative and innovative human resources, so that graduation meets the needs of the community, both the formal sector and informal sector labor market. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a naturalistic approach. Collection of research data obtained by observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis step is to collect data, reduce data and then conclude the data. To test the validity of the data, credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability were carried out. The findings of this study reveal three related findings regarding: 1) The role of the madrasa head in improving teacher quality at MAN 2 Langkat are: The role of the madrasa head as an administrator, The role of the madrasa head is as an innovator, The role of the madrasa head as a motivator. 2) The efforts of the Head of Madrasah in improving the quality of teachers at MAN 2 Langkat include: a) Education and training (inservice training), study assignments, seminars, workshops, conferences, b) Participate actively in social organizations, c) Writing papers scientific, d) Mobilizing the teacher evaluation team with the aim of knowing how far 3) Obstacles in improving the quality of teachers at MAN 2 Langkat are as follows: a) Lack of Mastery of Technology, b) Lack of Research/Scientific Works Produced by Teachers, c) Lack of Creativity Teachers, d) Learning systems that focus more on the quantity of results than the quality of the process. e) Putting importance on teacher administrative completeness rather than developing the quality of learning being taught.
Recruitment and Selection Management of Educators and Education Staff to Improve Education Quality Faisal; Neliwati; Rifa’i, Muhammad
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v7i2.685


This research focuses on enhancing the quality of education at Pondok Pesantren At Tibyan Deli Serdang through a qualitative case study approach. The study systematically addresses the planning, organization, implementation, and supervision of the recruitment and selection of educators and educational staff. Data collection involves observation, interviews, and documentation with predefined criteria, followed by analysis encompassing data collection, reduction, presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The planning phase involves identifying needs, competencies, and forming effective strategies, while the organization phase allocates roles to four teams. Implementation includes two recruitment types: direct recruitment and collaboration with universities for acquiring the best alumni. Supervision is undertaken by Pondok Pesantren At Tibyan's leadership, ensuring recruited individuals meet quality and competency criteria. Effective supervision involves monitoring, evaluation, and strict control at each selection stage, starting from comprehensive planning with clear standards. Throughout the process, transparency, accountability, and documentation are maintained. In summary, this research aims to improve educational quality by addressing the holistic aspects of recruitment and selection processes at Pondok Pesantren At Tibyan.
Learning Management at Private Junior High School Nabila, Aisyah; Wijaya, Candra; Rifa’i, Muhammad
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 7 No 4 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v7i4.841


The researcher is interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the learning management in this school because its implementation targets Qur'an tahfidz with a focus on the quality of Qur'anic tahsin using Al-Baqry to recognize the students' learning methods. This study utilizes a case study approach, with data collection techniques including interviews, document analysis, and observation. Data analysis involves creating detailed descriptions of the case, data reduction through summarization, focusing on essential aspects, identifying themes and patterns, and eliminating unnecessary information to provide a clearer picture. The researcher then presents the data to facilitate understanding of the findings. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and data validity is ensured through credibility testing and confirmability using triangulation. The research results indicate that the lesson planning at MTTQ School Private Junior High School includes achieving learning objectives, designing lesson plans, syllabi, semester programs, and annual programs. The organization of Qur'an memorization learning utilizes all learning components, including task distribution and selecting teaching tactics. The implementation involves face-to-face small group sessions, with one mentor teacher responsible for 8-10 students. The schedule is developed by the Tahfidz supervisor, school principal, and mentor teachers, allocating 6 hours a day for Tahfidz learning, divided into 3 sessions: 1 hour for memorization, 3 hours for review, and 2 hours for additional memorization. Evaluation methods include introductory supervision, ongoing supervision, and feedback supervision.
Peningkatan Minat Belajar IPAS Melalui Pemanfaatan Chromebook Berbantuan Google Workspace For Education bagi Siswa Kelas V SDN 03 Madiun Lor Kota Madiun Gunawan, Mahfur; Hanif, Muhammad; Rifa’i, Muhammad
Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/wjpm.v3i2.20440


This research aims to determine whether or not it is possible to increase interest in learning social and science in fifth grade students at SDN 03 Madiun Lor through the use of chromebooks assisted by Google Workspace for Education. The approach used is a qualitative approach with the Classroom Action Research method. The research was carried out at SDN 03 Madiun Lor with 27 students of fifth grade as research subjects. Data collection techniques through observation and questionnaires. The data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results show an increase in interest in learning social and science in the students after implementing chromebooks assisted by Google Workspace for Education. The learning process is more interesting and in accordance with students' learning needs and interests, as evidenced by significant increases in aspects: students' attention in learning participation; pleasure in learning activities; interest in the material presented; and participation in learning activities. 
Penerapan Model CTL dengan Menggunakan Media Wayang Kulit untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa SDN 02 Winongo Manguharjo Kota Madiun. Prasetyowati, Etik; Malawi, Ibadulah; Rifa’i, Muhammad; Hanif, Muhammad
Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/wjpm.v3i2.20439


The aim of this research is to increase the character values of honesty and helpfulness in class IV students in science subjects at SDN 02 Winongo, Manguharjo District, Madiun City in 2023/2024. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of classroom action research. This action research was carried out in three cycles. Data was collected through tests, observations, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research is qualitative data analysis.  The data obtained for each cycle is in the form of student activity data and student character assessment data in science learning using the CTL method and shadow puppet media. The research results showed that the use of the CTL method with shadow puppet media can increase the character values of honesty and helpfulness.  This was proven in the first cycle, the average honesty character value was only 62.90, increasing by 17.54% in the second cycle to 73.93. However, this did not meet the KKM 75, so it was continued in cycle III until finally there was an increase of 38.08% to 86.85 for the average honesty character score. Meanwhile, the helpful character in the initial test of cycle I reached an average score of 65.33 and increased by 14.08% to 74.53. Because it had not yet reached the KKM standard, it was continued to cycle III and the results increased 33.02% to 86.90 for the average value of helpfulness.
Strategi Pengembangan Kurikulum di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Nurus Salam Deli Tua Sofian, Sopan; Wijaya, Candra; Rifa’i, Muhammad
JAMP : Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Volume 7 No 1 Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract: This Nurus Salam Private Elementary School is one of the educational institutions of the Nurus Salam educational foundation. However, in its implementation, this Nurus Salam Private Elementary School seems more advanced than other educational institutions so I am interested in studying more deeply how the curriculum development is applied in this Nurus Salam Private Elementary School. Because the progress of Elementary Schools or other educational institutions is marked by several factors, including the factor of a good and neatly arranged curriculum. In writing this thesis, the researcher used a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques in this study were in the form of interviews, observations and documentation studies. There are several steps taken by MIS Nurus Salam in determining the objectives of the Curriculum. The first is collecting data from the Community, the second is analyzing student needs, the third is ensuring that the curriculum used is in accordance with national and international standards. The first step taken by MIS Nurus Salam in determining the content of the curriculum is to analyze the needs of students and the surrounding community, then review the existing curriculum, MIS Nurus Salam also asks for suggestions from parents and teachers, In addition, MIS Nurus Salam also invites practitioners to provide input on the content of their curriculum. Furthermore, integrating the latest education policies into the content of the curriculum to ensure that the education provided is in accordance with the standards and needs of the times.Keywords: Strategy, Curriculum Development, Madrasah. Abstrak: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Nurus Salam ini merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan dari yayasan perguruan Nurus salam. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Nurus Salam ini tampak lebih maju dari lembaga pendidikan lainnya sehingga saya tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih dalam bagaimana pengembangan kurikulum yang diterapkan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Nurus Salam ini. Karena kemajuan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah atau lembaga pendidikan lainnya ditandai dengan beberapa faktor, diantaranya dari faktor kurikulumnya yang bagus dan tertata rapi. Dalam penulisan ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini berupa wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Ada beberapa Langkah yang dilakukan oleh MIS Nurus Salam dalam menentukan tujuan Kurikulum. Yang pertama mengumpulkan data dari Masyarakat, kedua menganalisis kebutuhan siswa, ketiga memastikan bahwa kirikulum yang yang digunakan sesui dengan standar nasional maupun internasional. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan MIS Nurus Salam dalam menentukan isi kurikulum ialah menganalisis kebutuhan siswa dan Masyarakat sekitar selanjunya mengkaji kurikulum yang sudah ada, MIS Nurus Salam juga meminta saran dari orang tua dan guru, Salain itu MIS Nurus Salam juga mengundang praktisi untuk memberikan masukan tentang isi kurikulum mereka. Selanjunya Mengintegrasikan kebijakan pendidikan terbaru ke dalam isi kurikulum guna memastikan bahwa pendidikan yang diberikan sesuai dengan standar dan kebutuhan zaman.Kata kunci: Strategi, Pengembangan Kurikulum, Madrasah.
Managere: Indonesian Journal of Educational Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Januari-April
Publisher : Perkumpulan Manajer Pendidikan Islam (PERMAPENDIS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.24 KB) | DOI: 10.52627/managere.v2i1.60


This study aims to analyse the phenomena of classroom management and student learning behavior while in learning and to the level of understanding of accounting cycle XI AK SMK An-Nizam Medan. This research use associative method, and sample of this research is counted 100 student class XI academic. Data collection techniques used are: Indirect communication techniques and direct communication. The data collection tool are; Questionnaire research, Interview. The results showed that; (1) There is partial influence of class management on the level of students' understanding. (2) There is partial influence of learning behavior toward level of understanding of student of class XI AK SMK An-Nizam Medan with value of sig 0,036 <0,050. (3) There is a linear influence between classroom management on learning behavior with deviation from linierity 0,073> 0,050 siginifikansi value. (4) There is significant and positive influence simultaneously class management and learning behavior toward student understanding level shown significance value 0,002 <0,050, and big influence of determination coefficient (R²) equal to 35%.
Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Komunitas Menulis dan Meneliti (Kolibi)

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Bendungan Cengklik merupakan waduk yang berada di kecamatan Ngemplak, kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan objek wisata Bendungan Cengklik menggunakan produk multimedia berupa video promosi melalui media sosial guna menarik minat calon pengunjung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan tujuh indikator pertanyaan berdasarkan data kuesioner dari 50 responden memperoleh presentase 82%, dengan ini dapat disimpulkan video profil ini sangat efisien untuk mengenalkan Bendungan Cengklik kepada masyarakat. Video profil ini berisi tentang informasi singakat mengenai potensi-potensi yang terdapat di Bendungan Cengklik seperti keindahan alam, sektor perikanan, wisata, dan kuliner.
Bermain Sambil Belajar: Edukasi Pencegahan Bullying dan Dampak Perlakuan Bullying Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Peserta Didik di SDN 055980 Aman Damai Rifa’i, Muhammad; Dwi Afri, Lisa; Hidayanti, Nadia; Laylani Harahap, Syafrida; Khumayra, Lhufiah
Publisher : Perkumpulan Manajer Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (PERMAPENDIS) Prov. Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56832/pema.v4i2.463


Bullying merupakan sebuah tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku kepada korban yang menyebabkan korban merasa takut, sedih dan trauma. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Yaitu metode penelitian yang bersifat kolaboratif dan transformatif. Dampak dari bullying ini beragam tergantung dengan tingkat bullying yang diterima. Dampaknya dapat berupa rasa malu, stres, berhenti sekolah, hingga bunuh diri. Kegiatan ini merupakan bentuk pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa UINSU Medan. dilakukan di SDN 055980 Aman Damai pada hari Sabtu Taggal 19 Agustus 2023. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi bahwa kita perlu menghindari bullying agar tidak terjadi dilingkungan sekolah. Bullying dapat menyebabkan gangguan mental, stres dan gangguan non psikis lainnya yang dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya proses anak dalam meraih masa depan.