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Customer Segmentation Using the K-means Clustering Algorithm and Recency Frequency Monetary Model at Pharmaceutical Product Wholesaler Iqbal, Nur Muhammad; Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane; Zulvia, Ferani Eva
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): IJRVOCAS - August
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v4i2.293


PT Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution (KFTD) is a company engaged in the distribution and trading services of Indonesian health products, on a national scale. In 2022, the company aims to increase sales to be awarded as one of the top 3 national pharmaceutical product distributors by 2024. Their current strategy is to provide customers with delayed payment permission and integrated complaint services. However, the offers and services are the same for all customers which does not consider customer track record hence it is not cost-effective. One way to increase sales is by enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies. Several strategies can be carried out, namely analysis of associations related to pharmaceutical products, and analysis of customer segmentation and clustering of products. The method used in this study was the K-means clustering algorithm combined with the Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) model. Experiments showed that the optimal clustering results are 4 therefore they are categorized into 4 customer segments, namely Superstar, Golden, Typical, and Occasional Customers.
INFOTECH journal Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/infotech.v10i1.8796


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memberikan saran perbaikan terhadap terjadinya keterlambatan pengiriman pesanan produk bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dari PT Pertamina Fuel Terminal Bandung Group, Ujung Berung ke SPBU yang menjadi area pelayanannya. Data yang digunakan terkait jumlah dan persentase keterlambatan pengiriman pesanan BBM per shift. Diagram keterkaitan masalah juga disusun untuk memahami hubungan antar gejala masalah terkait kejadian keterlambatan pengiriman BBM sehingga ditemukan akar permasalahan yang kemudian diselesaikan melalui penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan mencakup analisis data dengan alat bantu dan teknik berupa flowchart, diagram SIPOC, diagram tulang ikan, diagram kendali, dan analisis 5W+1H dalam kerangka Lean Six Sigma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Fuel Terminal Bandung Group, Ujung Berung mempunyai nilai DPMO yang tinggi (46.076,64) dengan tingkat Sigma sebesar 3,229. Analisis menggunakan diagram tulang ikan mengungkap faktor-faktor penyebab keterlambatan pengiriman antara lain keterlambatan kedatangan awak mobil tangki, ketersediaan mobil tangki yang tidak mencukupi kebutuhan, keterbatasan kapasitas pengisian bahan bakar, keperluan tambahan memenuhi permintaan tambahan pengiriman pasokan ke depo lain, keterlambatan mobil tangki kembali ke depo, kesalahan pada sistem SIOD, kendala cuaca, dan kemacetan di sejumlah titik di sepanjang jalur pengiriman. Perbaikan terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut diusulkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas proses pengiriman pesanan di masa selanjutnya.
Halal Supply Chain Performance Measurement with Supply Chain Operations Reference Approach Herlina, Rohma; Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane; Sukarno, Iwan
Jurnal Manajemen Transportasi & Logistik (JMTRANSLOG) Vol 11, No 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54324/j.mtl.v1i1.1157


Bakso Mantul is a household industry produces ready-to-eat packaged frozen meatballs with sales areas in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The absence of halal certification of the products failed the business to get benefit of increasing income and consumer’s trust. The obligation to certify halal products is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 33 of 2014. The preparation and performance measurement of halal supply chain management implemented by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) could support to obtain the certification. The purpose of the study is to prepare Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) as a form of standardization. SCOR could be used to maintain the products’ halal quality and measure the performance of all halal supply chain activities in the cycle view push process. From the validation results carried out by internal and external respondents of MSMEs, 12 KPIs obtained are considered valid and could be used to measure the performance of halal supply chain. From the measurement, a value of 50.78 is still categorized as average based on the Snorm De Boer system. The KPI analysis using the Traffic Light System (TLS) shows that seven KPIs are satisfying, four are not satisfactory, and one is marginal.
Intentions to Sustainably Use Air Transportation During the Pandemic: A Structural Equation Model Analysis Kamilia, Rifka Alifa; Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane; Zulvia, Ferani Eva
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 20, No 2: September 2023
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v20i2.3407


This research was motivated by the pandemic due to the Corona-19 virus which resulted in the crippling of the aviation industry.  Angkasa Pura II, specifically Soekarno-Hatta Airport, a company specializing in airport services and airport-related services, has experienced a significant decline in its revenue. Specifically, the company has lost an alarming 50% of its total revenue. This substantial decrease in earnings has undoubtedly had a profound impact on the organization's financial stability and future prospects. Soekarno Hatta Airport experienced a decrease in the number of passengers from 27,163,886 people per year in 2019 to a very significant decline in 2020 to 10,139,718. The pandemic has changed people's behavior in traveling using air transportation. One of their considerations is getting infected while traveling. This study aims to examine the effect of passenger satisfaction variables, subjective norms, attitudes, perceptions of behavioral control, and perceptions of travel risk on travel intentions using air transportation during the pandemic. This research was conducted by surveying 145 respondents who had used the services of Angkasa Pura II. The analytical method used in this study is the SEM-PLS with SmartPLS 3.0. Results showed that air travel intentions during the pandemic are significantly affected by passengers' satisfaction, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control. Meanwhile, the variables of attitude and perception of travel risk did not significantly affect the intention to travel using air transportation during the pandemic.
PELATIHAN TSUNAMI READY DESA CIKAKAK YANG SIAP DAN SIAGA BENCANA Madrinovella, Iktri; Lubis, M. Husni Mubarak; Suhardja, Sandy Kurniawan; Zaky, Dicky Ahmad; Herawati, Ida; Pranowo, Waskito; Widyanti, Sari; Misbahudin, Misbahudin; Vikaliana, Resista; Mulyasari, Farah; Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 6 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 6 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i6.23240


Desa Cikakak di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan gempa bumi dan tsunami. Untuk meminimalisir dampak bencana kepada masyarakat desa, dibutuhkan upaya pelatihan yang disebut IOWave23 agar mereka siap dan siaga jika terjadi kedaruratan. Pelatihan semacam ini perlu dilakukan secara berkala sebagaimana arahan Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) UNESCO. Terakhir diadakan 3 tahun lalu pada 2020 maka pelatihan harus disegerakan mengingat waktu ideal antar pelatihan adalah 2 tahun. Berkaca dari sejumlah bencana serupa di berbagai wilayah rawan di Indonesia maka kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) kali ini menjadi sangat penting karena memiliki tujuan utama memberikan pemahaman dan latihan langsung di lapangan terkait hal-hal yang harus dikuasai oleh masyarakat di wilayah rawan jika gempa bumi disertai tsuanmi melanda. Masyarakat terdampak perlu memahami hal-hal yang harus dilakukan saat terjadi bencana begitu juga setelahnya. Kegiatan utama pada PkM ini adalah drilling bencana beserta tindakan kesiapsiagaannya yang melibatkan ahli dan praktisi berpengalaman dari berbagai instansi seperti BMKG dan BPBD daerah. Target yang ingin dicapai dari program pelatihan ini peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Cikakak mengenai kebencanaan gempa bumi dan tsunami, dan kesiapsiagaan menghadapinya.
Factors Influencing the Intention of Jakarta Workers to Move to the State Capital in Kalimantan: From Systematic Literature Review to Conceptual Framework of Push-Pull-Mooring Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v11i1.38101


The plan to relocate the national capital (IKN) from DKI Jakarta to Kalimantan Island will soon be realized when the population relocation is initiated by workers, one of whom is from the central ministry sector. This has never been studied before regarding the need to change residence, so the factors that encourage or restrain workers from moving to IKN have not been identified. Ideally, the transfer of these workers to IKN is based on full willingness and awareness of the conditions of life that will be lived in the future. To find out how far the intention of Jakarta workers is to move to IKN, factor analysis is needed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The concept used to investigate these push, pull, and restraint factors is push-pull-mooring (PPM). These three factors are important to study to obtain a model structure that can be used as a direction for IKN development. In addition, this research is also intended to find out technical information related to the reasons behind the readiness of Jakarta workers to change their domicile to IKN so that the expectations of the benefits of the new capital city can be accommodated as well as possible by interested parties, such as the central government. and regions, including the private sector.
JISI: Jurnal Integrasi Sistem Industri Vol 11, No 2 (2024): JISI UMJ
Publisher : Fakultas teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jisi.11.2.213-224


Pada tahun 2021, PT X mengalami penurunan penjualan pada saluran penjualan melalui e-commerce. Untuk meningkatkannya kembali, diperlukan penerapan strategi bisnis selain yang sudah diterapkan sebelumnya, dengan mengetahui pola asosiasi antar item produk yang dibeli konsumen yang dapat menjadi dasar pembuatan rekomendasi berdasarkan salah satu prinsip customer relationship management yaitu strategi mixed bundling. Data yang digunakan adalah data transaksi penjualan produk melalui e-commerce PT X dari April hingga Oktober 2021, dengan jumlah sebanyak 5.673 transaksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah data mining association rule spesifiknya algoritma apriori. Dengan menggunakan minimum support sebesar 0,15 dan minimum confidence sebesar 0.5, maka didapatkan hasil yang telah divalidasi, yaitu terdapat 5 rules untuk family product dan 5 rules untuk item produk. Dari eksperimen diketahui bahwa produk Pasta sering dibeli bersamaan dengan produk Flour, produk Cookies dan Pasta sering dibeli bersamaan dengan produk Flour, produk Noodle sering dibeli bersamaan dengan produk Flour, produk Cookies dan Noodle sering dibeli bersamaan dengan produk Flour, serta produk Noodle dan Pasta sering dibeli bersamaan dengan produk Flour. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyusunan rekomendasi strategi penjualan, terdapat 4 produk mixed bundling yang dapat menjadi alternatif dalam strategi pemasaran PT X untuk meningkatkan penjualan, yaitu produk CBT01 dan CBM01, MBL01 dan MBT01, CPB01 dan CBM01, serta CPB01 dan CBT01.
Model Kualitas Layanan Terbaik untuk Pelanggan di Terminal Kargo Domestik Bandara Kualanamu Iskandar, Yelita Anggiane
JURMATIS (Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Teknik Industri) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jurmatis.v5i2.4314


Bali Lestari Beach offers a Bali tourist experience in North Sumatra near Kualanamu Airport. Kualanamu Airport Domestic Cargo needs to improve service quality. The research developed a service quality model to increase customer satisfaction at the Kualanamu Airport Domestic Cargo Terminal with a mix-method approach. All populations are sampled for questionnaire filling. Service quality indicators are included in quadrant I model. The study involved observation, interviews, and questionnaires to determine the level of customer satisfaction at the Kualanamu Airport Domestic Cargo Terminal. Data is processed with Excel and SPSS 23. Service improvements focus on quadrant I of the Importance Performance Analysis. There are weaknesses in service quality at the Kualanamu Airport Domestic Cargo Terminal and it is recommended to focus improvements on tangibles and assurance dimensions. Based on Importance Performance Analysis, there are five selected quality improvement indicators, namely: prices are formed according to the services offered, cashiers are fast and precise in serving the payment process, employee readiness to meet every customer demand, reliability of cargo terminal equipment and facilities, and good employee treatment of service users, with good service through an effective service quality strategy.