Sitepu, Alexander
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GAMBARAN KASUS TANGGAL PREMATUR GIGI CANINUS SULUNG Christian, Tom; Dewi, Renie Kumala; Carabelly, Amy Nindia; Sitepu, Alexander; Hamdani, Riky
Dentin Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentin.v8i2.13116


ABSTRACTBackground: Premature loss is a condition where deciduous teeth shed prematurely while replacement permanent teeth have not yet erupted. Premature loss of primary canines can be caused by caries, trauma, and systemic conditions. Maxillary canines are more prone to premature loss compared to mandibular canines. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of premature loss of primary canine teeth among children aged 8-10 years at SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor, Landasan Ulin, Banjarbaru City in 2023. Method: This research employed an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study included 77 students aged 8-10 years from SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor, selected using simple random sampling. Inclusion criteria were students aged 8-10 years who were cooperative respondents, with parents or guardians signing informed consent, and students in the mixed dentition phase. Exclusion criteria were students absent or sick on the day of data collection, and parents or guardians who withdrew consent. Data were collected through observational examination and filling out an odontogram. The research data were analyzed descriptively. Results: 23% of respondents experienced premature loss of primary canines, with the majority being females (66.67%). The primary canine most commonly affected was tooth element 53 (44%), and premature loss typically occurred at age 10 (38.89%). Conclusion: The description of premature loss of primary canine teeth in students at SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor aged 8-10 years, the majority of which occur in girls, namely maxillary primary canine teeth because hormonal factors at puberty can influence behavior in maintaining dental and oral hygiene.Keywords: premature loss, children, primary canines. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Prematur loss adalah kondisi dimana gigi desidui sudah tanggal sebelum waktunya sementara gigi permanen pengganti belum tumbuh. Prematur loss caninus sulung dapat disebabkan karena karies, trauma dan kondisi sistemik. Gigi caninus rahang atas sering mengalami tanggal prematur dibandingkan gigi caninus rahang bawah. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran tanggal prematur gigi caninus sulung pada anak usia 8-10 tahun di SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor Kecamatan Landasan Ulin Kota Banjarbaru pada tahun 2023. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa-siswi usia 8-10 tahun di SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor Kecamatan Landasan Ulin Kota Banjarbaru dengan teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling sebanyak 77 orang dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu siswa siswi berusia 8-10 tahun, kooperatif untuk menjadi responden, orang tua atau wali yang menandatangani infomed consent dan siswa siswi dalam periode gigi bercampur. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu siswa siswi yang tidak hadir atau sakit pada hari pengambilan data dan orang tua atau wali yang mengundurkan diri. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan observasi serta pengisian odontogram. Data hasil penelitian selanjutnya dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Hasil: Sebanyak 23% responden mengalami prematur loss caninus sulung dengan responden terbanyak adalah perempuan (66,67%) dan elemen gigi caninus sulung yang mengalami tanggal prematur terbanyak adalah gigi 53 (44%) serta tanggal prematur terbanyak pada usia 10 tahun (38,89%). Kesimpulan: Gambaran tanggal prematur gigi caninus sulung pada siswa/siswi SDN 2 Syamsudin Noor usia 8-10 tahun mayoritas terjadi pada perempuan yaitu pada gigi caninus sulung rahang atas. Hal ini karena faktor hormonal pubertas dapat memengaruhi perilaku dalam memelihara kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Kata kunci: Caninus Sulung, Anak-Anak, Premature Loss
GAMBARAN KESEIMBANGAN UKURAN GIGI DENGAN ANALISIS BOLTON PADA PELAJAR SUKU BANJAR (USIA 15-18 TAHUN) Azzam, Kholish Atikah; Wibowo, Diana; Sitepu, Alexander; Adhani, Rosihan; Wasiaturrahmah, Yusrinie
Dentin Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentin.v8i2.13110


ABSTRACTBackground: South Kalimantan recorded having a high incidence of dental and oral health problems around 59.6% and malocclusion cases around 12%. The population of Banjar tribe in South Kalimantan is around 90%. Banjar’s genetic factors can influence the development of tooth size therefore influence result of normal occlusion. Bolton analysis is an index needed to determine balance of tooth size of upper and lower jaw. Objective: The aim of this research is to describe the discrepancy sizes using Bolton analysis in Banjar students (aged 15-18 years). Method: This research is an observasional descriptive study with cross-sectional approach. Results: The results showed that the average balance value for the size of the 6 anterior teeth (Anterior Ratio) was 79.51% ± 8.67. It was found that 97.6% of the samples were unbalanced with the highest frequency of jaw discrepancies in the mandible and the average value for balance size of the 12 teeth. overall (Overall Ratio) 91.32 ± 5.17, it was found that 98.8% of the sample numbers were unbalanced with the highest frequency of jaw discrepancy in the maxilla, namely 46 people (56.1%). Conclusion: The balance of tooth size in the Banjar tribe based on the anterior Bolton ratio was found to be predominantly unbalanced with the highest imbalance located in the lower jaw (mandible) and the overall Bolton ratio was found to be predominantly unbalanced with the highest imbalance located in the upper jaw (maxilla).Keywords : Tooth Size Discrepancy; Bolton Analysis; Banjar tribe  ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kalimantan Selatan tercatat memiliki angka kejadian permasalahan kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang tinggi yaitu sekitar 59,6% dan kasus maloklusi sekitar 12%. Penduduk terbesar di Kalimantan Selatan adalah suku Banjar sekitar 90% dari populasi. Faktor genetik Suku Banjar dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan ukuran gigi sehingga dapat menentukan hasil oklusi normal. Analisis Bolton merupakan indeks yang sering digunakan dan diperlukan untuk menentukan keseimbangan ukuran gigi rahang atas dan bawah. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengambarkan keseimbangan ukuran gigi dengan analisis Bolton pada pelajar Suku Banjar (Usia 15-18 Tahun). Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai rata-rata keseimbangan ukuran 6 gigi anterior (Anterior Rasio) 79,51% ± 8,67 didapati 97,6% jumlah sampel tidak seimbang dengan frekuensi rahang yang berdeskrepansi terbanyak pada mandibula dan nilai rata-rata keseimbangan ukuran 12 gigi keseluruhan (Overall Rasio) 91,32 ± 5,17 didapati 98,8% jumlah sampel tidak seimbang dengan frekuensi rahang yang berdeskrepansi terbanyak pada maksila yaitu 46 orang (56,1%). Kesimpulan: Keseimbangan ukuran gigi pada Suku Banjar berdasarkan rasio anterior Bolton didapati mayoritas tidak seimbang dengan letak ketidakseimbangan tertinggi pada rahang bawah (mandibula) dan rasio keseluruhan Bolton didapati mayoritas tidak seimbang dengan letak ketidakseimbangan tertinggi pada rahang atas (maksila). Kata kunci :  Analisis Bolton, Keseimbangan Ukuran Gigi, Suku Banjar 
Dentin Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentin.v8i2.13108


ABSTRACTBackground: Malocclusion is a multifactorial problem that occurs due to general and local factors. Teeth crowding is one of the characteristics of malocclusion that often occurs in adolescents. Appearance is important for teenagers to increase self-confidence. Part of the appearance that results from the teeth and mouth is a smile. The need for orthodontic treatment can be measured using the Index of Complexity, Outcome, and Need (ICON) which calculates the complexity, success, and necessity of orthodontic care. Purpose: To find out an overview of the severity of dental malocclusion in adolescents aged 15-18 years in Banjarmasin based on the ICON (Review of high school students in North Banjarmasin and Central Banjarmasin District). Methods: This was a descriptive analytics study with a cross sectional design. Sampling techniques using random sampling in teenagers aged 15-18 years as many as 356 respondents. Malocclusion severity data was obtained through ICON measurement. Results: The results of this study were the highest level of malocclusion complexity in the mild category by 147 respondents, the most aeshthetic component is in category no treatment need (159 respondents), cross-bite is in category 0 (205 respondents, crowding teeth is in category 1 (101 respondents), diastema teeth is in category 3 (18 respondents), open bite is in category 0 (106 respondents), and the antero-posterior tooth relationship is in category 0 (216 respondents). Conclusion: The degree of complexity of dental malocclusion in adolescents 15-18 years old in Banjarmasin were mostly found in the light category.Keyword: Orthodontic, Malocclusion, ICON ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Maloklusi adalah masalah multifaktorial yang terjadi karena faktor umum dan faktor lokal. Gigi berjejal adalah salah satu karakteristik dari maloklusi yang sering terjadi pada remaja. Penampilan merupakan hal yang penting bagi remaja untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Bagian dari penampilan yang dihasilkan dari gigi dan mulut adalah senyum. Kebutuhan akan perawatan orthodonti dapat diukur menggunakan Index of Complexity, Outcome, and Need (ICON) yang memperhitungankan kompleksitas, keberhasilan, dan kebutuhan dari perawatan orthodonti. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat keparahan maloklusi dental remaja usia 15-18 tahun di Banjarmasin berdasarkan indeks ICON (Tinjauan pada pelajar SLTA di Banjarmasin Utara dan Banjarmasin Tengah). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftik analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling pada remaja usia 15-18 tahun sebanyak 356 responden. Data tingkat keparahan maloklusi diperoleh melalui pengukuran indeks ICON. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini yaitu tingkat kompleksitas maloklusi terbanyak ada pada kategori ringan yaitu 147 responden, aeshthetic component paling banyak ada pada kategori tidak membutuhkan perawatan (159 responden), gigitan silang atau crossbite ada pada kategori 0 (205 responden), gigi berdesakan atau crowding ada pada kategori 1 (101 responden), gigi berjarak atau diastem ada pada kategori 3 (18 responden), over bite ada pada kategori 0 (103 responden), oven bite ada pada kategori 3 dan 4 (12 responden), dan relasi gigi antero-posterior ada pada kategori 0 (216 responden). Kesimpulan: Tingkat kompleksitas maloklusi dental pada remaja usia 15-18 tahun di Banjarmasin banyak ditemukan pada kategori ringan.Kata kunci: ICON, Maloklusi, Orthodontik
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF Ca(OH)2 COMBINED WITH MUSA ACUMINATA AS A PULP CAPPING MATERIAL Wardhana, Agung Satria; Hidalgo, Andres Migael; Puspitasari, Dewi; Erlita, Isyana; Sitepu, Alexander
Dentino: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 9, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : FKG ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentino.v9i1.18861


Background: The weakness of Ca(OH)2 is its low compressive strength and mechanical properties which can affect the stability of the material to the liquid in the tooth root canal so that it can dissolve the root canal medicament material. Due to the various weaknesses of Ca(OH)2, the researchers are interested in combining Ca(OH)2 with natural ingredients extracted from Musa acuminata (Mauli Banana) stem. Musa acuminata stem extract  (MaSE) contains bioactive compounds such as tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and lycopene which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral properties. One of the requirements for pulp capping material is to have sufficient compressive strength, therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to test the value of the compressive strength of the combination of Ca(OH)2 with Musa acuminata stem extract. Purpose: To analyze the compressive strength of the pulp capping material from the combination of calcium hydroxide and Musa acuminata stem extract, with a ratio of 1:1; 1:1.5 ; and 1.5:1. Method: This research is a pure experimental study with a posttest-only design with a control group design, consisting of 4 treatment groups, including: group 1 the combination of Ca(OH)2 with Musa acuminata stem extract at 1:1, group 2 1:1.5, group 3 1.5:1, and group 4 as a positive control. Results: One Way Anova test (p<0.05) which means there is a significant difference. Data analysis was continued with the LSD Post Hoc test (p<0.05) which showed that there were significant differences between groups, between each treatment group. Conclusion: The combination of Ca(OH)2 with 50% MaSE and PG ratio of 1.5 : 1 : 0.375, has the highest compressive strength (1.40 MPa), so it can be concluded that the more Musa acuminata stem extract in the combination, the lower the compressive strength. Keywords : Calcium hydroxide, Compressive strength, Musa acuminata stem extract