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The Effect Of Need For Achievement On Entrepreneurial Intentions Through Self-Efficacy Of Smk Students Antika, Dwi; Eryanto, Henry; Fadillah Fidhyallah, Nadya
Jurnal Syntax Fusion Vol 3 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Fusion: Jurnal Nasional Indonesia
Publisher : Rifa' Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/fusion.v3i02.250


This study aims to determine the effect of need for achievement on entrepreneurial intentions through self-efficacy as a mediating variable in class XI Students of SMK Negeri 9 Jakarta. This research method uses quantitative research methods and survei methods. The population of this study were students of SMK Negeri 9 Jakarta, totaling 718 students with an affordable population of 204 students. The technique of determining the sample using path analysis model. The model in this study uses a path analysis model. The analytical technique used in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) which is calculated using software SmartPLS version 4.0. The result showed that the need for achievement had a significant direct effect on entrepreneurial intentions, need for achievement had a significant direct effect on self-efficacy, self-efficacy had a significant direct efffect on entrepreneurial intentions, and need for acheivement had a significant indirect effect on entrepreneurial intentions through self-efficacy.
PELATIHAN DIGITAL MARKETING DI SMKN 3 JAKARTA Fadillah Fidhyallah, Nadya; Yohana, Corry; Fawaiq, Muhammad; Lutfia, Annisa; Hidayat, Nurdin; Herlina, Rina
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract The development of technology and digitalization has drastically changed the marketing landscape. Customers today are more connected online and spend a lot of time on digital platforms. Digital marketing training provides an understanding of how to use data and analytics to identify and understand consumer behavior, thus enabling companies to send relevant and engaging messages to the right audience. This digital marketing training program is conducted with several approach methods offered to solve the problem of limited knowledge and skills of marketing students of SMKN 3 Jakarta in marketing expertise using digital technology. These methods include lectures and practical demonstrations. The participants of this Community Service were attended by 32 students from the Online Business and Marketing department of SMKN 3 Jakarta. The implementation of the activity went smoothly, this was due to the participation and interrelation of all parties, especially the students, teachers, and the committee team. The results of the community service are expected to help participants to maximize their knowledge and skills in the field of digital marketing. Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi dan digitalisasi telah mengubah lanskap pemasaran secara drastis. Pelanggan saat ini lebih terhubung secara online dan menghabiskan banyak waktu di platform digital. Pelatihan digital marketing memberikan pemahaman tentang cara menggunakan data dan analitik untuk mengidentifikasi dan memahami perilaku konsumen, sehingga memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengirim pesan yang relevan dan menarik kepada audiens yang tepat. Program pelatihan digital marketing ini dilakukan dengan beberapa metode pendekatan yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa jurusan pemasaran SMKN 3 Jakarta dalam keahlian pemasaran menggunakan teknologi digital. Metode tersebut antara lain yaitu metode ceramah dan demonstrasi praktik. Peserta Pengabdian Masyarakat ini seluruhnya dihadiri oleh 32 siswa dari jurusan Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran SMKN 3 Jakarta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut berjalan lancar, hal ini dikarenakan partisipasi dan keterkaitan semua pihak terutama para siswa, guru, dan tim panitia. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu para peserta untuk memaksimalkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka dalam bidang digital marketing.