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Agnes Monica's Speak Action in The Kick Andy Event "Young People Who Are Worldwide" Siahaan, Sahat Taruli; Rajagukguk, Rosdiana
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Mamangan Vol 12, No 3 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Mamangan Accredited 3 (SK Dirjen Ristek Dikti No. 158/E/KPT/
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/mamangan.v12i02.6473


This research aims to explain the type of speech acts of Agnes Monica in the Kick Andy show "Yang Muda Yang Mendunia". The approach used is Pragmatics (Searle, 1983) aboaut speech act theory. The method used in this research is Descriptive Qualitative. The data of this research are clauses or utterances of Agnes Monica, a young Indonesian singer who has successfully worked in the international arena. The data source in this research is a video of Agnes Monica and Kick Andy's conversation with a duration of 15:49 minutes on Youtube on Dvichsan Sinaga's account. The results of the analysis reveal that there are 2 types of speech acts contained in Agnes Monica’s utterances in the Kick Andy talk show, that is locution (with 11 speech acts) and illocution (directive, assertive, declarative) with 21 speech acts; (2) directive illocution (with 10 findings) is the dominant type of speech act in Agnes Monica’s utterances in the Kick Andy talk show “Yang Muda Yang Mendunia”.
Improving Reading Skill For Elementary Class at SD Melbourne School Binjai Manik, Sondang; Pasaribu, Tiara; Rajagukguk, Rosdiana; A Sembiring, Rony; Pasaribu, Donna; Sinambela, Erika; Elfrida, Rotua; Gea, Pinta
Mejuajua: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Penelitian dan Inovasi Sumatera (YPIS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52622/mejuajuajabdimas.v3i3.120


Community service is one of  the obligation in higher education.  Tridharma of  Higher Education is education, research, and Community service . sometime that students of primary level is not important, but actually Community service for students of primary level is important in English because they are in critical period, its time for the to learn English or other language  (according to Eric Lennenbeg). They need to learn, and do  more practices. In reading comprehension students also learn new vocabulary, when they repeat the sentences they learn speaking. They learn English happily. Writer tried to teach reading comprehension with quiz exercise, the goal  of this  community services is to improve the competence for teachers and students specifically in reading comprehension. In learning reading comprehension students also improve their vocabulary as well as speaking.
PEMECAHAN MASALAH SOSIAL DAN EKONOMI DI DESA SIBURE-BURE Pasaribu, Donna Ria; Rajagukguk, Rosdiana; Sidabutar, Rolasando; Elnico, Tua
PROFICIO Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): PROFICIO : Jurnal Abdimas FKIP UTP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36728/jpf.v5i2.3575


Pendekatan Kuliah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut dengan solusi seperti peningkatan manajemen dan biosecurity ternak, pengenalan pupuk organik, penyuluhan pertanian, serta pengembangan infrastruktur dan kebersihan lingkungan. Program kerja ini juga mencakup penerapan konsep 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) dalam pengelolaan sampah dan peningkatan disiplin aparatur pemerintah desa. Hasil dari implementasi program kerja ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian dan peternakan, memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi dan infrastruktur desa, serta menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih bersih dan sehat.
Preserving Linguistic Diversity: Strategies for Language Preservation and Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Rajagukguk, Rosdiana; Malems, Tenang; Ginting, Maya
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 11 No. 3 (2022): Sep: Education and Humanities
Publisher : Insan Akademika Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/jiph.v11i3.25


The Batak linguistic group in North Sumatra, Indonesia, encompasses a diverse array of languages, each representing a unique cultural identity. This research embarks on an in-depth comparative analysis of these languages to unveil their linguistic relationships and explore their cultural significance within their respective communities. The research employs a multi-faceted approach, involving data collection from native speakers, fieldwork in community settings, and collaboration with language experts. Linguistic data, including phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic features, are meticulously analyzed. Comparative methods are applied to elucidate linguistic bonds and distinctive nuances within these languages. Our analysis confirms the presence of strong linguistic bonds among the Mandailing Batak, Toba Batak, and Karo languages. Shared phonological features, agglutinative morphology, SVO word order, and culturally significant lexicons underscore their common Batak heritage. The existence of tonal patterns and tonal variations enriches the linguistic landscape. Simultaneously, distinctive linguistic nuances in each language highlight their unique identities and cultural significance. This research emphasizes the significance of preserving linguistic diversity and cultural heritage within the Batak communities. The findings provide valuable insights into the preservation of cultural practices, historical knowledge, and ancestral narratives. It serves as a call to action for the continued preservation and revitalization of these languages, recognizing their profound connections to culture and identity.
Sosialisasi Nilai-Nilai Kristiani Untuk Membentuk Etika Berpendapat Dalam Platform Media Sosial Di Kelas 9 SMP Tunas Muda Berkarya Heeng, Go; Meri, Marlina; Pertiwi, Sri; Gulo, Moralman; Gea, Kristiani; Nazara, Elybeth; Bangun, Susana Sianari; Saleleubaja, Lewis; Rajagukguk, Rosdiana; Batee, Bernada Nidarmawati; Sitorus, Nelva; Panggabean, Mega Lina; Marpaung, Sintia Anjelina
Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE) Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jh.v4i4.1158


Etika merupakan ungkapan perilaku atau tindakan seseorang yang menentukan seseorang tersebut beraklak mulia atau tidak. Sangat penting etika yang baik dimiliki oleh setiap orang terlebih dalam berinteraksi atau komunikasi diplatfrom media sosial yang marak diakses oleh semua orang saat ini. Dengan demikian, Tim Pengbadian kepada masyarakat mengadakan sebuah sosialisasi tentang nilai-nilai kristiani sebagai bentuk pembinaan bagi peserta didik agar memiliki etika yang benar seturut dengan kaidah kekristenan. Sehingga melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peserta didik mampu menuangkan komentar atau pendapat dimedia sosial dengan sikap yang benar dan etika yang baik. Dalam penyelengaraan kegiatan PkM ini dilaksanakan dengan tiga tahapan yakni, Pertama, Tim PkM melakukan observasi pada mitra kegiatan yaitu SMP Tunas Muda Berkarya dengan tujuan mendengar secara langsung kebutuhan lapangan sehingga kegiatan dapat relevan. Kedua, melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi dimulai dari ibadah, menjelaskan bahan materi, diskusi dan terakhir sesi tanya jawab. Ketiga, mengevaluasi dengan responden 58 orang dengan jawaban sangat setuju, 49.32 %, Setuju. 37.9%, Kurang setuju, 3.44 % dan Tidak Setuju, 0.34%. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta didik mampu memahami dan menerapkan etika yang benar sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kristiani ketika berpendapat didalam platform media sosial maupun dilingkungan sekitar secara nyata.
Student’s Difficulties in Using Transition Signals in Writing Descriptive Paragraph of The Second Year Students of SMP Gajah Mada Medan Rajagukguk, Rosdiana
JETAL: Journal of English Teaching & Applied Linguistic Vol 5 No 1 (2023): September
Publisher : English Education Department at FKIP Nommensen University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36655/jetal.v5i1.1205


This study attempt to discuss student’s difficulties use transition signals when writing descriptive paragraph of SMP Gajah Mada Medan sophomores. The subject of the research is to know the types of transition signals that are difficult for the students to use in writing descriptive paragraphs. The researcher wants to discover the dominant types of transitional signs that are difficult for students to use when writing descriptive paragraphs. The population for the research was 18 second-years SMP Gajah Mada Medan students. The study used descriptive qualitative research. The result of the research showed that there were four types of students’ difficulties in using transition cues when writing descriptive paragraphs, namely: additional idea, opposite idea or contrast, example and cause effect. The dominant type of transition signals that are difficult for students to use when writing descriptive paragraphs was cause and effect with 9 cases (33,3%). This thesis is suggested to students and teachers of the English department as a source of valuable knowledge and information on students’ difficulties in using transition signals.
Textual Metafunction in The Choir Traditional Spiritual Song “Elijah Rock” By Moses Hogan Rajagukguk, Rosdiana; Siahaan, Sahat Taruli
Journal of Language Development and Linguistics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jldl.v3i2.10569


This research explores the textual metafunction of the choir song "Elijah Rock" by Moses Hogan through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), employing Suzanne Eggins' model of analysis. By examining the song's lyrical structure, the study aims to uncover how thematic organization, cohesion, and information flow contribute to the overall meaning and emotional impact of the piece. The analysis identifies key thematic elements, such as the recurring motif of "Elijah," as topical theme; the use of other topical themes such as: “come on”, “tell”, “comin’ up”,  “Satan”; “He”; and “I”; the use of textual theme “if” and “Oh” highlights the extensive use of repetition and parallelism, which enhance textual coherence. Through a qualitative content analysis, the research demonstrates how linguistic features not only create a unified text but also resonate with the cultural and historical significance of African American spirituals. The findings reveal that the interplay between textual structure and musical expression plays a vital role in conveying the song's message and engaging audiences. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the intersection of linguistics and music, offering valuable insights for future research in both fields.