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Makam-Makam Kuno Barus, Eksplorasi Peradaban Titik Nol Islam di Kota Tua yang Terlupakan Siregar, Muklis; Harahap, Indra; Winaldi, Ahmad; Indah, Fasrah; Syawal, Rakhmat
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.13070


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendalami kota tua Barus sebagai Titik Nol Persebaran Islam di Nusantara, sebuah kota yang kini terlupakan. Fokus penelitian adalah pada revitalisasi makam-makam kuno di Barus sebagai eksplorasi mendalam terhadap peradaban Islam di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian dimulai dengan memaparkan kekayaan sejarah dan budaya yang melekat pada kota tua Barus. Masalah utama yang diangkat adalah bagaimana memahami dan mempertahankan warisan peradaban Islam di Barus yang telah tenggelam dalam keterlupakan modernitas, dengan mengidentifikasi potensi dan kekayaan sejarah dalam makam-makam kuno, penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pelestarian dan apresiasi terhadap warisan budaya dan agama. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan historis dalam penelitian kepustakaan. Analisis konten digunakan untuk merinci temuan data sejarah, terutama terkait makam-makam kuno yang menjadi saksi bisu masa lalu. Temuan penelitian mengungkap bahwa warisan peradaban Islam di Barus, terutama melalui makam-makam kuno seperti Makam Mahligai dan Papan Tinggi, memiliki nilai signifikan. Selain sebagai tempat peristirahatan para ulama terkemuka, situs-situs ini membawa pesan sejarah dan nilai-nilai keIslaman di masa lalu. Dalam konteks modern, pemahaman dan pelestarian peradaban ini menjadi lebih jelas. Warisan sejarah di Barus bukan hanya milik warganya, tetapi juga bagian tak terpisahkan dari warisan sejarah Islam di Nusantara. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar untuk pelestarian, pengembangan pariwisata, dan membangun kesadaran masyarakat terhadap nilai-nilai budaya dan agama dalam peradaban kota tua Barus.
Preservasi Artefak Islam Situs Bongal dan Penegasan Penting Awal Islam di Nusantara Siregar, Muklis; Prayogo, Agung
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 18, No. 4 : Al Qalam (Juli 2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (STIQ) Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/aq.v18i4.3555


Penelitian ini menyoroti peran penting Situs Bongal yang terletak di Desa Jago-jago, Kecamatan Badiri, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Sumatera Utara, dalam meningkatkan pemahaman penyebaran Islam dan peradaban maju di nusantara. Metode perpustakaan digunakan dengan mengumpulkan hasil temuan artefak peneliti BRIN dan arkeolog Sumut kemudian disajikan dengan teknik triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa temuan arkeologi seperti sisa-sisa perahu kayu kuno yang erat kaitannya dengan tradisi tambuku-tikan menggambarkan adanya peradaban yang mapan pada abad ke 7 Masehi, memperkuat teori masuknya Islam. melalui jalur perdagangan laut. Kehadiran koin Umayyah pada temuan Situs Bongal juga memperkuat teori masuknya Islam ke nusantara, khususnya teori Mekkah yang menyatakan bahwa Islam masuk pada abad ke-7 Masehi oleh bangsa Arab. Penelitian ini menyoroti upaya yang lebih besar dalam pelestarian artefak yang ditemukan di Situs Bongal. Diperlukan upaya regulasi yang efektif dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat lokal, pemerintah daerah, dan lembaga terkait untuk menjamin kelestarian dan keberlanjutan situs ini sebagai bagian warisan budaya Indonesia yang tak tergantikan. Dengan menekankan peran Situs Bongal sebagai titik awal penyebaran agama Islam di nusantara serta mendesak untuk memperkenalkan dan mensosialisasikan temuan tersebut kepada masyarakat.
Almufida : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Almufida: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/almufida.v9i1.4197


The politics of corruption in Indonesia has become an electoral culture for personal and group interests that makes people miserable. Indonesia itself is ranked 110th out of 180 countries in the world for corruption cases, so serious efforts are needed to prevent corrupt practices. The article uses qualitative research using the Maudu'i method by connecting verses from the Koran related to the topic of corruption. Primary data is the Koran, while secondary data comes from journal articles, web data and news related to corruption. This article explains the definition of corruption in the Koran and the urgency of corruption which clearly endangers the state, especially the role of the state in the welfare of the people. The verses of the Koran clearly provide instructions and prohibitions on corrupt practices which are prohibited in Islam. Islam itself explains that corrupt practices have existed since the time of the Prophet as described in the verses of the Koran. This article offers efforts to prevent corruption, including protecting the people by providing a sense of security, enforcing the law fairly, character revolution, increasing human resources through religious education.
Analysis of Factors that Influence Public Policy Siregar, Muklis
Jurnal Nasional Holistic Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Nasional Holistic Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset Mutiara Akbar NOMOR AHU-0003295.AH.01.07 TAHUN 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56495/hs.v4i2.578


Public Policy is a number or several government activities carried out to solve a problem in society. Public policy is a rule made to bind our lives as a society, which regulates the rights and obligations of citizens in a country. Public policy can also be interpreted as a decision taken by the government to resolve certain problems that exist in society, both in certain fields and in the general public. In terms of terminology, the meaning of public policy has many meanings. It all depends on the angle one interprets it from. Public policy is an authority that the government has. This authority is exercised to carry out its duties and functions in relation to society. Not only with the community, but this authority is also exercised in relation to the business world. Basically, government policy in organizing people's lives in many aspects of life is a policy that is oriented towards the interests of the community itself. In every public policy, it will begin with the formulation of the problem. The factors that influence public policy in this article include political, religious, educational and racial factors.
The Prophet's Political Communication and the Islamic Classical Period Siregar, Muklis; Junaidi, Junaidi; Aminuddin, Aminuddin
Jurnal Nasional Holistic Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Nasional Holistic Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset Mutiara Akbar NOMOR AHU-0003295.AH.01.07 TAHUN 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56495/hs.v4i2.579


The study of political communication in the context of Islamic history, especially during the time of the Prophet and the classical era of Islam, is interesting to listen to because it provides insight into the foundations of Islamic politics and its impact on current political views. This research aims to explore the communication strategies used by the Prophet and early Islamic leaders, as well as interpreting their relevance in the contemporary social and political context of Muslims. Through this research, it is hoped that we can understand the ethical values contained in classical Islamic political communication (650-1258 AD), which can guide today's political leaders and activists. The method used is an analysis of the concepts of the Prophet's thought, the views of leading researchers, and case studies such as the Hudaibiyah Agreement. The results show that the Prophet used various strategies, such as amanah, siddiq, fathanah, and tabliq. The implications of this research are important in facing the current political, social and economic challenges of Muslims, and can make a significant contribution in understanding and applying Islamic political values in building a harmonious and prosperous society.