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Efektivitas Prenatal Yoga Dan Pemberian Aromaterapi Lavender Terhadap Nyeri Punggung Pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Gang Sehat Kota Pontianak Tahun 2021 Paula Natasa Adinda; Risza Choirunissa; Putri Azzahroh
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 14, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/jik.v14i2.812


Selama masa kehamilan biasanya banyak keluhan atau ketidaknyamanan yang biasa terjadi. Salah satunya yaitu nyeri punggung yang terjadi pada ibu hamil trimester III. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi keluhan nyeri punggung adalah dengan mengkombinasikan prenatal yoga dengan aromaterapi lavender. Sehingga seefektif mungkin mampu menurunkan nyeri punggung ibu hamil trimester III. Tujuan penelitian Untuk mengetahui efektivitas prenatal yoga dan pemberian aromaterapi lavender  terhadap nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Gang Sehat Kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan quasi eksprimen dengan pendekatan two group pre test-post test with control desing. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III (usia kehamilan ≥28 minggu - 36 minggu). Sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana pada kempok intervensi 18 orang dan kelompok kontrol 18 orang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunalkan alat berupa lembar pengukur tingkat nyeri dengan menggunakan Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Analisis yang diguankan Analisis Univariat dan Analisis Bivariat. Hasil Penelitian diperoleh nilai p value 0.000 = 0,05 artinya prenatal yoga dan pemberian aromaterapi lavender efektif untuk mengatasi nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil. Diharapkan penelitian ini, dijadikan bahan masukan dan evaluasi dalam memberikan pelayanan antenatal care untuk mengatasi keluhan nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci : Prenatal Yoga, Aromaterapi lavender, Kehamilan dan Konsep Nyeri
The Effectiveness of Positive Affirmations Combination of Face Acupressure and Aromatherapy Against Anxiety in Preoperative Sectio Cesarean Patients At Sentosa Hospital Bogor Reni Puspita Sari; Vivi Silawati; Putri Azzahroh
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 3 (2022): August: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i3.629


Currently many mothers choose to give birth using the Caesarean section. The problem experienced by pre-SC mothers is anxiety about the condition of the mother and baby. Efforts that can be made to reduce anxiety in pre-SC mothers are by doing positive affirmations with a combination of full-blooded facial and aromatherapy such as lavender and chitrus aromatherapy. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of positive affirmations of a combination of face acupressure and aromatherapy on the anxiety of preoperative cesarean section patients at Sentosa Hospital Bogor This type of research is a quasi-experimental designpretest and posttest two group design. The research was conducted at Sentosa Hospital, Bogor. Data collection will be carried out on June 15 – July 15, 2022. The population of this study is patients who gave birth by sectio caesarea electively in June – July totaling 46 people with the technique of sampling technique, namely total sampling. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate with Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test. The data was processed using a computer with the SPSS program. Research resultthere is the effectiveness of positive affirmation of the combination of face acupressure and lavender and chitrus aromatherapy on the anxiety of preoperative cesarean section patients (p value 0.000). And there aredifference in patient anxiety precesarean section surgery between face acupressure intervention with lavender and citrus aromatherapy at Sentosa Hospital Bogor(p value 0.000)
Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi Media Leaflet terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Hamil Trimester I tentang Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Yeti Ida Sumarni; Putri Azzahroh; Suprihatin Suprihatin
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v12i1.600


The frequency coverage of ANC I in the first trimester, at least I time in thesecond trimester and at least II times in the third trimester is 70,4% and the coverage of KIE provision during the first trimester ANC is 81,6%. Early detection of pregnancy can be used as an effort to increase the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women by providing early knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women by providing early knowledge about their pregnancy through leaflets. Objectives: to determine the effectiveness of educational information communication (KIE) leaflet media on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about for first trimester laboratory examinations at PMB T, Bogor Regency in 2022.Methodology using a pre-experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest approach. The research sample was 30 pregnant women who visited PMB T in Bogor Regency in the period March to June 2022. The research instrument used leaflets, SAP, and questionnaires.Results are the effectiveness of IEC leaflet media on knowledge (p value = 0.001 0.05), and attitudes (p value = 0.001 0.05) pregnant women about the first trimester laboratory examination at PMB T,s Bogor Regency in 2022.Conclusion is the effectiveness of educational information communication (KIE) leaflet media on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about screening first trimester laboratory examinations at PMB T, Bogor Regency in 2022. It is expected to further increase knowledge and skills about the initial of the first trimester laboratory examinations by attending counseling, health education or consultation with health workers, so that they can carry out initial of first trimester laboratory examinations independently and correctly to improve the health status of their babies and reduce mortality. mother and baby
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/jik.v15i1.807


 AbstrakMasalah gizi merupakan salah satu penentu kualitas sumber daya manusia, kekurangan gizi akan menyebabkan kegagalan pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan kecerdasan yang akan berakibat pada meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan kematian. Data DKI Jakarta tahun 2020 kota Jakarta Selatan memiliki angka kurang gizi 4,11%, Survey awal yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tebet pada bulan Oktober 2021 terdapat 50 balita dengan status gizi di bawah garis merah. Kemenkes menerapkan program pemberian sumplementasi untuk meningkatkan status gizi balita menggunakan taburia. Peneliti memberikan intervensi melalui bubur kacang hijau. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian sumplementasi taburia dan bubur kacang hijau terhadap berat badan balita di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tebet.Penelitian menggunakan rancangan kuantitatif dengan rancangan Two Group Pre-Post Test with Control Design dengan pemberian bubur kacang hijau selama 14 hari. Analisis menggunakan Independent Sample T-Test. Dengan hasil penelitian rata-rata berat badan belita sebelum dilakukan penelitian pada kelompok intervensi adalah 7,57 Kg dan Berat badan setelah penelitian menjadi 7,96  Kg. Rata-rata berat badan kelompok kontrol sebelum dilakukan penelitian adalah 8,93 Kg dan sesudah penelitian adalah 8,99 Kg. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan metode Independent Sample T-Test menunjukan p value = 0,032 ( α= 0,05) yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok yang diberikan taburia dan kelompok yang diberikan taburia dan kacang hijau. Diharapkan pemberian suplementasi taburia dan bubur kacang hijau dapat diterapkan secara menyeluruh pada pelayanan kesehatan Indonesia.
Deteksi Risiko Hipertensi, Diabetes Mellitus, Hiperkolesterolemia, dan Gout Arthritis pada Lansia Putri Azzahroh; Siti Syamsiah
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: Maret 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v5i1.1546


Jumlah Lansia di Indonesia, meningkat 15 kali dengan kisaran di tahun 2020 berjumlah 80 juta orang, Lansia identik dengan menurunnya daya tahan tubuh dan mengalami berbagai macam penyakit. Semakin banyak penyakit pada lansia, semakin banyak jenis obat yang diperlukan.Pemberian nutrisi yang baik dan cukup sangat diperlukan lansia. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan pertimbangan bahwa lansia memerlukan nutrisi yang adekuat untuk mendukung dan mempertahankan kesehatan.Gangguan gizi yang dapat muncul pada usia lanjut dapat berbentuk gizi kurang maupun gizi lebih. Gangguan ini dapat menyebabkan munculnya penyakit atau terjadi sebagi akibat adanya penyakit tertentu. Oleh karena itu langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menetukan terlebih dahulu ada tidaknya gangguan gizi, mengevaluasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan gangguan gizi serta merencakan bagaimana gangguan gizi tersebut dapat diperbaiki dengan melakukan pemeriksaan penyakit degenerative seperti test glukosa, test asam urat dan test kolesterol para lansia guna mengurangi angka kesakitan dan memperpanjang usia. Maka pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan ini adalah “Deteksi Risiko Hipertensi, Diabetes Mellitus, Hiperkolesterolemia, Dan Gout Arthritis Pada Lansia di RT 003/020 Kelurahan Kemiri Muka Beji Kota Depok Tahun 2020”. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat Meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan mutu pelayanan usia lanjut sebagai bagian proses deteksi dini dan peningkatan kesehatan serta pencegahan penyakit lansia. Kelompok sasaran adalah para lansia di daerah binaan wilayah Puskesmas Kecamatan Kemiri Muka, Depok. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini pelaksanaanya terdiri dari pemeriksaan, penyuluhan dan pemberian obat. Hasil kegiatan PKM ditemukan 5 orang dengan tekanan darah tinggi, 3 orang lansia dengan kolesterol tinggi, 2 orang lansia dengan gula darah di atas normal. Setelah diberikan informasi tentang deteksi risiko hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, hiperkolesterolemia, dan gout arthritis para lansia merasa puas dan berkomitmen untuk dapat melakukan deteksi dini secara berkala agar dapat terus sehat.
Factors Related to Fe Tablet Consumption Compliance among Pregnant Women in The Work Area of Pasir Jaya Health Centre Tangerang District Rukmaini; Fitriawati; Putri Azzahroh
International Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJMHS Second Edition
Publisher : Tulip Medika Nusantara

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Background: The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is 70%, or 7 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from anemia. The low adherence of pregnant women in taking iron supplements is one of the reasons the prevalence rate of anemia is still high. Purpose: To determine the factors related to compliance with consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women in the work area of ​​the Pasir Jaya Health Center, Tangerang Regency in 2022 Methods: The research design used is descriptive correlation. This research uses the Cross Sectional method. The number of samples or respondents is 77 respondents with the Simple Random Sampling technique. Result: The results of the study showed that of the 77 respondents used as the research sample, the results obtained were that 27 respondents had non-compliant compliance criteria with a percentage of 35.1%, and 50 respondents had compliance criteria with a percentage of 64.9%. There is a relationship between knowledge and non-compliance with the sig value. of 0.046, there is a relationship between perception and compliance with the sig value. of 0.018, there is a relationship between family/husband support and compliance with the sig. of 0.016, and there is no relationship between the support of health workers and adherence to the sig. of 0.836. Conclusions: It is recommended that pregnant women adhere to consuming iron tablets during pregnancy and know the consequences if they are not consumed properly. Iron tablets that have been given by health workers.
Factors Related to Anemia in Adolescents of SMK Bina Am Makmur in Tangerang Regency 2022 Rukmaini; Siti Komariyah; Putri Azzahroh
International Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJMHS Second Edition
Publisher : Tulip Medika Nusantara

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Background: There was still a lot of anemia in adolescent girls, which is suspected to be 64% of adolescent girls experiencing anemia related to knowledge about anemia, diet, and activities of adolescent girls at SMK BINA AM MAKMUR in Tangerang Regency. Purpose: To determine the factors related to anemia in adolescents at SMK BINA AM MAKMUR in Tangerang Regency in 2022. Methods: This research design used quantitative methods, non-experimental approaches, and cross-sectional approaches. The study sample amounted to 62 adolescents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The research instrument consisted of questionnaires on anemia, knowledge, diet, and activity. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and kai squared with chi-square formulation to determine the relationship between knowledge, diet, and activity and the incidence of anemia in adolescents. Result: Of the 62 adolescent girls, 48 (77.4%) had anemia. There was a relationship between knowledge (p value = 0.000), diet (p value = 0.007), and activity (p value = 0.004) with the incidence of anemia in adolescents at SMK BINA AM MAKMUR, Tangerang Regency, Banten in 2022. Conclusions: The incidence of anemia in adolescents at SMK BINA AM MAKMUR Tangerang Regency in 2022 is quite high at 77.4%. It is expected that there will be strengthened coordination with all sectors, especially with the Tangerang Regency Health Office regarding the program for handling anemia in adolescents.
The Differences of First Stage Labor with Lemon and Lavender Aromateraphy in Panongan Health Centre Tangerang Regency Putri Azzahroh; Arita Yuanita Maman; Rukmaini
International Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJMHS Second Edition
Publisher : Tulip Medika Nusantara

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Background: Severe pain during labor can cause fatigue in the mother so that there is a risk of prolonged labor which can endanger the mother and fetus. Panongan Community Health Center, Tangerang Regency, Banten in January-March 2022 there were 142 deliveries, 11 mothers (7.8%) of whom delivered SC at the mother's request because they could not stand the pain of labor. Purpose: To determine the differences in labor pain in the first stage of labor for mothers who were given lavender aromatherapy and lemon aromatherapy at the Panongan Health Center, Tangerang Regency, in 2022. Methods: Quasy experimental design study with two group pre-post test design. The sample in this study was 30 respondents using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and Independent T-Test which were previously tested for normality and homogeneity. Results: Pain in the first stage of labor in women giving birth before giving lavender aromatherapy averaged 6.00 and after being given lavender aromatherapy an average of 3.20 with an average difference of 2.80. Pain in the first stage of labor in women giving birth before giving lemon aromatherapy averaged 6.47 and after being given lemon aromatherapy averaged 1.73 with an average difference of 4.74. The results of bivariate analysis with paired sample t-test giving lavender aromatherapy a value of 0.000 and lemon aromatherapy a p value of 0.000. Independent T-Test results posttest p value 0.002. Conclusion: there are differences between lavender aromatherapy and lemon aromatherapy on first stage labor pain among mothers. It is hoped that giving lemon and lavender aromatherapy can be applied thoroughly in Indonesian health services.
Optimization of Anemia Prevention Improvement Among Trimester II Pregnant Women Through Educational Videos at Salembaran Jaya Health Centre Tangerang Regency Faradilla Puteri Rochayu; Retno Widowati; Putri Azzahroh
International Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJMHS First Edition
Publisher : Tulip Medika Nusantara

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Background: Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the capacity of red blood cells to carry oxygen is insufficient to meet physiological needs. Anemia pregnant women are pregnant women with Hb levels <11.0 g/dl who are examined at the first visit (K1). Pregnant women with anemia have a higher risk of giving birth to babies with iron deficiency anemia which can last throughout the child's early years and inhibit the growth of the child's brain cells and other body cells, resulting in delayed growth and development. Purpose: To determine the average value and influence on the knowledge and attitudes of second trimester pregnant women before and after being given educational video counselling. Methods: This quasi-experimental study used a one group pretest-posttest design. The sample in the study was 58 pregnant women. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The research instrument consists of a questionnaire about questions aimed at respondents regarding anemia causes, characteristics, impact, prevention, how to overcome, treatment, good habits to prevent anemia. Result: The results showed that there was a significant effect on the average value before and after being given educational video counselling to second trimester pregnant women at the Salembaran Jaya Health Center, Tangerang Regency. Conclusions: Health education for pregnant women is very important so that pregnant women are expected to participate in every counselling activity to increase knowledge and attitudes to prevent anemia. characteristics, impact, prevention, how to overcome, treatment, good habits to prevent anemia.
The Effectiveness of Giving Boiled Eggs and Papaya Fruit Against Changes in Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women at PMB F Bekasi Rini Dwi Wahyuni; Vivi Silawati; Putri Azzahroh
International Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJMHS First Edition
Publisher : Tulip Medika Nusantara

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Background: Anemia in pregnant women is categorized as a global health problem. One of the factors for the high maternal mortality rate is the existence of high-risk pregnancies, diseases that are included in high-risk pregnancies, including anemia. The impact of anemia on pregnant women can cause obstacles to the growth of the fetus, both body cells and brain cells, abortion, prolonged labor due to lack of uterine thrust, bleeding, and infection. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of boiled eggs and papaya fruit on changes in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women at PMB Fitria Wulandari, Bekasi in 2023. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample consisted of 30 respondents consisting of 15 people in the intervention group and 15 people in the control group. Sampling was done by using total sampling. Result: The average hemoglobin level of the control group before administration of Fe tablets was 10.687 gr/dl and after consuming Fe tablets was 10.773 gr/dl. While the average hemoglobin level in the intervention group before being given FE plus boiled eggs and papaya fruit was 10.473 gr/dl and after consuming Fe tablets plus boiled eggs and papaya fruit was 11.313 gr/dl. The statistical test results obtained p value: 0.000. Conclusion: There is an effectiveness in changing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women after consuming boiled eggs and papaya fruit at PMB Fitria Bekasi in 2023. Pregnant women can use eggs and papaya fruit as an alternative option to help increase hemoglobin levels.