Syukur, Mighfar
Departmen Pharmacy, Semarang Pharmaceutical College, Jl. Letjend Sarwo Edhie Wibowo KM 1, Plamongansari, Semarang, 50192, Central Java

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UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI MASKER GEL PEEL OFF EKSTRAK DAUN PLETEKAN (Ruellia tuberosa L.) TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus Mighfar Syukur; Ahmad Fuad Masduqi
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 21, No 1 (2022): VISIKES
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v21i1Supp.5962


Staphylococcus aureus is one of the pathogenic bacterial species. Pletekan plant has potential as a medicinal plant. This plant contains secondary metabolites and has been shown to have an antibacterial effect. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the peel off gel mask pletekan leaf extract could inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and whether there was a difference in the antibacterial activity of the peel off gel mask pletekan leaf extract at concentrations of 20%, 25%, and 30%. This research used maceration extraction method, phytochemical filtering and TLC. Peel off gel mask formulation from extracts with different concentrations. Furthermore, the research was carried out to test the antibacterial activity by using the well-drilled method on the peel off gel mask of pletekan leaf extract (Ruellia tuberosa L.) against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. The results of screening and TLC showed pletekan leaf extract containing flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids, and alkaloids. The peel off gel mask preparation test includes organoleptic, pH, homogeneity, adhesion, dispersion and drying time included in the Indonesian National Standard Criteria. The results showed that pletekan leaf extract (Ruellia tuberosa L.) in a peel off gel mask could inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. The results of statistical tests showed that the data were normally distributed and homogeneous. There was a significant difference in antibacterial activity in the peel off gel mask of pletekan leaf extract with concentrations of 20%, 25% and 30%, which were 4.323mm; 5.218mm; and 6.509mm. The antibacterial activity showed that the concentration was directly proportional to the resulting inhibition zone.
Pemberdayaan Ibu PKK Sebagai Jumantik dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Loan Cinol (Lotion Anti Nyamuk Citronella Oil) di Desa Singorojo Kabupaten Kendal Wulan Kartika Sari; Bekti Nugraheni; Maratus Sholikhah; Mighfar Syukur; Masitoh Suryaning
Jurnal Dimas Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Jurnal DiMas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1827.667 KB)


Masyarakat Indonesia sudah cukup mengetahui mengenai penyakit demam berdarah. disebut DemamBerdarah Dengue (DBD) dalam istilah medis disebut sebagai dengue hermorrhagic fever. Virus dengue inimenyerang seseorang melalui perantara nyamuk Aedes eegypti dan Aedes albopictus. Mulanya virus hidup di selyang menuju saluran pencernaan nyamuk. Sekira 8 hingga 10 hari berikutnya, virus menyebar ke kelenjar salivanyamuk, yang memproduksi saliva (atau "ludah"). Ini berarti bahwa saliva yang diproduksi oleh nyamuk tersebutterinfeksi virus dengue. Oleh karena itu ketika nyamuk menggigit manusia, saliva yang terinfeksi tersebut masukke dalam tubuh manusia dan menginfeksi orang tersebut. Data yang diperoleh dari Biro Komunikasi danpelayanan Masyarakat menginformasikan bahwa kasus DBD terus meningkat, Secara nasional berdasarkanperkembangan informasi diperoleh data hingga tanggal 3 Februari 2019 terdapat kasus DBD sebanyak 16.692kasus dengan 169 orang meninggal dunia. Dari kasus ini perlu adanya jumantik di setiap rumah dan dilingkungan tempat tinggal, termasuk di sekolah. Untuk dapat memberantas sarang nyamuk perlu adanya 1 rumah1 Jumantik sehingga diharapkan bisa menyelamatkan satu keluarga untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan, kematiandan menekan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB). Serta meningkatkan peran serta ibu ibu PKK dalam pembuatan lotionanti nyamuk sereh (Loan Cinol) di desa Singorejo Kabupaten Kendal.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Lidah Buaya sebagai Antiseptik (Hand Sanitizer) serta Sosialisasi Hygne dan Sanitasi Diri sebagai Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Desa Kertosari Kabupaten Kendal: Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Lidah Buaya sebagai Antiseptik (Hand Sanitizer) serta Sosialisasi Hygne dan Sanitasi Diri sebagai Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Desa Kertosari Kabupaten Kendal Wulan Kartika Sari; Masitoh Suryaning Prahasiwi; Bekti Nugraheni; Mighfar Syukur; Etty Sulistyowati
Jurnal Dimas Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Jurnal DiMas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1477.113 KB) | DOI: 10.53359/dimas.v3i2.28


Abstrak Tanaman lidah buaya merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat dan mudah ditemui di wilayah Indonesia yang merupakan negara tropis. Kandungan saponin dalam lidah buaya memiliki kemampuan untuk membersihkan kotoran yang melekat pada kulit serta berfungsi sebagai antiseptik Pada masa pandemi ini antiseptik (hand sanitizer) banyak dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat maka perlu diberikan suatu pelatihan melalui ibu-ibu pengerak PKK di desa Kertosari agar dapat memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan lidah buaya sebagai bahan antiseptik ramah lingkungan. Kegiatan pelatihan menggunakan metode demonstrasi dan diskusi secara daring pada rentang waktu bulan Agustus – September 2020, dikarenakan adanya pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan ini bertujuan supaya ibu-ibu kader PKK dapat memanfaatkan lidah buaya sebagai bahan baku hand sanitizer, memberikan pemahaman pentingnya hand sanitizer sebagai proteksi dini dalam penanganan Covid-19 dan memberikan infomasi mengenai hygne dan sanitasi diri dan keluarga sehingga meningkatkan kewaspadaan di masa pandemi Covid-19 serta dapat memberikan informasi kepada lingkungan masyarakat disekitarnya, Kegiatan pengabdian telah terlaksana dan tersampaikan dengan baik, serta menghasilkan produk yang berupa sediaan hand sanitizer yang mudah diaplikasikan pada tangan dan tidak lengket. Serta adanya sosialisasi hygne dan sanitasi menambah wawasan mengenai cara yang tepat dalam pemakaian produk dan penerapan pola hidup sehat bagi masyarakat Desa Kertosari. Kata Kunci: Aloe vera, Antiseptik (hand sanitizer), Covid-19, Hygne dan Sanitasi Abstrak Aloe vera is a plant that has many benefits and is easily found in Indonesia, which is a tropical country. The saponin content in aloe vera has the ability to clean dirt attached to the skin and can function as an antiseptic. During this pandemic, antiseptic (hand sanitizer) is needed by the community. To increase community participation, it is necessary to provide training through PKK women in Kertosari village so that they can have knowledge and skills in using aloe vera as an environmentally friendly antiseptic material. The training activities used online demonstration and discussion methods in the period August – September 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity aims so that PKK cadres can use aloe vera as a raw material for hand sanitizers, provide an understanding of the importance of hand sanitizers as early protection in handling Covid-19 and provide information about personal and family hygiene and sanitation so as to increase vigilance during the Covid-19 pandemic. 19 and can provide information to the surrounding community, Service activities have been carried out and conveyed well, and produce products in the form of hand sanitizer preparations that are easy to apply to hands and are not sticky. As well as the socialization of hygne and sanitation, it adds insight on how to properly use products and implement a healthy lifestyle for the people of Kertosari Village. Keywords: Aloe vera, Antiseptic (hand sanitizer), Covid-19, Hygne and Sanitation
Esterification of Cinnamic Acid using Menthol and its Activity as Lowering Glucose Levels using Anthrone Sulfate yuliana purwaningsih; Mighfar Syukur; Wulandari Wulandari
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jkpk.v7i1.55532


This study aimed to synthesize menthyl cinnamate and its activity as a glucose-lowering agent. Synthesis of methyl cinnamate using Fischer esterification of cinnamic acid and menthol with sulfuric acid as a catalyst using reflux at a temperature of 60oC with a synthesis time variation of 4,5 and 6 hours. Identification of synthesis results using FTIR spectrophotometry and GC-MS. Glucose lowering activity of the synthesis product using anthrone sulfate. The synthesized compound was a yellow oil liquid with a sweet fruity aroma typical of cinnamic esters with a yield % of 95.83%, 96.38, and 91.79%, respectively, at 4, 5, and 6 hours. The synthesized product was soluble in nonpolar solvents. Analysis by FTIR showed several functional groups such as C=O, C=C, C-O, and C-H aliphatic. Analysis of the synthesis results with GC-MS showed a retention time of 18.38 minutes for menthyl cinnamate with m/z = 286. Test with anthrone sulfate gave an optimum concentration of 300 ppm with a % decrease in the glucose of 48.62%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that menthyl cinnamate can be synthesized with optimum yield in 5 hours and has potential as an antidiabetic agent.
Sonochemical Synthesis of Ethyl Cinnamate Yuliana Purwaningsih; Mighfar Syukur; Ungsari Rizki Eka Purwanto
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.485 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jkpk.v5i1.35525


This research aimed to determine the yield of ethyl cinnamate synthesized by the sonochemical method and its potency as a sunscreen agent. Ethyl cinnamate was synthesized from cinnamic acid and ethanol with concentrated sulfuric acid as catalysts assisted by ultrasonic waves. The Identification of compounds was carried out by infrared spectrophotometry and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Synthesis of ethyl cinnamate resulted in the form of clear yellow liquid with a fragrant aroma of a cinnamon ester with a 96.61% yield. Identification by an infrared spectrophotometer showed many functional groups of ethyl cinnamate.  Identification by GC-MS was given a relative abundance of 98.96%. The product of synthesis had SPF number 4.769 at 10 ppm used Mansur Equation. Based on this research, it concluded that it has potential as a sunscreen agent. The sonochemical method provides an excellent yield of ethyl cinnamate.
Synthesis of Core-Shell Fe3O4/C18/SiO2/[3 (2-Aminoethyl amino) propyl] Trimethoxy Silane and The Study of The Adsorption Kinetics Model of Cu2+ and Cr6+ Ions Mighfar Syukur; Ahmad Fuad Masduqi
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia) Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jkpk.v5i2.37820


Synthesis of Core-Shell Fe3O4/C18/SiO2/[3 (2-Aminoetil amino) propyl] Trimethoxy silane has been conducted to study its adsorption kinetics of Cu2+ and Cr6+ ions. Fe3O4 synthesis was carried out to form cores that have magnetic properties. The aim of the coating C18/SiO2/[3(2-Aminoetilamino) propyl] trimethoxy silane was to protect these cores from physical degradation due to acids and bases, as well as the application of synthetic materials. The sono-coprecipitation method showed good results under N2 gas flow with the results of black crystals. The success of SiO2 and [3(2-Aminoethylamino) propyl coatings the transformation of the color showed Trimethoxy silane into brown and weight gain of the synthesis result. Analysis of XRD data showed that little Fe2O3 impurities were clarified by FTIR data showing the presence of amine groups from the starting material. The SEM-EDX and TEM showed a spherical shape with a core-shell system. The adsorption kinetics model was studied using two kinetics models for Cu2+ and Cr6+ ions. The results were demonstrated by the suitability of Cu adsorption to the pseudo order 1, with an adsorption rate of 0.0333 min-1, whereas for Cr corresponded to pseudo order 2 with an adsorption rate of 0.00536 gmM-1min-1.
Functionalization of Fe3O4/SiO2 with N-(2-Aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl for Sorption of [AuCl4]- Nuryono Nuryono; Mighfar Syukur; Agus Kuncaka; Satya Candra Wibawa Sakti
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 16, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.514 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijc.21155


Synthesis of Fe3O4/SiO2 modified with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl group (Fe3O4/SiO2/ED) via coating method and its application for adsorption-desorption of anionic gold in aqueous solution have been conducted. The synthesized product was characterized with an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometer and a transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Adsorption of Au(III) was conducted in a batch system and the variables included pH, contact time, and initial concentration were investigated. Results showed that magnetite/silica has been successfully functionalized with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl in a homogeneous system. Kinetics study showed that adsorption of Au(III) followed the pseudo-second order model with rate constant of 0.710 g mmol L-1min-1. Furthermore, the experimental data fitted well with the Langmuir isotherm model with the maximum adsorption capacity for Au(III) of 142.9 mg g-1 and the energy of 25.0 kJ mol-1. Gold loaded on the Fe3O4/SiO2/ED could be easily desorbed with 0.2 mol L-1 HCl containing 2 wt.% of thiourea with recovery of 99.8%. Fe3O4/SiO2/ED was reusable and stable in 5 cycles of adsorption-desorption with recovery more than 90%. Fe3O4/SiO2/ED showed high selectivity towards Au(III) in the multimetal system Au(III)/Cu(II)/Cr(VI) with the coefficient selectivity for αAu-Cu of 227.5and for αAu-Cr of 12.3.
POTENSI ANTIBAKTERI SINTESIS MENTIL SINAMAT TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus, Methicilin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli dan Salmonella Typhi Wulandari Wulandari; Yuliana Purwaningsih; Mighfar Syukur
CENDEKIA EKSAKTA Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/ce.v7i1.6551


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi sintesis mentil sinamat sebagai agen antbakteri terhadap S. aureus, MRSA, E. coli, S. Typhi. Metode sintesis mentil sinamat berdasarkan penelitian Nurita (2014) dan Purwaningsih (2020) yang dimodifikasi. Aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode sumuran. Hasil sintesis dengan FTIR diperoleh beberapa gugus fungsi yang menunjukkan adanya senyawa ester, gugus tersebut adalah C=O ester pada bilangan gelombang 1711 cm-1, daerah 1636 cm-1 gugus C=C aromatik dan 1167 cm-1 adalah C-O ester. Spektrum IR mentil sinamat tidak memiliki gugus OH-asam karboksilat seperti pada asam sinamat. Kromatogram GC menunjukkan 4 peak yang berarti senyawa hasil sintesis masih berupa senyawa campuran. Peaks 1 muncul pada waktu retensi 6,441 menit dengan % area 34,93, peak kedua pada waktu 10,423 menit dengan % area 62,91. Peaks ketiga muncul pada waktu retensi 18.386 menit dengan kelimpahannya 2,11 % dan peaks keempat 21,282 menit dengan % area 0,06. Spectrometer massa peak ketiga dengan m/z 286 merupakan senyawa target mentil sinamat. Mentil sinamat konsentrasi 10, 20, 30 dan 40 (%) memberikan aktivitas zona hambat terhadap S. aureus dan E. coli berturut-turut adalah 0,3950±0,0675; 0,8500±0,0975; 1,1970±0,0968; 1,6167±0,3456 (cm) dan 0,1237±0,0175; 0,2437±0,0173; 0,2710±0,0428; 0,4953±0,0991 (cm). Sampel pada konsentrasi yang sama tidak memberikan zona hambat pada MRSA, S. Typhi.Kata kunci: antibakteri, sintesis, mentil sinamat
Minyak Sereh dan Ekstrak Daun Pandan Wangi sebagai Lotion Antinyamuk di Desa Karangaji Aloysius Barry Anggoro; Erwin Indriyanti; Mighfar Syukur; R. Salsa Dinurrosifa
Jurnal Dimas Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Jurnal DiMas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53359/dimas.v5i1.53


Abstrak Desa Karangaji, merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Kedung, Kabupaten Jepara, daerah pesisir pantai yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Jawa. Wilayah ini merupakan lingkungan yang kurang tertata, beberapa daerah yang selalu tergenang air, serta saluran air dengan drainase yang kurang baik. Pola hidup masyarakat yang kurang memperhatikan lingkungan dan status pekerjaan serta ekonomi masyarakatnya yang sebagian besar tidak bekerja dan sebagai pengurus rumah tangga menambah buruknya kondisi lingkungan sekitar sehingga menimbukan tingginya penyakit DBD. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan dengan survei lapangan, rapat koordinasi tim pengabdian dengan mitra, kemudian dilakukan penyuluhan kesehatan lingkungan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, dilakukan penyerahan tanaman TOGA dan pelatihan pembuatan lotion antinyamuk dengan bahan dasar minyak sereh dan ekstrak daun pandan wangi. Pembuatan lotion dilakukan dengan mencampur fase air (gliserin, TEA, akuades) ke fase minyak (setil alkohol, asam stearat) yang telah dicairkan. Penambahan ekstrak pandan wangi, minyak sereh, VCO dan metil paraben dilakukan setelah pendinginan, kemudian produk yang didapat ditambah akuades hingga kekentalan lotion yang cukup. Dari evaluasi kegiatan didapatkan bahwa kegiatan memiliki manfaat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan warga masyarakat. Harapan dari tim pengabdian adalah warga dapat membuat lotion antinyamuk dan dapat mengusahakan ijin untuk pemasaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan ekonomi warga.