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WARTA WARTA LPM, Vol. 22, No. 2, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (929.082 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v22i2.8717


Mountain springs as artesian springs and in a condition of continuity provided they are assisted by normal rainfall and an environment that remains green. In any season the mountain water source will continue to provide adequate water supply for the community. Kedungoleng Village is a village located in the hills in the District of Paguyangan, Brebes Regency. The hilly topography of the village of Kedungoleng and far from the springs is the weakness of the village to get clean water. Kedungoleng residents rely on rainwater, dug wells and public baths to fulfil their daily needs. Clean water in Kedungoleng Village comes from a spring in the hills, which is then accommodated in a public bath. This public bath is the only source of water that is easily available. It's just that all residents use so that sometimes residents fight over and are ineffective. The long-distance also requires considerable time and energy to bring clean water to the house. Some residents have dug wells, but the water is yellow and smelly and not suitable for drinking water consumption. The purpose of community service is to meet the needs of clean water for the community adequately and sustainably both in terms of quantity, quality and continuity to improve health and quality of life for the people in Kedung Oleng Village. This method of implementing community service activities designed water sanitation improvements in the form of making water tanks. Building water reservoirs are expected to be able to meet the needs of clean water at any time.
Analysis of Temperature, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), and Salinity of Dug Well Water in the North Coast Region (Case Study in Pacar Village, Rembang District, Rembang Regency) Zulfa, Nely; Lita, Norma Era
JHE (Journal of Health Education) Vol 4 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang cooperate with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jhe.v4i2.32587


Background: Residents of the Pacar Village, Rembang Subdistrict community generally have dug wells, these wells are used for daily needs such as washing, bathing, cooking and others. In addition, the disposal of domestic household waste is generally through sewers which lead directly to the sea. That is because the condition of the house is a few meters from the sea. Dug wells that are close to sea water, the routine habits of poor domestic waste disposal, have the potential to contaminate dug well water. If this happens then the water condition is not suitable for consumption. Therefore we need a study to find out the quality of ground water (dug wells) in the area.Methods: This type of quantitative research uses random random sampling with research samples of 30 dug wells, data analysis is performed using Spearman's correlation test.Results: There is a correlation between the distance of dug wells to the shoreline against TDS (p< 0,000, r = + 0,717), salinity of dug well water (p<0,000, r = + 0,711) and there is no correlation between distance and temperature (P=0,475, r = -0,137).Conclusions: There is an influence between the distance of dug wells on the value of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Salinity and there is no influence between the distance to the temperature. Dug well water in Pacar Village, Rembang District, Rembang Regency.
Air Quality Monitoring System in Semarang City Based on IoT Mashuri, Agus Alwi; Zulfa, Nely
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 18, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v18i2.27804


Air is one of the most important elements of life for living things in the world. For humans, the air is an element that is very concerned because it is related to health. In the city of Semarang, the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) at the KLHK station (Ministry of Life and Environment) Semarang City recorded a PM 10 of 7 while the air quality in Jakarta was monitored by the Air Quality Index (AQI) of 67 with parameters in the form of very small pollutant particles with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometres (PM 2.5). The Indonesian government has made efforts to reduce the air pollution index, such as reducing the number of vehicles with odd-even systems, users of environmentally friendly transportation modes such as BRT and Trans Central Java and clearing green lands in the middle of the city. The purpose of this research is how we make a tool that can determine the quality of the air around us and can be carried (portable) anywhere easily. Following the 4.0 industrial revolution that everything has been integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology where the community can find out the air condition in real-time. In this research, later using the prototype method as a test. The main components are sensors consisting of MQ-6 (CO2 and smoke), MQ-7 (CO, LPG, CH4), MQ135 (Butane, AirQuality), and DHT-11 (Humidity, temperature) From the research that has been done where the air quality in urban areas has a low air quality index by measuring using a prototype consisting of a gas sensor and Arduino microntroller, which has been made to produce an average CO2 of 25 ppm, CO 2330 which has exceeded the threshold, while NH3 1.23 and C4H10 1120 are still below the threshold. These values are influenced by pollutants generated by transportation such as motorbikes, cars, and land transportation.
Sumbangan Pengetahuan, Persepsi, dan Partisipasi Terhadap Pengolahan Sampah Infeksius Rumah Tangga Mulyawati, Isti; Zulfa, Nely
Pawiyatan Vol 28 No 3 (2021): Edisi Khusus Pawiyatan
Publisher : Universitas Ivet

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.348 KB)


Masa pandemi virus covid-19 masyarakat dianjurkan untuk memakai masker ataupun alat pelindung diri untuk mencegah penularan virus. salah satu masalah yang ditimbulkan adalah penambahan volume sampah terutama sampah infeksius yang dihasilkan oleh riumah tangga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untu menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh pengetahua, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah infeksius dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat umum yang berusia antara 15 tahun sampai 60 tahun yang berjumlah 57 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data diskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen angket untuk mengetahui pengetahuan, persepsi, partisipasi, dan pengolahan sampah infeksius rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara pengetahuan, persepsi, dan partisipasi dalam pengolahan sampah infeksius rumah tangga. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai R = 0.417 yang berarti bahwa cukup berpengaruh, dimana R Square menunjukka 0,174 dimana sumbangan pengetahuan, persepsi, dan partisipasi hanya 17,4% dalam pengolahan sampah infeksius rumah tangga, sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam artikel ini. Kesimpulannya bahwa ada pengaruh pengetahuan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah infeksius rumah tangga. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Persepsi, Partisipasi, Sampah Infeksius Rumah Tangga
Air Quality Monitoring System in Semarang City Based on IoT Mashuri, Agus Alwi; Zulfa, Nely
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 18, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v18i2.27804


Air is one of the most important elements of life for living things in the world. For humans, the air is an element that is very concerned because it is related to health. In the city of Semarang, the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) at the KLHK station (Ministry of Life and Environment) Semarang City recorded a PM 10 of 7 while the air quality in Jakarta was monitored by the Air Quality Index (AQI) of 67 with parameters in the form of very small pollutant particles with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometres (PM 2.5). The Indonesian government has made efforts to reduce the air pollution index, such as reducing the number of vehicles with odd-even systems, users of environmentally friendly transportation modes such as BRT and Trans Central Java and clearing green lands in the middle of the city. The purpose of this research is how we make a tool that can determine the quality of the air around us and can be carried (portable) anywhere easily. Following the 4.0 industrial revolution that everything has been integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology where the community can find out the air condition in real-time. In this research, later using the prototype method as a test. The main components are sensors consisting of MQ-6 (CO2 and smoke), MQ-7 (CO, LPG, CH4), MQ135 (Butane, AirQuality), and DHT-11 (Humidity, temperature) From the research that has been done where the air quality in urban areas has a low air quality index by measuring using a prototype consisting of a gas sensor and Arduino microntroller, which has been made to produce an average CO2 of 25 ppm, CO 2330 which has exceeded the threshold, while NH3 1.23 and C4H10 1120 are still below the threshold. These values are influenced by pollutants generated by transportation such as motorbikes, cars, and land transportation.
Jounal of Enviromental Science Sustainable Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Environmental Sustainability Journal
Publisher : Environmental Science Program, Ivet University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31331/envoist.v1i1.1154


Fishery port is a fisheries industry development area which is an economic development embryo in an area. The existence of a fishing port is also one of the efforts in the context of accelerating the progress of the coastal region, by optimizing coastal resources, through improving facilities and infrastructure in the fisheries sector. Waste material in the coastal area is mostly discharged into the sea. Routine activities that occur in fishing ports have the potential to become sources of pollution. That is because the waste originating from fishery activities has the potential to cause pollution to the aquatic environment including waste which is one of the main ingredients contained in domestic waste disposal. Organic waste is waste that in the process of decomposition requires oxygen. The results of sea water sampling in the coastal fishing port area indicate the occurrence of sea water pollution. So it is necessary to study how the community's perspective with the presence of coastal fishing ports. The method used is in-depth interviews with actors in coastal fishing ports and the local community. Perception of the assessment of the existence of the Tasikagung coastal fishing port can include water quality, economic, social and institutional. The total number of respondents gave responses to the existence of the Tasikagung coastal fishing port agree (85%), enough (10%), strongly agree (5%) and strongly disagree, disagree (0%) means that the Tasikagung community is very positive about the existence of the Port Tasikagung Beach Fisheries. The existence of the Tasikagung coastal fishing port is very influential on the economic sector of the people of Rembang and surrounding areas
WARTA LPM WARTA LPM, Vol. 22, No. 2, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v22i2.8717


Mountain springs as artesian springs and in a condition of continuity provided they are assisted by normal rainfall and an environment that remains green. In any season the mountain water source will continue to provide adequate water supply for the community. Kedungoleng Village is a village located in the hills in the District of Paguyangan, Brebes Regency. The hilly topography of the village of Kedungoleng and far from the springs is the weakness of the village to get clean water. Kedungoleng residents rely on rainwater, dug wells and public baths to fulfil their daily needs. Clean water in Kedungoleng Village comes from a spring in the hills, which is then accommodated in a public bath. This public bath is the only source of water that is easily available. It's just that all residents use so that sometimes residents fight over and are ineffective. The long-distance also requires considerable time and energy to bring clean water to the house. Some residents have dug wells, but the water is yellow and smelly and not suitable for drinking water consumption. The purpose of community service is to meet the needs of clean water for the community adequately and sustainably both in terms of quantity, quality and continuity to improve health and quality of life for the people in Kedung Oleng Village. This method of implementing community service activities designed water sanitation improvements in the form of making water tanks. Building water reservoirs are expected to be able to meet the needs of clean water at any time.
Pengendalian Pencemaran Organik di PPP Tasikagung Rembang dengan metode Analisis Hierarki Proses (AHP) nely zulfa
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknosains Vol 4, No 1 (2018): JiTek
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.694 KB) | DOI: 10.26877/jitek.v4i1.2127


Pelabuhan perikanan merupakan kawasan pengembangan industri perikanan yang merupakan embrio pembangunan perekonomian di suatu daerah. Keberadaan pelabuhan perikanan juga merupakan salah satu upaya dalam rangka mempercepat kemajuan kawasan pesisir, dengan mengoptimalkan sumberdaya pantai, melalui peningkatan sarana dan prasarana di bidang perikanan. Bahan limbah yang berada di wilayah pesisir sebagian besar dibuang ke laut. Aktivitas rutin yang terjadi di pelabuhan perikanan berpotensi sebagai sumber pencemaran. Persepsi masyarakat positif tidak selalu berbanding lurus dengan keberhasilan kegiatan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Tasikagung. Hal tersebut harus didukung oleh penyediaan infrastruktur yang baik meliputi fasilitas dasar dan fasilitas fungsional. Namun, pada kenyataannya fasilitas tersebut belum terpenuhi maksimal menyebabkan polusi organik di wilayah perairan pelabuhan perikanan pantai Tasikagung. Hal tersebut karena limbah yang berasal dari aktivitas perikanan berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran terhadap lingkungan perairan diantaranya sampah yang merupakan salah satu bahan utama yang terkandung dalam buangan limbah domestik. Sampah organik merupakan sampah yang dalam proses penguraian memerlukan oksigen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang strategi pengendalian pencemaran organik di pelabuhan perikanan pantai Tasikagung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode random sampling diperoleh dari pihak-pihak yang terkait diantarnya nelayan, pedagang, pengolah ikan dan masyarakat desa Tasikagung yang dipilih secara untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian yang mewakili populasi. Metode purposive untuk menganalisis strategi pengendalian pencemaran organik di Pelabuhan perikanan pesisir Tasikagung digunakan Analisis metode Hierarchy Process dengan mewawancarai para ahli terkait dengan kegiatan ini. Aspek tingkat yang harus diperhatikan dalam pengendalian pencemaran organik di pelabuhan perikanan pantai Tasikagung termasuk kualitas air (0,528), persepsi masyarakat (0,333) dan kegiatan pelabuhan (0.140). Sementara itu, tingkat alternatif barisan termasuk kesadaran masyarakat tentang sanitasi lingkungan (0,437), pengadaan IPAL di pelabuhan (0,328), penegakan hukum (0,168) dan membersihkan laut dari sampah (0,068)
Sistem Monitoring dan Pendukung Keputusan Kualitas Udara di Kota Semarang Menggunakan IoT Agus Alwi Mashuri; Nely Zulfa
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 8, No 1: Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v8i1.7532


Air is one of the most important elements of life for living things in the world. For humans, the air is an element that is very concerned because it is related to health. In Jakarta, the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) is ranked second as the capital city of a country with poor air quality. Air quality in Jakarta is monitored by an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 160 with parameters in the form of very small pollutant particles with a diameter of fewer than 2.8 micrometres (PM 2.8). The Indonesian government has made efforts to reduce the air pollution index, such as reducing the number of vehicles with odd-even systems, users of environmentally friendly transportation modes such as MRT, LRT, Trans and clearing green lands in the city centre.The purpose of this research is how we make a tool that can determine the quality of the air around us and can be carried (portable) anywhere easily. By the 4.0 industrial revolution that everything has been integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology where the public can find out the air condition in real-time. In this research, later using the prototype method as a test. The main components are sensors consisting of MQ-6 (CO2 and smoke), MQ-7 (CO, LPG, CH4), MQ135 (Butane, AirQuality), and DHT-11 (Humidity, temperature)From the research that has been done where the air quality in urban areas has a low air quality index by measuring it using a prototype consisting of a gas sensor and Arduino microcontroller which has been made to produce an average CO2 of 25 ppm, CO 2330 which has exceeded the threshold, while NH3 1.23 and C4H10 1120 are still below the threshold. These values are influenced by pollutants generated by transportation such as motorbikes, cars, and land transportation
Bahaya ergonomi usaha jasa makan minum: Sebuah tinjauan literatur Muhammad Iqbal Anashir; Ray March Syahadat; Nely Zulfa
Jounal of Enviromental Science Sustainable Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Environmental Sustainability Journal
Publisher : Environmental Science Program, Ivet University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31331/envoist.v4i1.2266


It is well known that there are still limited literature related to the dangers of ergonomics in the food and beverage industry, especially in Indonesia. In fact, this industry is very developed in recent times. This article aims to provide information with a literature review related to ergonomic hazards in the food and beverage industry in the last five years. The method used is scientific articles searched using Google Scholar. The results obtained in the last five years, the most reported ergonomic risks are musculoskeletal. Rapid Entire Body Assessment and Ovako Work Posture Analysis System are methods that can be an alternative to identify ergonomic hazards in the food and beverage industry. Education, creation and redesign of space and equipment to prevent ergonomic hazards is a future challenge to achieve occupational safety and health and support work productivity.