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Demokrasi dan Pertumbuhan Budaya Etnik Tionghoa di Kota Surabaya Pasca Orde baru Garry Renata Indrakusuma; Putra Aditya Lapalelo; Nathanael Chandra Agust
KOMUNIKATIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UKWMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jk.v2i2.1687


lnstruksi Presiden (Inpres) No. 1411967 yang dikeluarkan oleh Presiden Soeharto pada masa Orde Baru menyatakan larangan bagi masyarakat Tionghoa di lndonesia menjalankan acara-acara keagamaan, kepercayaan dan adat-istiadat, dan menggunakan aksara Tionghoa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam atmosfir politik seperti itu, budaya etnik Tionghoa mengalami kemandekan. lbarat bibit tanaman, budaya etnik Tionghoa tidak dapat tumbuh. Kebijakan politik seperti itu bukan hanya membuat masyarakat Tionghoa menjadi takut menggunakan dan menunjukkan identitas ke-Tionghoaannya. Lebih dari itu banyak di antara mereka tumbuh menjadi manusia-manusia hipokrit yang mengingkari kodrat dan takdirnya dilahirkan sebagai orang Tionghoa. Melalui Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) No. 612000, lnpres No. 1411967 itu dicabut oleh Presiden KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). lnilah tonggak dari perubahan politik kebudayaan, pemerintah mengakui eksistensi budaya etnik Tionghoa dan menetapkan Hari Raya lmlek sebagai hari libur nasional. Penelitian ini akan memaparkan hasil wawancara dengan beberapa nara sumber kunci tokoh Tong Hoa di Surabaya terkait pertumbuhan dan perkembangan budaya etnik Tonghoa pasca pencabutan lnpres No. 141 1967. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, kami akan melakukan wawancara mendalam (depth interview) terhadap sejumlah tokoh dari kelompok pengamat maupun pelaku budaya, khususnya pelaku budaya etnik Tionghoa dengan menggunakan struktur pertanyaan terbuka (open questioner).
The effect of the YouTube subscriptions button in the real-world and cyberspace Putra Aditya Lapalelo
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i1.26354


The virtual subscribe button feature on the YouTube platform, which is only the smallest technological element in cyberspace, has turned into a technology capable of dominating interactions in cyberspace and the real world. This growing influence cannot be separated from the subscribe button's function, which is increasingly changing, not just running a function to subscribe to the YouTube channel. Technically, this key determinism has turned into something very social to become a means of moving community groups to influence the economy, politics, social and culture. That can be seen from the results of observations of eight informants who are YouTube users. The eight informants acknowledged the subscribe button's existence, which has influenced social and economic interactions on social media in the last decade. Although several informants also pointed out that humans' role is still visible in the development of the subscriber button as one of the most crucial features in social media, YouTube, and the internet as a whole.
Realitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka 100% Dalam Konstruksi Berita Media Christopher Chandra; Putra Aditya Lapalelo
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 7, No 2 (2022): ETTISAL : Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ejoc.v7i2.8305


AbstrakPemerintah mengeluarkan regulasi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka 100% (PTM 100%) ditengah kemunculan kasus varian baru Covid 19, kontroversi ini membuat masyarakat dan media berdialektika. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana media menggunakan perangkat media sosial untuk membangun bingkai tentang dialektika regulasi PTM 100%. Disisi lain menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana proses bingkai dilakukan dalam media Instagram. Dengan keungulan dan keterbatasan media sosial, ada dugaan bahwa  jurnalistik professional media konvensional harus membangun tata kelola pembingkaian dan seleksi isu yang mungkin berbeda dengan cara kerja media konvensional, ketika menerbitkan konten berita di instagram. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan model framing Gamson dan Modigliani (1989), penelitian ini melihat 5 akun berita yang dikelola oleh koorporasi media, yakni Detik, Merdekadotcom, JPNN, Kompas, dan Tempo. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa beberapa media punya kecenderungan tidak memihak dalam kasus PTM 100%, beberapa media mencoba menjadi “suara rakyat”  dan “mengkritisi” pemerintah dalam kasus PTM 100%. Media mencoba menjaga peranannya sebagai agen kontrol sosial di kasus PTM 100%, disisi lain memastikan bahwa identitas dan bisnis media tetap berjalan dengan memanfaatkan Instagram untuk membangun relasi dengan generasi baru pembaca berita. Penelitian ini membantu menjelaskan bagaimana teori klasik pembingkaian berita, dimanfaatkan dalam konten berita yang lebih modern, dan bagaimana proses pembingkaian berubah dari yang sangat tekstual, menjadi sangat visual.  AbstractThe government issued a 100% face-to-face learning regulation (100% Onsite Learning) in the midst of the emergence of new variant cases of Covid 19. This controversy made the public and the media have a dialectic. How is  100% Onsite Learning viewed by the media?. This study focuses on how the media use social media tools to build a frame about the dialectic of 100% Onsite Learning regulation. On the other hand, it answers the question of how the frame process is carried in Instagram media. With the advantages and limitations of social media, there is an assumption that conventional media professional journalism must develop governance of framing and selection of issues that may be different from the way conventional media works, when publishing news content on Instagram. Using a qualitative descriptive method, with Gamson and Modigliani's (1989) framing model, this study looked at 5 news accounts managed by media corporations, namely Detik, Merdekadotcom, JPNN, Kompas, and Tempo.The results found that some media had a tendency to be impartial in the 100% Onsite Learning case, some media tried to be the “voice of the people” and “criticize” the government in the 100% Onsite Learning case. The media tries to maintain its role as a social control agent in the 100% Onsite Learning case, on the other hand ensuring that the identity and media business continues to run by utilizing Instagram to build relationships with a new generation of news readers. This research helps us to explain the classical theory news framing are utilized to analyize a modern news content and how framing process changes from textual to visual.
Realitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka 100% Dalam Konstruksi Berita Media Christopher Chandra; Putra Aditya Lapalelo
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 7, No 2 (2022): ETTISAL : Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ejoc.v7i2.8305


AbstrakPemerintah mengeluarkan regulasi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka 100% (PTM 100%) ditengah kemunculan kasus varian baru Covid 19, kontroversi ini membuat masyarakat dan media berdialektika. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana media menggunakan perangkat media sosial untuk membangun bingkai tentang dialektika regulasi PTM 100%. Disisi lain menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana proses bingkai dilakukan dalam media Instagram. Dengan keungulan dan keterbatasan media sosial, ada dugaan bahwa  jurnalistik professional media konvensional harus membangun tata kelola pembingkaian dan seleksi isu yang mungkin berbeda dengan cara kerja media konvensional, ketika menerbitkan konten berita di instagram. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan model framing Gamson dan Modigliani (1989), penelitian ini melihat 5 akun berita yang dikelola oleh koorporasi media, yakni Detik, Merdekadotcom, JPNN, Kompas, dan Tempo. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa beberapa media punya kecenderungan tidak memihak dalam kasus PTM 100%, beberapa media mencoba menjadi “suara rakyat”  dan “mengkritisi” pemerintah dalam kasus PTM 100%. Media mencoba menjaga peranannya sebagai agen kontrol sosial di kasus PTM 100%, disisi lain memastikan bahwa identitas dan bisnis media tetap berjalan dengan memanfaatkan Instagram untuk membangun relasi dengan generasi baru pembaca berita. Penelitian ini membantu menjelaskan bagaimana teori klasik pembingkaian berita, dimanfaatkan dalam konten berita yang lebih modern, dan bagaimana proses pembingkaian berubah dari yang sangat tekstual, menjadi sangat visual.  AbstractThe government issued a 100% face-to-face learning regulation (100% Onsite Learning) in the midst of the emergence of new variant cases of Covid 19. This controversy made the public and the media have a dialectic. How is  100% Onsite Learning viewed by the media?. This study focuses on how the media use social media tools to build a frame about the dialectic of 100% Onsite Learning regulation. On the other hand, it answers the question of how the frame process is carried in Instagram media. With the advantages and limitations of social media, there is an assumption that conventional media professional journalism must develop governance of framing and selection of issues that may be different from the way conventional media works, when publishing news content on Instagram. Using a qualitative descriptive method, with Gamson and Modigliani's (1989) framing model, this study looked at 5 news accounts managed by media corporations, namely Detik, Merdekadotcom, JPNN, Kompas, and Tempo.The results found that some media had a tendency to be impartial in the 100% Onsite Learning case, some media tried to be the “voice of the people” and “criticize” the government in the 100% Onsite Learning case. The media tries to maintain its role as a social control agent in the 100% Onsite Learning case, on the other hand ensuring that the identity and media business continues to run by utilizing Instagram to build relationships with a new generation of news readers. This research helps us to explain the classical theory news framing are utilized to analyize a modern news content and how framing process changes from textual to visual.
Social Control or Public Image, When Mass Media and University-Owned Media Construct Narratives of Sexual Violence Theresia Intan Putri Hartiana; Putra Aditya Lapalelo; Nanang Krisdinanto
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 17, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UTM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/ilkom.v17i1.19463


Sexual violence in higher education is a sensitive topic as well as a topic that attracts the most media attention. For example, in early 2022, the Dean of one of the faculties at Riau University (UNRI) was suspected of harassing his students during the implementation of final project guidance. Since it was reported, this case has grabbed attention, appeared in the corners of social media discussions, and become a discourse in the mass media. Many media outlets, especially online media, have attempted to revisit the public's memory of sexual violence cases in Indonesia's higher education environment, and how these campuses have handled the issue of sexual violence. On the other hand, several universities in Indonesia have tried to show their 'concern' for cases of sexual violence that have occurred in Indonesian universities through campus "news" portals. The question that arises then is whether the media concern narrated in media portal news and campus concern in campus portal news are similar forms of concern. This research tries to answer this question by managing the news of media portals and campus portals in relation to the news of sexual violence in the campus environment using a qualitative approach with a narrative analysis method by utilizing a narrative model developed from the thoughts of Todorov (1977) to define the structure and plot of news narratives, and Propp (1968) to dissect the construction of meaning through characterization. By looking at the structure and characterization in news narratives, it is hoped that it can answer how the phenomenon of sexual violence is narrated by media portals and campus portals and what interests are behind the news narratives of sexual violence published by media portals and campus portals.
Peningkatan Ketrampilan Produksi Video Jurnalistik E-Magazine, SMA Santa Maria, Surabaya : E-Magazine Journalistic Video Production Skill Improvement, Santa Maria High School, Surabaya Finsensius Yuli Purnama; Christopher Chandra; Putra Aditya Lapalelo
Journal of Indonesian Society Empowerment Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61105/jise.v1i1.3


Penerbitan di lingkungan pendidikan menjadi signifikan karena turut membentuk logika berpikir siswa agar tersistematis, menyesuaikan berdasarkan kelengkapan fakta di lapangan. Berlandaskan pada hal tersebut, sekolah menengah atas (SMA) Santa Maria menjadi salah satu sekolah di Surabaya yang secara khusus memberikan pembekalan pengelolaan penerbitan kepada siswa-siswinya. Sekolah ini terletak di Jalan Raya Darmo 49 Surabaya. Bersama guru pendamping, para mahasiswa mengembangkan sebuah e-magazine yang bernama pengembangan penerbitan majalah cetak, Krisan. Sejumlah kendala dialami oleh mitra sasaran. Oleh karena itu, sebagai langkah untuk mengambangkan potensi penerbitan sekolah agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan zaman diperlukan pelatihan-pelatihan penerbitan yang mengutamakan konsep “kekinian” dengan mengacu pada produksi konten-konten berbasis digital. Untuk itulah pengabdian ini dilakukan sebagai solusi upaya meningkatkan pemahaman terkait prinsip dasar jurnalistik dan proses produksi video jurnalistik untuk e-magazine. Kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam program Abdimas ini adalah pelatihan membuat rancangan liputan, rancangan jurnalistik video, dan pendampingan karya. Harapannya, hasil dari program ini adalah adanya peningkatan kualitas liputan dan karya dari kelompok dampingan. Sekaligus membawa level kerja siswa-siswi SMA Sanmar pada tingkatan yang lebih kredibel, trustworthy, dan lebih menarik secara visual. Publishing in the educational environment has become significant as it helps shape students' logical thinking to be systematic and adaptable based on the completeness of facts in the field. Santa Maria High School is one of the private schools in Surabaya that specifically provides publishing management training to its students. This school is located at Jalan Raya Darmo 49 Surabaya. It has an student activity to develop an e-magazine called, an expansion of the print magazine, Krisan. Several challenges are faced. Therefore, as a step towards developing the school's publishing potential to meet the demands of the current era, publishing training is required, emphasizing the concept of being up-to-date by focusing on producing digitally-based content. Hence, this engagement is conducted as a solution to enhance understanding of basic journalistic principles and the process of producing journalistic videos for the e-magazine. The activities to be carried out in this Community Service Program (Abdimas) include training in designing coverage, video journalism design, and providing guidance for their work. The expected outcome of this program is an improvement in the quality of coverage and works produced by the participating group. Additionally, it aims to elevate the work level of the students from SMA Sanmar to a more credible, trustworthy, and visually appealing standard.
Jebakan ‘Harga Murah Semu’ Layanan Daring Pengantar Makanan Go-Food dan Grab Food Putra Aditya Lapalelo
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i1.274


Delivery service applications such as Gojek and Grab in recent years have become part of the lives of urban people, becoming one of the instruments to fulfill the needs of urban consumers who are called "living in high mobility". Especially the online food delivery service GO-FOOD and GRAB FOOD which promise to fulfill the need for food delivery services at low prices, even with discounts that look fantastic. With all the intents and purposes, these two services are not only able to help solve the problem of "time" for urban residents who are too busy with their activities, but are also provided at low prices so that they are attractive and difficult to ignore. But with some observations, the cheap price of this food delivery service hides academic suspicions, Is it true that this lifestyle has no risk for urban residents?. This question makes a search to see what kind of lifestyle is behind the cheap consumption of this online food delivery service, an important topic to talk about. Especially with the current Covid-19 pandemic where the service business is crucial. This research uses a phenomenological study with observations and in-depth interviews with gojek and grab driver partners, business actors who partner with grab and gojek, to consumers in the Surabaya city area, and juxtaposed it with pop culture and consumer culture perspectives to provide a comprehensive picture of how consumers' lifestyles consume services. - this online service. As a result, it was found that cheap online delivery services and lots of discounts were just a “trap” for consumers. Consumers are being forced to live a “high cost consumption” lifestyle that is shrouded in the label of “low prices and discounts”.