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Scriptura Vol 3, No 1 (2009): JANUARI 2009
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.864 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.3.1.48-68


Media construct and make sense of the reality it serves to its audiences. Reality-construction and sense-making are influenced by internal (reporters, media organization) and external factors (sources, advertisers, others). Thus, news is a product of constructed reality. News is not something that is already out-there for the media to present to its audiences. Media chooses, selects, put emphasis on some details and facts, while (purposedly) overlooks others. The selection and emphasise are called framing. Framing enables the complex, disorganized realities, to be changed into organized, simple, and sensible realities. In this research, the news the A-Committee’s excursion to Netherlands in relation to East Java’s centenary in Public Service Broadcasting TVRI Jatim and Commercial (Private) Broadcast JTV are explored. Since the research intends to see how the media presents, exnominates, and puts emphasis on facts and details to make sense of the reality, this research uses Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki’s framing analysis method. Hence, it was found, TVRI frames reality from the government’s point of view, while JTV frames the reality from the watchdog role’s point of view. The differences lays in historical, legal, and influences on media content. Thus, it was found that either public or commercial broadcasts television produce news according to their bias and interests that are seen through their newsframes.
Scriptura Vol 4, No 1 (2014): JULY 2014
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.375 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.4.1.1-9


Saat ini, dunia politik dan pemerintahan tidak hanya menjadi milik laki – laki, tapi juga perempuan. Banyak perempuan yang terjun ke dalam dunia politik, menjadi politisi, atau bahkan pemimpin pemerintahan. Namun, stereotip yang merujuk pada keraguan publik masih ada. Perempuan dianggap tidak cocok menjadi pemimpin pemerintahan karena dianggap tidak mampu dan feminin. Media massa juga berperan dalam pengukuhan anggapan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana media massa, memberitakan atau membingkai sosok pemimpin perempuan, yakni Tri Rismaharini (Walikota Surabaya). Majalah Digital Detik menerbitkan edisi “Risma Super Wali”, sedangkan Majalah Tempo menerbitkan edisi “Bukan Bupati Biasa”. Setelah dianalisis dengan perangkat framing Pan – Kosicki (sintaksis, skrip, tematik, dan retoris), peneliti menemukan masih adanya stereotip berbau gender pada berita – berita tentang sosok Risma, yakni feminin, domestik, emosional, dan tidak memiliki kemampuan politik. Sifat feminin dan emosional Risma terlihat dari berita tentang kepeduliannya kepada warganya dan kecenderungannya menggunakan hati saat bekerja. Adapun sifat domestik Risma terlihat dari berita mengenai kinerjanya dalam merawat dan menjaga kebersihan serta taman – taman di Surabaya. Terakhir, penjelasan mengenai ketidakmampuan Risma dalam hal politik memperkuat stereotip gender bahwa perempuan tidak pantas menjadi pemimpin pemerintahan.
LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Lontar: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/lontar.v7i2.2046


This study looked at how the matching of signs related to the shift in standard of beauty incorporate advertising "Real Beauty" with Dove's wish image. In seeing this suitability, the author usesthe Semiotics method by Charles Sander Peirce to reveal the sign by grouping it into icons, indices, andsymbols found in corporate advertising. The shift related to beauty standards will be seen in thecorporate advertisements "Real Beauty, Meet Kylee" as the global version and "Real Beauty: Friends" asthe local version (Indonesia). The use of these two advertisements also aims to see whether Dove isconsistent in carrying out the "Real Beauty" campaign. The results of the sign analysis show that theglobal version of the advertisement reflects a shift in the standard of beauty (a new definition of beauty),the feminist movement, gender bias resistance and against social construction. Meanwhile, the signanalysis on the local version of the ad is still fixated on traditional beauty standards, gender bias,patriarchal culture, and the social construction that makes the ad "Real Beauty: Friends" does not reflectthe company's wish image and fails to maintain consistency in campaigning. Dove's failure to maintainthe consistency of the "Real Beauty" campaign with wish image can make Dove experience an identitycrisis that leads to a bad reputation or image for the company, such as the failure of the company's wishimage formation, and failure to reach marketing targets such as Dove expected.
When advertisements are disguised as news: the ethics problem in Indonesian mass media Krisdinanto, Nanang
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v5i2.3527


The practice of obscuring news and advertising is still a problem in the Indonesian mass media. This research aimed to unravel journalistic ethics problems, especially those related to advertorials (advertisements delivered in an editorial style). The clear separation between news and advertisements is one of the two pillars of journalistic ethics, apart from separating facts and opinions to maintain journalistic independence. The research approach used was qualitative-descriptive, with data collection techniques through interviews (to journalists), observation and document searches. The results showed that most of the printed mass media studied tended to blur the boundaries between news and advertisements through various means, such as removing or shortening advertorial information.
Implementasi Share dan Rating Sebagai Dasar Kebijakan Pemrograman Yuk Keep Smile (YKS) Trans TV Kanthy Mayangsari; Nanang Krisdinanto; Finsensius Yuli Purnama
KOMUNIKATIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UKWMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jk.v3i2.1392


Aplikasi pemograman di Trans TV yang didasarkan oleh nilai rating dan share nampak dalam pemograman Yuk Keep Smile (YKS). Hal itu terlihat pada signifikansi yang tinggi pada hubungan antar rating dan share dengan perpanjangan penayangan dan durasi yang ditambah. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, peneliti ingin mengetahui implementasi share dan rating sebagai dasar kebijakan pemrograman Yuk Keep Smile (YKS) Trans TV. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan adanya interaksi televisi, audience dan pengiklan yang saling tarik menarik dalam menjalankan masing-masing fungsinya. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa nilai rating dan share bukan satu-satunya poin yang dipertimbangkan dalam pemutusan suatu program, akan tetapi banyak poin penting lainnya antara lain adalah nilai jual program tersebut, kebijakan KPI, penerimaan masyarakat, trend di masyarakat, kebijakan dari manajemen Trans TV. Selain itu, apabila rating dan share menjadi dasar kebijakan pemograman yang berorientasi pada keuntungan. Maka akan cenderung mengabaikan fungsi media dan fungsi sosial sebagai pengguna ranah publik. Sehingga penyusunan pemograman yang dibuat oleh Trans TV ini selain mengabaikan fungsi televisi sebagai media massa juga berdampak pula pada P3 dan SPS yang dikeluarkan pada Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) berupa teguran tertulis
Kampanye Berujung Paradoks (Bias Gender dalam Corporate Advertising I#Lovelife Karena Aku Perempuan Indonesia) Vergiana Lestari; Yuli Nugraheni; Nanang Krisdinanto
KOMUNIKATIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UKWMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jk.v8i1.1944


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya paradoks yang terdapat pada corporate advertising PT. Astra Aviva Life. Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce untuk mengkaji tanda-tanda bias gender pada corporate advertising PT. Astra Aviva Life yang mengusung tema emansipasi. Melalui analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce, peneliti menemukan adanya paradoks. Di satu sisi, perusahaan mengadakan kampanye dengan mengajak perempuan untuk menerapkan apa yang disebut PT. Astra Life sebagai emansipasi modern. Namun di sisi lain, perusahaan kembali menarik kembali perempuan kr dalam permasalahan domestik (domestifikasi), glass ceiling, subordinasi, dan stereotype. Perempuan digambarkan selalu berada dalam wilayah domestik dan terlihat lemah, namun tidak berlaku bagi laki-laki yang bertolak belakang dengan sifat stereotip yang ada pada perempuan. Perempuan juga terlihat kembali digambarkan dengan kecantikan fisiknya menggunakan riasan wajah, tetapi tidak dengan laki-laki yang tidak mengutamakan penampilan. Corporate advertising I#LoveLife Karena Aku Perempuan Indonesia berisikan ketidaksesuaian pesan antara nilai perusahaan dan brand image-nya (Love Li, yaitu Respect. Pada akhirnya, konten dalam iklan perusahaan tersebut dapat mendistorsi upaya perusahaan dalam memperoleh brand image yang mengajak perempuan untuk menerapkan apa yang disebut PT. Astra Life sebagai emansipasi modern.
Anomali dan teori hirarki pengaruh terhadap isi media Nanang Krisdinanto
KOMUNIKATIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UKWMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jk.v3i1.1243


Teori hirarki pengaruh terhadap isi media dikenalkan oleh Pamela J. Shoemaker dan Stephen D. Reese, yang menjelaskan pengaruh internal dan eksternal media terhadap isi pemberitaan.2 Keduanya membagi pengaruh tersebut ke dalam lima level, yaitu pengaruh individu pekerja media (individual level), rutinitas media (media routines level), organisasi media (organizational level), luar media (extramedia level), dan ideologi (ideology level). Teori ini menjadi penting dalam studi media karena isi media diasumsikan memiliki implikasi penting dalam perubahan sosial. Teori ini juga menarik karena menawarkan perspektif alternatif dalam memahami isi media, yang sebelumnya lebih sering dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang netral dalam melaporkan realitas, atau setidaknya dianggap menyajikan representasi yang fair tentang realitas (tanpa distorsi atau setidaknya dengan distorsi minimal). Dalam perspektif ini, media diasumsikan pasif, sekadar medium (media as channels), yang hanya menyampaikan realitas apa adanya, bertumpu pada konsep-konsep positivistik seperti objektivitas, dan tidak membawa dampak pada perubahan sosial. Sebaliknya, Shoemaker dan Reece berangkat dari asumsi media berperan aktif membentuk realitas, media as participants, bahwa media tidak netral bahkan bisa memanipulasi realitas melalui penekanan atau penghilangan elemen-elemen tertentu dari realitas, dan memosisikan media massa sebagai agen perubahan sosial. Dengan asumsi ini, Shoemaker-Reece membawa teorinya sebagai alternatif atau bahkan kritik terhadap teori-teori media (jurnalistik) mainstream yang cenderung posivistik. Mengikuti kerangka berpikir Thomas Kuhn, teori ini bisa disebut sebagai jawaban atas terjadinya ”anomali” ketika teori (jurnalistik, komunikasi massa) lama yang positivistik tidak mampu lagi menjelaskan gejala/fenomena.
Gender Taboo di Media Sosial: Analisis Penerimaan terhadap ‘Perlawanan’ Danilla Riyadi di Instagram dan Youtube Clara Ocktarida Sutisna; Nanang Krisdinanto; Brigitta Revia Sandy Fiesta
Jurnal Riset Komunikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komuniasi (ASPIKOM) Wilayah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38194/jurkom.v5i1.404


This study focuses on the dynamics of women's acceptance of taboo gender issues on social media on Danilla Riyadi's Instagram and Youtube accounts. Through her social media content, Danilla is recognized as a singer whose behavior in front of the camera often triggers controversy such as smoking, drinking alcohol, showing tattoos, or saying obscene words. In the context of gender, what he does implicitly can be seen as a form of resistance to the gender taboo that confines women. This research looks at how the audience receives or perceives content with sensitive messages like this. The researcher used a qualitative approach, descriptive type, and the acceptance analysis method developed by Stuart Hall. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with female viewers of Danilla Riyadi's account. The findings show that there are dynamics or diversity in the position of acceptance of the research subject towards Danilla Riyadi's content (dominant, negotiated, opposition). On the one hand, Danilla's content is accepted as a message that rejects gender taboo. But on the other hand, content is accepted as something that is detrimental to women, because Danilla's expression was deemed inappropriate for women.
Chinese Bonek: Reject Racism Through Symbolic Communication Mas Yongky Satria Muhammad Purnomo; Nanang Krisdinanto
Kanal: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 9 No 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/kanal.v9i1.686


This research starts from the phenomenon of the existence of Chinese Bonek (support- ers of the Persebaya Surabaya club who are of Chinese ethnicity) in the city of Surabaya. Although a minority in numbers (compared to Bonek ethnic or Javanese), the existence of Bonek Tionghoa began to be recognized among Bonek. Moreover, they also rou- tinely physically present at the stadium every time Persebaya competed. This study aims to unravel the experiences of the Chinese Bonek in supporting Persebaya, as well as understanding how they interpret that support. That experience is seen through verbal and non-verbal communication that they do, which of course implicitly has its own mean- ing and message. This research uses a qualitative approach, descriptive type, and uses the phenomenological method. Data obtained from in-depth interviews, supported by observation on the field (especially when Persebaya competed in the stadium). The find- ings of this research data show, Chinese Bonek apparently means that their support is not only as support for their favorite football club, but also as an expression of rejection of racism and discrimination that they often experience, both in daily life and in the context of the interaction of fellow supporters. The support is done through verbal communication such as singing (chant) and status or posting on social media, and through non-verbal communication such as direct attendance at the stadium, wearing a Persebaya jersey / costume, and certain gestures.
Kanal: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 2 No 2 (2014): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/kanal.v2i2.300


Pierre Bourdieu built his theoretical orientation as a solution to what he saw as a false opposition between objectivism and subjectivism; to quote Bourdieu: “absurd opposition between individual and society”. Bourdieu offered a point of view that emphasizes on duality in the relationship between agent and structure, as an alternative to the previously existing dualistic views. Bourdieu refers to his theoretical orientation as genetic structuralism, constructivist structuralism or structuralist constructivism. Through the concept of habitus, field, and capital, Bourdieu integrated objectivism (which emphasizes the role of objective structure in social practice) and subjectivism (which emphasizes the role of agent in social practice). Bourdieu formulated the theory of social practice with the equation (Habitus x Capital) + Field = Practice. Practice, in Bourdieu’s mind, is the product of the relationship between habitus and field, wherein within field itself there are powers at stake, especially between people with capital and people without capital.