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Saat Perempuan Mengintip Cinta Demaskulinisasi dalam Reality show “Playboy Kabel” Dian Arymami
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 1, No 1 (2016): ETTISAL Journal Of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ettisal.v1i1.1058


Ditengah unsur voyeurism yang tersaji dalam acara reality show, secara umum bisa dikatakan bahwa acara sejenis selalu memaparkan persoalan kuasa melalui pandangan yang tidak tersadari. Berdasarkan karakteristik utama voyuerisme dan kuasa ini, acara realitas percintaan memaparkan sebuah persoalan yang menarik. Giur yang dibawa dalam acara realitas bertema percintaan tidak semata akses atas ranah privat relasi percintaan, namun sebagai satu kemasan medium hiburan budaya pop secara keseluruhan menjadi wadah kontestasi lebih lanjut atas waham nilai dan identitas perempuan dan laki-laki dalam berelasi ditengah masyarakat. Bila voyuerism merepresentasikan kuasa, maka sekilas acara realitas Playboy Kabel menyajikan deskonstruksi nilai sosial yang menarik untuk ditelaah, dalam posisi kuasa nilai relasi ditengah masyarakat. Tulisan ini berupaya memaparkan sejauh mana deskonstruksi makna kuasa dalam relasi percintaan heteroseksual disajikan dalam acara PlayBoy Kabel. Ketidaksadaran atas unsur voyuerisme dapat bergerak dalam pendulum antara dua titik ekstrem, penstabilan dan deskonstruksi nilai di tengah masyarakat. 
Diskoneksi Nomad: Paradoks Kemenjadian dalam Sosial Media bertema Travelling Dian Arymami
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 11, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.522 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/jk.v11i2.2674


In the midst of global economic development, traveling activities have experienced a rapid increase as a culture of leisure and recreation among the people of Indonesia. The journey narrated by bloggers and influencers (influencers) has created its own lifestyle trends and further values that are intertwined with the daily culture of society. This study examines the narrative of the journey of bloggers on Instagram as textual artifacts to gain insight into how the values and culture of human life are woven into the phenomenon of travel. This study uses semiotic analysis which is read further by using the Deleuze and Guattari concepts regarding the ‘becoming self’. This research departs from narrative assumptions and representations which are seen as representative of molecular political forms that subvert the molar identity and fixed position. The results of this research show representations of travel extending the value of independence, solitude, individualism, creativity, freedom and modernity. Where the journey itself is seen as a primary need that is pleasant, cheerful and calming. Furthermore, in the eyes of schizophrenic unconsciousness, the phenomenon of traveling mediated by the text of bloggers confirms the presence of schizo subjects. A paradoxical subject, where the collective movement through travel is a joint movement to be alone. Di tengah perkembangan ekonomi global, aktifitas travelling mengalami peningkatan pesat sebagai budaya kesenangan di waktu luang (leisure) dan rekreasi di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Perjalanan yang dinarasikan para bloggers maupun influencers (pemberi pengaruh) telah menciptakan tren gaya hidup tersendiri dan lebih jauh nilai-nilai yang berjalinan dengan budaya keseharian masyarakat. Penelitian ini menelaah narasi perjalanan bloggers di Instagram sebagai artefak tekstual untuk mendapatkan wawasan tentang bagaimana nilai dan budaya kehidupan manusia terajut dalam fenomena perjalanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis semiotika yang dibaca lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan konsep Deleuze dan Guattari mengenai ‘diri yang menjadi’. Penelitian ini berangkat dari asumsi narasi dan representasi yang dilihat sebagai perwakilan bentuk-bentuk politik molekuler yang menumbangkan identitas molar dan posisi tetap. Hasil dari peneltian ini menunjukan representasi perjalanan memperluas nilai kemandirian, kesendirian, individualisme, kreatifitas, bebas dan modern. Di mana perjalanan itu sendiri dilihat sebagai kebutuhan primer yang menyenangkan, ceria dan menenangkan. Lebih lanjut dalam kacamata ketidaksadaran masyarakat skizofrenik, fenomena traveling yang termediasi oleh teks para bloggers menegaskan kehadiran subyek skizo. Subyek yang penuh paradoks, dimana gerakan kolektif melalui perjalanan merupakan gerakan bersama untuk menjadi sendiri.
Hasrat Konsumsi Virtual dalam Permainan Daring Mobile Legends: Perspektif Deleuze dan Guattari Rino Andreas; Dian Arymami
Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi Vol 8, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Departemen Sosiologi Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jps.v8i2.67351


Konsumsi virtual, lekat dengan kehidupan masyarakat yang dimediasi oleh teknologi komunikasi dan informasi digital. Salah satunya dapat dilihat dalam ekosistem permainan daring (game online). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kompleksitas hasrat konsumsi virtual para pemain Mobile Legend: Bang Bang (MLBB) dari perspektif Deleuze dan Guattari serta memaparkan siasat para pemain MLBB yang berupaya keluar dari nilai-norma yang dimapankan oleh kapitalisme digital abad-21. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode etnografi virtual yang menempatkan peneliti dalam aktivitas observasi dan partisipasi aktif di ruang virtual. Berdasarkan observasi dan FGI (focus group interview) peneliti melihat bahwa hasrat konsumsi pemain MLBB berada di tataran mikro dan makro. Mesin hasrat dari perspektif Deleuze dan Guattari menghubungkan individu sekaligus sistem sosial sebagai (machinic assemblage). Hasilnya, hasrat konsumsi pemain MLBB tidak hanya di jelaskan dari relasi pemain dan objek virtual itu sendiri melainkan, juga mencakup jaringan kepentingan kapital yang lebih luas meliputi, pihak penyedia jaringan komunikasi, produsen perangkat mobile, perusahaan energi listrik, maupun perusahan finansial teknologi. Hasrat konsumsi sebagai aliran konstruktif, menghadirkan dinamika pemain yang melakukan deteritorialisasi.  Proses ini meninggalkan garis batas (line of flight) nilai-nilai yang dibangun oleh wilayah kapitalisme digital dengan cara melakukan praktik cheating. Pada gilirannya praktik cheating sebagai materialisasi hasrat “chaos” itu ditangkap kembali melalui proses reteritorialisasi oleh pengembang ke dalam sistem pengawasan kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence) yakni dengan memberikan hukuman. Memastikan para pemain melakukan konsumsi virtual sesuai dengan tatanan yang berlaku.  Maka, hasrat “chaos” telah dikodekan kembali oleh wilayah industri permainan daring, sehingga mendorong pemain mengeluarkan uangnya untuk membeli barang virtual secara terus menerus.
Spornosexual Capital: The Economic Crisis of Indonesian Urban Masculinity Dian Arymami
I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): I-POP Vol 1 No 1 (January-June 2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Bakrie

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/i-pop.v1i1.27


The emergence of new digitally mediated body practices among the young, middle class, and male is evidence of a recent shift in the modern power hierarchy. An increasing number of men go to the gym and share pictures of their bodies that had begun globally around 2008. This coincides with the intensification of neoliberalism that cannot be separated from the massive development of digital communication. This phenomenon is also evident in developing in Indonesia, giving birth to new forms of male body mediation. This research explores how spornosexual men mediate their bodies publicly with the shift in digital neoliberal culture. By using the reception analysis through interviews, this study takes five spornosexual people in deciphering neoliberal interconnection through the use of the body as capital. The results show spornosexual has become a new capital amidst our daily lives today.
The Commoditized Self: Interpersonal Communication in Tinder Online Dating Apps Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Syakira N. Maharani; Dian Arymami
I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): I-POP Vol 1 No 2 (July-December 2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Bakrie

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/i-pop.v1i2.68


Online dating apps have changed the way people build interpersonal communication, particularly in the way they present and disclose themselves online in order to search for a relationship. The characteristic of online dating apps has urged users to build a rather liquid relationship; hence the transformation of intimacy and user’s view of romance, sex, and relationship. In the frame of computer-mediated communication and social informatics, socio-cultural context plays a significant role in shaping the self-presentation and self-disclosure performed by people, in the relation to the dating culture in Indonesia. In the case of Indonesia, this phenomenon is considered unique since the socio-cultural context is rather seeing the ‘liquidity’ in modern romance as banality and condemning the practice as immoral. This research aims to analyze the Indonesian socio-cultural context in shaping people’s self-presentation and self-disclosure in interpersonal communication through online dating apps, particularly Tinder. This research is conducted by a new ethnography method, involving 20 informants who are Indonesian youth active users of online dating apps. The key findings in this research include the contestation between self-agency and self-commodification in the practice of using online dating apps, as well as the shaping of contemporary dating culture among Indonesian youth. Apparently, the contemporary dating culture in Indonesia, also constructed heavily by online dating apps, allows ones to gain sexual revolution in the process of commodifying themselves.
Exploring the Narrative Spaces of Change in Jejak Warna: Cerita tentang Perubahan (2019) Web Series Aidatul Chusna; Budi Irawanto; Dian Arymami
k@ta Vol 25 No 1 (2023): JUNE 2023
Publisher : The English Department, Faculty of Humanities & Creative Industries, Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/kata.25.1.31-41


Jejak Warna: Cerita tentang Perubahan (Color Trail: A Story of Change) web series talks about a man named Arya who is stuck with his monotonous life and memory of his ex-girlfriend. His life changes when he meets Kinar – his new colleague. This study explores how the narrative space conveys the idea of change by analysing the mise-en-scène elements of the web series. The result shows the depiction of spaces which change from spaces that bind the protagonist in his dull routine and memory to a space that liberates and offers him new life and adventure. The change is strengthened by the changing nuances of spaces depicted through composition and lighting, sound (dialogue and music), and the character's expression and movement within the spaces.
Discovering Indonesia: Video Reactions of Jiwa Jagad Jawi Storynomic Tourism Dian Arymami
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2023): June 2023 - Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/jkiski.v8i1.715


The storynomic tourism approach uses the power of storytelling in the effort to enhance quality tourism and promote destinations. In enhancing this approach a promotional video of Java, called  Jiwa Jagad Jawi was launched in 2022 in a theme of rediscovering the mind, body, and soul of Java whilst promoting several destinations in Java. The video ignited multiple reaction videos from Youtubers around the world, a vernacular form of visual production where the Youtuber reacts to a certain media content. Reaction videos towards Jiwa Jagad Jawi holds an interpretation of Java from the creator as well as a production of representation of Java as a destination in the text. Thus, putting video reactions of Jiwa Jagad Jawi as a digital work that extends its designated promotional means with a situated cultural experience of the creator; reframing narration of the destination to their viewers and followers. The present study focuses on “reaction videos” on YouTube towards Jiwa Jagad Jawi in exploring representation and interpretation of the culture and destination. The exploration of interpretation and production in reaction videos of tourism storynomics may offer an understanding to the dynamics of tourism promotional videos in this digitalscape. For the analysis of this exploration, an audience reception framework situated in cultural studies is used to study the reaction videos and comments. The study has found reaction videos as a significant promotional tool that drives further narrations of Indonesia and the reproduction of perceived Java as a destination of peace, serenity, mystical and culturally rich destination.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The New Normal Period Arina Pramusita; Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo; Khabib Mustofa; Dian Arymami
Journal Of Social Science (JoSS) Vol 2 No 10 (2023): JOSS : Journal of Social Science
Publisher : Al-Makki Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57185/joss.v2i10.148


The Covid 19 Pandemic situation has had a significant impact on the tourism industry, that is decrease in a number of tourist activities and services due to the closure of a number of areas to prevent the spread of the virus. In this new normal period, adjustments for traveling are needed for tourists, that is the use of technology. This research aims to analyze the most influential factors in the use of digital smartphone applications as a form of adaptation to travel behavior in the new normal period. This research synthesizes TAM and TPB to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of using tourism digital applications during the pandemic. TAM explains factors related to perceived usefulness and ease of application use, while TPB provides a framework that involves psychological and social factors in explaining tourist intentions and behavior. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out using digital survey methods, interviews, and field observations. The data includes tourist profiles and tourist opinions. The sampling method is purposive sampling, with a sample size of around 160 respondents. The data is processed using Smart PLS. The results obtained from this research are (1) The synthesis between the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of using digital applications when traveling during the pandemic.