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PRAKTIK EKONOMI POLITIK AKUN INFORMASIONAL DI TWITTER Massageng Widagdhaprasana; Syaifa Tania; Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Maulin Ni’am
Communications Vol 4 No 1 (2022): COMMUNICATIONS
Publisher : Prodi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/communications4.1.1


Titik awal kapitalisasi konten informasi bermula kala muncul sejumlah akun yang mengkhususkan dirinya untuk mendistribusikan informasi tentang tema-tema spesifik (subject-based informational accounts). Peran informasi yang awalnya dikonsumsi sebatas konten oleh audiens bertransformasi menjadi komoditas ekonomi melalui sejumlah aspek yang dapat dikapitalisasi. Pemahaman terhadap fenomena ini secara konseptual dapat di identifikasi menggunakan pendekatan ekonomi politik komunikasi. Kapitalisme informasi yang berlangsung dalam akun-akun informasional di sejumlah kanal media baru dikaji menggunakan tiga pintu masuk dalam pendekatan ekonomi politik Mosco; strukturasi, komodifikasi, dan spasialisasi. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, praktik ekonomi politik informasi teridentifikasi dalam akun-akun informasional berbasis subyek Yogyakarta yaitu di @jogjaupdate, @infojogja dan @lalinjogja. Ketiga praktik ekonomi politik yaitu strukturasi, komodifikasi dan spasialisasi mereka laksanakan dalam rutinitas mereka saat mengelola akun-akun tersebut.
Media Digital dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Pariwisata: Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Kanal Pemesanan Daring Y. A. Nunung Prajarto; Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.833 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v18i1.2956


Penggunaan kanal pemesanan daring sebagai bagian dari strategi komunikasi pemasaran banyak diimplementasikan oleh pegiat bisnis perhotelan. Namun demikian, sejauhini belum ada model evaluasi yang dikembangkan untuk menelaah efektivitas penggunaan kanal pemesanan daring. Penelitian ini berupaya mengembangkan model evaluasi yang berangkat darimodel ICTRT dengan target untuk menemukan model evaluasi yang sesuai dengan perspektif kajian komunikasi tanpa meninggalkan konteks sosiokultural  masyarakat Indonesia. Metode yangdipakai adalah studi kasus, sehingga mengakomodir kebutuhan peneliti dalam melakukan evaluasi terhadap praktik komunikasi pemasaran pariwisata digital melalui kanal pemesanan daring secarakomprehensif.
Ketidakpercayaan dan Eskapisme Kaum Muda Menghadapi Paparan Informasi Covid-19 Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 5, No 2 (2020): ETTISAL: Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ejoc.v5i2.5068


AbstrakSelama masa pandemi virus COVID-19, media sosial dipenuhi dengan pemberitaan dan informasi tidak hanya seputar virus tersebut saja, melainkan juga kehidupan manusia yang mulai berubah menyertai upaya pencegahan penyebaran virus. Pada tataran ini, kaum muda sebagai generasi digital native yang merupakan pengguna media sosial turut menjadi audiens dalam paparan berita dan informasi terkait topik COVID-19. Oleh karena itu, riset ini tidak hanya mengkaji bagaimana proses paparan informasi yang terjadi, melainkan juga menganalisis persepsi dan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh proses pemaparan tersebut. Adapun riset ini menerapkan metode etnografi virtual sebagai metode utama dan metode etnografi baru sebagai metode pendukung. Dalam riset ini, ditemukan bahwa dalam terpaan wacana COVID-19 di media sosial, kaum muda cenderung mengalami dua kondisi. Pertama, munculnya ketidakpercayaan, baik terhadap akun tertentu yang menayangkan informasi COVID-19 maupun Pemerintah. Kedua, paparan yang ada di media sosial membuat mereka mencari eskapisme dalam bentuk kegiatan lain di luar media sosial. Pada akhirnya, proses seleksi informasi dilakukan oleh kaum muda dalam menghadapi paparan informasi terkait COVID-19 di media sosial. AbstractDuring the time of COVID-19 pandemic, the social media world has been filled with news and information regarding whether the virus or the changes in human life in the effort to prevent the spread of the virus. At this stage, youth as the generation of digital natives, has become the main audiences who got exposed by news and information of COVID-19. Therefore, this research aims not only to study how the exposure takes place, but also to analyse the perception and impact caused by the process of exposure. This research was conducted by applying virtual ethnography as the main method and new ethnography as supporting method. In this research, we found that within the exposure of COVID-19 discourses in social media, Indonesian youth tends to experience two conditions. First, the emergence of distrust, towards whether certain media institution or the Government itself. Second, the social media exposure leads them to seek for escapism in form of activities outside the social media. In the end, selection information process is conducted by youth
Covid-19 Information on Instagram: Reception Analysis towards Indonesian Youth Audiences Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Louisa Diandra Widihastuty
Tuturlogi: Journal of Southeast Asian Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Tuturlogi: Journal of Southeast Asian Communication
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.tuturlogi.2021.002.02.2


Instagram social media platform has become the source of recent information on various fields for the youth audiences, including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that Indonesia and the world are currently facing. Unfortunately, not every information on Instagram, especially the controversial and viral ones, are aimed to be informative. Some information is considered provocative and only creating panic instead of raising awareness. This research is intended to understand how Indonesian youth audiences perceive Covid-19 related information through Instagram and how useful and informative the information has been. The research is conducted using a qualitative approach and reception analysis method by interviewing the informants to achieve specific data. All informants are categorized as youth audiences with different socio-cultural backgrounds. Findings in this research show that informants tend to be in the negotiated reading position, in which they are negotiating the Covid-19 information they gain from Instagram with the discourse that they may receive from other sources. They believe that Covid-19 is real, but they have concerns in regards to the handling effort of the virus spread in Indonesia. This negotiated position has evoked both fear and alertness among Indonesian youth towards the uncertainty condition of this pandemic era.
Negotiating Sexuality: Indonesian Female Audience towards Pornographic Media Content Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Cheryl Kanza Athallia Wibowo
IKAT: The Indonesian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol 5, No 2 (2022): January
Publisher : Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ikat.v5i2.70077


As one topic deemed controversial in Indonesia, pornography is mainly discussed for its effect on teenagers as it is explicitly segmented for adult audiences. Nevertheless, it remains problematized when it comes to female audiences as sexual desires only belong to men according to the normativity of Indonesian society. This condition stereotypes female as not a “good woman” if they happened to watch porn.  Engaging with the theory of pornography as sexual empowerment for women and applying new ethnographic method, this paper examines how Indonesian female audiences perceive pornographic media content and how it impacts their sexuality as a woman who lives in Indonesian patriarchal society. The study finds that women, on one side, are highly aware that they, too, have sexual desires just the same as their male counterparts. On the other side, they are also highly concerned about how people around them judge women who like sex or watch porn in particular; hence, it affects their sexual expression in their daily life. Furthermore, watching porn has made them negotiate their sexuality as women to try to make sense of their sexual fantasy and reality.
The Fragmented Self: Having Multiple Accounts in Instagram Usage Practice among Indonesian Youth Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Desti Ayu Alicya
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.58459


The usage of social media has become a part of youth’s life in this digital era. Particularly in Indonesia, Instagram is one of the most popular platforms among youth. In the practice of Instagram usage, apparently a person could manage more than just one account, creating phenomenon known as ‘real Instagram account’ and ‘fake Instagram account’. Hence this form of practice is raising question in regards to the identity presented by users in those accounts. This paper aims to analyze the practice of having multiple accounts in Instagram platform, focusing on how the self-presentation of users presented and why such presentation displayed, specifically in the contestation between the concept of ‘real’ and ‘fake’. Scope of the study in this research covers the media psychology of interconnection between self and social media platform. Research was conducted by mixed-method of new ethnography and virtual ethnography. Expected findings in this research include the analysis of fragmented self in Instagram multiple accounts, focusing in the issue of how the concept of ‘real’ and ‘fake’ are being defined by users, and the aspects behind such understandings. Apparently, in the social media platform as Instagram, youth is in search for a sense of freedom and authenticity, where they could be free in expressing themselves. Thus, the motivation of having multiple accounts. However, findings in this research also indicate that certain standards have been created in the Instagram, that at some point to some extent have conditioned users to present themselves in certain ways.
The Commoditized Self: Interpersonal Communication in Tinder Online Dating Apps Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Syakira N. Maharani; Dian Arymami
I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): I-POP Vol 1 No 2 (July-December 2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Bakrie

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/i-pop.v1i2.68


Online dating apps have changed the way people build interpersonal communication, particularly in the way they present and disclose themselves online in order to search for a relationship. The characteristic of online dating apps has urged users to build a rather liquid relationship; hence the transformation of intimacy and user’s view of romance, sex, and relationship. In the frame of computer-mediated communication and social informatics, socio-cultural context plays a significant role in shaping the self-presentation and self-disclosure performed by people, in the relation to the dating culture in Indonesia. In the case of Indonesia, this phenomenon is considered unique since the socio-cultural context is rather seeing the ‘liquidity’ in modern romance as banality and condemning the practice as immoral. This research aims to analyze the Indonesian socio-cultural context in shaping people’s self-presentation and self-disclosure in interpersonal communication through online dating apps, particularly Tinder. This research is conducted by a new ethnography method, involving 20 informants who are Indonesian youth active users of online dating apps. The key findings in this research include the contestation between self-agency and self-commodification in the practice of using online dating apps, as well as the shaping of contemporary dating culture among Indonesian youth. Apparently, the contemporary dating culture in Indonesia, also constructed heavily by online dating apps, allows ones to gain sexual revolution in the process of commodifying themselves.
The Extended Self: Youth’s Identity in the Music Consumption of Indonesian Spotify Users Khairunnisa Rahmasari; Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas
Jurnal Riset Komunikasi Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komuniasi (ASPIKOM) Wilayah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38194/jurkom.v5i2.548


The music streaming service provider app, Spotify, accommodates users to customize their music consumption to suit their needs. Not only for listening to music, but Spotify also allows users to show off their musical tastes through other social media channels. The process of music consumption in Spotify becomes a tool of identity construction as well as distinguishing individuals by their social circle, and makes individuals feel that they are part of a particular group. This study examined the process of constructing user’s identity through music consumption on Spotify, where there is a process of extended self into the social media sphere. This research was conducted with virtual ethnographic method towards Indonesian Spotify users. The results indicated that informants used music consumption in Spotify as a way to construct an extended self in the digital space, primarily through ownership of Spotify profiles and music preferences.
The Role-playing Self: Virtual Ethnography Study of K-Pop Fans’ Idol-roleplaying and Self-identity in Twitter Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas; Tabina Azalia Oktara
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Jurnal ASPIKOM
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v8i1.1216


The phenomenon of K-pop idol-roleplaying is on the rise in social media platform, particularly Twitter, among Indonesian youth. Idol-roleplaying refers to the activity where users or role-players create an account under the name and using the identity of their favorite idol, and then using it to interact with other role-players or other fans based on the image and plot that the role-player has determined. This phenomenon evokes question in regards to the identity performed by users or role-players under the veil of their idol’s identity, to the extent of how they interact with fellow role-players using that particular roleplay account. Hence, this research is significant in studying the idol-roleplaying phenomenon and the self-identity performance of fans, particularly in the context of Indonesian youth’s culture. This research is conducted with virtual ethnography method, involving eight role-players as informants. Initial findings highlight the performativity and identity play perform by role-players.
Between Human and Virtual Idol: Fans Reception Analysis of Digital Alter Ego Concept Damar Rizky Nuranda; Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas
Komunikator Vol 15, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.17235


The emergence of K-pop idol group Aespa has changed the landscape of K-pop fan culture since the group introduced the concept of a digital alter ego in the form of digital “ae” members. This research aims to understand how Indonesian fans construct the meanings of the digital alter ego concept carried by Aespa. This research is conducted by the reception analysis method. Informants consisted of four Aespa’s fans, each with distinct experience as K-pop fans. The main findings in this research revolve around the different reading positions held by informants, as affected by the distinct framework of knowledge, relations of consumption, and technical infrastructure surrounding their cultural practices as K-pop fans. Aespa’s digital alter ego could be seen in three ways: as another version of the self, a dishonest self-representation, and a polished version of the self. Through these differences, it can be concluded that fans’ construction of meanings cannot be reviewed through a deterministic approach but through a socio-cultural approach instead.