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Media Mahardhika Vol 17 No 2 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v17i2.83


The main focus of this study is shopping motivation. In particular, the study aims to investigate the relationship between shopping motivation of shoppers and the experience of shoppers when shopping in Sunrise Mall. This study explores shopping motivation by examining their hedonic and utilitarian motivations behind shopping and cross-analyzing it with social characteristic the society. By clustering the shopping motivation of shopper in Sunrise Mall, we will understand what kind of experience the visitors need and hope to be realized while doing shopping. The methodology of this study is quantitative analysis, as the research problems are exploratory in nature and rely on deductive inquiry. The survey activities were held on weekdays and weekend. The correspondent analysis was done through Cross-tabulation Analysis and Cluster Analysis using “K-Means Cluster” method through SPSS 21. The research brings up the indication that shopper in Sunrise Mall Mojokerto have high motivation as hedonic buyer. Results showed inner city consumers to have higher hedonic motivations for shopping compared to outer city consumers. The findings suggest that Sunrise Mall provides as an important outlet or tenants for inner city consumers who have stronger tendencies to find experiences such as entertainment, intellectual stimulation, and social gathering.Cluster analysis for hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations produced five consumer clusters: (1). Recreational Shopper, (2). Economic Shopper, (3). Ethical Shopper, (4). Personalized Shopper and (5). Apathetic Shopper.
Media Mahardhika Vol 17 No 1 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v17i1.58


The objective of this study is to identify how Sunda Strait Bridge will affect to local community readiness. It also investigated the adaptive capacity of stakeholders related to Sunda Strait Bridge Development Plan. This research was began by collecting quantitative preliminary data as a basis for collecting and interpreting the primary qualitative data. In order to obtain representative responses, this research used purposive sampling technique. The number of respondents of this research were 100 people from different interests who live in Pulomerak Districts, Ciwandan Districts, Grogol Districts and Citangkil Districts. This research’s process divided into three stages, stages of preparation/ pre-field (description about the research and make analogy with related researches), stages of field work (classifying responses and adaptive capacity), and stage of post field work (connecting between theory and finding). It can be concluded that Sunda Strait Bridge is not relevant to be built today because the community is not ready yet. In the other hand, the objective of Sunda Strait Bridge Development Plan would be supported by community readiness and community-personal adaptation, even it could not address the issues of negative impacts. This research gives three kind recommendations to intervention for policy and planning to minimize the residue and local community adaptation strategy.
Mengembalikan Image Pariwisata Lombok Paska Bencana Menur Kusumaningtyas; Cucu Hayati; M. Hatta Fahamsyah
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta Vol 23, No 1 (2021): JPW Edisi April 2021
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.387 KB) | DOI: 10.33370/jpw.v23i1.558


Era globalisasi dan teknologi berkontribusi terhadap bisnis pariwisata melampaui ekspor minyak, produk makanan sekaligus merupakan salah satu sumber pendapatan utama bagi banyak negara berkembang. Di bidang pelayanan, kekhasan pariwisata menampilkan dirinya sebagai industri utama untuk penggunaan dan inovasi teknologi. Tetapi di balik pertumbuhannya, muncul pula risiko iklim yang datang tanpa kompromi. Gempa Lombok  merupakan awal dari rangkaian Gempa Lombok 2018 yang dipicu oleh  aktivitas sesar naik di utara Lombok . Hal ini  menelan banyak korban jiwa dan lebih dari 10.000 bangunan rusak. Berita kehancuran dan memukul pariwisata Lombok serta meneror wisatawan dalam merencanakan wisata ke Lombok, dengan cepat menyiarkan kabar hingga ke manca negara. Dampak ekonomi dari gempa, kerusakan hingga kerugian yang dialami pelaku usaha pariwisata dan pemulihan citra destinasi,membutuhkan pemulihan hinga bertahun-tahun. Makalah ini bermaksud untuk memperdalam kerusakan yang terjadi pada pulau Lombok, dengan menyarankan beberapa tindakan yang dapat meminimalkan efek dari bencana untuk menarik Kembali minat wisatawan sehingga memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia.Kata kunci:  Manajemen krisis; Krisis Keselamatan dan Keamanan; Image Destinasi ABSTRACT The era of globalization and technology has contributed to the tourism business beyond the export of oil, food products and is one of the main sources of income for many developing countries. In the service sector, the specialty of tourism presents itself as a major industry for the use and innovation of technology. But behind its growth, there are also climate risks that come without compromise. The Lombok Earthquake was the beginning of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake series which was triggered by an upswing activity in the north of Lombok. This claimed many lives and damaged more than 10,000 buildings. News of the destruction and hit Lombok tourism as well as terrorizing tourists in planning tours to Lombok, quickly spread the news to foreign countries. The economic impact of the earthquake, the damage to the losses suffered by tourism business actors and the restoration of the image of the destination, requires years of recovery. This paper intends to deepen the damage done to the island of Lombok, by suggesting some actions that can minimize the effects of the disaster in order to re-attract tourists and thus restore the Indonesian economy.Keywords:  Crisis management; Safety and Security Crisis; Destination Image
Urgensi Pelatihan dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru IPA yang Berkelanjutan Pada Tingkatan Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Cucu Hayati
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Profesi Guru Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jippg.v5i2.50328


Belum terciptanya pembelajaran yang ideal akibat rendahnya penggunaan model pembelajarn oleh guru berpengaruh terhadap rendhanya hasil belajar siswa. Sehingga diperlukan langkah yang tepat untuk merancang program pelatihan prioritas yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai pengetahuan, keterampilan dan praktek. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan prioritas pelatihan kompetensi guru pengampu IPA di tingkatan sekolah dasar dan madrasah ibtidaiyah, serta penyusunan program berkelanjutan berupa roadmap pelatihan. Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif melalui survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru pengampu pelajaran IPA SD/MI kelas 4, kelas 5 dan kelas 6 sejumlah 50 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuisioner. Pada tahap pencarian data, kuesioner disebar dengan skala pengukuran sikap Likert 1-4. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya urgensi untuk dilaksanakan pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi mata pelajaran IPA jenjang SD/MI yang berkelanjutan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan pelaksanaan pelatihan ini secara rutin dapat dilaksanakan guna meningkatkan kompotensi guru, sehingga guru akan mampu menciptakan dan mengelola kelas secara maksimal yang berdampak terhadap kemajuan serta meningkatkannya mutu pendidikan.
Telisik Pola Perdagangan Desa Trowulan Abad XII-XV sebagai Landasan Pembangunan di Mojokerto Wulan Kurnianingtyas; Cucu Hayati
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta Vol 24, No 2 (2022): JPW Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.355 KB) | DOI: 10.33370/jpw.v24i2.698


Agar bukti kemakmuran rakyat dibawah pemerintahan Kerajaan Majapahit bukan hanya menjadi legenda belaka, maka penelitian ini menelisik sumber dan teori-teori ilmiah yang membahas pola dagang masyarakat Desa Trowulan pada masa kerajaan Majapahit pada abad XIII-XV. Pendekatan yang dipakai metode penelitian sejarah dengan empat tahap kegiatan inti antara lain heuristik, kritik, intepretasi dan historiografi. Jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data sekunder yang berupa sumber tertulis yang terdiri dari buku, artikel ilmiah, dan serta data primer berupa wawancara dengan petugas Museum Majapahit di Desa Trowulan. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh historiografi pola perdagangan masyarakat Desa Trowulan pada masa Kerajaan Majapahit bergantung pada komoditi, alat transportasi, pelaku ekonomi dan pengelolaan pajak, mata uang dan lembaga pengelolanya. Pola perekonomian yang belaku pada masa itu diindikasi adalah pengambilan langsung (direct access), reciprocity, dan redistribution. Perdagangan pada masa tersebut memanfaatkan potensi daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang menghubungkan Majapahit dengan daerah lain dan negara lain. Strategi perdagangan tersebut turut mengilhami agenda-agenda pembangunan di wilayah Kota Mojokerto yang merupakan pusat kota pelabuhan jaman Majapahit. Kini, Kota Mojokerto menerapkan konsep The Spirit of Majapahit pada setiap agenda pembangunannya dan dalam tahap perencanaan pembangunan Wisata Bahari Majapahit yang berlokasi di area kota pelabuhan dagang Majaphit, yaitu DAS Sungai Ngothok, Kelurahan Pulorejo dan Kelurahan Blooto.In order to prove that the prosperity of people under the reign of the Majapahit Kingdom was not just a legend, so this study examines sources and scientific theories that discuss the trading patterns of the Trowulan Village community during the Majapahit Kingdom within the XIII-XV centuries. The research approach used withis this research was the historical research methodology which passed four core activities, including heuristic stage, then continued with criticism stage, interpretating stage and last stage was historiography. The type of datas used were secondary datas such as written sources consisting of books, scientific articles, and also the primary source data such as interviews with officers in the Majapahit Museum. From this study, the historiography of the trading patterns of the Trowulan Villagers during the government of Majapahit Kingdom was obtained, depending on commodities, means of transportation, economic actors and tax management, currency and management institutions. The prevailing economic pattern at that time indicated that it was direct access, reciprocity, and redistribution. Trade at that time took advantage of the potential of watersheds that connected Majapahit with other regions and other countries. Today, this trading strategy also inspired development agendas in the Mojokerto City area, which was the center of the port city in the Majapahit era. Now, the Cgovernment of Mojokerto applies the concept of “The Spirit of Majapahit” in every development agenda and is in the planning stage of the development of the Majapahit Maritime Tourism which will located in the trading port city area of Majaphit, namely the Ngothok River Basin, Pulorejo Village and Blooto Village.
Developing The Diffusion Innovation in Transaction Adoption Based on Blockchain Networks: SEM – Neural Network Empirical Study Audi Ramadhan; Hanifah; Cucu Hayati
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research is aimed to examine the effect and relative importance of diffusion of innovation characteristics, perceived cost, and financial literacy in using blockchain network transactions. This research collected 100 data from a questionnaire of blockchain network users and analyzed using SEM–PLS and Neural Network. SEM–PLS in this research aims to analyze an independent variable's effect on a dependent variable. At the same time, the neural network is used to measure the relative importance of each independent variable on a dependent variable. The result of this research in SEM–PLS shows that compatibility, relative advantage, and perceived cost have a significant effect. In contrast, complexity and financial literacy do not significantly affect the intention to use a blockchain network. Furthermore, the result of the neural network shows that relative advantage is the most important variable in affecting the intention to use of blockchain network, followed by perceived cost and compatibility.
The Development Plan of Mojopahit Marine Tourism: Social-Economy Impact Assessment Cucu Hayati; Mochamad Ardi Setyawan; Sri Lestari
Airlangga Development Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): AIRLANGGA DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/adj.v6i2.41059


This research is urgently needed to be carried out as an initial assessment to forecast the strategic socio-economic issues as the impact toward Mojopahit Maritime Tourism development plan. The analysis is seen from a social context to measure the socio-economic impacts and also the adaptation strategies that will be carried out by the community. An approach for addressing research problems was decided upon: mixed method research. About 101 people who were chosen through clustered random sampling as respondents participated in this study. Distribution of semi-closed-end questionnaires, purposive sampling-based stakeholder interviews, and field observations were used to gather the data. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive analysis and presented in tables and graphs. The validity test of the research was triangulation. Regarding to the Mojopahit Marine Tourism development plan, this study concluded that the community has sufficient knowledge in measuring the socio-economic impacts of Mojopahit Marine Tourism development plan, including unemployment issue, congestion issue, bio degradation issue, land/building ownership changing, and economic activities changing. Although Mojopahit Marine Tourism will be established in the next year, policy makers have made physical, social, and economic preparations to welcome this development plan through an agent called Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), socialization programs through digital platforms, and collaborative preparation among departments, city government, district government, as well as village government. It is hoped that the growth of tourism will benefit all Mojokerto local people.
Efektifitas Good School Governance Melalui Pengelolaan Dana BOS (Studi Empiris: SMP/Mts di Banyuwangi) Adytira Rachman; Cucu Hayati; Indah Mariyani
YUME : Journal of Management Vol 5, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana STIE Amkop Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/yum.v5i3.3124


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan Good School Governance (akuntabilitas, transparansi dan partisipasi) terhadap pengelolaan dana BOS di SMP/MTs. Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, dengan populasi dan sampel yang digunakan adalah tim pengelola BOS yang terdiri dari kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, bendahara sekolah, bendahara BOS, komite, dan beberapa guru di SMP/MTs. Seluruh kecamatan Banyuwangi yang bersedia mengisi angket/kuesioner sebanyak 6 sekolah dengan jumlah 51 responden. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa hasil angket. Teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil angket menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Good School Governance (akuntabilitas, transparansi dan partisipasi) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengelolaan dana BOS. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Good School Governance (akuntabilitas, transparansi dan partisipasi) berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). Sedangkan secara parsial akuntabilitas dan transparansi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengelolaan dana BOS. Sedangkan partisipasi memiliki nilai negatif dan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengelolaan dana BOS.Kata Kunci: Good School Governance; Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS).AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of Good School Governance (accountability, transparency and participation) on the management of BOS funds in SMP/MTs. Banyuwangi Regency. This type of research is quantitative, with the population and the sample used is the BOS management team consisting of the principal, vice principal, school treasurer, BOS treasurer, committee, and several teachers in SMP/MTs. All Banyuwangi sub-districts who are willing to fill out the questionnaire/questionnaire are 6 schools with a total of 51 respondents. The type of data used is primary data in the form of questionnaire results. Multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of the questionnaire show that the implementation of Good School Governance (accountability, transparency and participation) has a positive and significant effect on the management of BOS funds. This shows that Good School Governance (accountability, transparency and participation) has an effect on the management of School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds. While partially accountability and transparency have a significant effect on the management of BOS funds. Meanwhile, participation has a negative value and has no significant effect on the management of BOS fund.Keywords: Good School Governance; BOS management fund.  
Inovasi Pemasaran Produk Olahan Pangan Pesisir dalam mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif pada Krupuk Ikan Jenggelek Erma Yuni Kristianita; Riza Amelia Hermawati; Devi Ariska Putri; Fifin Liawati; Cucu Hayati

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Jenggelek Fish Crackers is a typical cracker produced in East Java Province, one of its locations in the coastal village of Besuki – Situbondo with a blend of savory and crunchy flavors. We deliberately pack the jenggelek fish crackers in raw form with various sizes, so that later it will last longer and be easier to ship. The purpose of this Student Creativity Program (PKM) is to increase knowledge and skills as well as the productivity of processed fishery products. The output target in this activity is marketing innovation in the form of producing Jenggelek Fish crackers with various flavors, making attractive Jenggelek Fish product packaging, creating a digital-based marketing strategy to expand market share. The results of the activities that have been implemented include product innovation in the form of flavor variants namely Seblak, sambal matah, seaweed, Blackpaper, spicy and super spicy, packaging with a more modern design with the label “Mileneal Fish Crackers”, as well as a digital marketing strategy through social media. Media such as Whatsapp and Instagram groups. From PKM activities during these 3 months, business actors were able to reap a net profit of 65.07%.
Media Mahardhika Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v17i1.58


The objective of this study is to identify how Sunda Strait Bridge will affect to local community readiness. It also investigated the adaptive capacity of stakeholders related to Sunda Strait Bridge Development Plan. This research was began by collecting quantitative preliminary data as a basis for collecting and interpreting the primary qualitative data. In order to obtain representative responses, this research used purposive sampling technique. The number of respondents of this research were 100 people from different interests who live in Pulomerak Districts, Ciwandan Districts, Grogol Districts and Citangkil Districts. This research’s process divided into three stages, stages of preparation/ pre-field (description about the research and make analogy with related researches), stages of field work (classifying responses and adaptive capacity), and stage of post field work (connecting between theory and finding). It can be concluded that Sunda Strait Bridge is not relevant to be built today because the community is not ready yet. In the other hand, the objective of Sunda Strait Bridge Development Plan would be supported by community readiness and community-personal adaptation, even it could not address the issues of negative impacts. This research gives three kind recommendations to intervention for policy and planning to minimize the residue and local community adaptation strategy.