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Journal of Game, Game Art, and Gamification (JGGAG) Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Binus University

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The use of digital games and gamification has showed potential to improve many aspects of how businesses provide education and communicate with consumers. Nevertheless, there is still a requirement for better considerate of how the adoption of games and gamification would influence the process of decision-making for customer and organizations across different industry. This article provides a structured review of existing literature on the use of games in the business ecosystem, and seeks to consolidate findings to address research questions regarding their perception, proven efficiency, and identifies key areas for future business. The findings highlight that serious games can have positive and effective impacts in multiple areas of business, including education, decision-support, marketing and consumer outreach. They also emphasize the challenges and pitfalls of affecting serious games and gamification principles within a business context, and discuss the implications of development and evaluation methodologies on the success of a game-based solution. 
Introducing Gamification Methods To High School Student At Bina Nusantara University Alam Sutera Utoyo, Arsa Widitiarsa
Journal of Game, Game Art, and Gamification (JGGAG) Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Binus University

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Exploration studies in this article highlighted approaches that wearable to increase the value of gamification method to examine the impact of the role of facilitator in the idea of the group. Through the activities, the children of high school/high school were invited as respondents. This activity aimed to stimulate creativity to produce a different settlement with the same results. The presentation material and workshops that used materials of paper and stationeries. Finally, this article outlines recommendations for teaching, learning, and apply gamification in decision making. This method is one of the modern methods of teaching and learning. It starts with forming groups, job descriptions, and the active participation of the students and by comparing the characteristics of the method by the way students learn gamification, the positive effects of this method on the educational attainment of students confirmed. Based on the finding of the study the researcher recommended encouraging faculty members to use gamification strategy in teaching, conducting more studies discussing this strategy and its relation to other variables such as critical thinking, conducting more studies on other samples from different study and age levels and from different environments. Keywords: gamification method, student, creativity, university students
Video Games as Tools for Education Utoyo, Arsa Widitiarsa
Journal of Game, Game Art, and Gamification (JGGAG) Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Binus University

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Computer and video games are a channel of evolution and productivity that is most consumed keeping the notice of scholars through a variety of disciplines. In general, computers and video games were ignored by educators. When educators considered the games, they noticed the social consequences of gambling, ignoring the remarkable educational potential of the game. This article looks at the history of educational research games and argues that the perceptive potential of games has been ignored by educators. Current developments in the game, including interactive stories, authoring tools, and digital world collaboration, suggest powerful new opportunities for educational media. Video games are an important part of improving education through its ability to force players to present realistic simulations of real-life situations. The beginning of the proper use of gaming technologies for education and training and there is no need for scientific and engineering methods to create games not only as a more realistic simulation of the physical world but to provide experience Effective learning. This document illustrates building up to date Integration of educational principles and game design into a dialogue between them and defining games that can be integrated based on design, entertainment, and educational features. The work follows a drawing tray that forms part of the framing definition and after selecting categories of design templates, before focusing on user interaction modes, from a pedagogical point of view, given its relevance to end users
Pelatihan Komputer Desain Grafis Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Adobe Illustrator Kepada Politeknik Imigrasi Di Kemanggisan Jakarta Utoyo, Arsa Widitiarsa; Aprillia, Hervina Dyah; Warbung, Tobias; Bonafix, Nunnun
SENADA : Semangat Nasional Dalam Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): SENADA: Semangat Nasional Dalam Mengabdi
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Periset Indonesia

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Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah menambah ketrampilan para pengusaha kreatif kecil menengah agar dapat mendukung pemasaran hasil usaha kreatif kecil menengah di rumah. Melalui pelatihan ini diharapkan target dapat memahami proses kreativitas pembuatan logo produk dengan menggunakan komputer grafis, melalui pengolahan gambar Digital imaging membuat gambar lebih menarik. Hasil desain dari logo yang mampu merepresentasikan produk yang dihasilkan setelah di manipulasi di computer akan menjadikan sebuah alat pemasaran yang lebih baik. Hasil pelatihan ini memberikan beberapa implikasi, antara lain pertama pengembangan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam bidang computer grafis desain logo dan produk khususnya mata kuliah Komputer Grafis, kedua pemilihan metode pelatihan yang tepat bagi pengusaha kreatif kecil menengah
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JAM (JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT)-MARET
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jam.v6i2.003


Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah menambah ketrampilan para pengusaha kreatif kecil menengah agar dapat mendukung pemasaran hasil usaha kreatif kecil menengah di rumah. Melalui pelatihan ini diharapkan target dapat memahami proses kreativitas pembuatan logo produk dengan menggunakan komputer grafis, melalui pengolahan gambar Digital imaging membuat gambar lebih menarik. Hasil desain dari logo yang mampu merepresentasikan produk yang dihasilkan setelah di manipulasi di computer akan menjadikan sebuah alat pemasaran yang lebih baik. Hasil pelatihan ini memberikan beberapa implikasi, antara lain pertama pengembangan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam bidang computer grafis desain logo dan produk khususnya mata kuliah Komputer Grafis, kedua pemilihan metode pelatihan yang tepat bagi pengusaha kreatif kecil menengah.
El-Wasathiya: Jurnal Studi Agama Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Madiun

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Abstrak: Teori strukturasi diperkenalkan oleh Anthony Giddens menjelaskan sistem sosial dibangun dan dilanggengkan dalam ruang dan waktu melalui hubungan timbal balik antara pelaku dan struktur. Melalui teori ini Giddens mencoba mencari jalan tengah dari pandangan dominan pada struktur dan pandangan human agency. Para aktor melakukan aktivitas berulang dalam mereproduksi struktur. Aktor atau agen ialah orang-orang yang secara berkesinambungan mengalami suatu persitiwa dalam kehidupan (Giddens 1979, 55). Sedangkan struktur didefnisikan sebagai aturan (rules) dan sumber daya (resource) yang terbentuk dari dan membentuk perulangan praktik sosial. Munculnya tindak pelanggaran Hak Cipta dengan berbagai bentuk danjenisnya, kuantitas maupun kualitas oleh media merupakan anomali dari praktik strukturasi akibat aktor yang melakukan aktivitas berulang dalam struktur justru mendukung pelanggaran tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka analisis teori strukturasi yang dikembangkan oleh Antony Giddens dan menggunakan pendekatan secara yuridis normatif yaitu merupakan studi dokumen, yakni dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa peraturah-peraturan, perundang- undangan, teori-teori hukum dan pendapat para sarjana hukum terkemuka terhadap pelanggaran hak cipta dalam konten yang diproduksi oleh media massa online.
Analisis Semiotik pada Jurnalistik Foto “Melihat Momen Unik Deklarasi Kampanye Damai Idi Media Online” Arsa Widitiarsa Utoyo
LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 2, No 2: Desember 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.624 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/ljk.v2i2.267


Journalistic photos in online mass media are displayed with the aim of strengthening and visualizing the contents of the news. Therefore, journalistic photos in the newspaper have a role in involving feelings and arousing the emotions of readers. This research aims to analyze on how a message icon be known by its meaning both seen from the true meaning (denotative) and the meaning implied in it (connotative). To find the meaning contained in journalistic photographs, the author uses the semiotic approach. Semiotic analysis is a method for analyzing and giving meanings it symbols contained in a message or text symbol. The application if semiotics in intersexuality is an interaction between texts and thoughts contained in the narrative. A safe and peaceful general election discourse can be seen from the photo.
Analisis Komunikasi Visual Pada Poster Sebagai Media Komunikasi Mendorong Jarak Sosial Di Jakarta Saat Epidemi Covid 19 Arsa Widitiarsa Utoyo
LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1: Juni 2020
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.443 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/lugas.v4i1.939


Health campaigns about the covid 19 epidemic need to underlined as important actions to prevent viruses that cause fever, coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain and death. The health ministry and the local government need to move public awareness about healthy lifestyle. This research has analysed the key elements of health campaign posters in Jakarta. The Poster is still an active platform to tell data, schedules, display information, to persuade citizen in Jakarta. This study uses a qualitative approach, and uses case studies to visual analysis of local content and national poster design in Jakarta. The results show that local and national poster designs have different elements of the design, and it affects different posters. The results show that local and national poster designs have different colour, font, title, blank space, size and visual aids of the design results that affect different posters.
Actantial Model Analysis in Pulau Akko Episode One “Plastic Waste” Arsa Widitiarsa Utoyo
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/inject.v7i1.49-62


This exploration plans to dissect the plot structure in Pulau Akko animation movie. Scientists need to discover a few inquiries, what are the plot components, how the plot components establish the plot design of the story, and what sort of plot is utilized in the animation. This examination utilizes A.J. Greimas to enter the field. Information is gathered through perusing, distinguishing proof, understanding, and examination utilizing the techniques and hypotheses utilized in this exploration. The consequence of this exploration is that plot components incorporate opening, story issue, climbing activity, peak, sliding activity and goal. To discover the primary plot structure, this examination separates the capacity of each character into six entertainers, who are sender, collector, subject, item, partner and adversary. At long last, the scientist closed what sort of plot and how the closure of the animation is. The plot of the animation is emotional or chronological plot on the grounds that the story through in sequential request. What's more, the animation is shut plot because the issue of the story is settled.
Analisis Semiotik Komunikasi Tekstual Studi Kasus #2019GantiPresiden dan #DiaTetapKerja Kurnia Setawan; Arsa Widitiarsa Utoyo
Jurnal Adhyasta Pemilu Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Adhyasta Pemilu
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.733 KB) | DOI: 10.55108/jap.v1i1.1


Text semiotics is a branch of semiotics, which specifically examines texts in various forms and levels. Text analysis is a branch of text semiotics, which specifically examines the text as a ‘product of language use’ in the form of a collection or combination of signs. Text is defined as messages — both using verbal and visual signs; and more specifically, it is written messages, namely language products in written form. Signs are part of social life. Through social conventions, it has social meaning and value. According to Saussure, ‘sign’ is an inseparable unity of two fields, namely the signifier to explain ‘form’ or ‘expression’; and the signified field, to explain ‘concept’ or ‘meaning’. Meanwhile, Charles Sander Peirce classified the sign types into three types, namely indexes, icons, and symbols. Index is a sign where the signifier relationship and signified in it are causal, such as the relationship between smoke and fire; the icon is a sign where the relationship between the marker and the marker is similar; and the symbol is a sign that the marker and marker relationship are arbitrary or conventional. Text analysis operates at two levels: First, the analysis of individual signs, such as the type of sign, mechanism or sign structure, and the meaning of the sign individually. Second, the analysis of signs as a group or combination, which is a collection of signs that form what is called ‘text’. Text analysis, according to Roland Barthes, will produce denotative meaning, namely the meaning of an explicit sign, and connotative meaning, namely the meaning of an implicit second tier. The conclusion is that there are differences in ideology, writing of the thesis as a political medium so as to create myths to influence and build public awareness.